
Change Image: Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid


We all know the fear of a haircut at the hairdresser, because sometimes it is difficult to predict whether the expectation will coincide with reality. The Bored Panda website asked users to share photos of "Before and After" going to the hairdresser, and it turned out that many are not only not afraid of change, but are also ready to part with all their hair!

This collection will show you that you should not be afraid to try something new!

Mistake number 1: incorrect hair color change

The first thing you want to do on the "new" page of life in almost every second girl is to change the hair color. But there are many nuances that must be taken into account in order not to get upset because of unpleasant consequences.

You have probably noticed that the darker the shade of the hair, the brighter and more expressive the face becomes. That is why the noble "snow white" categorically should not be repainted in a blond, especially such an extreme, like Deineris Targaryen. If the exterior does not have bright colors from nature, then with blonde hair you will have to spend much more time drawing makeup. At the same time, eyebrows and eyes will require special study. If you really want to add more light shades to your hair, then lighten the individual strands - they will perfectly refresh your image and will not require daily long marathon pointing,)

If your skin has a beautiful “cold” olive undertone, then, despite frequent misconceptions, cold colors in your hair will not make you more attractive, but, on the contrary, will contribute to a tired face and skin look.

Red and copper shades in the hair should not be combined with problematic skin and rosacea. The red color will accentuate all redness, spider veins and inflammations on the face, so it is better to dwell on brown and chocolate shades of hair.

If you have an eastern appearance, then you should not be repainted in a blonde - such changes look too unnatural and even artificial. If you really want to make your hair lighter, better choose something more natural, for example, caramel and chestnut shades. But for girls with light-colored hair, blue-black hair will definitely not be suitable - your natural data means only bright and delicate shades.

Regarding the shape of the face, there is one important rule that many girls violate: in order to make the face visually narrower (and, consequently, thinner), it is necessary to darken the strands in the cheekbones and cheeks. Conversely, in order to expand the face, we highlight the same strands with lighter shades.

Error number 2: color staining is not for years

Multicolored strands, of course, look very bright and youthful fresh. But only in that case it will be appropriate if you are under 30. Such a “hooligan” zest in a hair style looks perfect on long hair - a long strand of pink in a pigtail or an acid-colored curl looks stylish and beautiful. If the hair is of short length, then such an accent can be placed only on the bangs - if you do it all over the hairstyle, then it will look like an absurd color highlighting that you tried to repaint.

Mistake number 3: self-staining

In order to professionally dye hair, experts are studying more than one year. Are you still sure that you will be able to repaint your hair in a new color at home with the help of dye purchased at a local supermarket?

Our hair is a complex and multi-layered material. It contains as many as three colored pigments - red, yellow and blue. At the same time, each person’s quantity of each of these pigments is completely different.To understand which pigment is right for your appearance, only a professional can. Paints that are sold in ordinary cosmetic stores, as a rule, are designed for a certain average variant, therefore very often dyeing with household dye does not bring anything but disappointment. Therefore, repainting the hair at home, be prepared for the fact that as a result you may have a surprise. And while not always pleasant, for example, when a brunette, turning into a blond, as a result gets a carrot shade of hair.

But professionals loudly do not recommend lightening their own hair - if you hold the mixture on your hair, you can lose it altogether!

Mistake number 4: extreme hair extensions

Dreaming about long hair, you should not go to extreme measures. If it is completely unbearable, it is possible to increase the length, but the main thing is not to lengthen the hair more than 10 cm. Long, artificially extended hair (especially if they are extended from the length of the square) look repulsive. Especially if you collect hair in a ponytail, the capsules become visible, and “your” strands disintegrate as a fan. It also looks strange curly hair extensions in curls - the texture of the hairstyle will be heterogeneous due to the fact that natural hair will curl into small curls.

How to completely change the image in one day

If you are haunted by apathy, dissatisfaction with yourself and life, the absence of any desires and aspirations, then it is time to radically change your life. Goals, lifestyle, work, new acquaintances and new hobbies - all this requires a thorough approach. But to change your image is a matter of one day. From this very simple, but very important step, you should start.

New life is a new image, because appearance is a reflection of your inner world. So stand to think what you want to be now. Counseling with a psychologist (who will help you determine new life orientations) can help you with this, and then with a stylist (who will help create the image that is most suitable for achieving new goals).

For example, if you are tired of being closed with a “gray mouse”, you will have to achieve new heights - and change the image to a brighter, more catchy, maybe even a little audacious. This will increase your self-esteem and confidence.

Or, on the contrary, you have always been a reckless, sociable girl, but the time has come to achieve success in serious work, to build a successful career.

Experts will help you to create a suitable image for a new job: discreet but stylish.

In any case, be that as it may, a new stage of life should begin with the revival of self-love. After all, if you are unhappy with everyone and fell into apathy, then this feeling has left you.

First of all, contact your beautician: he will recommend the necessary cosmetic procedures that will bring pleasure to your body and make you even more beautiful.

Skin cleansing, hair lamination, eyebrow correction or just a relaxing spa massage will all benefit you and will be the first step to favorable changes.

Next - a hairdresser. Say goodbye to your old hairstyle and change it drastically: color, hair length, styling, the presence or absence of bangs, parting - everything matters. The wizard will tell you the best option, focusing not only on your changes in life and in the inner world, but will not forget about the shape of your face, your figure, or skin color.

The stylist-make-up artist will tell you how to make your face better with the new hairstyle. After all, even the tiny arrows on the eyes or the floor of the powder tone can greatly affect your appearance.

Most in the wisdom of the perfect makeup is difficult to understand, so resort to the advice of a specialist.

Together, you can experiment and find the most appropriate makeup techniques for you - plus a few of your trademark secret "chips" that will make you irresistible.

It is extremely difficult to correct a figure in one day, but you need to start with something. If you need a dramatic change, contact the beauty salon: there with the help of cosmetic procedures will help to lose weight or, on the contrary, add volume in the right places. True, most likely, will require more than one session.

Now it's time to sort out your wardrobe. Choose for yourself a radically new style, buy the things you like most. However, do not forget that in the right wardrobe there are always things for all occasions: work, an evening walk around the city, a party with girlfriends, a trip to the club, a theater, a particularly solemn occasion.

It seems that it all drives into a standard narrow frame, but believe me - even an office outfit can be very different. Try something new: buy a skirt, if you always wore pants, try a women's tie, new-style shoes, etc.

Experiments with clothes are a very exciting activity, because thanks to the outfits you can change every day and be unique.

Is it possible to change in one day? Tips for a quick change of image

The mood of a woman is very dependent on her appearance. And if everything is gray and dull around, you can change the image so that life starts playing with bright colors. This event will not require much effort and money, but the effect will be immediate.

Thinking over a new image, a woman wants not only to please herself, but also to surprise others. Having changed quickly, she dreams to cause delight, to draw attention to her person. However, in order for people to be surprised pleasantly, and not to laughed at the sight of a new original style, you need to follow a few simple rules for quickly changing the image.

Although it seems that one day is very little, you can drastically change it in just a few hours. You do not even need to go to a stylist and a hairdresser, everything can be done at home by yourself.

Heels greatly change a woman. The gait becomes elegant, slower, the back straightens, the head rises up. The lady becomes more self-confident. Keep this in mind if you want to create an image of a successful woman.

Before you begin to change the image, decide what you want to see yourself, what style you like. Choose a few, because it does not always go what you like.

During the day, you can change the style of clothing, hairstyle, makeup, hair color. It is better to start with the latter, since it is easier to pick up clothes to the hair than vice versa.

If you do not decide on a sharp change of image, it is not necessary to dye your hair. Buy a foam that will give them a new shade for a while. It will make the curls shiny and will not damage the chitinous cover.

Before you decide to dye your hair from a blonde to a brunette and vice versa, try on a wig with new hair. You will immediately understand whether it is going or not.

New haircut is also not required. Just make instead of the usual hairstyle another, stylish, suitable for a new image.

Bright makeup will help highlight the changed appearance. Use colored pencils for eyes, contrasting shade of the iris. So eyes will look very expressive. Apply two layers of mascara instead of one, make your lips more sensual with a lipstick of natural color and transparent gloss.

Things from the old wardrobe can be assembled in a new way, so that they fit the changed style. To look fashionable, come up with a multi-layered outfit.

For example, wear a shirt under a sleeveless dress, a classic white blouse and a bright T-shirt, etc. Will help in changing the image and accessories. Do not be afraid to use men's - watches, cufflinks, even ties.

Now they are very relevant in the women's wardrobe.

If you have created a new image and you liked it, it turned out to be a face to you - feel free to go to please those around you with your bright appearance.If it became clear that the outfit and hairstyle were good only in the picture, and you do not go at all, try another style option, perhaps it will be more successful.

Also interesting to read: a bundle of nails how to treat?

Stars that inspire beauty experiments

10 simple ways to change the image

November 5, 2012

Each woman wants to look attractive, have a well-groomed look and feel attractive.

However, often, by the age of 40-45, a woman, having become accustomed to one style in clothing or hairstyle, does not hurry to “try on” a new look, referring to the high cost of new things or the inability to find a good hairdresser.

It is not necessary to drastically change the hairstyle or empty the salary card to change the image: small changes can drastically change the image. Below are quick and low-cost ways that will bring a new touch to your style.

Experiment with parted hair. How many years do you do the same hairstyle every morning? Try another parting - it seems incredible, but even such a simple action will add not only the volume at the hair roots, but also a new accent.

If the hair is “used” to the same hairstyle, the stylists offer a little trick: before going to bed, form the desired parting, apply a little mousse and fix the hair with a wide fabric bandage.

In the morning, keeping a new, neat parting, you can easily create any suitable hairstyle.

Add bright accents. No need to empty your wallet and buy new collections of famous designers to refresh your wardrobe. The key to success is accessories: scarves, gloves, bags can be freely used with clothes of any season, and from the financial side it is much cheaper.

Follow the latest trends: next year, clutches and large bulk bags will be relevant, the main colors include pastel colors with a slight bright accent or colored symmetric patterns.

Choose accessories with a brushed metal finish - they look more expensive and prestigious.

Makeup change. On the Internet, you can find a lot of tips and advice on how to wipe 10 years off your face with makeup.

The main thing to remember is that the selection of cosmetics must be age-appropriate, and after 40 years the “rules of the game” change.

Use delicate, pastel shades and demarcate cosmetics into two conditional groups: highlighters, foundation creams, powders, contour pencils are used to hide age-related flaws, and with the help of lipstick, mascara and eye shadows distinguish facial features.

Update manicure. Nails may seem an inconspicuous detail, but their condition says a lot about the woman.

Pale pink or flesh-colored oval nails are quite popular, but modern cosmetics allow you to experiment a bit: do not round the nails, but give them a rectangular shape, and round the coals.

When choosing a color, pay attention to brown and gray shades - these are soft and unobtrusive tones, suitable for any style of clothing.

New hairstyle "mother's" methods. Classic hairstyle tools are back in fashion now! Large Velcro curlers are quite inexpensive and easy to use.

You just need to divide the hair into 6-8 strands, put a little mousse and wind it up with hair curlers. As a result, your hairstyle will become more voluminous.

While you are dressing and putting on make-up, leave the curlers and remove them just before going out - after that it remains only to carefully separate and put the hair on with your fingers and the hairstyle is ready!

Look for pointed toe shoes. Shoes with a sharp toe "fell into grace" of women because of inconvenience, but this does not negate its properties to visually lengthen the leg, especially in combination with wide trousers or a pencil skirt.

In order for such footwear to be comfortable, it is necessary to choose it a half size larger and, trying on the chosen pair, make sure that the heel comfortably “sits” in the back.

When choosing a color, be guided by shades of ivory, beige, brown - these colors maximize the visual effect of the “lengthening” of the legs.

Glowing skin. The topic of choosing and applying cosmetics correctly to form the basis of makeup may seem boring, but a correctly applied base is the key to creating an attractive image.

Stylists recommend using not only rounded, but also wedge-shaped sponges - it is easier to apply foundation in the corners of the eyes and sinuses.

In order to achieve the effect of "radiant skin", you need to mix a few drops of lumenizer with foundation - a slight shimmer will give the skin a young, fresh look and minimizes all age-related flaws.

Put the wardrobe in order.

It is difficult to part with your favorite sweater or skirt, but consistent “inspection” of your wardrobe will allow you to take a fresh look at the possible combinations of things and take the style to the next level.

Be categorical and leave only those things that are relevant to you - they can be safely combined by adding interesting accessories and creating new, interesting ensembles.

New colors in eye makeup. Black or brown shades of eyeliner pencils are still popular, but they have a rival - a deep blue color.

Blue and blue eyeliner shades are suitable for women of all types of appearance, and the color depth allows you to adjust the shape of the eyes and gives the makeup an original modern look.

In addition, blue eyeliner makes proteins more bright, and look - shining.

Shiny and healthy hair in 2 minutes. Of course, the appearance of hair says a lot about a woman, but there is not always time for salon or home special procedures. Indelible sprays quickly and efficiently give hair shine and lightness, and using them is very simple.

When you are combing your hair, you need to apply a spray on your hair and wait 1-2 minutes. When choosing a spray, you need to focus on the type and problematics of the hair.

If the hair ends are split or you often cut your hair, the spray will also be useful, because it tends to seal the tips of the hair.

Natural beauty of long hair

Long hair is beautiful, fashionable and easy with the services of a master stylist in building strands.

Modern beauty salons offer a variety of cosmetology services, among them there is an unusual service called hair extensions, which is divided into several methods: tape, capsular hair extensions, microlents and microcapsules. Each method of increasing the volume of strands has its advantages and minor drawbacks.

Try to change, this will help you hair extensions

Sometimes women just want to change. Just become different, do something unusual for yourself, decorate yourself and your life. To color a series of everyday life.

The usual image of annoying, if you change the wardrobe is not worth the big effort, then change the appearance requires great effort. Make an effort and change, surprise yourself and others.

Beauty salons, modern techniques for your beauty

The modern market of the beauty industry offers an extensive list of hairdressing and cosmetology services, all for your beauty and improvement.

People tend to change, so there are many beauty salons in the world and thousands of services whimsically beautiful people. What are you waiting for, no one will do it.

The terrible power of beauty gives strength and confidence

Spectacular head of hair, thick flowing curls in one day. The terrible power of beauty gives strength and creates confidence for new achievements. First you need to take the first step, do not be afraid to change. Perhaps a little gone madness. Drinking champagne - the one who risks.Risk, change and win.

Attractiveness, aesthetics and naturalness

Attractiveness and aesthetics - all for your natural beauty. Many experts in hairdressing art called Goodhair technology simply revolutionary, hair extensions with Goodhair microlents are so convenient that it allows you to achieve the maximum amount of hairstyle with any type of hair.

Consult with your hairdresser what kind of strand increase is right for you. Create your perfect look and add confidence and well-being to it. Your bright style will inspire new achievements.

Change Image: Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid

They say that in order to change something, it is better to start small. And the girls, having decided to change life guidelines, are primarily skeptical of inspecting their hairstyle. In order to save you from frustration and unpleasant emotions associated with the new image, we have collected the 5 most common mistakes that girls make when they want to change their hairstyle.

Hair Extension - Before and After. 100 photos

If the length of your own hair does not allow you to create spectacular hairstyles, weaving will help to correct the situation. This procedure will not surprise anyone: almost all salons offer it. And the secret of popularity is that long hair adds attractiveness.

In today's issue of our women's magazine "Raznoblog" we will talk about hair extensions that are so fashionable these days. We will discuss the most famous and popular techniques today, as well as you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of building. Of course, we will present to your attention a large selection of photographs of our readers before and after this difficult procedure.

Pluses build

Too thin strands will increase capacity. It will give confidence and even get rid of the complexes. Building up is one of the cardinal ways to change the image and, quite possibly, life.

New modern technologies have made a reality of getting hair of any length True, time will have to spend, as well as funds. But no one will distinguish hair extensions from their own.

This is clearly seen in the photos for this article.

After the high-quality procedure, the hairstyle acquires volume and looks natural. It is possible to play with color without coloring: you will not have to spoil the colors with chemical ingredients, and bright hair will refresh the dull tone.

Every day you can easily change the stylish hairstyles. And do not have to pick up special styling tools. Increased locks perfectly lend themselves to conventional styling products. The owner of the hair and curls can flaunt, and perfectly straight hair ironing done.

Burning or cold buildup, as if by magic, will provide the transformation of short, relaxed strands into a long luxurious hairstyle, as in the local photos. The master will recommend methods of care, select the appropriate means to maintain the strand in perfect condition as long as possible.

But to rush headlong to the nearest salon and it’s unreasonable to carry out the procedure with the first master who has come across: building up requires an investment of funds, and only a real specialist will be charged with the result. Yes, and a few building techniques. So it is important to start with the selection of technology and the choice of the master.

Change of Image: Transformation Psychology

Psychologists often advise patients suffering from low self-esteem and problems of self-analysis to make some changes in their lives: to repair the apartment, change the car or work, buy a new dress or change hair style. The latter advice is more suitable for women, as the assessment of the appearance for the fair sex is one of the main points that affect the attitude. New hairstyle and change of clothes are good prevention of depression.

It is also proved that changing the image can affect not only the psycho-emotional state, but also life in general.Psychologists noted that after an external transformation, a person’s life, as a rule, changed for the better: increasing at work, success in personal life, solving many problems related to self-doubt.

In men, changing the image also has a huge impact on attitudes and self-esteem. For example, those representatives of the stronger sex who chose to change their street style to a business attire are at risk of being promoted. This is due to the fact that subconsciously in people a good picture is equal to good content. That is, expensive clothes can provoke a salary increase, and a worn suit, on the contrary, can leave its owner without dividends.

Big changes: how to radically change the image in 14 days

Day 1. Weigh the pros and cons

The first step is to make an informed decision that will allow you not to regret unsuccessful changes in appearance and money spent in vain. We are always “for” the changes that make us feel more free, to look at ourselves and those around us in a new way and just raise our spirits and self-esteem. So, decide on the changes!

Day 2. Choose a new image

Before you go to the master salon, think about exactly how you want to change. To get started, think about the hairstyle and hair color: look at the photo on the Internet, choose several options that you like, and save it to your phone or print it. This way, you can explain to a professional how you want to transform yourself.

Day 3. Find "your" master

Of course, if you have been visiting a hairdresser for several years and fully trust his professional qualities, go straight to a familiar address and boldly create a new image.

But if you only occasionally level the bangs and the length, and always in different salons, then it is time to find your master already and become attached to his scissors for a long time. Ask around friends and acquaintances - recommendations will help you make the right decision.

Look at the reviews on the Internet and before you finally decide, be sure to talk to a specialist personally. Make contact and schedule day X.

Day 4. Follow the tips.

Never be in a hurry - this is the most important condition for a successful outcome. You can show your favorite haircut and hair color, and if the master approves your choice, it remains only to wait for the coveted result of the update.

But often there are such situations that your stylist is categorically opposed to such a hairstyle or hair shade that you have chosen. Our advice: listen better, because a professional knows better whether such a haircut will fit the oval of your face, and the color - to the skin and eye tone.

You should not get upset right away, most likely the master will simply offer small additions: for example, add or remove a bang, experiment with a long one, or stop at an asymmetrical version.

The same with hair color: a slightly different tone, brondirovanie or ombra - and you will look very different. Most importantly, the result will definitely suit you.

Day 5. Try the new make up

What is the image change takes place without an updated makeup? We advise you not to run to the cosmetics boutique and buy up half of the stands with palette of shadows and new lip gloss.

It is better to sign up for a consultation with a makeup artist who will willingly select the most successful combination of tones for you, find your color and recommend those products that suit you.

And the safest option is to sign up for courses for beginning makeup artists.

Day 6. Decide on a new flavor.

Perfume is almost the same as your handwriting. Put the bottles with your favorite fragrances away, today you need something completely new. Choose sour notes of green tea and cucumber, or maybe bitter notes of orange - what you have long wanted, but did not dare to try.

Day 7. Choose the right clothes.

Today, purchases via the Internet are very popular: without leaving your home, you can choose your favorite thing from anywhere in the world and easily order it to the door of your apartment.

But we recommend still trying on clothes first, because things that are new in style that you have never worn before may not suit you at all. And it's not just about size.

Therefore, choosing a completely new style of clothing, do not be lazy and go to a boutique, consult with consultants and measure, measure everything that you like.

Day 8. Diversify wardrobe

A few unusual things are required to appear in your closet: choose a dress in the style of boho, short shorts and a loose tunic or sexy dress shirt. Do not forget to add colors: it is not necessary to choose flashy tones that are not currently in trend, it is enough to dilute your wardrobe with a delicate mint color or warm peach tone. The choice is yours!

Day 9. Buy good shoes and a bag.

No wonder this is our next step. Be sure to buy a few pairs of comfortable shoes for all occasions and do not forget about the elegant boats. Capacious bags are just a salvation, but several miniature clutches must appear in your collection.

Day 10. Have a photo session.

Beautiful photos always give pleasure to every girl. A professional photographer who will work with you will make good pictures that will help you to evaluate your transformation from the outside. Studio shooting or plein air? You decide. We guarantee a good mood and a lot of likes in social networks.

Day 11. Publication

It's time to go out in people. And what could be better than to spend a wonderful evening in the company of best friends or a loved one? Relax and enjoy the compliments and admiring glances.

Day 12. Time for sports

Sport in changing the image is not the last place. If you have been visiting the fitness center for a long time, or if you have an annual pool subscription, keep up the good work. But if the sport is far from you, it's time to change something. Image is not only appearance, but also a lifestyle.

Day 13. Change the situation

Even in the new image, the thirst for the new does not leave you? It's time to change your habits and turn your routine into an incredible adventure. Weekends can be spent in the water park, go hiking or find a hobby for everyone.

Day 14. New Diet

Today, more and more people tend to eat healthy, it is not only tasty, but also useful. Try it, and you will always feel awake. Not only our health, but also our appearance depends on nutrition.

How to change your image?

It is known that in order to achieve success in life, in business or in a certain type of activity, one must have certain qualities and character traits, as well as an appropriate image.

There is every reason to argue that IMAGE CENTER "Ukraine" He has quite a lot of experience in this matter, since the center's experts have helped many people achieve significant success, realize their goals and dreams, and improve their image.

Our approach to improving the image is largely based on your belief in success, and the experience gained over the years confirms the effectiveness of this approach.

When creating or improving the image, we use advertising, promotion, management consulting, media relations, special political PR - methods, research, surveys, methods of crisis political conflictology, various socio-psychological methods.

With the help of special methods and targeted work, you can create an optimal personal image, company image, corporate image, etc. Let us give some examples from our practice (we never disclose the names of our clients, observing the principles of confidentiality and professional secrecy).

Several years ago, we were approached by the head of a well-known domestic bank, with a request to help him improve his image in order to achieve success in business and to realize his dream - to become a people's deputy of Ukraine. Call it client N.

After conducting a primary psycho-visual diagnosis and conversation, the following areas of image work were identified: improving Ukrainian pronunciation, increasing vocabulary in the Ukrainian language, improving gestures, facial expressions and emotionalization of speech, enhancing imagery of speeches, changing the dominant color in clothes, changing the style of leadership of subordinates, developing political programs, the publication of a small brochure in his authorship (where many of his original ideas should be presented), the development of a sponsorship program us for his bank, the holding of two conferences and one resonance telecast with his participation. It should be noted that Mr. N. was an extremely talented and capable student. He was very receptive to all the advice and recommendations of psychologists. In the trainings he showed great activity and considerable creative potential. After three or four weeks, we managed to eliminate all unnecessary and inadequate gestures, incorrect intonations, select the appropriate color scheme, the form of glasses, after two months correct the speech in Ukrainian, strengthen the imagery of speeches, improve pronunciation, emotionalize speech and all performances. Specially well-crafted jokes that Mr. N. made at one very important reception worked very well, which attracted the attention of not only the press, but also of foreign guests who began to strive to approach it and offer acquaintance. Four months later, he improved his leadership style and work with subordinates, which greatly surprised his colleagues. After six months, his original brochure came out, which was successfully presented at the presentation, where an interesting discussion took place on the main issues raised in this book. After eight months, Mr. N. held two All-Ukrainian conferences and became a member of five television programs on three television channels. Exactly ten months after starting work with image makers, Mr. N. became a people's deputy of Ukraine in a single-mandate district. Of course, this case is not typical. We dealt with a very talented person who had not only a great desire to change for the better, but also a tremendous opportunity for this - high intelligence, leadership abilities, greater sensitivity, efficiency and will. In addition to this, professional image-makers used all the available circumstances, some situations were created specifically to use the successful opportunity to be in the right place at the right time. Naturally, such painstaking work required large forces and, accordingly, material costs.

But, nevertheless, often turn to us, ordinary businessmen or people who want to make a career to advance in service. The main problem of these people is self-doubt or insufficient development of the qualities necessary for promotion.

Consciously or subconsciously, they see themselves ONLY in their usual role and do not feel real self-confidence in order to raise the level of their professional activities. It often seems to them that they still do not deserve a promotion, that they are unworthy, complex, etc.

And as a rule, they turn out to be untenable during the temporary fulfillment of the duties of this desired post. Clients such as rules without special work are not ready for career growth, are not ready to take on new tasks and new responsibility. They cannot say to themselves: “I can do it, no matter how difficult it may be!”.

Client B.

worked as an accountant in a small joint venture.He worked very conscientiously and believed that he was not treated very fairly during the last salary increase for all employees of the joint venture. He understood that he deserved not only pay increases, but also promotions. V. suffered and experienced for three months, after which he turned to us.

Image makers immediately realized that he would need to improve his impression in order to make his employees and management more highly (and more adequately!) Evaluate his abilities. Within ten days, V. changed his wardrobe and began to look very elegant and respectable. We worked with him to improve his style and behavior.

Specially selected accessories and preliminary training work gave our client greater credibility. V. began to gain greater self-confidence, psychologists have adjusted his self-esteem.

He gave the authorities a specially-written service note with proposals for improving the SP's advertising campaign (which he had developed three years ago and which he did not dare to show to the authorities). At one of the "volatiles" V.

He demonstrated his proposals for improving the accounting program, which was used by everyone in this joint venture (he also did not dare to verbalize these proposals earlier). Three weeks after starting work with customer V., a special situation was created when an employee of another company officially addressed Mr. V.

with a request to act as an expert in a very important professional matter, which emphasized his exceptional competence in this field. When journalists from a well-known accounting weekly came to our client asking for an interview (which was the result of our image work), it turned out that on that day Mr. V.

received a promotion, and the promotion was so significant that we initially did not count on such success. So, we helped the management of this joint venture see accountant V. in a different light. His manager said that he understood now that V. could do much more for the success of the company and offered him new opportunities. Thus, V. gave an interview to specially invited journalists already in his new office. Interestingly, the special image work led not only to a change in the appearance of Mr. V., but also to a change in his life position, which in turn caused positive changes in his personal life.

We could also tell how anyone unknown, modest and shy computer operator N, became a famous artist-designer after a cycle of special image training, as awkward and unsure S.

became the top model, as an actress in one of Kiev's theaters, who failed her first performance became a famous TV host in Russia, how an unknown film distribution operator became a successful businessman and casino owner.

This list can be very long, as we have worked with politicians and financiers, with actresses and directors, with TV presenters and designers, with entrepreneurs and athletes, with secretaries and teachers.

Individual recommendations were given to each of them, since the sales manager must be energetic, assertive, confident, sociable and friendly, and the office manager must be organized, attentive, conscientious, polite and loving order.

But still there are such characteristics and character traits that are necessary for all who wish to improve their image - self-confidence, creative abilities, goodwill, energy, self-esteem, a desire to improve something in their work, efficiency and desire for success.

Anyone who wants to change their image can do it. Special image work with a client usually lasts from 10 days to 18 months.

As a rule, image work takes place in five stages: 1) Clarifying what exactly you would like to change in yourself and why you need it, 2) Making a special scenario of personal and other changes, 3) Developing a system of role-playing games and special trainings, 4) Teaching you how to look at yourself new and act in a new way, 5) Realization of your goals. Our experts will help you create a reality in which your faith and your dreams will be reflected.

For those who are interested in the topic of creating an image, we offer several theoretical articles. You can get acquainted with them in the “IMAGE-CENTER“ Ukraine ”rubric.

Change the image: where to start?

If you want to change your image yourself and do not know where to start yet, this article will be a detailed guide to action.

If you want a quick result, the section has the necessary information or write your request.

Sometimes you hear that worries about your image deprive you of naturalness. However, it is obvious that:

- emancipation and sincerity are among the most important qualities of a successful image

- not the fact that a person who does not care about his impression is always natural.

It is quite understandable. Sometimes you think that you dress your desires, but it turned out that you were dressed for fear of appearing different. Who needs? What for?

A frequent question is the statement - they treat me differently, as we would like, they see me as others, they do not see the merits or attribute qualities that are not there, etc.

I agree - sorry to waste time on evidence that you are not a camel. Not easier, but more meaningful to look at yourself from the side.

If we have been repeatedly perceived in a certain way, then there are grounds for this. Just dressing up is not enough. In this case, the external signals will differ from what we broadcast in our own words and movements.

Not always in touch there is a specialist with the help of which it would be possible to change the image, but almost everyone has computers. You can solve these issues online.

So, in order:

► what changes in your life do you want? It is necessary to set a goal.

► whose opinion is important to you? You need to know about these people as much as possible: the system of values, stereotypes, dreams, fears, etc.

We do not adjust, but take into account, finding a compromise between the expectations of the target audience and a comfortable sense of self.

► How can you evaluate your image today? How does it correspond to the one that will lead to success? We analyze all the components of the image and make up the “front of work”.

► Where do we start? Depending on the assessment of our potential, we primarily work with those that need an ambulance.

► Work with visual components, verbal and kinetic image has common patterns, but it is too individual for each person.

- you need to develop the style of clothing (and sometimes behavior) that is comfortable psychologically, comfortable, matches your temperament, lifestyle and occupation

- define your color palette

- pick up cosmetics and learn how to use it in makeup lessons

- find successful hairstyles

- familiarize yourself with the properties of color, patterns, lines and fabrics so that you know which styles of clothes suit you more

- analyze how the features of your speech, voice, plastic movements and articulation correspond to the current image

► Remember that each of us has an image of the environment - relatives, friends, acquaintances.

As a rule, the unchanged or little-changed part of the image. It is important to take into account and compensate if necessary with the help of other components.

► Testing the practice of communication. Observing the reaction of others to our changes is interesting and useful. You can always adjust tactics.

Image consulting online provides an opportunity to receive both ready-made answers and to learn from an image maker for independent work.

Work on a successful image does not start from scratch. Each of us has the potential.Consultations on image only help to more effectively use what we can, while developing new abilities.

Our clothes, our work, social circle - all this has satisfied any of our needs until today. Can this be done differently, with greater benefit for themselves? The external always reflects the internal. Moreover, this internal one either already exists, or it can be created. The image has such an opportunity.

…………………………………………………… .. Your image stylist, Larisa Heinenen

How to change the image?

The change of image can be caused both by the need from the outside (for example, transfer to another position, improvement of social status, etc.), and by the inner desire to change (maturing, changing worldview). How to change the image? First, you can do it yourself or resort to the help of a specialist - image maker.

The services of an image consultant can afford not everything, as an option - you can connect with such a person virtually. For example, you can change the image to without personal contact using Skype and email.

This option is optimal, since you will receive advice from the image maker and, at the same time, there will be room for your own imagination.

Today we talk about how to change the image, but first let's see what image is and why (when) it needs to be changed.

Image is not only and not so much the style of clothes, it is also the ability to wear it, your hair and makeup, the state of health and the ability to behave in society, gait and posture, gestures, facial expressions and the ability to keep the conversation going. In general, the image - this is your image, which consists of many components.

When you need to change the image and why? As mentioned above, if you moved up the career ladder or changed your field of activity, your social or marital status changed, if you crossed any age limit (an image that a woman under 30 years of age should have undergone changes with maturity) or felt that has changed internally and your image no longer matches your “I.” Another reason for changing the image is the treatment of depression associated, for example, with the end of long-term relationships. If you constantly wear clothes that your former partner loved, remember how he liked to touch your long hair, etc. - urgently need to change the image to break the link with the past.

How to change the image yourself? You need to start with a detailed description of how you imagine your new image. Do it on paper or type on a computer, while being guided by your own desires, but consider the environment - work, position, etc.

Now compare what you strive for with what you have now and make a list of necessary changes. Do not neglect this stage, such detailing, firstly, will allow you to get used to the idea of ​​changing the image, and, secondly, it will save time, effort and money from extra time.

Well, if your list of changes will go on increasing - from the smallest to the most radical.

To comfortably enter the new image, start with small changes, gradually moving towards the most noticeable and significant.

True, if your list contains tasks that require a long-term effort, for example, reducing weight by 10 kg or training in oratorical skills, they will go first. Do not think that changing the image - this is one shopping trip and two visits to a beauty salon - so change style.

In order to change the image, it takes time and your efforts, but the result is always worth it, because with the new image comes a new sense of self, new events and striking changes in your life.

And the last thing: as new clothes appear in your wardrobe, which relate to the new image, get rid of old things.You need to make room for a new, not only in the wardrobe, but also in your own mind, and the old things from the "past life" will pull you back.

Use CSS Switching

Browser incompatibility is one of the most significant problems at present. The styles of frames, indents, line sizes, headings, font size, and so on may look different in different browsers.

The purpose of the style switching table is to solve the incompatibility problem with the browser by providing generic styles that can be edited and extended.

One of the best examples of CSS style switching is normalize.css, a modern HTML5 CSS switching kit.

All you need to do is enable it before your own style parameters in the Head section of the HTML file. Otherwise, these styles will replace your own styles.

Organize items in the style sheet from top to bottom

Usually, newbies have style elements according to what they consider most important. But this is not very good practice for the structure of CSS code, since in this case it is very difficult for the user to find the CSS code of a particular element in the style sheet.

It makes sense to place them starting with common styles (for example, body, H1, p and the like), and then from the header to the basement.

As an example, consider the following code structure:

Optimize CSS file size with CSS compressors

It is a really great idea to reduce the size of a CSS file. Remove spaces, line breaks and extra styles. Thanks to this, you can speed up the loading of your CSS codes in the browser.

Using tools such as CSS Compressor and CSS Compressor & Minifier will do it the best way:

Types of building techniques

It is worth reading reviews about the salon, its masters, to get acquainted with the portfolio of a specialist, if there is such an opportunity. It is so fashionable to find out which method of building the master owns best and whether it is possible to contact him. Each technique has both disadvantages and advantages. So when choosing, it is worthwhile to carefully weigh all the arguments.

In what situations is a change of image necessary?

In each person's life there are moments when changing the image is simply necessary:

  • A person during the whole life changes the image at least four times. This is due to a change in the age threshold: childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age. Such changes are due to the change of values ​​and range of interests of a person in different age periods.
  • Change of social status: climbing the career ladder, marriage with a person with high social status (politician, public figure, director of a large company, etc.), etc.

There are also cases where it is recommended to try changing the image to achieve some goals:

  1. If a person wants to get a new position.
  2. A fundamental change in the scope of activities, for example, from accountants to marketing or from artists to managers.
  3. Failures in personal life, relationship problems with the opposite sex.
  4. Dissatisfaction with their appearance.
  5. Dissatisfaction with life in general.
  6. The presence of complexes, fears, self-doubt.

Group identifiers and classes that belong to the same elements.

If you have an element that contains various identifiers and classes, you can group them so that they are organized and can be quickly found if necessary.

For example, you have a container class that contains a DIV tag with a logo identifier and another DIV tag with an icon identifier:

You can group them in your CSS as follows:

Name convention structure

Using the appropriate conventions for identifier names and classes will also be useful to you. This will help make work easier and faster if you need to add certain elements or change the design of the site.

For example, the class name title-red will not make sense if you change the color of the title. So why not just call it title.

Always name your elements properly depending on their application, and not on their properties, such as the color or font size of the element.

Use a hex code instead of a color name.

According to the results of a performance test conducted by Sean Connon, head of web development at Alien Creations, Inc., hex codes work 4/5 faster.

Therefore, we recommend using hexadecimal codes, rather than color names:

Use CSS vendor prefixes

If you know about the new features of CSS3, you should also be aware that each browser has its own specifications for recognizing styles.

This is why browser prefixes are used to make sure that the browser supports certain elements / styles that you want to apply.

Many designers and developers make mistakes in this matter when they forget to add prefixes for specific browsers.

The following CSS browser prefixes exist:

  • Chrome: -webkit-
  • Firefox: -moz-
  • iOS: -webkit-
  • Opera: -o-
  • Safari: -webkit-

For example, you want to add CSS3 transition to your CSS code. You just need to use the properties of the transition with the vendor prefix.

As shown in the code below:

Check your CSS code

Using the free W3C CSS Validator will help you verify that your CSS code is properly structured. Another advantage of using this tool is that with its help you can find an error in your styles.

This will save your time, because you do not have to look for the error manually:

Creating extra CSS

Using styles over and over again for certain elements is not a good solution. It is very important to clean the code and remove unnecessary styles.

For example, if you have a paragraph tag and a span tag that have the same font size and color, you can simply group them with a comma.

Look at the code below:

Change of image: where to start

Not everyone can afford to hire an image maker to find the perfect image. As a rule, when it comes to changing the image, the first thing that occurs in the head is the change of hairstyle. Yes, indeed, even a new haircut can change the face of a person by 180 degrees, however, if we are talking about the general concept of “image”, going to the hairdresser is only one of the possible steps in the pursuit of a perfect picture.

A radical change of image: the main stages of transformation.

  1. Changing the hairstyle - it can be a shorter haircut or change the shape of the bangs. You can even change the curls, or, conversely, straightening hair. Hair coloring is often used - it can be dramatic changes, for example, coloring a blonde in a brunette or selecting a different shade of hair, applying toning.
  2. Changing the style of clothing is also considered an integral part of changing the image: street style clothing is replaced by a classic costume. Or aggressive colors are added to the soft romantic image. Clothing is selected depending on the purpose that the person pursues, deciding to transform.
  3. Makeup also has a huge impact on the visual portrait of the hostess. Aggressive make is associated with fearlessness and passion. Cosmetics pastel colors suitable to sophisticated natures who know their own worth. It is important to understand that make-up is not considered as an instrument of a cardinal change of image, but rather as an adjustment of the old style to a more relevant one. In this matter it is best to turn to the master, only a professional will be able to choose the perfect image that is suitable for all occasions.
  4. Changing the image may also include physical changes: weight loss, honing the perfect figure in the gym, adjusting the menu and changing the lifestyle in general. Of course, this applies only to those who have decided on fundamental changes.

To give a full assessment of their metamorphosis, experts advise to have a separate folder “Image change: before and after” for control and subsequent comparison of the change in appearance.

Frequent errors

Stylists note the main mistake when changing the image - throwing from one extreme to the other.

Many people are convinced that changing the image should be cardinal, and everything else will follow, which is fundamentally wrong. Image is first and foremost a mirror of the soul.

If the chained girl puts on a red dress with a deep neckline and at the same time puts bright makeup on her face, it will look at least strange. But, if this woman of fashion decides to bring elements of business style, for example, glasses with a fashionable frame, or to add elements of mystery to makeup, her image will play with new colors.

Image makers advise not to play in pursuit of perfection. As a rule, small changes are enough to refresh the image.

Image change and spiritual development

Popular proverb says: "They meet on clothes, and escort on the mind." Change of appearance - this is the first stage in the transformation. It is important to understand that the outer shell should reflect the inner world of a person. Due to a change of image, cardinal changes can indeed occur, but in order to consolidate one’s achievements one needs constant intellectual and spiritual development.

Still, when someone decides to change, he means the deliverance or acquisition of some qualities. For example, a shy girl who puts on an expensive business suit expects that in a new dress she will be perceived as a successful woman. It is worth pointing out that changes in appearance can give a certain confidence in yourself, but in order to achieve real success, you need a comprehensive work on your inner “I”. Sometimes, in order to achieve a goal, people have to turn to psychoanalysts to resolve an internal conflict, and this is an absolutely correct decision.

Only after a person achieves inner harmony, can we talk about some global metamorphosis.

Hollywood stars: change of image, photo

A wonderful example of changing the image was shown by the charming sisters Olsen: from romantic girls Mary-Kate and Ashley turned into exquisite secular divas.

Another change of image (photo before and after see below) was demonstrated by the singer Beyonce, who quite often changes her image to the joy of the fans.

Separate definition of frame and indent

Using separate CSS codes to define a frame and indent above, below, right or left is not a good idea.

Minimizing the code and converting it into one line will make your code more readable, and it will be faster to load in the browser.

For example, you have a container identifier block, and you set all the indentation values ​​separately.

See the code below:

You can simply merge all these styles into one line.

See the code below:


In this article, I described to you some of the techniques and basic principles for correctly compiling CSS code, as well as errors that should be avoided.

By following these rules when compiling CSS, you can write clean codes and avoid many errors. Check your code with the W3C CSS Validator. This will also help you avoid mistakes.

The translation of the article “CSS Best Practices to Follow and Bad Habits to Avoid” was prepared by the friendly team of the site building project from A to Z.

1. Fear of change

You know exactly what you need to achieve the goal, but are afraid to change too much. For example, you have been wearing long hair all your life and cannot bring yourself to make a short haircut.

You need to know what exactly is behind the fear of change. In the case of a hairstyle, it can be the belief that you can only be feminine with long hair. Make a list of beliefs about appearances. This will help you understand why you look like this. Since childhood you have been told that you can’t wear short skirts and be brightly painted - and you believe that you really can’t. To speed up work with your own fear, you can sign up for one or two consultations with a professional psychologist.

2. Dependence on fashion and brands

Attachment to fashion - a common mistake of women.Leafing through fashion magazines, you “fell into” the news and bought them as soon as you saw them in the store. In this case, you did not pay attention to the fact that things do not go to you. And you will either look ridiculous and not notice it, or honestly admit that you acted stupidly, and leave the new clothes in the closet.

Same with brands. In some circles there are unwritten rules to buy clothes and accessories of certain brands only: Calvin Klein, Gucci, etc. This supposedly underlines the status, and it becomes unimportant whether these things are suitable for you or not.

Of course, you should pay attention to fashion and - if there is a financial opportunity - to buy clothes of expensive brands. But it should be part of a harmonious image that fits your appearance and does not go against the ideas about yourself. In short, you should look beautiful and feel comfortable.

3. The importance of other people's opinions

In creating the image of a significant role is the formation of its own taste. Many have a habit of shopping with a friend and focusing on her opinion in choosing clothes. And if there is no girlfriend, then the seller’s tips come to the fore, and even what a dummy looks like.

Let an inner voice appear in your head that will doubt everything that others are saying. Listen to your own instincts. Try on more clothes and stay in the store longer. You have the right not to buy anything if you do not like anything. Begin to rely on yourself, otherwise you will not be able to create a complete image.

4. Too much ...

“Too much ...” - the trouble of many women who believe that they have found the perfect recipe. “Black to all to face” - once you understood, and your entire wardrobe is “blackened”. Or did you decide that you go long skirts, and now wear only them.

Of course, everyone remembers the little black dress, but this image is the exception, not the rule. In fact, the black color is old, and it must be diluted with accessories, especially if you are well over 30.

Any wardrobe should be varied. Experiment with colors and styles: it cannot be that only one thing suits you.

5. Wrong size

For many, it becomes a shock that they can no longer wear S-ki or M-ki. Therefore, they prefer to avoid the terrible truth and buy things that are not of their size. But all this leads to the fact that extra pounds become even more noticeable, and the image is clumsy.

The other extreme is too bulky and shapeless clothing. Choosing baggy dresses, women try to hide figure flaws. This does not work! By putting things a size larger, you seem thicker than they really are.

After 30–35 years old, it’s hard to stay as slim as you’re at 18, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll have to look bad. The ideal solution for any external data - is to buy clothes in size.

6. Ignorance of oneself

The most important thing in creating an image is to choose the colors, fabrics and styles that suit you. You can get a basic knowledge of your appearance in the theory of color types and body types, but experience and attention to yourself are just as important.

It is also important to remember that we change daily. The condition of the body and skin depends not only on age, but also on the quality of sleep, the amount of fluid consumed, the hormonal cycle, and mood. Suppose you made up your wardrobe the next day, and woke up in the morning and realized that these clothes do not suit you today. It is better to spend time and make a new bow, than to go all day in clothes that you don’t feel comfortable with.

7. Context inconsistency

Pants and a jacket for the office, an evening dress for going to a restaurant, jeans and a T-shirt for meeting with friends - everyone knows that clothes should fit the situation. However, it is often forgotten that facial expressions, gestures, manner of speaking and behavior should also differ depending on the context. This is one of the "blind spots" in the self-study image.

At the first stage, you will have to prepare for each significant event for a long time. How should study the environment and behavior of other people, try to imitate them. Rehearse, introducing yourself again and again at a future meeting. Gradually, you will be able to fit the context and still be free and relaxed.

8. Inattention to details

Shoes, jewelry and accessories just need to pay special attention. Unsuitable rim of glasses - and you look older and more severe, and overloading with decorations will make the most elegant image tasteless.

To choose the right accessories and jewelery, we recommend that you read a few simple rules.

9. Inadequate makeup

“Battle Coloring” in the office and barely noticeable make-up at the party - the most vivid examples of inadequate makeup. But inconsistencies may be less significant. For example, nude makeup is not suitable for bright clothes, and purple lipstick does not look good with a red dress.

In other words, make-up is not something separate: it should be a harmonious part of the whole image and fit into the context of the event.

10. Treason yourself

If you want to achieve very high goals, you may need a cardinal change of image. In this case, it is very difficult to find an image that will fit your character and meet your goals.

If you form a public style that contradicts your personal characteristics, you will look unnatural. So try different options and listen to your inner voice. To change the image you have to get out of the comfort zone, but there is no need to immerse yourself in constant stress.

Hot techniques

Fastening methods are divided into hot and cold technology. But the curls are fixed, and in fact, in another embodiment, glue or clamps (see photo). Microcapsule balls are formed at the attachment point.

• The English technique uses heated keratin. Clamps are not used.

• The Italian system involves the use of metal clips, heated to a tedious temperature in advance.

• Ultramodern technique - building up ultrasound. The clamps melt under the action of ultrasound.

At first glance, the English technique is the most gentle. The metal is not implanted into the locks, there is no glue, but then the strength is not high either. Extended hair strands are fairly easy to comb. In terms of reliability, the Italian way is more advantageous.

The most expensive option - building hot. The hair is attached to the head with a keratin fusion (see photo). The method ensures the strongest fixation of the strand and the imperceptibility of artificial hair. But the result depends entirely on the skill level of the specialist. This technique is suitable for girls who like to change hairstyles every day.

However, when using too large capsules, the roots of the native strands begin to come off under their weight, causing a partial loss of hair. This is one minus, but growing out takes so much time ... So minus, perhaps, the main one.

Cold build

For cold building use several techniques, some of which are represented in our photo gallery. With one hair pasted on a special tape. It is fixed near the roots of glue. The method is recognized as the budget and fastest. But the option is more suitable for blond hair because of the whitish shade of glue.

The use of metal clips similar to the tone of the hair - the second option. For him, any shade is good. Tape building - a method known for a long time. Strands on a glue base attached to the root part of the native hair.

The effects on the hair are chemical and completely unhealthy. And if you want to do the "tails" and weaving option will not work. But the option is ideal for loose hair: tape fastening imperceptible. But in the tail they are perfectly visible.

And from advantages and advantages - the technique is much simpler than hot build-up.When leaving, bath visits are not forbidden, since new strands are not afraid of high temperatures.

Afrokosichki allow do without negative impact. A head of hair is braided into “spikelets” and non-native hair is sewn into them. You can easily remove such strands at home. But the disadvantage is that the tension is quite high, and the roots lose their resistance, causing loss of native hair.

Heat treatment is absent even at cold build-up. Mounting strands - metal brackets. But the impact on the native hair cannot be called useful. So you should think about which way to choose. And the type of your own hair must be taken into account.

But the difficulties and possible negative consequences of fashionistas do not stop. There are advantages, and they clearly outweigh the dangers. Hairstyle will increase in volume by half, which is especially pleased with the owners of thin and thin hair. It is possible to extend the hair by seventy centimeters, changing the radical image in just a couple of hours.

With the help of capacity, coloring is available without staining the native strands. And you can use strands of any color. There is a desire to extend the bangs - building up will cope with this task. Add hair in the back of the head or on the temples - zonal extension!

There is the possibility of increasing the order with rhinestones, feathers, fastening dreads, braids (see photo). The procedure will hide the injuries on the head, noticeable with a short haircut. A build-up will fix an unfortunate hairstyle, because a smooth transition is created, in which the difference between native and non-native hair is imperceptible.

The advantages are obvious. But the shortcomings of the procedure are obvious, although they do not always appear and not in full. Obviously: whatever method is chosen, it uses foreign objects, from tapes and capsules to heat treatment and glue.

Removing strands thermo or chemically add negative. Hair thinning, becoming brittle. Then you have to decide on a short haircut.

And when removing there is a risk of losing up to half your own strand! Was such a goal set at the very beginning?

If metal clips were used for building, then they will be felt in the head of hair, at least at first. Yes, and a little pleasant to feel foreign bodies in the hair. Not only that the capsules are easily perceptible, and they are seen well. We'll have to show considerable skill to collect the hair in the tail so that the clips are invisible.

After building up with the help of clips or metal capsules, the first week will pass without sleep: it is very uncomfortable to sleep, the head itches and dandruff appears. In the places of attachment with regrowth strand more and more visible joints, correction is needed. The hair takes on the appearance of individual strands, and not the mass of hair. The boundaries between non-native strands and their hair are too noticeable, especially when loose strands.

We'll have to be careful when visiting the pool, sauna, swimming in the sea: non-native strands get confused and badly spoiled. And the "confusion" will become a constant companion, so for sleep you will have to collect a lot of curls in the tail or in a braid.

There are contraindications to the procedure. It is strictly forbidden to build up when baldness, loss, hypersensitivity of the skin.

You can not grow hair with vegetative-vascular dystonia, during chemotherapy, while taking potent antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

Even in the absence of prohibitions, there is a risk, after removing the non-native strands, to spend a lot of time and effort on restoring the healthy look of your own hair.

Hair Extensions

And another important question: how to choose the strands for building? There is no sense in the procedure if hairs look unnatural. But artificial and do not apply: implant only human curls, similar in structure to their own, to make the difference imperceptible.

Pre-strands have been specially treated. And after it there are not very pleasant consequences: the hair is covered with silicone and polished. The appearance of this wins, but after a couple of washes, the strands can change beyond recognition.

They offer European, Asian and Slavic types of strand (see photo). China and Korea are Asian countries. Hair budget, but easily confused when washing, can stand on end and comb them very difficult.

Not everything is clear with the Euro hairs. Their quality is not too high, and the “origin” may turn out to be Indian or Latin American. This option is good for owners of pretty tough and dense strands.

Optimal Slavic version. After processing, the structure is preserved in the locks, and silicone processing is not applied. Blow-drying, a variety of styling and ironing are not contraindicated. But the cost of the procedure will be much higher, although the risk will noticeably decrease. But in any case, after building up requires special care for the hair.

Learn about it better in advance. In any case, you will have to forget about frequent visits to saunas and baths: high temperatures do not like accumulated strands. Even hot blow-drying can cause the glue or keratin to melt. So it is important to apply only the cold or warm mode.

How to care for hair extensions at home

Care for the hair after the procedure at home depends on the method of extension. However, there are rules common to all methods. To maintain a healthy-looking strand, B-group vitamins are needed. It is better to exclude thermo-effect on non-native hair, do not use forceps, an iron or a hairdryer.

Wash positions are vertical only. It is necessary to lower a head, and hair are confused. Balm when applied to the capsules should not get, also a considerable inconvenience. Yes, and about the daily washing will have to forget. And the massage should be carried out with great care not to damage the attachment.

Washing pryadok - on growth, without dropping forward. Recommended special shampoos for extended hair. Drying and quick combing? We'll have to forget about it! Yes, and you need to get a special brush with a natural bristle without balls at the tips or a rare-tooth wooden comb, so as not to reduce inadvertently the amount of hair.

At night, it is better to braid your hair in a clean braid. When visiting baths, saunas on the head, it is desirable to wear a special hat. After complying with all precautions when washing, wet the locks gently each with a soft towel, not twisting it on your head, so as not to confuse the hair. Dry gently, comb only dried curls.

And a correction is required on time. Half a year is not an indicator. It is likely that the salon will have to be poisoned in two months, when native strands grow. The build-ups will be removed and reattached closer to the roots. True, the procedure will cost less.

How is building up

Before the procedure, the native strands are washed and combed. A week before the start of building recommended drink a course of vitamins and antioxidants.

With a hot build-up the master uses forceps heated to a certain temperature. A keratin transparent capsule is formed in the place of adhesion, imperceptible in hair. With the Italian extension and "chemistry" you can do, and dye your hair, and swim in the sea. Load your hair withstand well.

And they will be able to hold out from three months to six months. For removal use a special gel for soaking the capsules. Negative feedback on this method of building a bit. But it will take up to four hours, will cause inconvenience during sleep and will cost a considerable amount.

Capsular capacity differs in smaller size of nippers and capsules. Use not only keratin, but also wax soldering. Capsules do not interfere with sleep, and even less noticeable.

If the buildup is chosen to be cold, then clips, beads, and clips are used for fastening. To enhance the use of special pliers. Places joints invisible, because the master selects the clip for the tone of the native strand. Miniature beads fasten five millimeters from the skin.

The result will remain on the order of the month for a half or two. The adjustment does not take much time. There is an opportunity to build up short hair and even a bang. These are advantages of technology. And e cons - increased fragility, a small color palette of beads and contraindications for migraines.

When the tape method is used adhesive tape for fixation. The load on the strands is evenly distributed, the ribbons are pleasant to the touch, soft. Time holding will not take. And in the budget plan of procedures wins from the previous ones. It is easy to remove the locks, so the correction is easy.

But the build-up will last no more than a couple of months, and the ribbons will make the light shine noticeable. It is impossible to style hair due to the special arrangement of ribbons. We'll have to prepare for special care. They use Euro hair, and their quality is far from ideal.

To build on barrettes using strands on the "crab" or invisible. The method is suitable for self-mounting, you can not go to the salon. And remove the strands easily. But for a long time to bring them will not work, but the hairstyle for one evening will be great. And the choice of colors, length, quality, and even the cost is rather big.

After the procedure, you will have to restore the health of native hair. It is better to do it in the cabin, complementing the oil care at home. Masters will offer special peels, masks, mesotherapy, darsonval and hot scissors.

In any case, before you decide on a cardinal change of the image with the help of capacity, it is worth considering whether this transformation is really necessary.

Finding a master is not too difficult, and getting the desired results is easy enough. But to find time for leaving after the procedure and to allocate funds for carrying out is a task requiring preliminary preparation.

And does beauty require such sacrifices if fashion has relied on naturalness?

"The illusion of deception": Sprayed hair - instructions for use

You can cut a braid in an hour, but in this case you will not be able to grow long curls quickly. In addition, the natural density and strength of hair is different for everyone. Sparse curls do not look gorgeous.

If your hair is naturally fragile and weak, does not grow long, then you can use the procedure of extension. Visiting the salon, you radically change the image.

Lush hairstyle will make you more confident and attractive.

Types of hair extensions

The beauty industry is constantly evolving, new opportunities appear, to make a woman beautiful. There are several technologies for building up, each of them has its own characteristics:

  1. Hot way. In the process, additional strands are fixed to natural hot resin. The method is suitable for hard and durable natural strands. Thin hairs hot pitch can damage. Includes several capsule techniques: Italian, French and English.

The Italian way is considered sparing. Strands are attached to keratin capsules melted with warm tongs. Their temperature is not higher than 180 degrees. Abandoning saunas or sunbathing while wearing hair extensions is not required.

In the English technique uses a special gun with rods of refractory keratin resin. Strands are fixed to the natural and grow with them.

The French method involves the use of protein capsules. They fix additional strands in any area of ​​the head.

  1. Cool way. It is the most delicate build-up. Fixing additional strands occurs with liquid keratin. When interacting with oxygen keratin freezes.
  2. The Japanese method involves fixing the strands with metal beads.
  3. Tape method. The process uses strands on ribbons. They are fixed with special glue or scotch to natural hair.
  4. With the use of overhead strands pinned with hairpins. The most short-lived way, but is available in the home, even a beginner.

To determine the best method for you to build should an experienced master. In this case, the strands will wear well and delight the woman.

How to build hair at home

Start to use the build better with overhead strands. They require careful handling, but do not harm their own curls. Overhead strands are convenient to use to create hairstyles for parties. Buy invoices can be of any length. Their color should be in harmony with the color of your hair.

Clean hair is divided by a horizontal parting in the place where the strands will be attached. The part of the hair that is above the parting is collected in a bun.

A small strand is separated from the lower half of the hair; an artificial strand is fixed to its base with a clip or hairpin. Similarly, the remaining overhead curls are fixed.

After all strands are fixed, the upper part of the hair is dismissed and covers the attachment points of the strands. Finished hairstyle varnish.

If you want to get a long-term result, then use the technique of tape building. Capsule techniques are quite complex, so not everyone can get capsules themselves.

The strands on the ribbons are artificial hairs, fixed on strips with adhesive backing. They will grow with natural curls. The color of the ribbons is selected as close as possible to the natural. The top and sides of the hair pin up.

Strands on tapes are fixed at the base of the growth of their own curls in several places. Then the parting is done 1.5-2 cm above and the tapes are fixed again. After all the ribbons are used, the top and sides of the hair are dissolved. Handled with extended strands must be carefully combed gently.

When regrowth curls require correction. Glue is dissolved by special liquid.

If you want to get the most natural look of hair, then try the Italian extension technique. Prepare strands, hot tongs, separator and electric razor. The top and side of the hair is removed. Next, the separator separates a small strand.

At its base, fix the lock with the capsule. Warmed with forceps, the capsule is melted, artificial hairs are attached to the natural ones. Similarly, fix all the prepared strands. The ends of the accrued strands are aligned with the natural with an electric shaver.

When working with forceps, it is important not to burn the roots of your own hairs.

Short hair extensions

Standard extension methods are not suitable for short haircuts. Traditional capsules and tapes will be visible. The owners of short hair are recommended to use microlining.

This technique is based on the principles of hot build. The main difference from conventional capsular extension is the possibility of applying the procedure with a hair length of 5 cm.

Micro-suspension is recommended for weak and brittle curls. Pre-you can take a course of strengthening masks.

The procedure takes 4-6 hours, but the capsules are very small in size and weight. Such capsules are difficult to pull out when combing, they are invisible on short haircuts.

Only an experienced master can make high-quality microlining. It will take a creative approach, because the capsules are located outside the box. The haircut should have a cascade and thinning, so the hairstyle will look harmonious.

Capsules should be very durable, but invisible.

As with any cosmetic procedure, micro-styling has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of the procedure:

  • The result is light curls that look natural.
  • Does not harm natural hair.
  • Microcapsules have a size of less than 1 mm, they are completely invisible.
  • There are no restrictions on the use of the sauna or swimming pool, sunbathing.
  • The technique allows you to add volume to problem areas: bangs, whiskey.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the procedure. Artificial strands will cost less than curls from natural hair. For full microlining it will take at least 5 hours. The first correction is carried out after 3 weeks. With such a technique of building it is difficult to achieve a large volume, it is possible only to increase the length and density.

If you decide to build up, then contact the professionals. They guarantee quality and will not damage natural hair.

Hair removal

Removal of the accrued strands occurs with the help of a remuver. This special liquid is applied to the place of fixation strand to soften the keratin capsule or glue. After a few minutes, the capsule softens, and the master with forceps tightens the extended strand. The slower and more accurate the master works, the less damage is done to the hair.

The duration of the removal procedure is 1.5-2 hours. It depends on the number of hairs and on the condition of the hair as a whole. If there are many tangles in the hair, the removal takes a long time. Also the duration is affected by the technique used.

If keratin capsules were used, the alcohol remover almost dissolves them. The remains of keratin are simply combed out from the curls. When using resin capsules in English technology or tape building time will require more. The resin and glue are more difficult to dissolve with the remuver.

After removing the hair, it is recommended to wash the natural hair with a shampoo with a balm.

Hair extensions

Holders of liquid or short curls resort to building up. After the procedure, you can get an increase in hair density up to 3 times. You can increase the curls in certain areas of the head, apply curly curls or lengthen the bangs. When using strands of a contrasting color, it is possible to obtain the effect of highlighting or coloring.

The procedure is popular after injuries, burns or head surgery. It allows you to hide the scars, birthmarks. After an unsuccessful haircut, coloring, damaged roots, extension allows you to create an attractive hairstyle.

However, the build has negative points. Hair care with hair extensions is complicated even when using a natural material. Foreign hair may cause a feeling of disgust. In addition, washing and care should be delicate. At night, the hair should be braided, combed only with a large comb. When the roots grow, a correction is required.

You should not increase the curls with increased sensitivity of the scalp, baldness, undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment, the use of strong antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

The greatest influence on the state of natural hair has the qualifications of the master. The cost of the procedure can not be low, otherwise the material may be of poor quality.

Hair extension

As the length of their own hairs grows, the extended locks will move downward and become noticeable. The need for correction depends on the growth rate of your own locks, usually it is 2 months with capsule technique, 1 month for tape extension.

The correction procedure takes about 4 hours. First of all, all the extended strands are removed. If they have not lost their attractive appearance, then they can be increased again.

Natural hair after removal of the increased are painted and trimmed if necessary. After this, a new attachment of the expandable strand occurs.

The number of donor strands is usually increased, since some of the hairs are lost or deteriorate when worn.

Hair Care

Increased strands will look longer attractive if you follow simple rules of care.

  • You need to wash your hair in the shower without tilting it forward.
  • Do not use care or styling products containing alcohol.
  • For combing used rare comb with large teeth.
  • To curls do not tangle, they need to braid in a braid.
  • In time you need to make the correction of accreted strands.
  • For washing and care apply specialized line of products.

Artificial strands are adversely affected by visits to the sauna, solarium, pool. Therefore, it is better to visit these places only if necessary.


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