
Why does the skin on the head flake off in adults and children


Peeling of the scalp is a very unpleasant and unaesthetic problem: peeling flakes of large size skin fall off on clothes, creating an untidy and generally unattractive look. Eliminate the flaking of the scalp does not quickly turn out, but with proper treatment, you can get rid of the problem or at least reduce its manifestation in 14-20 days.

Symptoms of peeling scalp.
Peeling is nothing but the dying off of the surface layer of cells. The main sign or symptom of desquamation is the formation of a layer of skin rejected or flakes, which are visible to the naked eye, and from which it is impossible to get rid of a simple shampoo. In general, the process of necrosis and rejection of cells is the norm, but the pathological desquamation becomes influenced by many factors. Often, the peeling process is accompanied by intolerable itching, usually it is observed when a problem is running, as well as when skin fungus joins. In this case, laboratory tests are conducted for the presence of a fungal infection of the scalp.

Causes of scalp flaking.

  • Exposure to sun and ultraviolet rays.
  • Heredity or genetic causes.
  • Overdried skin against the influence of ultraviolet radiation, frequent exposure to aggressive cosmetics during washing.
  • Allergic reactions to the means for washing and styling hair, while peeling combined with severe itching.
  • The presence of skin fungus, with the formation of small scales. Often, dandruff is confused with the usual peeling.
  • Vitamin deficiency and lack of trace elements in the body.
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Malfunctions of the liver on the background of unhealthy food.
  • Various diseases: eczema, lichen of various species, in this case, peeling is accompanied by a change in skin color and hair loss in the area of ​​peeling, psoriasis - redness of the skin occurs with the formation of plaques, on which peeling occurs, seborrheic dermatitis - accompanied by the formation of itchy yellow oily flaky flakes .

From the above reasons, some can be eliminated by yourself. For example, if cosmetics do not match your type of hair, you should simply replace them with hypoallergenic and sensitive skin products. Plus, it is necessary to conduct a treatment and rehabilitation course with the help of masks for hair and scalp. For more serious problems, especially for diseases of the scalp and internal diseases, you should consult with a specialist who will prescribe special medicines.

Scalp treatment.
Let me remind you once again that self-peeling of the skin should be started only after establishing the cause that provoked it, otherwise, at best, the treatment will be temporary, at worst, it will provoke complications.

Very good at peeling such as Sulsen (it comes in the form of paste, ointment and shampoo). Ointment is considered a more effective means, but the oily base of the product forces you to wash your hair daily, which is not very good for hair. Therefore, the tool in the form of a shampoo can be the best option. In order not to provoke addiction, the therapeutic agent should be combined with the usual cleansing shampoo having a neutral pH (pharmacy shampoos should be preferred).

In the presence of dry skin prone to flaking, masks for the scalp and hair will help to normalize the level of moisture. For the same purpose, you can also try special pharmaceutical creams.

If desquamation is a consequence of a fungal infection, the use of medicated shampoos with ketoconazole, selenium disulfide and birch tar in the composition is recommended. These components help slow cell division.

In the elimination of peeling and for the prevention of its development is not the last place is nutrition. A healthy and balanced diet is a guarantee of healthy and beautiful skin. When slagging the liver, it is important to clean it, it does not interfere with the general cleaning of the body. A diet with the inclusion of foods rich in vitamins, and the restriction of harmful products (sweet, smoked, salty, carbonated drinks, fatty, alcohol, etc.) will be the first step towards a healthy scalp. After each wash, rinse hair with decoction of herbs (nettle, burdock, chamomile (for blond hair), sage, calendula). On a liter of boiling water take 2 tbsp. l herbs, boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes, then let it brew until the broth is warm, strain. This procedure has a calming effect on the skin, relieves inflammation and gradually normalizes the process of sebum secretion.

Protect your hair from the sun in the summer and the cold wind, frost in the fall and winter.

In the fight against the problem of skin peeling against the background of vitamin deficiency, the intake of multivitamin complexes will help.

Treatment masks for peeling of the scalp.

Olive lemon mask.
Moisturizes the scalp, fights dandruff, cleans.

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l

Warm up the oil in a water bath, add lemon juice. Rub the finished compound into the scalp, warm the head with a plastic bag and a towel. Twenty minutes later, wash off the mask with warm water using a neutral pH therapeutic shampoo.

Mask with increased dryness of the scalp to prevent flaking.
Moisturizes, nourishes, heals hair, strengthens them.

Linseed oil - 1 tbsp. l
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l

Combine oils and heat in a water bath. To rub the ready composition into the scalp with massage movements, put a shower cap on top and warm with a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water using a neutral pH shampoo.

Onion mask against flaking scalp.
It has an antiseptic effect, strengthens hair follicles, cleans.

Onions - 2 heads.

Grind the bulbs, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Ready juice to rub into the scalp. From above, put on a shower cap and warm the head with a towel. After an hour and a half, wash off the mask using a neutral shampoo. To neutralize the onion smell, it is recommended to rinse the hair with a decoction of oak bark (for dark hair) or a decoction of chamomile (for blonde hair) after the procedure. Per liter of boiling water to take 2 tbsp. l raw, boil over low heat for fifteen minutes, then insist. When the decoction has cooled, strain and use as directed.

Oatmeal mask against flaking skin.
Softens, moisturizes, nourishes, gently cleanses the skin.

Herbal decoction (nettle, chamomile, sage or plantain) - 6 tbsp. l
Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l
Any medicinal herb (nettle, chamomile, sage or plantain) - 2 tbsp. l
Boiling water - 1 l.

First, you need to prepare a decoction. Boil grass with boiling water, put on a slow fire. Fifteen minutes later, remove the broth, cool and strain. Next, oatmeal pour the resulting broth and leave for a few minutes to swell. Massage the obtained gruel into the skin and hair roots, put on a shower cap and wrap up with a towel. Wash off the composition after two hours with warm water using a neutral shampoo.

To intensively moisturize the scalp and combat dryness and peeling, add a little essential oil of tea tree to your hair care products (2-3 drops are enough for a single use).

Possible symptoms

Peeling of the skin on the face, head, body is a natural process of cell death, it becomes pathological in the presence of accompanying symptoms.

The main sign that there is a problem is the visible exfoliation of white scales, which cannot be removed by shampooing and combing. This symptom may be accompanied by redness, itching, hair loss, which indicates the accession of a fungal infection.

The natural physiological process of adaptation of the newborn

If the scalp flakes with flakes that are difficult to comb out, but do not cause anxiety to the baby, they can be removed by smearing it with baby cream or special baby oil (for example, from Bubchen). When there is redness on the skin, and they greatly disturb the child, it is necessary to show it to the pediatrician.

Improper care

Some bathing facilities for babies can cause irritation. This moment is purely individual, and you just need to find a foam suitable for the child. It is important to bathe your baby in water, not hotter than 37 ° C. Well affect the skin decoctions of sage, chamomile, series. You can buy ready-made liquid herbal extracts for bathing babies (for example, Our Mother), or you can make a decoction yourself by purchasing raw materials at the pharmacy.


With this reason, you will have to accept and care for your skin, picking up delicate products that can moisturize it sufficiently (for example, the Emolium line). It is best to first consult a dermatologist.

In addition, the child's skin on the head flakes and itches due to health problems:

The reaction can occur both on food and on care products.

  • Fungal infection
  • Infection (scarlet fever, rubella).

Causes of peeling in adults

Peeling of the skin on the head in an adult can be caused by many reasons. Conventionally, they are divided into external and internal.

External causes include:

  • Improper care (use of aggressive agents).
  • Exposure to external factors (ultraviolet, wind, frost).
  • Allergic reaction to care and styling products.

Internal causes of peeling:

  • Heredity.
  • A fungus that produces small white scales - dandruff.
  • Diseases: eczema, zoster, seborrheic dermatitis. They are accompanied by redness, itching and flaking of epidermis scales.
  • Weakening of immunity against the background of the disease or antibiotics.
  • Violation of internal metabolic processes.
  • Malfunctions of the liver due to malnutrition.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Stress.

External causes can be eliminated by yourself, with some effort. It is enough to choose care for sensitive skin with a hypoallergenic composition, to conduct a course of recovery masks. If a disease is detected, follow the recommendations of the doctor and use medications.

Treatment methods

To choose the means to get rid of the peeling is necessary only after identifying the cause. At best, improvements will be temporary, and at worst - complications will come.

  1. If the scalp is scratched and flaky as a result of a fungal infection, then antifungal shampoos are prescribed with ketoconazole, birch tar and selenium disulfide (Nizoral, Sebozol, Mikozoral).
  2. With excessive dryness of the epidermis will help it to moisten the special pharmaceutical shampoos, masks (Emolium, Libriderm).
  3. Salicylic oil is an effective remedy that softens the scales and crusts on the head, facilitating their easy removal. It is applied, rubbing in easily, and washed off after 6–8 hours with a neutral PH shampoo.
  4. The establishment of nutrition will contribute to the improvement of the epidermis. It is better to limit the diet sweet, fried, spicy, salty, alcohol, soda. This cleans not only the liver, but also the body as a whole. For cleansing the liver is well suited thistle powder: take a teaspoon with water, 20 minutes before meals.
  5. Anti-inflammatory, soothing effect will have nettle broths, burdock, chamomile, sage as a rinse after washing.
  6. Multivitamin complexes can improve the situation. It is better to choose them after consultation with the doctor.

Oatmeal mask

Used to soften, moisturize and nourish. First, prepare a decoction of herbs as desired (nettle, chamomile, sage, etc.). Then they pour oatmeal and leave for a few minutes to swell. The resulting mass is gently rubbed into the hair roots, put on a shower cap and wrap a towel. You need to walk for at least two hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

  • Tea tree essential oil added to shampoo soothes and fights inflammation. Before washing, take the shampoo into the palm of your hand, add 2–3 drops of oil there and wash your hair in the usual way.

Peeling Prevention

Many different factors can affect a skin condition: from ecology to diseases of internal organs. But there are a few rules, under which you can avoid or significantly reduce the peeling on the head.

  • It is better to use only wooden combs, which are not traumatic.
  • You can not wash your hair with very hot water.
  • As an additional rinse decoctions of healing herbs are good.
  • Use a hair dryer as rarely as possible: hot air dries the skin.
  • Keep your head away from cold and heat by wearing a hat.
  • Be attentive to the choice of shampoo, conditioner and mask. At the first sign of desquamation, it is better to turn to pharmacy brands.


Skin pathologies causing desquamation of the dry dermis have a number of distinctive features. Therefore, such diseases are relatively easy to diagnose. Surveys are mainly carried out in order to identify the pathogen.

If psoriasis is suspected, a set of measures is assigned.designed to exclude associated diseases and determine the type of disease:

  • general and biochemical blood test,
  • blood test for cholesterol and glucose,
  • urine test to detect changes in water-salt balance,
  • a blood test for HIV
  • analysis of feces for worms.

With seborrheic dermatitis and ringworm, the material is taken from the problem area for further investigation. Analysis of the scraping can identify the pathogen (fungus).

During the examination of the patient, special attention is paid to collecting information on the presence of chronic diseases. Allergy tests and an immunogram are also carried out if necessary.

Treatment of flaky skin should be carried out taking into account the cause of the damage to the dermis. In each case, the therapy scheme is selected individually. The treatment is prescribed by a trichologist or a dermatologist.

When skin scales appear on the scalp, it is necessary to abandon traditional shampoos and balms for washing. You should also make adjustments to the daily diet.

The patient must abandon fried, salty, fatty foods and alcohol. In the daily diet you need to reduce the content of sweets and flour.

Instead, it is recommended to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables.


In the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, hair care products are used, which include:

These active components suspend the development and spread of fungal microflora.

Council Among the most effective tools used in seborrheic dermatitis is Sulsen, which is available in the form of oil, shampoo and paste. More often, pathology treatment is performed with the help of the latter. Sulsen paste should be applied to problem areas of skin twice a week.

Antifungal shampoos help in the fight against pathogenic microflora:

Antifungal shampoos destroy pathogens, simultaneously eliminating itching. Such funds should be used no more than three times a week.


Regardless of the peculiarities of the factor that caused peeling of the scalp, salicylic oil is used to remove flakes. The tool softens the fabric, so that the crusts are easily removed.

In advanced cases in adult men and women, seborrhea is treated with the help of local preparations that include corticosteroids or hydrocortisone with cliosinol.

For psoriasis, complex treatment is required. In the treatment of disease, antihistamines are actively used to help cope with itching:

In the case of generalized psoriasis, gluconate and calcium chloride preparations are included in the treatment regimen. Also, the pathology therapy is supplemented with immunosuppressants: Azathioprine, Cyclosporin. For topical skin treatment for psoriasis, glucocorticosteroid ointments are used.

Important! When festering the skin, the head must be treated with antibacterial ointments.

Folk ways

Unrefined olive oil can be used to remove skin flakes. The remedy also helps get rid of itching. 5 tbsp. l Olive oil must be heated to 50 degrees in a water bath and mixed with 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.

The resulting composition should be applied to the skin and incubated for 20 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with a shampoo that does not cause allergies. This procedure is recommended to be repeated twice a week.

If the skin is very dry and flakes apply onion mask. It also strengthens hair. For cooking means enough to pass one onion through the meat grinder. The resulting gruel then need to be applied to problem areas of the skin and leave for 40 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water.

To restore the condition of the skin, you can daily before bedtime rub in the head decoction mother and stepmother. To prepare the product, gently pour a tablespoon of the plant into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour.

Why skin on the head flakes

What causes skin to flake off? Cell death in the root zone of the hair is a regular and normal phenomenon. But excessive peeling indicates a number of problems. Dandruff is not considered contagious, and, as a rule, does not cause a person special trouble. But sometimes it is accompanied by redness and itching.

The main causes of scalp scaling:

  1. Excessive dryness of the dermis. If the skin flakes off after washing the head, this is most likely caused by frequent washing of the hair with aggressive formulations. Often, people with a dry type of dermis and hair are prone to this problem, however, there are exceptions.
  2. Allergy to shampoos, styling products. The reaction may also occur after dyeing the hair.
  3. Dandruff as a result of Malassezia fungus. Such pathogens of skin disease often provoke the occurrence of small scales, which are collected in large large flakes.

The fungus that causes dandruff is in the body of any person. However, he does not always show himself. The cause of this phenomenon may be a weakening of the immune system, chronic fatigue, stress, etc. Often people take the manifestation of the fungus for the usual dandruff. But translucent flakes formed on the surface of the scalp are difficult to self-treat. Often, the scales begin to cover the surface of the skin is not local, but everywhere.

  • Avitaminosis. The lack of necessary body substances leads to problems with curls and dermis.
  • Cosmetic hair peeling. Typical problems often arise due to improperly selected exfoliants and in the absence of consideration for the peculiarities of the client’s dermal variety.
  • Peeling of the scalp in newborns. Frequent occurrence, often manifested on the back of the head and forehead baby. Often the problem is provoked by the quality of the water in which the baby is bathed.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. Manifested in irritation and strongpeeling of the scalp. The cause of seborrhea is often an increase in the formation of the dermis. Launched cases of dermatitis can translate the disease into a chronic condition. After that, it is very difficult to overcome it yourself.
  • Prevention problems

    Dry scalp, itching and flaking are very unpleasant phenomena. To prevent the onset of such symptoms, you should follow a number of rules:

    • use hypoallergenic shampoos and balms suitable for a particular type of dermis,
    • adhere to the principles of healthy eating,
    • strengthen the immune system
    • systematically apply firming hair masks,
    • use hair dryers and other electrical appliances less frequently
    • follow basic rules of hygiene.

    Council Peeling and itching in the area of ​​the integument of the head are often causes of exacerbation of chronic diseases. You can get rid of these symptoms for good by eliminating the cause of the problem and selecting the appropriate treatment.

    The best remedies against flaking skin on the head

    Features of the treatment of flaking of the scalp in adults and children depend on the causes of unpleasant symptoms. For complete information about the methods of treatment, you should consult a doctor who will recommend suitable means for a particular patient. The latter can be purchased at a pharmacy or manufactured independently.

    What can you buy at the pharmacy

    What if the scalp is itchy and flakes large flakes? When the cause of itching and dandruff was determined, it would be relevant to refer to the pharmacy tools created to solve these problems. The most effective of them are:

    1. "Sebozol", "Mykozoral" and similar antifungal type shampoos. They are important to treat the scalp, which is flaky and itchy due to the occurrence of fungus. Shampoos help slow down the proliferation of pathogenic cells and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Apply these tools need 2-3 times a week. The applied composition is washed off 5 minutes after distribution. If, after such washing, coarse pieces of the epidermis are formed, similar to lichen, the use of shampoo should be increased to 5 times a week.
    2. Sulsena. The tool is made in the form of pasta, shampoo and oil. Considered the most effective pasta. It is used twice a week for the treatment of diseases (2% option) or once for prevention (1% paste). If the adult’s scalp is scratched and flaked off, wash the hair with a regular shampoo before applying the paste. A sufficient amount of "Sulsen" rubbed into the surface of the integument and washed off the hair after 10 minutes.
    3. Salicylic oil. An effective remedy for the treatment of skin pathologies, not excluding those that provoke scaly scalp. The oil helps to soften the crusts and scales and makes them easy to remove. The composition is applied with soft movements and shampooed after 6-8 hours. Oil is acceptable to apply twice a week (if the doctor did not give additional recommendations).

    Therapy of seborrheic dermatitis is carried out with hair care products, the component composition of which is represented by the following elements: zinc, sulfur, selenium.

    If we talk about drug therapy, the elimination of desquamation and itching of the scalp will help antihistamines, for example:

    • "Tavegil",
    • "Suprastin",
    • Telfast.

    Running cases of seborrhea may require the use of drugs with corticosteroids or hydrocortisone in the composition. Psoriasis that spreads to the root zone of the locks is treated with calcium chloride. Additionally, immunosuppressants may be included in the treatment complex: Azathioprine, Cyclosporin.

    If discomfort in the scalp area was caused by avitaminosis, it is necessary to replenish the lost reserves of vitamins and minerals by taking Vitrum, Alphabet, etc.

    Homemade recipes

    So, the scalp flakes and flakes - what to do? A great addition to the pharmacy will be homemade masks and balms. The most successful recipes are the following:

    1. Olive mask. In the old days, if the scalp of an adult and a child was flaky, problem areas were smeared with vegetable oil. One of the champions in the number of nutrients in the composition and to this day is olive oil. It helps eliminate itching, soften and remove crusts and scales. 5 tbsp. l oils are heated to a temperature of 50 ° C, combined with 1 tbsp. l lemon juice. The mixture is spread on the skin and washed off with the usual shampoo in 20 minutes. The regularity of the procedures is twice a week for 2 months.
    2. Onion mask. Helps strengthen hair and eliminate excessive peeling of the skin. A large onion is crushed in a meat grinder, the resulting gruel is distributed on the skin. After 40 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm water (you can add a few drops of essential oil to it). It is recommended to apply the mask once a week until the complete elimination of unpleasant symptoms.
    3. Mask with oatmeal. Excellent help in eliminating skin flaking and eliminating unpleasant white flakes. 2 tbsp. l oatmeal should pour a glass of decoction of nettle, plantain and chamomile. After 5 minutes, the mass will swell and it can be applied to the skin. The mask is “insulated” with a hat or towel and kept on the head for 2 hours. Eliminates the mixture of familiar shampoo

    Beautician recommendations

    In order to successfully cope with peeling of the scalp, itching and other unpleasant symptoms, as well as to prevent their occurrence in the future, it is useful to listen to the advice of leading cosmetologists and trichologists:

    1. Pay attention to the diet. People suffering from problems with the epidermis of the head, should reduce the use of fatty, spicy and salty foods, alcohol, sweets and baking. Consumption of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, on the contrary, should be increased.
    2. If the scalp is shelled abundantly - you should entrust treatment to specialists and carefully follow the recommendations given by them.
    3. Proper selection of shampoo. The tool should certainly fit the type of hair.
    4. Go through all the necessary examinations, identify and cure existing diseases, especially psoriasis.
    5. Systematically strengthen the immune system, not allowing it to weaken. This advice is especially relevant during the off-season.
    6. Regularly apply moisturizing masks, softening and moisturizing dry scalp.
    7. If the skin on the head of an adult flakes due to dandruff, you should first get rid of it. Pharmaceutical or folk remedies for dandruff are ideal for this purpose.

    Pay attention to the quality of used shampoos and balms. Why does the scalp in women flake off? Often problems provoke numerous care products settled on the shelf in the bathroom of beautiful ladies. Unfortunately, a lot and expensive does not always mean quality.

    Many of the detergents contain lauryl sulfate and its derivatives. These substances destroy the hair, making it brittle, powerless and dull. In addition, they affect the internal organs, becoming the cause of various diseases, including those that affect the integument of the head. You should also carefully monitor the shelf life of cosmetics - it should not exceed one year of storage.

    When to call a specialist

    If the scaly scalp causes discomfort, itching and reddening, it's time to go to the doctor for a solution to this problem. The following doctors will help to get rid of the abundant flakes covering the head:

    1. The therapist (will help to identify diseases associated with peeling).
    2. Dermatologist (track overall skin condition).
    3. Trichologist (specialist who solves problems of hair and scalp).
    4. Infectious disease (sometimes the adult scalp flakes off as a result of some infectious diseases).

    We also advise you to look at helpful tips to combat dandruff and dry head:

    Peeling of the scalp and its attendant symptoms can give a person a lot of unpleasant moments. Covered with abundant flakes and scales, the hair does not adorn a person at all, causing others to doubt his cleanliness. And although often this phenomenon does not directly depend on the implementation of hygiene rules, the elimination of the causes of skin problems should not be shelved. The first step should be a visit to the doctor - a dermatologist or trichologist, who will make the correct diagnosis and work out the appropriate case of medical tactics.

    The main causes of dryness and flaking of the scalp

    So, initially find out what could affect the structure of your hair and skin changes in the head area.

    So, initially find out what could affect the structure of your hair and skin changes in the head area.

    The list of the most common options for peeling of the scalp include:

    1. Very often such troubles happen in summer, when the sun has been burning for a long time with an uncovered head. Under the influence of ultraviolet skin can burn and begin to peel off,
    2. Drying the hair dryer also adversely affects the condition of the scalp,
    3. Allergy to detergents or various varnishes, gels, hair mousses. Usually, in addition to desquamation, itching also occurs in this case.
    4. Frequent hair coloring
    5. Climate change or water
    6. Diseases such as eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis,
    7. Fungal lesions of the scalp,
    8. Hypo-and beriberi are often causes of dry skin. In this case, it can peel off everywhere, and not just on the head, also the hair and nails become brittle,
    9. Weakening of immunity
    10. Hormonal disorders
    11. Poor functioning of the internal organs (especially the liver),
    12. Genetic predisposition
    13. Stress and chronic fatigue,
    14. Long wearing a headdress of poor quality material, and even with poor hygiene,
    15. Poor water quality.

    In addition, monitor the condition of your skin in other areas. About the causes of its dryness and treatment can be found at this link.

    Causes of peeling of the skin on the head in children

    When an adult's skin flakes on the head, it is unpleasant, but tolerable, and when this happens in a child, and it is also accompanied by itching, it becomes capricious, and I want to save him and myself from this problem as soon as possible.

    With improper nutrition of the mother in the baby may cause an allergic reaction, expressed in the form of crusts on the head.

    The causes of these phenomena may be different than in adults:

    1. In infants, the skin is very delicate, so it can peel off from any external factors: overheating, overdrying (dry air in the house, excess hygiene with soap or potassium permanganate), rubbing with a hat,
    2. With improper nutrition of the mother in a baby, an allergic reaction may occur, which is expressed in the form of crusts on the head,
    3. In the summer - excessive exposure to the sun and wind,
    4. Pathology of the digestive tract can be to blame for desquamation in children of any age,
    5. Symptom of the disease (eg, fungus).

    In addition, the listed causes of desquamation in adults are also possible in children.

    How to treat dry and flaky skin on the head

    If the skin on an adult's head peels off, then you can try to get rid of this problem yourself, although it is better to contact a dermatologist or trichologist - He will conduct the necessary research and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    If the skin on an adult's head peels off, then you can try to get rid of this problem yourself, although it is better to contact a dermatologist or a trichologist.

    With the child, self-treatment is prohibited, except in cases where the reason is objectively known.

    For example, a mother ate an allergen and got a reaction from a child’s body. In this case, treatment is not required, the mother simply eliminates the unwanted product from her diet, and the child gets better).

    The treatment of such a problem can be carried out with the help of medicines, cosmetics or folk remedies.

    Drug therapy

    Important to remember! Any medication should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, otherwise not only the lack of effect, but also complications.

    One of the best means of dealing with problems of the scalp is the drug "Sulsen". It comes in the form of a paste, shampoo or oil.

    One of the best means of dealing with problems of the scalp is the drug "Sulsen". It comes in the form of a paste, shampoo or oil.

    It is aimed at eliminating several problems at once: it fights the fungus, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and reduces the tendency of the epidermis cells to exfoliate. At the same time, itching also decreases and stops altogether.

    If the cause of the skin on an adult's head to peel off is a fungus, then fungicidal agents are used: Nizoral, Sebosol and others.

    Salicylic oil softens crusts and facilitates their removal.

    When the allergic nature of desquamation is detected, antihistamine preparations are prescribed: Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin.

    When autoimmune origin used immunosuppressants: Cyclosporin or Azathioprine.

    If the cause of the skin on the adult's head to peel off is a fungus, then fungicidal agents, such as Nizoral, are used.

    Calcium gluconate along with vitamin D is often prescribed to improve the calcium-phosphorus metabolism, reduce hair breakage and skin flaking.

    Practically whenever a problem arises, multivitamins are prescribed.

    Folk remedies

    Folk remedies can help if the skin of an adult on the head does not peel off due to an infection. They will help get rid of itching and dryness and strengthen the hair follicles.

    When changing the structure of the hair is also recommended to use traditional methods.

    Oil formulations

    Burdock oil applied to the scalp half an hour before washing, moisturizes, nourishes and fights dandruff.

    Olive oil - no less effective. From it you can prepare the following composition: to 5 tbsp. l oils add 1 tbsp. l lemon juice. This mixture is applied to the head 20 minutes before washing.

    It is possible to rub olive or linseed oil into the scalp all night and then wash it well in the morning.

    Oil formulations effectively help fight the problem of dry scalp.

    Homemade masks

    Excellent help with peeling scalp various masks.

    Onion strengthens and nourishes the hair, heals the skin. The bulb is crushed in a meat grinder (or with the help of a grater), the pulp is rubbed into the scalp and left for 40 minutes. Then it is thoroughly washed off.

    Note! To avoid unpleasant onion odor, the mask should be washed off with a decoction of oak bark.

    Mask of oatmeal improves the condition of the scalp. A decoction of chamomile or nettle (1 tablespoon. Grass to a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool) pour 2 cups of flakes to a slurry.

    Excellent help with peeling scalp various masks.

    The mask is rubbed into the affected skin, covered with cellophane, wrapped with a towel. It is washed away in 2 hours.

    Another mask for strengthening hair and nourishing the scalp is prepared as follows: 1 egg yolk, 2-3 tablespoons of aloe juice and 3 tablespoons of honey are thoroughly mixed.

    This mixture is applied with massaging movements, left for half an hour on the hair. It is washed off, as all other masks.

    Healing Shampoos

    You can make a great homemade shampoo using soda. It helps gently remove dead skin cells, and also has antifungal effect.

    You can make a great homemade shampoo using soda. It helps gently remove dead skin cells, and also has antifungal effect.

    For a glass of water you need to take 1 tbsp. l soda If desired, you can add a drop of aromatic oil for a pleasant smell. Wash your hair daily with this solution. After a while, the effect will be noticeable.

    Adding aspirin to regular shampoo will help get rid of dandruff and relieve inflammation of the scalp. Two tablets are crushed and well dissolved in shampoo. Having foamed the product on the hair, you need to wait 2 minutes and then wash it off.

    Another option: 2 egg yolks mixed with 1 tbsp. l vodka and 3 drops of rosemary oil. Massage your head with this shampoo and rinse with warm water.

    Cosmetic products

    In order for the skin on the head in adults not to peel, cosmetic companies also develop various aids. Basically, their action is aimed at eliminating dryness.

    Products from the Soothe Plus line with plant extracts soothe irritated sensitive scalp.

    With the help of the Brazilian “Detox” product, the hair follicles and the structure of the entire hair are strengthened, the oiliness and peeling of the skin are reduced.

    Products from the Soothe Plus line with plant extracts soothe irritated sensitive scalp.

    Normalize the acid-base balance and improve the work of the sebaceous glands, using shampoos "Kerium La Roche Posay", "Vichy Dercos".

    Masks that improve the structure of the hair and soften the skin: "Dualsenses Scalp Specialist Goldwell", "Dry-No-More Scalp Treatment Moroccan Oil".

    There are also tonics, lotions and sprays that relieve dryness, itching, hair loss. They can be applied overnight or 40 minutes before regular shampooing.

    Salon procedures for flaking skin on the head

    With the help of procedures in the beauty salon, you can improve the blood supply to the scalp and restore its natural balance.

    Massage. It can be carried out by hands or special devices. This improves blood circulation and overall skin condition.

    The most commonly used procedures are:

    • Mesotherapy. Injections are injected into the skin with vitamin cocktails, due to which the enrichment of microelements and oxygen occurs, and skin renewal is accelerated.
    • Massage. It can be carried out by hands or special devices. This improves blood circulation and overall skin condition.
    • Peeling. Purification of dead cells allows new active work. The structure of the hair is getting better.
    • Darsonvalization. Activation of blood circulation and the normalization of the natural balance occurs due to the impact of high-frequency currents.

    How to care for the scalp

    So that the skin on the head of an adult does not peel off, you need to properly care for it.

    Proper nutrition - a pledge of strong immunity, and therefore, healthy skin and hair. Be sure to eat foods with vitamin A.

    Proper nutrition - a pledge of strong immunity, and therefore, healthy skin and hair. Especially useful is the use of fatty fish, walnuts and cheese.

    With a lack of vitamin A in the body begins peeling of the skin, dandruff and hair loss.

    1 glass of carrot juice per day will help to avoid such problems, as it contains a large amount of this vitamin. Moreover, adequate fluid intake will not allow the skin to dry out.

    The use of various styling products should be kept to a minimum. It is necessary to wash the head with warm water, as too hot dries the scalp and hair. For the same reason, it is important to reduce the use of a hair dryer.

    1 glass of carrot juice per day will help to avoid such problems, as it contains a large amount of this vitamin.

    After shampooing your hair, it is advisable to rinse with herbs or acidified water. It helps preserve the natural balance. The use of a wooden comb contributes to the health of the hair and skin of the head.

    It is recommended once a week to make nourishing masks for the scalp (using oils).

    Observance of basic hygiene rules (using only a personal comb, an individual towel, etc.) will help to avoid infection with fungal and other infections.

    Observance of elementary rules of hygiene will help avoid infection with fungal and other infections.

    Keeping the scalp healthy is a fairly simple task, only requiring attention and time. If you protect your hair and skin from aggressive factors and at least occasionally pamper them with a mask, then a beautiful appearance and excellent well-being are guaranteed.

    In this video, a female trichologist will share with you useful information regarding head itch and split ends of hair.

    The girl in this video will give useful tips on how to get rid of itching, dandruff and dryness of the head in a short time.

    This video will provide you with helpful tips on how to get rid of dry scalp and hair.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent flaking of the skin, you must:

    • use shampoos and balms that do not cause an allergic reaction,
    • maintain immunity
    • eat right,
    • regularly make firming masks for curls,
    • reduce the frequency of use of hair dryers and other similar devices,
    • follow the rules of hygiene.

    Peeling of the scalp is often explained by the relapse of chronic diseases. Exacerbation of the latter is often accompanied by intense itching, which introduces significant discomfort in a person’s life. To quickly get rid of the peeling on the head, it is necessary to identify the causative factor and find an adequate treatment for the latter.

    Why does the skin on the head flake off?

    Regardless of gender, peeling of the scalp and itching in adults can be for the following general reasons:

    • The effect of sun and ultraviolet rays on the skin with intense sunbathing or solarium abuse.
    • Heredity. Genetics. One of the genetic diseases is congenital ichthyosis.
    • Incorrect use of cosmetics. For example, with dry scalp you can not use shampoo or peeling for oily hair.
    • Allergic reaction to the components of makeup cosmetics.
    • Unbalanced, monotonous food. Abuse of junk food. Lack or lack of vitamins and trace elements. (So ​​vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen, vitamin A for moisture, resistance to environmental influences (sun, low temperatures).
    • Metabolic disease. Violation of fat, protein, carbohydrate or water metabolism inevitably leads to dry scalp.
    • Weakened immunity, which often happens in the spring or after suffering a serious illness.
    • Liver dysfunction with the abuse of fatty foods, abundant meals. These reasons are the same for everyone, but there are individual reasons for women, men and children.

    Causes in women

    Why does scaling appear on adult women? Highly often ailment occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding as a result of hormonal failure. And if you are interested in what to do, if the scalp is itchy for these reasons, then click here

    Causes in men

    Sex hormones (androgens) are actively working and affect the intensity of the sebaceous glands. And those in turn affect the itching and flaking. Additionally, we recommend reading this article, in it we will consider in detail the causes of itching of the scalp.

    1. Caring mothers bathe children in potassium permanganate solution, which, in addition to the disinfecting effect, dries the skin.
    2. Renewal of the epidermis as a result of a change in habitat from aquatic (in utero) to air.
    3. Overshoot Due to lack of lubrication - the skin on the head dries, “milky crusts” are formed.

    Read more about skin peeling in children here.

    With dryness and flaking

    The first thing to do if the skin is very dry and peels off:

    1. It is necessary to replace the usual shampoo with a specialized anti-dandruff, abandon for a while the means of fixing the hair.
    2. It should clean the body of toxins. Go to a healthy lifestyle: fruits, vegetables, sports, give up fast food, eliminate alcohol, pastries, fatty foods from the diet.
    3. Apply lotions on the basis of healing herbs that soothe tissues, relieve inflammation, normalize the process of secretion of the sebaceous glands.
    4. It is important to monitor the humidity of the air indoors, to avoid sudden changes in temperature, as they strongly affect the peeling of the scalp.

    Additional recommendations that will help in the treatment of dry scalp can be found by clicking on this link


    If the scalp flakes, then the Malassezia fungus, which is activated in the human body when something provokes it. How to treat this type of peeling:

    1. You need to use antifungal shampoo or ointment.
    2. In addition, hold the same activities as with dry skin.

    The skin is itchy and has peeling with sores.

    If the symptom appeared after dyeing the hair, then most likely it is a thermal burn. You can use ointments against burns. But in most cases, the symptom indicates serious dermatological diseases and an urgent need to run to the doctor. If the sores resemble acne, then we advise you to click here and find out what such eruptions can signal.

    For adults

    It is used if dryness and flaking are caused by the fungal nature of the skin. It has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action. Contraindicated in patients with sensitivity to the components of the drug, can not be used with other ointments and creams, which include glucocorticosteroids.

    Price: 230 rubles.

    Accelerates the regeneration of the skin, eliminates the peeling of the skin. It supports the epithelium, improves its healing in case of injuries of various types, normalizes skin metabolism. Well moisturizes and nourishes the cover. Suitable for breastfeeding moms and babies (with diaper dermatitis). No side effects have been identified. Contraindications: allergy to components.

    Price: 195 rubles.

    The action is aimed at the regeneration of damaged skin, the removal of peeling and itching. Can safely be used during pregnancy. Contraindications: allergic reaction to the composition.

    Price: 200 rubles

    It is actively used in the treatment of flaking of the skin of babies. Used as a daily remedy. Helps to prevent diaper rash, diaper dermatitis and rashes. Do not use with sensitivity and intolerance to the components of the ointment.

    Price: 450 rubles.

    Zinc ointment

    The active ingredient is zinc. Ointment works fine with:

    • dermatitis,
    • seborrhea,
    • dandruff
    • damage to the epidermis,
    • ulcers and fungal diseases.

    How does it work:

    1. Reduces fat secretion, normalizing metabolic processes.
    2. Dries and disinfects.
    3. Eliminates inflammation.
    4. Fights against harmful microorganisms.

    Price: 30 rubles.

    Akrikhin Mykozoral

    Antifungal shampoo. Apply to moist scalp with massage movements and hold for up to 5 minutes, then wash off. A full course of treatment is 1 month when using shampoo 2-3 times a week. Mycozoral has no contraindications, but before using it is better to consult with a dermatologist or trichologist.

    Price: 260 rubles.

    Shampoo, which consists of ketoconazole and zinc. The action is aimed at the destruction of the fungus of the scalp, as well as the elimination of itching, redness and peeling. Zinc regulates the sebaceous glands of the scalp. You can use Zinovit several times a week.

    Price: 280 rubles.

    Kerium La Roche Posay

    Restores the physiological balance of the scalp, prevents the development of irritation. Curls acquire a healthy shine, they become soft and docile.

    Price: 1300 rubles.

    If you want to learn about other methods of treatment of irritation of the scalp, in addition to the above means, then read this article.

    "Regulatory" anti-dandruff Vichy Dercos

    Increases the protective function of the skin of the head. The main components of the product are: thermal water and salicylic acid, cohesil.

    Price: 630 rubles.

    From yogurt

    1. Sour milk is heated to 37 ° C.
    2. Then applied to the hair and carefully rubbed.
    3. They wrap the head with parchment paper and put a warm scarf or towel on top. It is important to keep warm inside.
    4. Stand for half an hour.
    5. Then once again put yogurt for 5 minutes and massage the skin with your fingertips.
    6. Next, wash the head with water without shampoo.


    1. Mix a teaspoon of glycerin.
    2. 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
    3. 2 tablespoons of castor oil. And 1 yolk.
    4. Put the mixture on the head, cover with a plastic cap, wrap on top with a towel.
    5. After half an hour, wash off.

    Effect: active hydration.


    Dry and flaky scalp is not a cosmetic, but a medical problem. It is solved difficult and long. But health is the most important thing in life. By ignoring a symptom, you can start a serious illness in the chronic stage.

    Attention! Information of this article has been verified by our experts, practitioners with years of experience.

    If you want to consult with experts or ask your question, then you can do it completely is free in comments.

    If you have a question beyond the scope of this topic, leave it on this page.

    Useful videos

    What is seborrhea of ​​the scalp?

    How to get rid of dryness and itching on the head.

    The reasons why the scalp can flake

    Cell death of the scalp is quite normal. However, increased desquamation is a problem that many people face. Dandruff is not contagious and does not cause a person much trouble, but in some cases it is accompanied by severe itching and redness on the head. Often, desquamation is a consequence of the manifestation of a fungus that, until a certain time, lives quietly in the human body. This is not the only possible reason why the scalp is scratched and flaky, there may be several factors:

    1. Excessive dryness of the skin, provoked by frequent washing of the head with the use of agents that have an aggressive effect on the skin. Often, dandruff is affected by people with dry skin types, but there are exceptions. If peeling of the scalp is caused by this cause, it is possible to cope with the problem easily by using a special moisturizer or nourishing hair mask.
    2. Allergy to shampoo or hair fixation products. Sometimes an allergic reaction occurs after dyeing hair, then there is not only peeling, but itching. It is worth trying another shampoo and for a while abandoning the means of fixation, hair coloring - perhaps the problem will be solved by itself.
    3. Dandruff was provoked by the fungus. Often this disease is accompanied by the appearance of small scales, but in some cases large flakes are formed. The fungus is not rarely the cause of dandruff, it is in the body of every person, but it does not manifest itself in all. The fungus can manifest itself when the immune system is weakened, due to chronic fatigue, because of nerves or inherited.
    4. Peeling of the scalp often appears in avitaminosis. To cope with the problem, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins and trace elements. To do this, you need to adjust your diet, filling it with products that contain all the components necessary for the human body.
    5. The cause of dandruff can serve such a cosmetic procedure for hair, as peeling. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, contact the salon, discuss in advance with the master the possibility of peeling. An experienced specialist will be able to choose cosmetics and methods of the procedure, based on a specific skin type. If you are performing the procedure at home, conduct a preliminary test for an allergic reaction with the selected agent.
    6. Newborns often have a peeling of the head. The appearance of flaking scales often depends on the water in which the baby is bathed. Are more prone to the occurrence of peeling areas near the forehead and on the back of the head of the child.

    Heavy peeling after washing

    In some people, immediately after washing the head, itching begins. The reason for this is in sensitive skin, which responds to shampoo or balsam-rinse. Cosmetics such as hair conditioner are not intended for the scalp, so they can cause itching. When using these products, the hair should be washed very thoroughly. If dandruff has provoked a shampoo that contains lauryl sulfate, replace it with a product made on the basis of soap root.

    Peeling with itching and red spots

    Non-pruritic itching and redness of the scalp indicate the presence of seborrheic dermatitis in humans - a common disease that stimulates the formation of irritation and the appearance of skin peeling. The cause of seborrhea lies in excessive fat formation and changes in the content of the sebaceous secretion. Depending on the condition of a person’s skin and the functioning of his sebaceous glands, dandruff may be oily, dry, or a combination. Often, seborrhea provokes a strong peeling of the scalp and becomes chronic, after which the disease is difficult to overcome on its own.

    With the formation of flakes

    If the scalp flakes, it is often the result of the activation of Malassezia fungus, which can sleep in the human body until it is provoked. Some mistaken for dandruff translucent flakes that appear on the scalp, and begin self-treatment. However, in cases where the cause of peeling has become a fungus, you just can’t get rid of it. If the scales begin to appear not in places, but on the entire surface of the head, it is time to consult a dermatologist.

    How to get rid of peeling skin on the head

    Treatment for flaking of the head should be prescribed by a doctor (dermatologist or trichologist). But even the use of therapeutic drugs will not guarantee that the problem will go away. In addition, effective folk remedies do not always help. Treat the peeling of the dermis of the head is a complex, the only way possible relatively quickly to achieve the expected result.

    Healthy and balanced diet

    What to do if the scalp flakes? The first step on the road to recovery will be a balanced diet. People suffering from dandruff, should exclude from the diet fried, spicy, salty, fatty foods and give up alcoholic beverages. When peeling the head should reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates consumed in sweets and flour products. It is necessary to increase the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy and dairy products. In addition, it does not hurt to drink a multivitamin complex containing copper, zinc, calcium, vitamins A, B, C, E.

    The use of antifungal shampoos

    Damage to the scalp of the dermis of the head is a common phenomenon. Peeling is often formed during cold seasons against the background of a suppressed immune system, when saprophytes (pathogenic fungi) are activated in the body. At the initial stage of treatment is limited to the use of antifungal shampoos, which quickly cope with the pathogen peeling. Special shampoos contain active ingredients that stop the process of reproduction of dangerous microflora, prevent hair loss and infection of the deeper layers of the skin.

    Drug treatment

    • Sulsena. Therapeutic agent is available in the form of oil, paste and shampoo. The maximum effect has pasta. A two percent remedy is used for medicinal purposes twice a week, a one percent paste is used with the same frequency for prophylaxis. Before use, the hair must be washed with shampoo, then rub a sufficient amount of paste into the scalp. After 10 minutes, the product is rinsed with warm running water.
    • "Nizoral", "Sebozol", "Mykozoral" and other antifungal shampoos. These products will be effective if the cause of dandruff is a head fungus. They can slow down the division of pathogenic cells and relieve itching. Doctors recommend using antifungal shampoos up to 3 times a week. After applying the product, wait 5 minutes, then wash your hair with warm water. If a coarse lichen has formed on the head, you should use the shampoo daily for 5 days.

    • Multivitamin complexes such as "Vitrum", "Alphabet", etc. Such complexes are effective in the treatment of avitaminosis and vitamin microelement imbalances. Each of them has different indications for use, as indicated in the abstract.
    • Salicylic oil. The tool helps with any skin diseases, including the peeling of the dermis of the head. Oil softens the scales and crusts formed on the head, which contributes to their easy removal. It should be applied to the skin with light rubbing movements, and after 6-8 hours, rinse with shampoo. If no other instructions have been given by the doctor, the remedy is applied twice a week.

    Video: how to treat dryness and peeling of the head

    Often, the desquamation of the dermis of the head is the cause of many disorders in the human body. That is, there can be several causes of dandruff, so this symptom should be treated in a complex. Doctors-dermatologists recommend that people faced with such a problem analyze in detail their lifestyle and find the factors that could provoke the formation of scales on the head. After watching the video, you will find out which means are most effective in treating scalping head.


    Watch the video: Treating scalp psoriasis (July 2024).