
Laughter and tears: the stars who had to cut their hair


1. Katie Perry.

She very sharply decided to change her style. For all the time on stage, her image changed very many times. Different hair colors very well emphasized her shocking.

But in the last transformation nothing happened at all, many did not appreciate her changes, even some fans turned away from the singer. Now she began to remind Eminem.

2. Emma Watson.

After Emma was a “boy” many years passed, but the fans still remember her failure, the fans even voted on (+) and (-), after the vote it became clear to all that the image failed and the actress returned everything back.

3. Scarlett Johanson.

As they grow older, everything changes, so Scarlett has a more rounded face, more stretched out, but the short haircut made everything worse and only emphasized it. The back of the head has become much more massive due to this hairstyle. Such an image is very masculine and it is time for her to change it.

4. Kate Hudson.

All Hudson fans immediately noticed her terrible haircut. The face suffered the most. The cheeks are very voluminous, and the ears, which previously were considered a highlight, now have nothing to hide. Many people notice that she has become similar to Channing Tatum.

5. Byonse.

This hairstyle very much added the singer of the year. After such a haircut, the singer learned her lesson, grew her hair and became a beauty again.

6.Kristen Stewart.

Such a decision of the actress was associated with coming out. But Kristen has a lot of time, and so there is no femininity left.

7.Ann Hathaway.

The owner of gorgeous hair stepped on a rake. She cut her hair under the boy for the sake of creativity. As stated by the actress, she will no longer cut her hair.

8. Angelina Jolie.

In the distant past, even Jolie sinned cardinal changes. The actress always very well entered her role and did everything she needed to become one with the character.

9. Lena Hedy.

Everyone knows and remembers the series from the series "Game of thrones", when the actress was cut under the boy and her hair began to look like "Emelin pot". Femininity actress immediately disappeared and she became more like a boy.

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Keira Knightley

The star of "Pirates of the Caribbean", as well as the movie "Real Love" has always been distinguished by its aristocratic appearance. The girl seemed very gentle, modest, feminine. Nobody expected from her scandalous or bold actions. But in 2005, the actress showed that she is capable of much and is not afraid of anything - at least in terms of image. Keira Knightley trimmed herself under the boy for the role in the movie "Domino". To be honest, we liked the star more with long hair, but also looked very stylish in the image of a glamorous look. What can not do for a career!

Ashle simpson

Jessica Simpson's younger sister always loved to change something in her appearance. In 2006, she made a plastic nose, and in November 2010, she boldly cut off her luxurious long hair and dyed her bright blonde. Jessica really walked that style, but in 2013 she began to grow hair again. But we think it won't be for long. We are sure that the singer will soon come up with something new and surprise us in her next image.

Charlize Theron

The 2013 Oscar winner struck everyone by appearing on the carpet in a luxurious white dress by Dior and with a new short haircut. Although the actress had her hair cut for a role in the film, she was still well done, she was not afraid to take the risk. No one expected such a bold act from her. In addition, we must admit that her short haircut is very good. Although, what is really surprising: with such a look.

Miley Cyrus

Now it’s hard for us to imagine a 20-year-old actress and a singer with long hair. Back in mid-2012, the star showed her new image to the world: she had her hair cut and dyed her hair a light color. Most approved her act, but many still miss her long thick hair. Well, they will have to be bored further, since Miley warned at once that she would not grow more hair. Yes, and what will the princess's romantic hairstyle look like in combination with the strange pants that Miley is addicted to?

Natalie Portman

When the beautiful Natalie Portman shaved her head in 2005, many were shocked. The poor actress was forced to get rid of her hair for a dramatic role in the film “V means Vendetta.” It was hard to get used to her new image. And this is not surprising: Portman has always been considered one of the most beautiful and sexy Hollywood stars. With the ultrashort haircut, as many thought, she lost a significant part of her charm, but her hair, as we know, did not have teeth, and soon Natalie began to appear again on the red carpet with exquisite curls.

Ann Hataway

The charming actress Anne Hathaway also had to sacrifice her hair for the role in the movie “Les Miserables”, where the actress played Fantin - an unhappy mother who, under the pressure of circumstances, becomes a selling woman. In the story, for the sake of making money, Fantine sells her own hair. We admit that it was a bold act. When a girl loses her hair, she sacrifices much. It is not surprising that in the cinema during this scene both women and men could not hold back tears. Perhaps Ann herself shed tears, but the Oscar statuette obtained for the role became a worthy compensation for the deprivations, and the actress's image acquired a certain sharpness with a haircut, which was immediately appreciated by fashion experts.

Hayden Panettiere

The 23-year-old actress also had to make sacrifices. The girl cut off her hair and dyed her blonde. Such was the fee for the role in the movie "Scream 4". Hayden showed off her new haircut to everyone by appearing at the Global Home Tree Earth event in Los Angeles. Opinions about her image were different: someone was delighted, and someone thought that this hairstyle only added to the girl's age. But as they say, tastes do not argue. The main thing is that Hayden was pleased, and her beloved Wladimir Klitschko, to all appearances, was delighted.

Britney Spears: from the pop princess to the "client of the Salvation Army"

Britney Spears was a Disney star, and then made an incredible solo career as a singer, she has a lot of money in bank accounts, which the star’s father follows. Of course, he could allow his daughter to shoot a thousand or two, so that Britney could have something to go outside. Sometimes it seems that Spears is wearing clothes obtained in the Salvation Army. Her hair often looks dirty and tangled, and fake nails need to be corrected. Britney performs with a show in Las Vegas and, of course, can spend part of the fees in order to look not like a rag, but as a star.

Mila Kunis: carried away by motherhood?

Ashton Kutcher's wife Mila Kunis is considered beautiful. But as soon as she had a little rest from the profession and “delved” into motherhood, Mila immediately lost her sense of style and looks as if she just left the supermarket, where she worked a long shift. She has everything to become a living work of art, but she neglects it, dressing and looking untidy. However, a little lip gloss, carefully combed hair and neat wardrobe still did not bother anyone.

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Drew Barrymore: Disorder With Style

When Drew Barrymore was a little girl and starred in Spielberg in Alien, the audience simply adored her. Then there was a difficult period in the life of the actress, but she "got sick" with teenage nonsense and became a charming girl. But today something has happened to Barrymore style: her dirty jeans and baggy T-shirts do not look like designer clothes. Even considering that Drew is not removed as often as before, she certainly has enough money to afford not a crumpled shirt, but a beautiful dress or suit.

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Jennifer Garner: "faded" after a divorce

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Ben Affleck: won the blonde and satisfied?

Garner's ex-husband, Ben Affleck, seems to take a cue from her. A millionaire, a successful actor, director and producer is gaining weight, looking dirty and sloppy, and casually dressed. Or he decided, since he could win a young blonde, would she love him anyway? It is unlikely that anyone will appreciate this “version” of Affleck (except for a solid bank account). At one time, Ben was on the lists of the sexiest men, and now he would not be allowed close to him. He is more suitable for rating poorly dressed stars.

Madonna: this clothes place - in the trash

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Lina Dunham: we do not need feminism in the "potato bag"

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Russell Crowe: there is nothing left of the gladiator

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№1. Britney Spears

It is not surprising that it is she who opens the list of unsuccessfully shorn celebrities. Everyone remembers how the pop diva at the end of the 2000s “freaked out” and shaved herself bald. It was a psychological breakdown, and there was no reason to think about any beauty here. But then there was a lot of noise. To be bald Brit did not go at all. Now, a thirty-five-year-old star remains faithful to her thick blonde and looks, although not as fresh as in the clip “Baby one more time”, but still stylish.

№2. Kristen Stewart

Not so long ago, the female lead in the Twilight Saga shaved to zero and painted the remaining hedgehog in white. In part, her decision was due to the recent coming-out quite recently. Although, if you follow actively the history of the image of Kristen - it was rarely possible to catch her feminine.

Many fans admit that in Twilight, Chris looked very cute and natural with her natural chestnut curls. Alas and ah.

Number 3. Lena Hedy

This actress of the last few years is famous for one of the main roles in “Game of Thrones” - Cersei Lannister. Those who watched the series from the beginning and at least to the middle, remember how gorgeous light blond curls in one day turned into "Emelin pot." And the incredibly feminine image was irretrievably lost.

It's funny, but outside the filming of Lena Hedy in general is a brunette. And despite the pleas of fans in love with Cersei, it remains true to the dark color.

№4. Scarlett Johanson

The actress Scarlett Johanson has a very specific appearance. Despite the massive nose of "potatoes", which she, judging by the photo, has already managed to correct a couple of times, her face looks very attractive due to the sensual puffy lips and expressive bright eyes. When the actress wore long hair, features of her appearance looked harmonious. Alas, but a short haircut distorted her facial features and focused attention on the flaws.

With age, her face lost its roundness and became more elongated, but Scarlett's short haircut only emphasized this. Scarlett's head, especially the back of the head, looks very massive with a short haircut. In our opinion, the short haircut of the beautiful Johanson does not fit, she makes her image too masculine. But, to solve, of course, to her.

№5. Emma Watson

After Emma's haircut as a boy, many years have passed. Her hair managed to renew its length three times, and the image finally brought back femininity. Hermione is inseparable from Emma Watson, even though the actress perfectly plays roles in other film projects.

We present Emma Watson as a freckled, curly, slim girl with a snub nose, although today she is a 27-year-old woman with rare natural beauty and not very thick, but always stylishly styled hair. Nevertheless, we all remember the year 2010, when the actress suddenly appeared in the light of a thin boy. The fans were divided into “for” and “against”: after all, the rare acting talent of a star justified the act, and the haircut in some way had a place to be.

And yet, after the role in the teenage melodrama "It's good to be meek" Em released her long hair and bye, thank heavens, holding on.

№6. Kate hudson

Not so long ago, pretty blonde Kate also walked on the head with a hair clipper.

We are accustomed to her lovely face, framed by light strands. Kate Hudson, like her starry mom, won the title of Hollywood glamorous blondies, but they did not allow themselves to slip into stereotypes. Kate always tries to look stylish and, despite some features of her appearance, correctly forms her own image. However, this summer, the press leaked pictures of the actress with a short dark hedgehog instead of blond curls. Rumor has it, Kate changed the image for a new role - whether in the movie or in the video. Apparently, the end justifies the means.

Yet fans of Hudson immediately noted that the image of her, to put it mildly, not to face. By the way, it was the face that suffered the most because of the short haircut. The cheeks began to look even more voluminous, and now the ears, which were previously considered the highlight of Kate, cannot be covered at all. It's cold, I guess.

№7. Katy Perry

Another Kate, who decided on a dramatic change. By the way, the real name of the singer is also Katherine Hudson, so our bald celebrities are also namesakes. So, Katy Perry ascended to the pedestal of fame as a burning brunette with huge blue eyes. Over the years spent on stage, her image has changed countless times. Catty's blue, pink, straw-yellow hair emphasized her shocking and individuality.

But one of the last attempts to stand out - Katy Perry failed from the word at all. She cut off her naturally dark hair and dyed it ... yes, white.

An incomprehensible race of styles with Miley Cyrus, copying someone else's image brought the singer to the point that the once original and cool Katie today looks more like Eminem than herself. Maybe just tired, maybe - this is the search for yourself. While we can not say that successful. But Kate sings all the same impressively.

The famous Single Lady Beyonce, it turns out, also cut her hair under the boy. However, in her rich creative way this slip was easily lost. And well - the usual fluffy curls, cheeky afro, pigtails and curls - it all looks much more harmonious on the goddess of modern R & B. Somewhere in the not too distant 2013, Bey had her hair cut under the boy. Why - the question is open.

The hairstyle, though practical, added a famous beauty to the famous singer at once for a few years, one might say, a singer. Knowles learned the lesson, restored the length and today, looking at the photo of the 13th year, probably, she represses.

№11. Angelina Jolie

In the distant ninety-shaggy year, even Angelina Jolie sinned cardinal haircut. Yes, and who in general Angie just was not. One of the most beautiful women in the world maintained her status, reincarnating into any image and trying on any image. But not a haircut "under the boy."

Here is a story like Cersei: long thick curls + Jolie = the goddess of modernity. Jolie - smart shock = cute mediocrity. Still, beauty is in the details. Angelina Jolie just the case when a simple classic turns all fashion into consumer goods.

Famous beauties changed their images at all times. Every year, a star cuts off her gorgeous hair either for a new role, or to surprise, or maybe because she’s tired of everything. There is a sea of ​​famous girls and women who have found their unique style with a haircut “like a boy”. But, alas, this image is not for everyone.

1. Tori Spelling

The actress who played the role in the famous series “The District of Beverly Hills 90210 ″ was remembered by the audience if not a beauty in the usual sense of the word, then a very effective and attractive girl. But plastic and weight fluctuations played a cruel joke on her. It's a pity…

4. Lindsay Lohan

One example of how fame spoils children. She played her first major film role in 1998. She was only 12. And at eighteen, world-wide fame struck the girl’s head after the film “Mean Girls”. Gone parties, drugs, scandals. Bottom line: by age 30, the actress began to look a decade older.

5. Macaulay Culkin

Thank you, Macaulay, for the best New Year's comedy. We say this is absolutely sincere, because to imagine the New Year holidays without films from the series “Home Alone” is simply impossible. But after filming the last parts of the film, Kalkin abruptly disappeared from the screens. The dear boy has changed, the directors stopped inviting the young man for roles, and the problems with drugs only aggravated the matter.

6. Masha Malinovskaya

It is difficult to believe in this, but at school Masha was considered an ugly duckling, so she received a whole bunch of complexes with the certificate. From which, becoming older, desperately trying to get rid of with the help of plastic surgery. At first it was even interesting (albeit vulgar), but over the years the appearance of a woman became freak.

7. Mickey Rourke

In the late 80s, thousands of women who were dreaming to be in the place of the heroine Kim Basinger in the movie “Nine and a Half Weeks” were in love with handsome Mickey Rourke. What changed him for the worse? Much: boxing injuries, Botox injections, the lifestyle of a bully and a rowdy.

Miranda Kerr

Beautiful model, angel Victoria's Secret almost the first time in his career, she decided to have a haircut. She really goes! Ragged bob-neck is the perfect haircut for a variety of styling.

Singer Rihanna has already tried all haircuts! All images! And does not stop there. Every change in her appearance becomes a trend. What she wears today is becoming fashionable tomorrow. Rea has an exceptional taste and a delicate sense of style.

Legally blonde Reese Witherspoon has never betrayed her image as a long-haired beauty. But this year she decided to slightly shorten her blond curls. Although it is not a very short haircut, for Reese it is already a significant change.

Tyra Banks

Tyra, as a model of All-America, also walks all her life with long curls - models should not make haircuts, you need to be a “universal soldier” for any photo shoot. Now Banks has grown out of model pants and can afford everything that the soul desires. And the soul wished to have a haircut under the boy! No options! No compromise!

Country singer Taylor Swift is incredibly cute with a new haircut. True, it looks even more youthful than it actually is. Kars can be laid in different ways: pull the silk smooth hair, curl naughty curls a la Marilyn Monroe, or pin up with fun hairpins. Where fantasy leads!


Watch the video: Infamous Superstar haircuts: WWE Top 10, June 18, 2018 (July 2024).