Building up

Microcapsular hair extensions: technology description, features and reviews


The process of building curls consists of different stages. One of them is called hair encapsulation. This is the most significant process in the preparation of curls to build. You will learn about encapsulation and how to conduct it at home from this material.

The technology of hot hair extensions involves attaching donor strands with keratin capsules. Encapsulation is the process of preparing curls for the procedure of building by forming individual strands from a beam and applying keratin capsules on them.

Keratin is quite a refractory material, a capsule is formed from a small amount of material with forceps or fingers. Next, the thermocline is melted, joining all the hairs into a small strand.

Note, for this procedure, it is better to use quality materials in order to avoid further problems with curls when building and wearing.

Several methods are used for encapsulation:

The manual method is considered more laborious. To perform this procedure requires a lot of time and a high level of professionalism. The manual method of capsulation has the advantage that it allows you to put the desired logo on the capsule.

Capsule sizes can vary from 0.8 to 0.9 grams. The weight of the strand for encapsulation is 0.3–0.5 grams. The cost of encapsulating strands in the cabin is about 10 rubles per strand.

Encapsulation process

If you bought your own hair, you can prepare them for the procedure of extension yourself at home.

In order to carry out the encapsulation of hair at home The following tools are needed:

  • scissors,
  • scallop with frequent teeth
  • Scallop with rare teeth
  • thermal tongs,
  • keratin granules.

The process of encapsulation is quite laborious, time consuming. To conduct it, a certain skill is needed in order to avoid large losses during work.

Sometimes even use a special tool called card. Carda does not lose up to 20% of raw materials. Karda happens with rare and with frequent needles:

  • Tool with rare needles it is produced in China, its cost is small, but it is not at all heavy, it is likely that the card may move out when it is working, so you need to work carefully.
  • Frequent Cards produced in Russia, its cost is slightly higher, but the quality is much better. It has enough weight and does not move out when working.

Phased instruction

The process is carried out in several stages, further we consider in detail the entire process of the procedure step by step:

  1. First you need to prepare a place for the procedure. Best suited table kitchen or dining. It needs to be cleaned so that nothing gets on the strands.
  2. Curls for the procedure should be thoroughly washed. They need to be combed to get rid of short hairs.
  3. Divide the cut into small tails, separating them with small children's elastics. at a distance of about 10 cm from the roots.
  4. Each tail also needs to be carefully combed before the capsulation. To do this, free them from the gum, fix it in your hand and comb it out at a distance of 10–15 cm from the roots.
  5. Next, you need to scissors carefully cut off all short hairs that have come out after combing. The result is a flat cut strands.
  6. With the help of heated tongs to a temperature of 220-230 degrees and keratin granules hair glue. To do this, take 2–3 keratin granules with forceps and draw them several times along the strands, evenly distributing the melted keratin.
  7. A small capsule is formed with fingers or special forceps and the excess is carefully trimmed with scissors.
  8. When all the strands are encapsulated, they are laid out on a table and divided in length from smaller to larger.

We recommend to read with the subtleties of hair extensions at home on our website.

Important! In order to carry out the encapsulation of hair at home, you need a cut of hair, hairdresser's scissors, comb, keratin, tongs for heat treatment.

When working with a card, the process is slightly different:

  1. The initial tuft of hair is combed with a comb with sparse teeth.
  2. Further, the curls are evenly distributed on one part of the card, fixed by the second part is not tight, so that you can easily pull out the right amount of curls.
  3. Pull out the required amount to form a small strand, comb it with a comb with frequent teeth.
  4. Cut off excess hair, fix keratin granules with hot tongs.
  5. Residues are also cut with scissors.

Summing up, we can say that the procedure for encapsulating strands does not necessarily hold in the cabin, while spending a lot of money. If you bought a cut curls, you can prepare them at home. This procedure does not require significant costs.

The only expensive tools are thermal tongs. But buying them is not necessary, of course, if you are not going to do this procedure often. When performing the procedure at home, you can save from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the volume and weight of the strands in the cut.

What it is?

The name of the procedure speaks for itself. Microcapsular hair extensions are the attachment of hair strands using special capsules. From the usual capsular extension, this procedure is distinguished by the size of the capsules themselves.

For a conventional extension, a 6 mm tool is used, whereas in the case in question, it is only 3 mm. Thanks to this technique, extensible strands weigh half as much, which reduces the load on their own hair. This approach minimizes the chances of spoiling your hair.

To suit

Any girl who wants to do microcapsule hair extensions, is experiencing whether this procedure is suitable for her. Extension does not make sense if your own hair is thick and strong. If you want to add some volume for the solemn occasion, you also should not resort to this procedure. In this situation, building on clip-ons is more suitable - it takes less time and money. Microcapsule hair extensions are ideal for those whose hair is difficult to call lush and thick. Owners of thin, weak, liquid hair will appreciate the technique.

As already mentioned, the difference between microcapsule and capsular buildup in the amount of strands. Before starting the procedure, the specialist selects donor hair. However, he must pay attention not only to color, but also focus on the structure. Most masters prefer to use the South Russian or Slavic type. This hair is more expensive, but it looks more natural and longer maintains a great appearance. With this type of extension, this is extremely important, because donor strands are worn for about 6 months.

After selecting the type, it is necessary to determine the length and number of strands. On average, it takes about 200-300 pieces. The length depends on personal preference. Most girls prefer hair up to 80 cm.

Only in the presence of special tools that can fix wax strands, is microcapsular hair extension performed. The technology is as follows.

The strand of the donor is applied close to the skin to the native hair. A special pistol to the place of the joint is applied wax, preheated to 90 degrees. The gun automatically applies the required amount of glue, which makes it possible to make very small and inconspicuous capsules.

Thus the necessary amount of hair is increased. The procedure is performed on any part of the head. It should be borne in mind that the small size of the capsules leads to the fact that very small locks can be fastened in them. In addition, it is very hard work, requiring maximum attention and patience. Depending on the condition of your own hair, the procedure takes 4 to 6 hours.


Due to the small size of the capsules, microcapsule extensions are often made on short hair. Often, this procedure is resorted to men who have very short haircuts. Such extension is also irreplaceable on thinning hair.

Micro-hanging is distinguished by wax capsules of very small size and weight. Accordingly, they are almost not felt and do not cause discomfort. For this reason, this technique is often chosen by people with too thin and weak hair, who are not recommended other ways to improve the appearance of the hairstyle.

You must understand that a small amount of wax leads to the fact that the donor strand will be small. That is, this technology does not allow for a very thick mane.

Regarding other methods, microcapsule building is considered one of the most benign. Wax, with which the strands are attached to their hair, does not harm health. In this case, the fixation is so strong that it is not afraid of any loads. This means that the hairstyle does not require special care. You can use any means for washing hair, styling, ironing, hair dryers, combs. Neither the bath, nor the pool, nor the sea water will spoil the hair. It is possible to dye and style them just like your own hair.

Microcapsule hair extensions, the price of which is significantly higher than other methods of obtaining thick hair, require timely correction. The frequency depends on the speed of hair growth, on average - every 4-6 months. As soon as the fastenings grow so much that they begin to interfere or become noticeable - it's time to master. It is important to remember that the correction takes much longer than the primary build-up.

The undoubted advantages of this method of acquiring healthy, long, beautiful hair in a short time include:

  • small size and ease of attachment,
  • the ability to increase the volume of hair on any area of ​​the head,
  • no discomfort,
  • possibility of extension on hair of any length, including very short,
  • no restrictions on care, bathing and bathing in sea water,
  • no need for special care.

Like any other, this procedure has some drawbacks that need to be considered before deciding on a build-up.

  • expensive procedure,
  • the duration of the procedure
  • the inability to increase the volume several times.


This buildup is made using safe for health products, therefore there are practically no restrictions. Only people undergoing chemotherapy or having serious skin diseases will have to refrain from building up.

As already mentioned, the cost of microcapsules capacity is quite high. The final price depends on the quality and quantity of donor hair, on their length, on the qualifications of the master and other basic data. On average, healthy and beautiful hair cost 18-20 thousand rubles.

Judging by the data of hairdressing salons, most of the clients prefer microencapsular hair extensions. Reviews of this procedure are quite monotonous: the girls are very pleased that they chose this type of extension. Clients and clients of hairdressers point out that new hairstyles do not require the purchase of special care products, they allow you to lead a normal life style, but at the same time improve its quality itself. Those who decided to resort to the procedure, assure that they now feel more confident, because they do not need to hide thin liquid hair. The ability to wear a variety of hairstyles pleases any girl, making her much happier.

Where to do

To date, this procedure is performed everywhere. Microcapsule hair extensions are popular throughout the country. St. Petersburg, Moscow Region, Siberia, the Far East - in all regions there is an opportunity to carry out this procedure. When choosing a beauty salon, hairdresser or even a hairdresser at home, you should pay attention to the qualifications of the master, the quality of donor hair, the cost. Yes, despite the fact that you always want to save a little, you should not contact those who offer services that are incredibly cheap. Yet good stuff is expensive. And a true professional evaluates his services accordingly. Thus, in order not to regret the decision, you need to focus on the price not lower than the average and on the qualification of the master.

What do you need for hair extensions on capsules at home?

If you plan to build hair capsules at home on your own or with the help of a friend, you will need the following instruments and materials:

  1. Forceps for hot build. Vary in price and quality. The most expensive ones usually quickly heat up keratin, with cheap ones you'll have to wait. In general, there are no particular differences between different brands.
  2. Forceps for the formation of capsules (if necessary). The capsule can be formed with the help of fingers, so it will turn out less visible and more aesthetic in appearance.
  3. Delimiters for strands. Plastic, you need at least 3-4 pieces in stock.
  4. Barrettes for separating strands.
  5. Hair capsules in the required amount. About the volume and choice of hair, we will talk in detail below.
  6. Hairbrush with a thin "tail" to separate the strands.
  7. Capsule forceps (better to buy in advance). It will be necessary for the correction or, if you have improperly increased the strand, to remove it.
  8. Additional keratin capsules. For correction and unforeseen situations.

Also, after capsular hair extensions at home, do not forget to get a special comb.

If you decide to use the English technology of hair extensions, instead of forceps and strands on the capsules you will need regular hair (tress) and glue.

How many strands do you need?

Usually this question is the most puzzling among girls. Let's see how many strands are needed for capsular extension and how to build hair on capsules correctly.

Usually strands for capsule technology are sold in packs of 20 or 40 pieces. For a full volume of extension with short hair, you will need 180-200 capsules. For hair extensions of medium length (caret and analogues) - from 140 to 160 strands.

For hair extensions below the shoulder blades, you need to look at the original volume. If the hair is thick - 150 to 170 strands. If the hair is wavy and thick - 180-200. If the hair is of medium size - 130-160 capsules.

If you want to lengthen the haircut "ladder" or "cascade" - 90 to 120 strands. It is better to take the hair with a margin, in case some strand deteriorates.

What hair to choose?

Hair extensions are Asian, Brazilian, Slavic and European. By right, Slavic hair is the best material for extension.

But when buying, you should focus not only on the high cost of hair, but on their type and structure. It should not be much different from its own, so that the extensions are not noticeable in the sock.

Sometimes in the market you can find strands from India. Also a good option. For girls with thin, soft hair of medium thickness, European strands are best suited.

Slavic hair

The most expensive and high-quality strands for building are made in Russia. They are 2-3 times more expensive than Asian, but their quality is justified.

In wearing, Slavic hair on capsules for hair extensions shows itself best, they are more durable, strands can be repacked up to 6 times. On average, their service life with proper care is several years.

Slavic hair is best chosen by girls who have similar hair structure - smooth, shiny and silky. If your own curls are damaged by frequent staining, after building it is recommended to make lamination to give the hairstyle an optimal finished look.

If the means allow you - natural or dyed blonde, or blond, - Slavic strands will be the best choice.

How many capsules do you need?

Now let's figure out how many capsules are needed for hair extensions? The number of capsules for extension is calculated based on the number of strands. One strand - one capsule. If you grow whiskey, then one strand is better divided into several, respectively, increasing the number of capsules.

If your curls are thin and soft, rather thin - it is recommended to do small capsulesby dividing the finished strands by 2 or 3. In this case, the number of capsules may increase to 300-350, but you avoid the risk of losing your own strands when worn.

Step-by-step instruction

Now let's talk about how to increase hair capsules at home. For this procedure, you will need an assistant.

First, prepare yourself a workplace with good lighting. You should be comfortable to sit, and the assistant to stand. You can include in the process of the film or an educational video, how to properly grow hair on the capsules.

Prepare forceps, strands with capsules, small scissors, comb, clips and dividers.

Before building hair must be carefully combed. Begin the build-up process with crown.

  1. Separate the upper part of the head of hair by securing the strands with a clip. Comb them. This is the first extension area. Strands are growing in a circle, starting with left side.
  2. Separate the first strand with a separator and secure it. The strand should be of medium thickness.
  3. Turn on the tongs to warm up. Open the package with the material, and take one strand. Attach it to your own. As soon as the forceps are heated, clamp their capsule with hair. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Once the keratin has melted, remove the tongs.
  4. With your fingers, grab the capsule and start twisting it, forming thin tube. This is the best way to create neat capsules. Or use special tongs - squeeze the melted capsule with them and hold for 4-6 seconds.
  5. Make sure the strands are securely connected. Get down to the next strand.
  6. The build-up is performed sequentially, layer by layer. Whiskey build up in last turn.

That's all! The process is complete. Now you have beautiful long hair!


Now you know how to grow hair at home for capsules, as well as how many strands you need for hair extensions capsules.

But in conclusion, I would like to say a few words about where it is best to purchase materials and tools. Many girls order strands with capsules on AliExpress, chasing cheap prices.

Unfortunately, they do not always get what they expect. For the purchase of material and accurate selection of colors is best to contact in special shop.

Chinese hair does not serve for a long time, as well as products for extension. It is better to pay a little more, and wear strands for a couple of years than to give a little smaller amount every 3-4 months. Be beautiful!

What is technology?

The extension procedure itself is carried out on strands of a length of 5 centimeters. It can be accessed not only by brunettes, but also by owners of bright hair.

The main principle of the technique is that donor strands are attached to the relatives using capsules made of resin, glue or keratin.

Allowed two options forms - round or flat. It will depend on the method used and preferences.

The specialist melts the capsule using hot tongs and creates tiny joints at a distance of about 5 to 10 millimeters from the hair roots.

On average, for one procedure a specialist increases from 150 to 200 strands, and the duration of the procedure itself ranges from 2 to 4 hours.

Captured capsules are seemingly transparent and almost imperceptible, but the level of bonding between natural and artificial hair is quite high. As a result, this ensures the safety of the created hairstyle for a long time.

Phased description

  1. After getting acquainted with the wishes of the client, the specialist will conduct the selection of the most optimal variant of the strands, taking into account the expected length and additional volume. Moreover, he will carry out their preparation for building up and estimate the cost of the work.
  2. Hair should be washed with shampoo and do not use masks or balms. If the client has expressed a desire to change the color, then the painting must be completed before the extension procedure. It is important - it is necessary to correctly identify the zones, since the elongation is carried out exclusively on the occipital and temporal areas, avoiding the crown area.
  3. The donor material at the base has a capsule, which may contain keratin, special glue or resin. Specialist warms the capsule with the help of special devices or in the hands, bringing to a soft state. After that, it becomes possible to seal the donor strand with natural hair, making a small indent from the roots. An important point - the smaller size of the capsules in combination with thin strands will provide the girl with comfortable and simple care for hair, including styling.



  1. The ready-made strands are taken as the basis with a keratin capsule fixed at the base, which is small in size and therefore almost imperceptible.
  2. This technology provides for the possibility of lengthening the hair not only in the occipital and temporal areas, but also even in bangs. If desired, the girl can remove it.
  3. There is an opportunity to complement the hair with strands of different colors, African braids or rhinestones.
  4. An important advantage - not afraid of styling, hot air dryer and direct sunlight.
  5. Approximate period of wearing - from 4 to 6 months.


How to do it:

  1. The master creates the artificial curls with his hands, and the capsule consists of organic resin, which is heated with a glue gun.
  2. This technology has a high level of complexity and duration of execution.
  3. Compared with the Italian method, the capsule, which connects the donor curls with native strands, has a larger size.
  4. There is no way to lengthen the bangs.
  5. The procedure cannot be performed on fat-type curls.
  6. Approximate period of wearing - from 3 to 5 months.



  1. This technique reduces the load on natural curls, since microcapsules are used for building.
  2. A distinctive feature - thin strands in comparison with the standard procedure. The specialist distributes one standard bundle into smaller strands.
  3. Thanks to this technique, the joints of donor and natural curls are almost imperceptible.
  4. There is the possibility of lengthening bangs.
  5. The procedure is suitable even for owners of lifeless, thin and brittle hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of capsular extension:

  1. Gives you the opportunity to make longer curls on any stretch, including bangs.
  2. It can be used for all hairs, regardless of their type and color.
  3. Capsules do not harm the natural strands, are convenient for everyday wear, and it is also possible to change their size.
  4. Externally, the donor curls look very natural.
  5. After the procedure, you can experiment with any hairstyles - curl curls, try different weaving and even pick up hair in a high tail. Also, you can paint the hair.
  6. The place of fastening strands miniature, however, is characterized by high-quality bonding and duration of wear.
  7. The lengthening procedure does not add to the load of natural curls, and does not harm the hair follicles.
  8. Allowed to visit the sauna, bath or pool, but it is best to use a hat.
  9. There is no need for frequent correction. The average frequency is once every 4-6 months.

The disadvantages of capsular capacity:

  1. Natural curls during elongation exposed to heat.
  2. After lengthening it is impossible to use styling or care products for hair that contain silicones, acids and oils.
  3. Hair requires regular brushing, because otherwise the curls can be very tangled.
  4. Capsules are "afraid" of high temperature.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Capsular lengthening is not recommended for people suffering from dermatological diseases, allergies, oncology, and severe hair loss.
  2. This technique is not suitable for those who suffer from headaches and arterial hypertension.

Comparison of capsules with a tape technique

Capsule technology has several advantages compared with the tape method:

  1. Donor curls more evenly distributed throughout the head.
  2. The place of fastening curls more reliable.
  3. The first correction will be required no earlier than 3 months, and with tape technology, frequent updates will be necessary.

Basic rules for the care of elongated curls

  1. It is necessary to unravel the donor strands every day.
  2. You should use special cosmetics, which are designed to cleanse unnatural curls.
  3. It is necessary to wash hair in vertical position.
  4. It is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the hair before combing.
  5. Styling products should be applied from the middle.
  6. When using styling devices, it is necessary to indent about 10 centimeters from the hair roots to avoid melting of the capsules.
  7. The best way to dry your hair is natural. When using a hair dryer, the best way to supply cold air.
  8. To facilitate combing it is worth buying special tools.
  9. At night, it is best to collect the hair in the tail or braid braid.
  10. Do not use combs with rounded ends for combing, otherwise they may damage the capsules.
  11. Balsams and masks containing oil should not be applied to the roots.

The procedure for the correction and removal of artificial strands

Curls grow in a natural way, so the places where the strands are attached are lowered.

After 2 - 3 months it is necessary to carry out the correction:

  1. Specialist with a special composition that is harmless to hair, softens the capsules. To facilitate the removal of capsules use forceps.
  2. After removing the extended curls, the hair should be carefully combed to remove any residue.
  3. After that, the hair should be washed with a degreasing shampoo and repeat the procedure for lengthening.

The bonding sites are treated with a special solution that softens the capsules and ensures easy and painless removal of donor curls.

On average, the procedure takes from half an hour to an hour depending on the amount of artificial material.

Price and reviews

The cost of the procedure will depend directly on the number of strands and capsules used. Also, the cost affects the length of the donor curl - from 30 to 100 centimeters. Each extension takes place individually, taking into account the wishes of the client and the selected image.

The average price range is from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.



I used to think that hair extensions can only lengthen because my own curls are quite liquid. There were doubts, as she was afraid that it would be very noticeable. After the procedure I was happy - the hair not only increased in volume and became longer, but it also looks absolutely natural.


I'm not growing my hair for the first time. Additional curls are worn very lightly, to the touch, like real ones, but they look great. Thanks to capsular capacity, I'm just proud of my hair.


I tried for the first time to lengthen the curls. The result exceeded all my expectations - the additional volume combined with the ordered length, and look just super!

Capsular hair extensions: photos and reviews

Women dream of long curls, but not everyone has enough patience for several years to grow a treasured braid to the waist. In such cases, microcapsule hair extension, which has a number of advantages and features, comes to the rescue.

How to build hair on the capsules?

Capsule hair extensions, video technology which today can be easily found on the Internet, requires special skills and knowledge from the performer. Otherwise, the results of such a procedure can be disastrous.

In general, capsular extension is performed on hair that is longer than 5 cm in length. A similar procedure is suitable for girls with any color of hair. The technology involves the connection of artificial strands with native curls using capsules consisting of resins or keratin.

They can be round or flat, it all depends on the chosen method and the customer’s desire.

The master must melt the capsule with the help of hot tongs and form small and neat connections extending from the roots by 5-10 millimeters. The professional should ensure that the melting point does not harm the hair.

Approximately master increases from 150 to 200 strands, and the duration of the procedure varies from 2 to 4 hours.

After hardening, the capsules become transparent and as inconspicuous as possible. The donor strands, in turn, will be fixed to the natural fairly firmly, so you can flaunt with long hair for a very long time. Today, there are also technologies for fixing extensible hair, which allow their owners to use different masks and balms. Details on how the hair extensions on the capsules in the video.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hair extensions on capsules as in the photo provides a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  1. The extensions give in to locks in absolutely any area, the same applies to the possibility of increasing the bangs.
  2. Perfect for hair of any type and color.

  • Capsules are absolutely harmless to hair, they do not cause discomfort when worn and can be chosen in size.
  • The procedure provides a natural look of hair.
  • After building you can not limit yourself in hairstyles and dyeing.

  • Artificial curls do not burden natural hair.
  • It is not forbidden to visit the sauna, swimming pool and bath, but it is recommended to use a protective cap.
  • Correction needs to be done rarely.
  • Hair almost does not fall out.

    Without drawbacks, the procedure also did not cost:

    1. Hair is exposed to high temperatures.
    2. Capsule extension technology prohibits the use of fixation and hair care products containing silicone, acids and oils.
    3. Hair should be constantly combed so that they are not tangled.
    4. Capsules may be damaged by high temperatures.

    Did not like the effect of the procedure? Read how fast your hair grows

    There are 2 popular technologies of this procedure:

    1. Italian - in this case, use ready-made strands with tiny capsules. Under the action of temperature, keratin from capsules melts, combining natural curls with artificial ones. After hardening, the fixation cylinders are practically invisible in the hair. You can please yourself with a long braid for more than 4 months without fear of high temperatures.
    2. English build-up is a classic way, which is characterized by relative complexity of implementation. The bottom line is that the master manually forms a capsule using a keratin gum and glue gun. Only natural hair is used as strands. The result in this case depends a lot on the skill of the performer. Moreover, such strands can crawl and react to rising temperatures.

    Then you can see the successful capsular hair extensions in the photo before and after.

    Capsular hair extensions - reviews

    26 years, operator,

    Did this build about 7-8 years ago. In those days, it was still possible to actually find an affordable wizard working at home. I found my enchantress on an ad on the Internet.

    At that moment my hair was below the shoulders, not very thick. The master advised me to purchase 75 strands. As a result, I got a great hairstyle, even my husband could not understand how it is even possible.

    Capsules are not visible even when you make a braid or tail. Caring for a haircut is not difficult.

    36 years old, seller,

    I believe that the person who invented the buildup will soon be erected a monument! For a couple of hours I received the braid that I used to grow in my childhood for years. And we managed to make sure on our own skin that the procedure was harmless, who would not say anything. Although it is important to get to a professional!

    17 years old student

    St. Petersburg.
    I did not have thick hair, so I decided to grow them. The scheme was simple: she found the master, made an appointment. Increased hair on capsule technology. After the procedure, I was delighted. But a month later, the hair began to be terribly confused, and after removing the extensions, the strands fell heavily.

    23 years old, freelancer,

    I went with hair extensions for about 2-3 months, then “rested” for a week and again increased them. Everything is fine, but in order not to remain without hair, look for a good master.

    data-block2 = data-block3 = data-block4 =>

    Capsular extension, or how to achieve the desired length of hair

    The desire to improve the appearance and beauty is inherent in every woman. One of the components of an attractive appearance are luxurious long hair.

    Modern technologies make it possible to increase them with various methods, because nature does not endow everyone with long and thick hair.

    Hot capsular extension is considered one of the most reliable and effective ways.

    It consists in attaching donor hair, on the tips of which keratin capsules are located. Seeing the place of the spikes with the naked eye is not possible.

    Before the procedure, the master must determine the thickness and structure of the hair, as well as their shade.

    Hot build-up is used in almost all specialized stores. Apply other technologies of building on capsules - the cold method.


    Capsular building on the Italian technology is to use the factory "material", which was initially covered with a special keratin resin.

    The procedure is to attach them to the hair by means of thermal tongs.

    The place of fastening heats up to 180 degrees. As a result, the formation of a transparent keratin capsule. It does not differ from “native” hair in color, which ensures maximum aesthetic appeal. The process takes about four hours.

    The result of the Italian build-up lasts from three months to six months.

    Increased band almost no effect:

    • staining
    • sea ​​bathing,
    • going to the bath
    • perm.
    blockvnim color = »FCF8F8? icon = "9888 ″ In the correction process, an agent with a composition similar to acetone is applied. This can adversely affect the subsequent state of hair. Sometimes the correction is somewhat painful. / Blockvnim

    The technology can be attributed to the methods of cold building. Capsule formation occurs through the use of a specific composition, including glue, activator and dye.

    blockvnim color = "FEEF" icon = "10003" This technology is relevant for blondes and light blonde due to the lack of tinting substance in the glue. / blockvnim

    Correction will be required after a couple of months after the build-up. The term of wearing “alien” hair is at least four months. The key advantage of this technology is the invisibility of the mount. The master-hairdresser usually spends about five hours on the procedure.

    The Spanish technology of capsular extension is not used for short hair. Their length should start from 20 cm.

    Unlike Italian technology, bathing procedures and swimming in the sea are strictly prohibited.


    This is an analogue of the Italian procedure. Only the melting of the capsules is carried out under the influence of ultrasonic waves.

    The process uses modern equipment, which determines the more expensive cost in comparison with other types of building.

    This method of cold building can be used only on natural hair.

    The procedure takes about three hours. After two or three months, a correction is recommended.

    Also applies to cold methods. The bottom line is fixing artificial hair with beads and clips. Adhesives are not involved in the procedure. The locking of the strands is enhanced by the use of pliers.

    blockvnim color = "F2F7" icon = "59141" The junction of the strands with natural curls remains invisible, as the beads are selected according to the color scheme. Their size should not exceed 3 mm. / Blockvnim

    After a month and a half, an adjustment is required. The whole procedure takes place within two to three hours. Adjustment makes it painless and quick. The main advantage of the Japanese method is the possibility of increasing bangs and very short hair. About 200 strands are taken for the entire head.


    This is a kind of hot capsule method. A special feature is the use of small-sized thermal forceps for clamping three-millimeter capsules. They are completely invisible and do not cause discomfort during sleep, unlike the six-millimeter capsules after the Italian build-up.

    The length of the microcapsule method can be increased by 100 cm, if you spend up to seven hours of time. In this case, the master uses from three hundred strands with microcapsules and more. Adjustment is required not earlier than in 4-5 months.

    How to care for hair after building so as not to spoil the capsules?

    It is recommended to purchase products that are suitable for hair after keratin capsules.

    They should not be silicone components and various cosmetic oils.

    In order not to spoil the capsules, the strands must be carefully combed, and before going to bed it is better to braid the hair in a braid in order to avoid tangling.

    You can wash them, keeping your head upright. It is forbidden to tilt it back or tilt it forward.

    blockvnim color = »FCF8F8? icon = "9888 ″ No need to apply shampoos and balms for dry hair - they can damage the capsules. Also, head wash should not create a rich foam. It is better to dilute it immediately with water. When using masks do not need to intensively rub them into the roots. / Blockvnim

    Hair extensions should not be subject to perm and bleaching. Aggressive hair styling products are strictly prohibited. Care should be taken when visiting the sauna or bath. It is better to have a special hat with you, although it is believed that when using Italian technology, hair is not afraid of high temperatures.

    Hair removal procedure

    To remove the strands, built up by the capsule method, you will need a special tool - a softening gel.

    A similar procedure is recommended in the salon with a professional, but you can try to remove the capsules at home.

    A special gel is applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp for a few seconds. Then you will need to take a hot bath and wait until the keratin capsules soften. After that, you should take special tweezers and remove each strand very carefully.

    blockvnim color = "FEEF" icon = "10003" Some instead of a specific gel use the usual burdock oil and heated "iron" for the hair. It is necessary to take full responsibility for the process of removing the capsule strands. / Blockvnim

    Hair extensions keratin capsules are so in demand due to the diversity of technologies. You can choose the best method for hair of a certain length and color.

    The number of advantages still exceeds the disadvantages of this type of building. But you need to carefully treat the strands after the procedure. With proper care, you can be proud of the hair up to nine months.

    Types and technology of capsular hair extensions

    Long hair is the dream of many women. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to grow strands of the desired length, since it takes a lot of time. Today, thanks to the introduction of modern technologies in the field of cosmetology and hairdressing, if you wish, you can quickly get chic hair. This will help capsular hair extensions.

    Types of hair extensions

    Hair extensions through capsules are carried out in a hot way, the indisputable advantage of which is to ensure durable adhesion of artificial strands. Due to this, they retain their attractiveness for a long time without breaking or falling out. Therefore, reviews of capsular hair extensions in most cases positive.

    There are the following types of capacity:

    1. Italian Keratin capsules are used for this procedure. Strands are glued in them. With this method, hair extensions are most often carried out on short hair, since the attachment of artificial curls is made directly to the roots, after which they are soldered using special equipment. How does hair extensions look for short hair can be seen in the photo in our article.
    2. English This method is very similar to the previous one. But in this case, resin is used as the glue base. The English way is safer than Italian. This is due to the low melting point of the resin compared to that required for keratin treatment.
    3. Micro capsular. The main difference of this type is the tiny size of the capsules and a small thickness of the strands. This technique is often used to eliminate baldness in men. The micro capsular method allows you to give your hair extra volume and desired length without significant damage to your own hair.

    Correction after building

    Under the correction refers to the consolidation of new capsules and the addition of additional strands. This procedure is very similar to the extension technology.

    Its only difference is that before you secure the new capsules, you should remove the old ones.

    For this, the master applies a special solution to the places of their fastening and distributes the strands in partings, after which with the help of a special tool he pulls the capsules one by one. At the end of the procedure, the remains of pitch or keratin are carefully combed out.

    If necessary, after removing the donor curls, a correction is performed using new strands. Reapply old ones are not recommended for the sole reason that during wear they thin out by at least 30%. But you can buy hair for building on the capsules, which can withstand up to 3-4 corrections depending on care.

    There are no restrictions on the procedure.

    Types and technology of capsular hair extensions was last modified: May 3rd, 2016 by Gulya

    Spanish technology

    This is a cold extension, during which the strands are attached to natural hair with glue. New hair will last up to 4 months, after which it is recommended to make a correction that will allow to wear them for some time.


    • after drying the glue turns white, this method is not suitable for dark hair,
    • extensions possible on the hair of 10 cm,
    • not suitable for weak and brittle hair,
    • There are many restrictions on care.

    What type of building is better to choose

    Italian technology suitable for almost all girls, an exception may be the owners of thin and weak hair. A sturdy mount with a keratin capsule can create an additional strain on weakened hair follicles.

    English technology suitable for those who are ready to sacrifice the extra hours of their time for the sake of beauty. This type of extension is good because the mass of hair can be more evenly distributed, creating the illusion of additional thickness and volume.

    Spanish technology suitable for girls with blond hair, glue capsules allow you to make subtle adhesions.

    Microcapsular extension You can recognize the most versatile, the procedure allows you to get amazing long and thick hair, even for owners of short or weak hair.

    What is the difference between capsules for extension

    Keratin capsules look like small plates and consist of a substance that is part of the hair and nails of a person. Keratin has excellent adhesive properties, which allows you to firmly secure donor hair. The capsules are transparent, the adhesions take on the color of the hair.

    Resin capsules made of refractory resin of organic origin with the content of natural keratin. When properly performed, the spike does not exceed the size of the rice grain. The mount is quite reliable and virtually eliminates combing. There are capsules capable of taking the hair color and changing it after dyeing.

    Adhesive capsules allow you to get small flat adhesions that are barely noticeable on the hair. However, when drying, the glue becomes white, therefore building with the help of such capsules is recommended to be done to fair-haired girls.

    How often and how and how often hair correction is performed.

    Own hair grows, and the attachment sites of donor hairs decrease with time. The need to make a correction is brewing, in about 2-3 months after building up.

    The capsules are softened with a harmless solution, after which the master removes the strands using special forceps. Keratin or tar residues are removed from the hair, after which the head is washed with a shampoo with a degreasing effect. Then the hair is replenished, many times the use of donor hair is allowed.

    When to take off hair

    With proper extension and proper care, hair can be worn for a whole year, after which the material requires replacement. However, it should be understood that the long wearing of hair extensions has a negative impact on your own hair.

    A conscientious master will always advise you to take a break if the client’s own hair has been damaged in the process of wearing extended hair. It is recommended that owners of weak and brittle hair wear extended hair for no more than three months in a row. Then you should go through the course of restoring your hair and nourishing the scalp.


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