
How to make soft hair tougher: the use of home beauty recipes, the use of professional tools and recommendations of hairdressers


Hair stiffness is often determined by genetic, hereditary factors. If many of your close relatives have thick, thick, thick and tough hair, you will have to put a lot of effort into making it soft, smooth and docile with the right care.

The problem of hair stiffness is often faced by those who regularly dye their hair, especially permanent dyes, or do a perm. One of the reasons - the hair does not have enough moisture and nutrition, so they lose their elasticity, they do not lie well. Violated the internal structure of the hair.

Another frequent culprit is that hair becomes very stiff - hot drying and styling. Abusing a hair dryer, forceps or curling iron, you risk burning your hair, depriving them of moisture, damaging the cuticle (outer sheath of the hair) and its core.

“Hair became stiff like wire”, “stick like sticks” - not only women, but men also complain about this problem. In some cases, hard hair makes a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, as well as protein and amino acids, which are necessary for our hair.

You can read about several products published in our magazine to restore and cure problematic hair. Among them, "Top 10 products to strengthen the hair." And about the choice of vitamin and mineral complexes, we told in the publication "Vitamins for hair growth - how to choose."

To hurt the hair and deprive them of softness can too hard water. It is worth trying to use boiled water for washing hair, and herbal decoctions for rinsing. It is very good to wash hair that needs treatment and special care, filtered water. To do this, you should buy a flow filter for the shower, which purifies water from active chlorine and other harmful substances that are dangerous to the skin and hair.
Hair, which is characterized by increased rigidity and disobedience, can be both straight and curly. Hard and devoid of gloss and smoothness can be dry, brittle hair, and prone to fat. Therefore, there is no single way to solve this problem, and treatment and care for such hair should be selected individually.

The benefits of hard hair

Every woman knows that they are easier to style, which is done to give volume to the hair and to complement the image for any event. Nature has also endowed tough hair with increased strength and less susceptibility to environmental influences.

If soft hair became tougher, then their fragility would immediately decrease, and you could wash your head less often, because coarse hair retains its purity longer and does not have such a fat layer. And of course, the path to creating grotesque high hairstyles is much more difficult or completely closed for owners of soft curls.

Ways to increase stiffness

Fortunately, ladies with soft hair do not despair, because there are three ways to solve the problem of how to make soft hair more rigid:

  • Homemade (folk) recipes of beauty curls, which appeared due to the experience of many girls.
  • Purchase and use of cosmetology products recommended by professional stylists.
  • Simple and effective advice of certified hairdressers, not the first year dealing with such issues "in the field."

Experts recommend making a choice mainly in favor of natural (or natural) methods, since they are less harmful in the future. Too frequent perms, for example, can cause irreparable damage to curls. Hair dye and a perm means envelop the hair, weighting and thickening them. Thin and fragile in structure hair (which is inherent in many of their soft types) are subjected to intense damage due to these effects.

Gelatin mask for hair hardness

A popular method for solving the question of how to make thin hair tough, to this day remains the popular recipe for a mask of gelatin curls. To prepare it, pour 250 ml of water one tablespoon of dry gelatin, and then slowly warm the solution in a water bath. When the composition becomes homogeneous, add yolk and a small amount of hair wash. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed.

The mask, carefully applied to the hair, lasts approximately 40 minutes. Immediately after that, you can begin the process of laying curls, using all the same natural ingredients - rosemary oil and gelatin. Such styling will hold much longer than usual.

Shampoo soap for hair hardness

Any baby soap will do. Of course, it is necessary to exclude the use of all types of shampoos, conditioners and balsams, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is enough to master this technique and understand how to make soft hair harder with just one piece of soap. However, you still need a rinse, the role of which is perfect infusion of nettle, oak bark, burdock root and many other tools based on old folk recipes.

First of all, it is necessary to boil the selected and pre-crushed healing herbs in a saucepan for about 20 minutes, and then strain the resulting broth and cool. The strands will become noticeably tougher and stronger after about 2-3 months of daily use of this method.

Male way to increase hair hardness

Sometimes this problem falls on the shoulders of the stronger sex, which also has very soft hair. How to make tougher brutal short hairstyle in this case? Considering that not every man likes to spend time visiting professional hairdressers, it is highly desirable to find a simple home method.

This is a non-burdensome procedure using Borodino bread and plain water. Crumb bread you need to pour boiled water and insist no more than two hours. The resulting homogeneous mixture with light and gentle movements should be rubbed over the entire length of the hair. Next you need to pull on the head of an ordinary household plastic bag and wrap around with a towel. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. The frequency of application - once every two days. Only a few procedures will give quite noticeable results.

Application of henna for hair hardness

Strands can become significantly denser with the use of this natural component. The advantage of using henna is the complete absence of negative effects and accessibility, fully answering the question of how to make soft hair harder at home.

Two tablespoons of henna (preferably without color) mixed with half a teaspoon of mustard, and then pour water. The resulting mixture is uniformly applied over the entire length of the strands and aged for approximately 30 minutes. After - rinse with water. In addition to giving sufficient rigidity to the hair, henna also helps to increase the volume of the hair.

It is important to note that girls with blond hair can use only colorless henna, otherwise there is a high probability of getting orange color at the output. But brunettes can not worry and apply any henna with coloring pigment.

Use horse shampoo for hair hardness

In the market of professional products, horse shampoo occupies a special place, which has gained considerable popularity among many women due to its amazing ability to restore and strengthen curls. Horse shampoo with the help of special additives through several applications stimulates hair growth, strengthens the roots and increases the density of the hair.

Experts in the development of tools empirically found out the mechanisms of how to make light hair harder. The main components that create a similar effect, collagen and silicone, are also present in human shampoos, only the doses in them are not horses.

True, experts warn that you should not use this shampoo on an ongoing basis. After six months of use, you can get the opposite effect: a luxurious horse mane can easily turn into a fine plucked tail.

If eyebrows become too hard

A common problem of modern ladies is not only the hair on the head, but also eyebrows. Sometimes there is the question of how to make eyebrows soft. Hard hairs bristling in all directions and prevent proper styling. Eyebrow hairs are too tight if they grow incorrectly, which may be caused by injuries or excessively aggressive plucking.

Here again national recipes come to the rescue, which include comprehensive care using the juice of plants, fruits and vegetables, liquid vitamins and vegetable oils. A light relaxing eyelid massage is also applied with a toothbrush.

The guaranteed effect will be nightly compresses. To create a compress you need to use vitamin A in the form of a couple of drops of retinol in combination with oils of burdock, almond, peach or olive. For a noticeable result, you will have to repeat the procedure for at least a few nights, but the effect will justify all the difficulties - hard eyebrows will become docile, smooth and soft, and will also acquire a natural shine.

Recommendations hairdressers to increase hair hardness

In response to the question of how to make soft hair harder, all experts agree on certain recommendations, which include not only the procedures themselves, but also the right living conditions, without which all these measures do not have any practical meaning.

Experts advise, first of all, try to avoid stressful situations, as this affects the general condition of the body and immunity. The next important factor distinguish proper nutrition and the availability of sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C and E in the body.

It is highly recommended to read the composition of the shampoo used and look for components such as sulfates and parabens in it. Their presence should be kept to a minimum, ideally finding a means without these substances. Nourishing and firming shampoos should, respectively, help the process of strengthening hair, because weakened and brittle curls in any case will not work hard. After washing the hair with shampoo, they should be washed with carbonated carbonated water.

In addition, hairdressers are well aware of the use of home masks and two hands for their use. Most of these procedures with masks in the salons themselves simply duplicate popular recipes and are either made in the same way from natural ingredients, or extracts of various natural substances are applied.

All of these methods to a certain extent will strengthen the hair, make them stronger and increase their rigidity.

Dignity of tough hair

Hard hair has several very important advantages compared to soft:

  1. In structure, such hair is less vulnerable to many negative factors that may affect their health. For example, hard strands more easily tolerate exposure to hot tools, but, of course, need a thermal protective agent that will help prevent their fragility and dryness.
  2. Hard hair is less greasy, and also more durable than normal or dry hair.
  3. Girls with this type of hair are very lucky - their hair is less prone to hair loss.

By the way, many hairdressers-stylists admit that it is on hard hair that some types of hairstyles are most successful.

How to make hair tight

The best express means for stiffening hair is, of course, lacquer and foam with strong fixation. They not only allow you to change the shape of hair, create volume and durability, but also affect the density of the strands. The foam should be distributed evenly, lifting the hair at the roots. After that, we use hairspray - it can be sprayed with a light cloud as well as a directed stream to the necessary areas.

Another way to make hair hard is salt water. It is better to apply it only in emergency situations, because the salt dries hair. This tool can be prepared at home (for 1 glass of water you will need 4 teaspoons of salt) or you can buy a special salt water spray for hair.

Special herbal teas will help not only to improve the hair, but also give them the desired rigidity. You will need oak bark, burdock root or nettle leaves - all this can be purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare the broth will need 1 tbsp. l dried plants for 1 cup of water - all boil it and let it brew for an hour. Rinse the hair with this tool every day for 2-3 months.

For the stiffness of the hair is also perfectly well-known mask to our grandmothers with black bread. It visually “seals” the hair and helps to return shine and lightness to them. To make a mask with black bread, you need to soak in the boiling water small crumbs of bread for 1.5-2 hours. We put gruel on hair and we warm them with a shower cap and a towel. We wash off the mask after 2 hours, it must be repeated at least 4 times a week for 2 months.

Gelatin is great for making your hair tighter. To do this, prepare a mask of 1 tbsp. gelatin, 1 tbsp. l shampoo and 1 egg. All the ingredients are mixed, applied to the hair, massaged for 5 minutes and rinsed with cool water.

Colorless henna will allow not only to return shine and density to hair, but also noticeably increase their volume. To cook it, you need to mix 3 tbsp. l colorless henna with 0.5 tbsp. l mustard, pour the mixture with warm water so as to obtain a consistency similar in thickness to fat sour cream. We distribute on hair and we hold about 30 minutes then we wash off from hair with warm water.

Why do you need it?

Why is hair, naturally soft, not always become the subject of joy of its owners? Why do some of them dream of making their hair tougher? Women are driven by different reasons for this:

  • tough hair stronger and not afraid of negative external influences,
  • they are not prone to fragility and are always less fat than thin ones,
  • Some hairstyles work well only in women with tight hair, but they do not hold the shape at all of those whom it is too soft.

Caring properly

If you are concerned about how to make your hair more rigid, the very first thing you can do is provide them with optimal care. Do not get involved in balms and conditioners: they are designed to make the vegetation on the head softer. And so consider several options:

Coloring deprives the hair of excessive softness. It is good to use henna for this purpose. This is a safe and effective way to brighten hair, which at the same time helps to strengthen them. And if you are blonde and do not want to have orange-colored hair, colorless henna will suit you perfectly. It literally envelops and thickens every hair, healing it and making your hair more voluminous.

I periodically (unfortunately, not very regularly) make masks with colorless henna, sometimes with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. With colored henna has not yet had to experiment. As a result, hair gets a little tougher. But do not expect a grand effect.To see the result, you need to regularly engage in hair and make masks (for example, with the same colorless henna), because in one application too soft and thin hair in no way can become rigid. And of course, look at yourself, because everything is individual.

Those who at least once had to wash their hair with soap, probably later wondered why their hair was so tight. This is another simple but very individual method that allows you to deal with excessive softness of the vegetation on the head. Laundry soap in some cases, well seals the hair, making it more pliable for any styling. In others, hair becomes like a washcloth and cannot be combed.

To make your hair better washed after using soap and not losing its natural luster, you can use water with a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar instead of rinse. If you are afraid of overdrying, it is recommended that you rinse the head with a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as burdock root, nettle or oak bark, after soap.

I want to repeat that this method is not suitable for everyone, because some use this method, while others say categorically not. Unfortunately, I can not share my experience in this case, but fortunately, I cannot share it, but I can say that no one among my friends uses it.

A decoction of oak bark will make thin hair more docile and loose. To do this, use 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 cup of boiling water. It is enough to boil for 5 minutes and allow to cool and infuse. Then rinse the broth clean hair. An important point - from such a rinse hair darken, so blondes this option does not fit.

Egg yolk

Another tool that can be advised to those who have too soft hair use egg yolk instead of shampoo. You just need to apply the mass of the compound that was prepared from it onto the entire head, rubbing it thoroughly into the roots and skin, and then after 30 minutes wash it all off with warm water without detergents, combing the egg fibers with a brush. At the end of the procedure, the head can be rinsed with slightly acidified water.

Lamination - go to the salon

If you want to achieve a more stable and lasting effect, you should think about the procedures that are offered in beauty salons. When a woman has soft and thin hair, often masters advise to make lamination. This is a special hairdressing service, which involves covering the hair with a specific composition, creating a strong protective sheath on their surface. Due to this effect, the scales are stacked in the right direction and fixed in this position, which prevents fragility of hairs and contributes to their strengthening.

Lamination at home

Is it possible to independently carry out such treatment at home? Yes, today there are ways to do it without a hairdresser. One of them use of a special spray for express lamination. It is applied to dry or wet hair (depending on the instructions in the instructions) along the entire length, carefully sprinkling each strand. The effect appears immediately, but, unfortunately, it remains only as long as you do not wash your hair.

If you have very soft hair and you dream of hard and thick hair, but you do not have the means for repeated visits to the beauty salon and the purchase of expensive products, you can easily make a procedure similar to lamination of hair in the salon, using ordinary gelatin.

Why hair is tight and dry

  • Hard curls in most cases are genetically determined, which means that you will have to put up with this state of affairs for the rest of your life. But thick and thick hair is not such a bad gift from ancestors. Moreover, today there are many masks, balms and other means, which with regular use can make hair more obedient.
  • Another popular reason why strands become stiff and lifeless is the abuse of dyeing and chemical perm. Because of these procedures, the structure of the hair is disturbed, they lose moisture and nutrients, and with them the silkiness and shine disappears. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the curls, and give them a rest from the procedures, but it is better to abandon them altogether.
  • Hair can acquire stiffness due to frequent styling and drying with a hair dryer, heated hair curlers, ironing, curling and other technical means. The problem is that during hot styling it is easy to burn strands, which leads to disruption of the structure of the rod and scales.
  • If the hair is as hard as wire, you should also pay attention to your diet, because the state of curls depends on the health of the body. Hair becomes brittle and unruly as a result of a lack of amino acids, proteins and vitamins.
  • In addition to all of the above, the quality of the strands can be affected by the water with which you wash them. If it is too high in salt, limestone and harmful impurities, it is best to wash your head boiled. Balsams and herbal preparations are suitable for rinsing.

Hard hair on the head - what to do

First, you need to take into account the cause and try to eliminate it, which, of course, does not apply to people who have genetically determined rigidity. Secondly, there are general tips that will help soften your curls:

  • Choose a shampoo that is designed for this type of hair. Preference is best given to cosmetics with moisturizing ingredients. It may be shea butter, wheatgrass or coconut. These components will help keep moisture inside the hair, protect it from brittleness and dryness. A good option would be to buy ALERANA® shampoo for dry and normal hair, the moisturizers it contains help to preserve the natural moisture. The product is suitable for daily care.
  • Try to wash your hair less often, as this will drain them. You should not do this more than twice a week.
  • After each wash, use conditioner, best of all, if it is indelible.
  • If time permits, do not blow dry your hair. Hot air negatively affects their structure, making the curls fragile and capricious. Such drying negates all the efforts that you put to care. The problem is that not many people can afford not using a hairdryer at all. Therefore, if it is necessary - get a hair dryer with scattering nozzles and the function of cold air, this will minimize the harm from drying.
  • When choosing hair care products, be sure to read the composition. Shampoos and balms should not contain alcohol, as it dries hair. Such tools only harm your hair.
  • Despite the fact that only mousses, gels and varnishes can tame hard hair, it is better to completely give up on them or use them only on holidays. The fact is that strands very quickly absorb chemical ingredients, this causes great damage to their structure.
  • Try not to be long in the sun without a headdress.
  • Do not paint the curls too often, especially their clarification.
  • Avoid using irons and other appliances that dry the strands. It is also better to abandon the perm or straightening.

The set of prohibitions, at first glance, significantly complicates the task of making neat styling. In fact, after some time (depending on the individual characteristics of your curls), you will see that the result was worth it.

Often use special masks for tough hair and other means, they will gradually make your hair more docile.

Popular Homemade Recipes

For the care of hard hair, there are many popular recipes. Approach them with special attention. Before you apply them to the entire length of the strands, check whether you have an allergic reaction.

For a lasting effect, make masks twice a week before washing your hair:

  • You will need: burdock oil, yolk and honey. Melt the butter in a water bath, add two tablespoons of honey and yolk to it. Apply to hair for 40 minutes.
  • Take cosmetic clay, burdock oil and lemon. Dissolve two tablespoons of blue or green clay to a creamy state, add warm oil and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wait a mask for half an hour and rinse thoroughly.
  • Castor compress - do at night twice a week. To do this, castor oil, heated in a water bath, put on the roots and the entire length of the strands, put on a shower cap and a warm towel or wool scarf.

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Hard hair care

Major manufacturers of cosmetics for hair, first of all, professional, offer special means to soften them. All of them contain intensely moisturizing and nourishing ingredients: vitamins, amino acids, natural oils, antioxidants, fatty acids, plant extracts, proteins, and some also UV filters that protect hair from harmful ultraviolet radiation. As a rule, the series includes shampoo, conditioner, mask for intensive care, and sometimes a spray or cream.

Special lines for effective restoration and improvement of hard hair are offered by famous American brands Redken, Sexy Hair and NIOXIN.

As part of hair products Redken AllSoft there are avocado oil, amino acids, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and in one of the funds silk proteins and olive oil. All these ingredients intensively nourish and moisturize the hair, making it silky, docile and soft.

NIOXIN It offers several tools for hard hair, which help to solve other problems of hair. For example, to cope with hair loss, the negative effects of chemical treatment - dyeing and curling, restore the cuticle and heal the hair from the inside. The therapeutic effect of these funds also provide vitamins, antioxidants and plant extracts.

Popular Brand Sexy hair (USA) proposed its solution for the treatment of hard and unruly hair. These tools have a rather rich formula. Silk, wheat and soybean proteins, as well as jojoba oil and avocado oil help to soften hair and give it shine and elasticity. Also in some products there are plant extracts that treat the hair: chamomile, burdock, arnica, nasturtium, garlic and rosemary. Also, Sexy Hair has a means for hard colored hair and cream for their styling.

To soften hair with a mask and shampoo with rose water, amino acids and citric acid offers brand CHI. Their products are designed specifically for hard thick hair.

For them, it is recommended to use shampoo and other products from the series. DinoAge Japanese company Moltobene. The healing effect of this Japanese hair cosmetics is based on vitamin E, extract of brown algae and jojoba leaves, citric acid, wheat proteins and glycerin.

In the arsenal Wella there is a nourishing shampoo, a balm and a mask for moisturizing tough hair. Intensive moisturizing effect has a combination of panthenol, silk extract, vitamin E, glyoxylic acid and special components. Vella also has a cream mask for colored hair with a luxurious composition of orchid extract, diamond pollen, panthenol, vitamins and polymers, the task of which is not only to make the hair soft and supple, but also to give them shine. And as part of a reducing spray, shea butter, rooibos extract, keratin and panthenol are present.

Also means for hard hair can be found at Dessange, Schwarzkopf and other manufacturers of hair cosmetics.

Softening hair with natural oils and masks

The simplest and at the same time effective remedy against hair stiffness is a mask of burdock or olive oil. Almond oil or jojoba oil can be used to treat hair. To a tablespoon of oil, you can add one or two egg yolks - this mask very well softens, restores and moisturizes the hair. Keep it for about an hour, then thoroughly rinse hair with warm, but not hot water.

Also trichologists recommend to drink more pure water to provide hair with enough moisture from the inside and to improve the body.

Causes of thin hair

Tough naturally curls have a number of advantages: they are more durable, they are less affected by negative external factors. Even cosmetics do not help thin. Gels, mousses and varnishes fix only for a limited time, because at high humidity or from touch hair loses its shape. They get dirty faster, as the secreted sebum adds weight and reduces the root volume.

The diameter of thin is usually less than 50 microns. For comparison: normal have a thickness of about 50−70 microns, and thick reach 150. Thin hair can be thick, but owners of rare have to resort to different tricks.

The diameter of the hair shaft is a genetic property; it is almost impossible to change the thickness given by nature. Come to the aid of cosmetic procedures that allow you to visually thicken it.

The compositions create a film on the surface that fills the voids and smoothes the cuticle. In addition, there are a number of procedures aimed at stimulating the growth of dormant bulbs, while additionally nourishing the scalp.

There are situations when initially good hair becomes thin and brittle as a result of improper care or deterioration of health.

The following factors may serve as such reasons:

  • frequent aggressive styling that uses hot hairdryer, curling irons and tongs,
  • perm, along with them are carving, straightening and lamination,
  • frequent staining with clarification, in this case ammonia and hydrogen peroxide contained in paints thin the rod,
  • a long stay in the direct sun without a headdress and swimming in the sea, salt water causes damage and detachment of scales.

Henna coloring

To make the hair tougher allows henna. This dye is natural, so it additionally heals and strengthens the roots, making the rod thicker. The grass can turn an orange tint, colorless henna that does not change its natural color comes to the rescue. For greater stimulation of blood flow and nutrition of the roots, dry mustard can be added to the mask.

2 tbsp. l colorless henna mixed with 1 tsp. dry mustard and diluted with warm water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. The composition is recommended to leave for 10 minutes for swelling.It is desirable to keep the mixture obtained on the roots for at least half an hour, wearing a warming cap made of cellophane and a thick towel.

Gelatin Shampoo

You can thicken the curls with gelatin; for this, a tablespoon of dry granules is poured with one glass of warm water and heated in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved. The resulting mixture is added to the shampoo when washing the head, it can also be used as a mousse or gel to help style the hair. Means it is desirable to use very dosedotherwise the strands will look like dirty and stuck icicles framing their faces inaccurately.

Oak bark

Decoction or infusion of oak bark dries the roots and removes excess fat. 1 tbsp. l crushed raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water, the mixture is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes and infused for 1 hour. The broth is diluted with warm water and rinsed head after washing. Tannins contained in the composition of the funds, can make the hair more rigid. This method is not suitable for blondes, because the curls lose their pleasant color and become brown. It is better for them to use chamomile decoction prepared in the same way.

On the Internet you can find recipes, where to stiffen your hair you are recommended to wash your hair with soap. This is too aggressive a technique that will definitely damage the cuticle. Previously, laundry soap was made from a mixture of alkali and fats. In modern production, fats and oils are replaced by cheaper surfactants. They degrease and dehydrate very much.

Owners of too soft curls can be recommended to replace the shampoo with egg yolk. To prepare a natural shampoo, the yolk is freed from the film and whipped until smooth with a small amount of warm water. If you do not remove the film, it will give the hairstyle a strong smell of eggs.

This shampoo foams very badly, but it removes dirt and grease remarkably well. After shampooing with egg yolk, no shampoos or balms are required.

Oil masks

The use of masks from natural oils allows nourishing curls from the inside. First pressing oil contains vitamins and trace elements. The best for home masks are considered such as:

  • grape seed oil
  • olive,
  • coconut,
  • shea or shea carite.

The traditionally recommended castor and burdock oils have proven themselves very well in restoring structure and accelerating growth, but for thin hair they are too heavy. Masks should be applied to the scalp, after which it is necessary to comb a comb with wide teeth. Thus the composition will be uniformly applied along the entire length of the hair. It should be noted that this method has a delayed result, the effect will be noticeable after a few months of regular use of the compositions.

On sale are ready-made products line of care for thin hair. In their composition, they contain silicone, which, like gelatin, smoothes the hair scales, filling the voids. He has a tendency to layering and does not allow nutrients to penetrate into the hair, with a long regular use of their condition will deteriorate.

Softening curls

After a series of procedures aimed at increasing the rigidity of the hair, it may be necessary to soften them, especially after abusing chemicals.

Men also did not avoid the problem of hard hair. Due to high hormone levels a guy may have naughty whirlwindsthat do not fit into the hair, especially when the haircut grows, which causes no less frustration than a girl.

There are no fundamental differences in how to make hair soft to a man or a woman. Both recipes will suit standard recipes to make hair soft at home.

Means, having in its composition aloe vera, contribute to the rapid growth of healthy hair and further soften the cuticle. Aloe vera has a structure similar to keratin, the main building material of the hair. It easily penetrates inside the rod, strengthening it and increasing its elasticity. For these purposes, you can use the gel obtained from the leaves of a home plant.

To make the hair elastic, it is advisable to wash it with cool water: unlike warm, it closes the hair scales and reduces fragility.

After a shower, do not rub your hair, they are damaged and electrified. The desirable ones are gently blotted with a soft microfiber towel or flannel cloth.

Electric styling devices, such as curling iron, hair dryer and iron, cause stiffness, since hot air evaporates moisture from the hair shaft.

Curls may become too dense due to layered styling products. Wash them off can either shampoo for deep cleaning, or a combination of soda and vinegar. To do this, a teaspoon of soda is added to the shampoo when washing, the hair is washed with clean water until it squeaks, and then rinsed with diluted apple cider vinegar. This method restores the pH balance of the hair, makes it softer and seals the hair scales.

Causes of hard hair

  1. If you want in the shortest possible time to eradicate the problem of rigid strands, first you need to identify the root cause. Then you can begin a gradual operation to restore the hair. So you can return to her former softness.
  2. Be careful, often for many representatives of the weaker sex hair remains tight due to genetic factors. It is impossible to say with confidence that this phenomenon is considered a disadvantage. In this case, the hair is less susceptible to the harmful effects of external factors, the bulbs are stronger.
  3. In most cases, the strands become tough due to neglectful care. Frequent staining, abuse of thermal devices, chemical procedures have a detrimental effect on hair. Also do not forget about external influences on the body.

Care rules

  1. It's no secret that a hard shock is not only unpleasant to the touch, but also causes a lot of unpleasant moments during installation. To simplify the manipulation of care for this type of hair you need to follow simple recommendations.
  2. You will need to pick a shampoo directed action from the professional line. Thus it is worth doing when buying a conditioner or a balm. Prefer creamy mixtures, in this case, the follicles get maximum hydration.
  3. It should be borne in mind that funds with a similar basis are not suitable for all the fair sex. It is not recommended to apply creamy formulations to girls whose hair is prone to fast salting. And on the contrary such tools are perfect for dry and brittle strands.
  4. Be careful when using professional air conditioners, use the tool, strictly adhering to the instructions. This composition should be alternated with mixtures prepared according to homemade recipes.
  5. You can also buy ready-made products, which are based on natural ingredients. These include moisturizing oils of shea, coconut and wheat germ. Take the habit and teach your hair to be infrequently washed. Enough 2 manipulations per week.
  6. During the restoration of the hair structure, it is strongly recommended to stop using various thermometers. In extreme cases, it is imperative to apply special sprays to the strands, which will protect the structure of the pile from the effects of high temperatures.
  7. To avoid such manipulations, it is strongly recommended to purchase a professional series hair dryer with a cold blow function. Thus, the process of drying hair will not pose a threat to their structure. Everything else during the manipulation, you can easily make styling for every taste.
  8. If you can not afford a professional hair dryer with a similar function, resort to a series of detergents that are aimed at hard and naughty strands. Similar products can be purchased at any cosmetic store. To soften the hard head of hair, resort to the method of co-waving.
  9. You do not need to do anything supernatural, it is enough to carry out the procedure of washing the hair through a single conditioner. The use of shampoo is not allowed. The conditioner completely clears strands and feeds them with necessary microelements. If you use shampoo, the composition will once again dry the structure of the strands.
  10. Hair care procedure with a conditioner balsam is easy. To do this, take a little more air conditioning and distribute the entire length of the hair. Perform a short-term massage, wet the curls and repeat the manipulation of rubbing the composition into the follicles.
  11. After a few minutes, remove the detergent from the head. It is preferable to use for such purposes purified water or herbal decoction based on it. Do not forget about folk remedies. Soap nuts may well replace the usual shampoo. Also suitable yolks with mustard or shishikai.
  12. If you systematically apply these products in the shortest possible time, you will be surprised at the positive effect. Strands will restore the former structure, hair will become soft, silky and docile. Mustard with yolk act as a cleansing agent.
  13. If you choose a similar composition, keep in mind that the water temperature should not be high. Otherwise, the yolk may curl and the mask will permanently deteriorate. Separate the protein, remove the film, carefully beat the animal product. After that, add 12 gr. dry mustard. Spread the composition over the wet strands with massaging movements. Remove the product with warm water.

Folk remedies to soften hair

Olive oil and yolk

  1. Take 1 chicken egg and separate the white from the yolk. Move the latter into a small container, resort to the help of the whisk.
  2. Beat the product thoroughly, add 35 grams to it. olive oil. Distribute the tool in the root area.
  3. Cover the hair with a film and a scarf, wait about 1 hour. Remove the mask with hot water.

Sour cream and lemon juice

  1. Connect in a common bowl 85 gr. sour cream maximum fat content from 50 ml. lemon juice and 30 ml. coconut oil.
  2. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry. Apply the product to the hair with massage movements.
  3. Wrap hair with plastic and a towel. Wait about 1.5 hours. Rinse your head with warm herbal decoction.

Before focusing on professional detergents, try effective recipes of traditional medicine. Thus, the hair will find its former beauty, softness and obedience. Also, the structure of the strands will be less susceptible to various chemical additives that are present in professional cosmetics.


Watch the video: 28 HACKS FOR HEALTHY, LONG AND STRONG HAIR (June 2024).