Dandruff treatment

How to choose a suitable anti-dandruff remedy in pharmacies


The main cause of dandruff is the activity of fungi. They settle on the scalp and provoke the development of a number of symptoms, such as desquamation and dandruff formation, itching, increased activity of sebaceous glands and oily hair, and so on. And in order to eliminate such manifestations, it is necessary to act precisely on the cause. But symptomatic therapy will also be superfluous.

How to choose a suitable shampoo?

How to choose a dandruff shampoo? When buying, be guided by the following criteria:

  • Hair type Be sure to consider it, because if this factor is not taken into account, then you do not solve the problem and, probably, aggravate the situation and worsen the condition of the hair.
  • Composition. Many, looking at him, will see only incomprehensible names. But the most commonly used components for the manufacture of anti-dandruff products can be divided into several categories. The first is antifungal substances that directly affect the cause of dandruff and destroy fungi. These include such as ketoconazole, clotrimazole, bifonazole. The second category - exfoliating components that help to cope with the main manifestation, that is, dandruff. Usually for such purposes are used salicylic acid, sulfur. The third group of substances is antibacterial, affecting bacteria (often they “coexist” with fungi). This is, for example, zinc pyrithione. The fourth category - substances that reduce sebum production: selenium sulfide, zinc. Anti-inflammatory components such as Ichthyol and Panthenol should also be highlighted. They normalize the condition of the scalp, which is often required for dandruff. Another group is natural plant substances that speed up the healing process and provide gentle care for the hair and epidermis. Birch tar, decoctions of chamomile, calendula and nettle, tea tree extract, burdock, and so on, have useful properties.
  • On sale you can find products designed for men and for women. The difference is usually unprincipled, since the causes of dandruff are the same. But women's hair and scalp, as a rule, require special care, and some manufacturers, taking this into account, produce separately male and female shampoos.
  • It should be noted that specialized medical shampoos can be purchased only at a pharmacy, they are not sold in regular stores.

List of popular and effective shampoos

Below is an overview of the best dandruff shampoos. The most popular among them are:

  1. Keto Plus is made on the basis of antifungal ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione, which improves the condition of the scalp and eliminates the main symptoms of dandruff. The consistency of the product is rather thick and slightly viscous, the composition has a pink shade and a pleasant light smell. The drug is used not only for seborrheic dermatitis (as in medical practice is called dandruff), but also for other dermatological diseases, the pathogens of which are yeast-like microorganisms (for example, for chromophytosis).
  2. “Algopix” is a multicomponent shampoo, which contains salicylic acid, an exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating excess sebum and suppressing the activity of fungi juniper tar, improving the nourishment of hair and epidermal cells of microalgae. The instructions indicate that it is desirable to use the drug as part of complex therapy, but if you use it exclusively, the effect will be noticeable. In the first 14 days of treatment, shampoo is applied three times a week. You can then use it once or twice a week.
  3. Squafan S is a kerato-regulating agent that can cope with dandruff, and in acute forms, that is, with severe symptoms. In the composition of this shampoo several substances. Climbazole and miconazole have a pronounced antifungal effect, that is, they prevent the growth of fungal microorganisms and destroy them. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory effect and helps to effectively and gently exfoliate the resulting scales. Red juniper oil relieves inflammation, soothes itching, eliminates irritation. Resorcinol has keratolytic, i.e. exfoliating properties.
  4. Nizoral is a healing shampoo, the main active ingredient of which is ketoconazole. This component has a mycostatic and fungicidal effects, that is, it inhibits the process of reproduction of fungi and destroys them, which allows to eliminate the cause of dandruff. In addition, the symptoms of this disease are eliminated: increased desquamation, itching, dry skin. The tool is applied to the scalp and washed off after 5 minutes. Requires two applications per week. The cost is quite high, it is about 400 rubles for a small bottle of 60 milliliters.
  5. "Sebosol". The main active ingredient of this tool is ketoconazole. It eliminates all manifestations of seborrhea, and also directly affects the cause of its development, that is, fungal microorganisms. To achieve the effect, it is enough to wash your hair with a means once a week The composition foams and aged for five minutes, then washed off with water.
  6. "Fitoval". Shampoo has anti-seborrheic and anti-inflammatory effects. It contains ciclopiroxolamine and a special zinc-PT-S complex consisting of white willow extract and zinc pyrithione. During the tests, it was found that such a combination inhibits the growth of fungi. There are also anti-inflammatory properties that eliminate irritation and itching. And the extract of white willow stimulates peeling of seborrheic crusts.
  7. "911 Tar". The main component of this shampoo is tar, and it has antifungal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, which allows to eliminate both the main manifestations (formation of scales, itching, peeling, irritation of the scalp) and the causes of dandruff. At the same time, the condition of the hair is improved due to the caring components included in the composition: coconut oil and glycerin.
  8. Sulsena. The main component of this shampoo is selenium disulfide, which helps normalize sebum production and accelerate the exfoliation of the resulting scales (that is, directly dandruff). Also in the composition of citric and salicylic acid, which have anti-inflammatory effects and cleansing the scalp and hair. The instructions indicate that the main purpose of the shampoo is to prevent the appearance of dandruff, but numerous reviews prove that the treatment is effective.
  9. "Bioderma Node DS +". The basis of this tool is a specialized patented complex that has an impact in several directions. It suppresses the activity of pathogens of seborrheic dermatitis, normalizes and regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, eliminates peeling and itching, stops inflammation and significantly improves the condition of weakened and damaged hair. The course of treatment lasts three weeks, the multiplicity of application is three times a week.
  10. Dandruff Shampoo Shampoo contains zinc, thyme extract and ketoconazole, which helps suppress the growth of fungi and bacteria, eliminate inflammation and normalize sebum production. To forget about dandruff, it is recommended to use the tool every two days, and the full course of treatment lasts two weeks. It should be noted that the shampoo is suitable for all types of hair and has an affordable price.

Start a fight with dandruff today by choosing an effective remedy!

How to choose a healing dandruff shampoo in the pharmacy

Since dandruff is a disease, then you need to look for a cure for it in pharmacies. But here we are faced with a wide selection, as in the store. Each manufacturer promises a complete cure. But the question - what to buy, remains open.
To answer it, back to the causes of dandruff. There are several of them:

  1. Improper nutrition and violation of the digestive tract,
  2. Vitamin deficiency and reduced immunity,
  3. Improper styling
  4. Stressful situations and depression,
  5. Fungus entered into the barber shop due to poor sterilization of instruments.

Any of these factors can cause disturbances in the sebaceous glands. Thus, conditions are created for the reproduction of the fungus that causes seborrhea. It can manifest itself in different ways. Oily seborrhea is a consequence of the active work of the secretion glands. The hair quickly becomes dirty and greasy, the “flakes” at the roots are large, the skin starts to itch very much. With dry seborrhea, on the contrary, there is a shortage of fat. As a result, a sick person constantly experiences itchy scalp.
The scales are small, but there are a lot of them. Mixed seborrhea combines the problems of the first two. It is most difficult to treat it, and it is better to contact a trichologist.

Do not run the disease. It is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Violation of cell regeneration leads to a weakening of the hair follicles. New hairs will not be able to grow, and already grown ones will begin to fall out.

To prevent hair loss, start treatment immediately. Do not forget about the integrated approach and eliminate the root causes.
So, dandruff remedies vary in composition. Namely, the main active components. Among them may be:

  1. Salicylic acid. It fights well with excessive secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands. But it can dry out the skin, causing the opposite effect.
  2. Tar and Ichthyol help normalize cell renewal. Slowing the process of their dying prevents the appearance of visible white scales. Like salicylic acid, well peels dead cells.
  3. Clotrimazole and ketoconazole are active antifungal components.
  4. Zinc pyrithione and selenium disulfide relieve inflammation and fight against microorganisms, inhibiting their development.

In the composition of anti-dandruff products can occur several substances. But the best combines three actions at once: exfoliating, antimicrobial and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands.

Cheap drugs for dandruff in the pharmacy

Prices in the pharmacy for goods of one category are very different. Do not become an exception and anti-dandruff. After examining the composition, you will realize that you should not overpay for fragrances and useless additives.

Inexpensive shampoos no less cope with the problem of seborrhea. There are three types of them:

  1. Antifungal shampoos have a complex chemical composition, quickly and effectively fight against the reproduction of microorganisms. They are potent, so immediately after treatment you need to stop using them. You can buy them only in a pharmacy, apply strictly according to the instructions.
  2. Exfoliating scrub shampoos are indicated for oily seborrhea. They act as a peeling, gently cleansing the scalp. But with dry seborrhea such shampoo is not recommended, because salicylic acid is usually present in its composition.
  3. Tar shampoos are similar in action to antifungal ones. But they have a slower effect. This is the best option for sensitive skin and allergy prone.

Be sure to consider your hair type and type of seborrhea. This will help you choose the right tool, which in a short time will help to cope with the problem for a long time.
Professional shampoos will have an intense impact, but flavors and other extra components affect their final price. Among the pharmaceuticals can be distinguished popular with a good value for money:

  1. Nizoral is a good antifungal, reduces itching and flaking.The active substance is ketoconazole. The cost for a small bottle is somewhat too high, but the shampoo foams well and is economical to use. Recommended for the treatment and prevention of seborrhea.
  2. Sebosol is similar in composition and action to nizoral, but its price is lower. Solves the problems of seborrheic dermatitis, effectively affects fungal lesions. The advantage is the restoration of the hair structure. Apply a course for the prevention of dandruff.
  3. Sulsen - shampoo and paste with selenium disulfide active substance. Helps from dry and oily seborrhea. It is a complex tool: it contributes to the death of fungi, regenerates cells and normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. Shampoo removes dirt, improves the appearance of hair due to the extracts of burdock and cinnamon alcohol contained in it.
  4. Vichi Dercos refers to medical cosmetics. Recommended for oily seborrhea.
  5. Dermazole contains ketoconazole, which makes it an effective antifungal agent. It treats not only dandruff, but also pityriasis versicolor, shown with eczema.
  6. Keto plus is another remedy with ketoconazole in the composition of the active substances. Excellent struggling with peeling. It is indicated for the treatment of fungal areas of the scalp.
  7. Shampoos of the Klorane series are intended for different types of seborrhea. It has antibacterial effects, relieves itching and irritation. Natural plant extracts contribute to the improvement of the scalp.
  8. Fitoval is a dermatological agent containing zinc pyrithione. Soothes inflamed scalp, recommended for severe hair loss.
  9. Friderm Tar and Friederm Zinc have corresponding active components in the composition. The first one is designed for oily hair, the second for dry hair. Do not contain fragrances and dyes. Treats hypoallergenic, and is suitable even for sensitive skin.
  10. Squafan S is an intensive anti-dandruff remedy with a whole complex of substances. It even deals with severe seborrheic dermatitis, eliminates itching and peels off the skin.
  11. The Seborin series from Schwarzkopf is designed for different hair types. The main antifungal component of climbazol well eliminates dandruff. Suitable for intensive skin and hair care.
  12. Algopix is ​​used in the complex treatment of seborrhea, as well as a prophylactic agent.
  13. Ducre Kelyual shampoo is recommended for severe seborrhea and dermatitis. Does not contain parabens.

This is not all means of dandruff, which can be found in the pharmacy. The same company produces them in different forms: tonic spray, gel, conditioner, lotion. Each of them copes with the problem, but it is better to make a choice in favor of a certain one after consulting a specialist.

Drugs for dandruff shampoos - reviews

You can find different reviews about every pharmacy anti-dandruff medicine. Someone helped expensive shampoo, and someone cheap remedy. Well-advertised drugs, perhaps, justify themselves, but less well-known counterparts cope with their task no worse.

Keep in mind that with frequent use of the same shampoo, it becomes addictive. Therefore, in case of a serious disease, it is necessary to alternate between two or three drugs.

Pharmacy shampoos can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.
Another important point - for whom dandruff remedy is purchased. Some of them are not intended for children under 12-15 years old. But it is better to look for a tool with a special mark.

  • According to many users, an effective tool is Nizoral. He quickly copes with the problem of dandruff, in some cases after the first use. But the high price for a small volume does not allow to call it the best.
  • Unlike him Sebosol worth twice as cheap. According to consumer reviews, it relieves itching well. But there are also cases of relapse after returning to everyday cosmetics.Be sure to use the balm-conditioner for better combing after applying Sebozol.
  • For those who prefer organic products, pay attention to Klorane. It will provide intensive hair care and will do well with dandruff. Among the shortcomings note the uneconomical and the need to wash the hair several times, because shampoo badly washed off.
  • Well proven line Vichi produces, according to users, effective dandruff shampoo. But it cannot be called universal either. In addition, due to high prices, many are looking for more affordable counterparts.
  • For example, cheap Fitoval copes well with different types of dandruff. In combination with the same shampoo for hair loss gives very good results. Of the disadvantages note an unpleasant smell. The effectiveness of shampoo from falling out, too, many questioned. However, it does well with dandruff.
  • According to reviews, a high rating has shampoo Keto Plus. It is often written tricholgy after inspection and identify seborrhea. Its main advantage is the presence of zinc pyrithione in combination with ketoconazole. Keto plus is used alone or is included in a complex treatment, for example, with Sulsen paste or Algopix.
  • As for the brand Sulsena, besides the paste, buyers actively use shampoo and peeling. Note the high effectiveness of each tool separately, as well as their use in the complex.

If you do not receive an appointment with a trichologist, consult a qualified pharmacist. To leave a good review about the tool that helped you, follow the instructions. Only by following the recommendations, you can objectively evaluate the shampoo and recommend it to others with the same hair type and type of dandruff.

How do ointments

The causes of dandruff in the hair a lot, in most cases - this is a consequence of the violation of the sebaceous glands. Such a disease in medicine has been called "seborrhea."

Improper diet, stress, diseases of the internal organs, endocrine and digestive systems also provoke the development of dandruff. If you do not promptly respond to the first dandruff scales in your hair, you risk losing some of the curls in the future.

For the treatment of seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis and a number of dermatological diseases, accompanied by the appearance of dandruff and itching, use shampoos, creams, lotions, sprays, even tablets.

However, the most popular dosage form of drugs in patients and doctors recognized ointment.

Dandruff Ointment- This is a drug creamy texture. In addition to the active substance, it contains additional medicinal components, plant extracts, vitamins and minerals. The formula allows not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, reduce peeling of the integument, but also fill the cells with nutrients, strengthen their immunity, normalize metabolic processes and the sebaceous glands.

Depending on the active substance There are 4 groups of drugs for dandruff:

  • 1 group - preparations based on tar, ketoconazole, climbazole, selenium disulfide, octopirox and sulfur. Their action leads to a decrease in the activity and death of harmful microorganisms, fungi in the upper layers of the skin.
  • 2 group - funds with zinc pyrithione. This component is soluble in the secretion of the sebaceous glands and has high antifungal properties. Such drugs improve the condition of the skin, reduce their desquamation and significantly alleviate the symptoms of dermatological disease.
  • 3 group - the action of this group of drugs is aimed at the rapid exfoliation of the stratum corneum and the active growth of new, healthy epidermis cells. Similar formulations are prescribed for psoriasis, seborrhea. Salicylic acid is often used as an active substance.
  • 4 group - these are medical ointments, which contain resin of pine, juniper or cedar, extracts of chamomile, calendula. Natural ingredients have a calming effect, reduce inflammation, normalize the sebaceous glands and create an unfavorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungi.

Drugs are applied with a thin layer directly on the problem area, blocking the spread of the disease on healthy skin.

Important! Ointments for the treatment of seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis are easy to apply, do not spread and act directly on the pockets of the disease. The means is spent very economically, and the price will pleasantly surprise and please everyone.

To suit

Use of ointment in the fight against dandruff can be all. But before buying a product you should contact a specialist. At the consultation, the doctor will examine the scalp, possibly referring to the diagnosis and testing. These measures are necessary to accurately determine the cause of dandruff. When the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed. As a rule, it includes the use of medicines and a strict diet.

If the appearance of dandruff is caused by diseases of internal organs, then it is impossible to hope for the therapeutic effect of the ointment. The drug will only reduce the unpleasant symptoms, the appearance of which is possible in the future.

When the “snow” in the hair - is a consequence of an allergic reaction, stress or activity of harmful microorganisms, you can safely hope for a successful recovery.

Ointments are therapeutic and prophylactic, those that are used only for dry or oily seborrhea, recommended for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. When choosing a drug, the individual characteristics of the patient, the structure of the skin and the type of ailment are taken into account. For example, with dry seborrhea prescribed sulfur ointment. It perfectly fights fungus and accelerates the peeling of problem surfaces.

Not all ointments can be used for children and pregnant women. More information about this is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions to the package insert. The study of this information before using the tool is required!

Advantages and disadvantages

Preferring ointment for seborrheic dermatitis on the head, seborrhea and dandruff in general, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of this dosage form.

Advantages of ointment and dandruff cream:

  • ease of use, the drug does not spread, due to the creamy texture,
  • works fast and absorbs well
  • normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so after recovery the hair does not get fat so quickly,
  • As part of the tool there are useful components that significantly improve the condition of the curls,
  • Achieved success lasts a long time
  • is applied only on the pockets of the problem, therefore, one package is enough for the recovery of the patient,
  • It is cheap compared to shampoos, sprays,
  • can be purchased at any pharmacy,
  • a wide range of products.

Among the minuses of this form of drugs worth noting:

  • many ointments dry the skin, for owners of dry skin types, the additional use of moisturizing products (balms, hair masks) will be required,
  • the agent is difficult to dispense, it should be applied in a thin layer,
  • ointment prescribed only by a doctor to identify the cause of the disease and to choose the right drug from the variety on its own is extremely difficult,
  • after applying the product, you need to wait until it is absorbed and work, go for a walk right away or visit it,
  • Some drugs have contraindications.

Attention! Ointment against dandruff is not always able to eliminate the cause of its appearance. In this case, it will only temporarily remove the cosmetic defect and reduce discomfort, but it will not eradicate the problem completely.


Modern pharmaceuticals offer a large selection of ointments and creams for dandruff, seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis. They are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal compounds suggest a short course of treatment, and are not prescribed to pregnant women, nursing and children. The duration of the application is determined by the doctor. Long-term therapy can cause complications of the disease and side effects.

Non-hormonal formulations are considered safer, so they can be used in the treatment of children during pregnancy and lactation. However, the frequency, dosage and duration of the drug is determined by the doctor.

Drugs for which the patient has an allergic reaction is prohibited. This will only add problems and complicate treatment. At the first manifestations of an allergy, the use of an agent is discontinued, replaced with another.

Rules of application

Although many dandruff ointments dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, it is not recommended to use them without a doctor's prescription. These are highly active compounds, their improper use on the advice of relatives or girlfriends can only worsen the condition and delay the treatment of the disease.

To quickly and completely get rid of unpleasant problems in the hair, follow these principles:

  • the scheme, the sequence of use of the drug is determined only by a specialist after a detailed examination of the skin,
  • buy only fresh, unexpired drugs,
  • apply a thin layer of ointment to damaged skin,
  • strictly adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions and the recommendations of the drug company’s manufacturer,
  • not limited to the use of ointment, a strict diet, physiotherapy procedures will accelerate recovery,
  • perform therapeutic procedures at one time, without gaps,
  • Be attentive to any changes on the head, in case of deterioration of the conditions of the skin, immediately contact a specialist.

Consider, ointments cannot be used longer than the recommended course of therapy. As a rule, treatment with this dosage form lasts 7-10 days, after which a break is taken.

Overview of popular tools

Ointments, creams, dandruff gels are many, they differ in additional components, the percentage of the active substance. Before you begin treatment with a drug, consult your doctor, carefully read the instructions and user reviews. Pay attention to the main, the most popular options.


Salicylic ointment refers to non-hormonal drugs. The main active ingredient is salicylic acid. It has a pronounced antiseptic and drying effect, it fights well against microbes, bacteria, fungi and relieves inflammation.

For the treatment of dandruff used compounds with a concentration of salicylic acid of not more than 5%.

It is recommended for the treatment of oily seborrhea and fungal skin diseases. The tool normalizes lipid metabolism, removes excess subcutaneous fat, promotes rapid and high-quality cleansing of the integument of dead cells.

Effect of use:

  • enhances the regeneration of damaged fibers of the epidermis,
  • creates unfavorable conditions for the development of fungi, bacteria,
  • relieves inflammation, itching,
  • reduces the peeling of the skin,
  • helps to reduce the fat content of the integument, hair.

How to use:

  1. Apply the product in a thin layer on dry and clean scalp.
  2. Put on a shower cap, wrap with polyethylene to create.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse off the residue well with shampoo.

Attention! Perhaps the appearance of a slight stinging, burning. When enhancing the side effect, the agent is recommended to be washed off and not used in the future.

Contraindications: pregnancy, kidney failure, and allergies to the components of the drug.

The cost of the drug is in the range of 17-27 rubles.


Clotrimazole is an effective ointment on a vaseline basis. The active substance is the same name clotrimazole. This substance is great fights with various kinds of bacteria and fungi, prevents their development.It is worth noting that the drug in addition to the destructive effect on harmful microorganisms, fungi, creates a positive bacterial background and prevents the recurrence of the disease.

It is recommended to use clotrimazole for seborrheic dermatitis and other fungal diseases of the skin.

Treatment with clotrimazole lasts 1-3 weeks, depending on the complexity of the disease and the doctor's prescriptions. Even after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the remedy continues to be applied for another 5-7 days.

Application: Apply a thin layer to problem areas for adults twice a day, for children - once. Gently rub into the skin for a few minutes. Before the procedure, the skin should be washed with soap and dry.

It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women and patients during their periods. In addition, drug treatment should be postponed in hot weather, so as not to provoke high blood pressure.

Clotrimazole ointment costs about 45 rubles, the price of the cream will be higher - up to 162 rubles, depending on the country of manufacture.

Sulfuric ointment is used for dry seborrhea and some fungal skin diseases. In itself, it is yellow, has high anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties, reduces greasiness of integuments and prevents the development of pathogenic flora. The tool is not from the category of hormonal drugs and can be used to treat children.

The main advantages of the drug - high efficiency at minimal cost. Buying money will cost no more than 90 rubles per pack. You can buy it in almost every pharmacy.

Before use, consultation with a specialist is necessary, because treatment with sulfur ointment is considered not the easiest.

The drug has an unpleasant smell due to sulfuric acid - the main component of the product. In addition to it, the ointment contains petrolatum, water, emulsifier.

Attention! Sulfuric dandruff ointment will be very effective, but in addition it dries the hair. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally moisturize them with balsams and masks.

Sulfuric ointment for dermatitis, seborrhea applied 5-10 days. It is applied on a dry and cleaned surface for 5-7 minutes. After this, the residues are washed off with water and baby soap.

Treatment with sulfuric ointment during pregnancy, lactation and increased sensitivity of integument is contraindicated.

Zinc dandruff ointment has been used for a long time, it is a proven and safe medicine. Ideally, it should be used in patients with oily hair and scalp, against dermatitis and various rashes.

The main active ingredient is zinc oxide, perfectly relieves inflammation, itching, irritation, dries covers and has a detrimental effect on the fungus. After application to the skin, a thin protective film is created that prevents attacks of irritants and bacteria. The composition contains petrolatum, it softens problem areas.

Zinc ointment can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

The course of treatment, the dose of application depends on the degree of illness and is determined by the doctor, it can last up to 1 month. Apply the composition to clean and dried skin. After 1 hour, the remains are washed in the usual way. Allowed up to 6 applications per day.

Zinc ointment for seborrheic dermatitis is irreplaceable. After several sessions, the effect will be noticeable.

Price - 18-77 rubles.

Nizoral cream - perfectly copes with many fungal infections. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole. It is used to treat dermatomycosis, pityriasis versicolor, as well as seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis.

Using cream is simple: apply it once a day on clean, dried integument. Helps remedy for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, even severe stage. In this case, the cream is applied twice a day.

On average, the treatment course lasts 2-4 weeks.

Be careful, Nizoral cream refers to allergenic drugs.At the slightest sign of an allergic reaction, residues must be washed out, and not to use the medicine in the future.

To refuse therapy with a cream is necessary for pregnant and lactating. Its cost is high, in comparison with zinc and sulfur ointment, is about 500 rubles.

Skin-Cap cream contains zinc pyrithione (0.2%).

The advantages of the drug should include:

  • active action in the fight against dermatological diseases, in particular, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, weeping sores,
  • reduces the greasiness of the integument
  • quickly relieves irritation, itching and inflammation on the skin,
  • there are no hormones in the composition,
  • used repeatedly without the risk of addiction,
  • means is instantly absorbed, without leaving marks on clothes,
  • does not have a pungent smell
  • soft texture allows you to evenly distribute the composition of the affected areas,
  • does not require rinsing.

Application: Twice a day, Skin-Cap cream is applied to the washed, dried surface. It takes some time to rub the composition in the problem areas of the head. The treatment process is quite long ─ 30-45 days.

Important! Skin-Cap cream can be used during pregnancy, lactation, as well as for the treatment of children older than 1 year. The only contraindication is considered an individual allergic reaction in a patient.

Cream Skin-Cap is available in tubes of 15 and 50 ml. Their approximate cost is 500 and 1,200 rubles, respectively. Does not require a doctor's prescription.

Sulsen Paste is the best ointment against dandruff, according to many. The active substance is selenium disulfide. The drug is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It perfectly dries covers, prevents the appearance of dandruff and the release of excess fat. Means cares for skin and hair, removes inflammation, irritation. The manufacturer recommends the use of the cream in combination with the same shampoo.

Wash your hair with shampoo before applying Sulsena. Squeeze a little of the composition on the pads of your fingers, rub into the problem areas. After 10 minutes, wash off the remnants of the paste with warm water. Repeat the procedure every 3-4 days for 3 months.

For the prevention of dandruff, use Sulsen paste 1% -2 times a week or with a concentration of 2% once a week. The course lasts 1 month. The manufacturer recommends to carry out preventive measures every six months.

Do not use Sulsen women in the situation, as well as allergies to the components of the product.

The cost is about 100 rubles.

Zinovit gel, ointment and cream do not belong to hormonal drugs. They consist of zinc pyrithione, dipotassium glycyrrhizinate and additional components. The tool dries the problem, soothes the integument and has a detrimental effect on the bacteria and fungi that caused the disease.

It is recommended to use against seborrheic and allergic dermatitis, fungal skin diseases, neurodermatitis, with a tendency to excessive oily skin and acne rashes.

Application: apply to problem areas in the morning and evening. After improving the condition, continue using Zinovit for another 2 weeks.


  • acute inflammation of the skin,
  • pregnancy,
  • allergic reaction to the drug,
  • overcoat sensitivity.

The price ranges from 200-350 rubles, depending on the chosen form of the medicine.

Gel Urelia is designed for problem skin and is also used as a cure for dandruff. Possesses antifungal properties, intensely moisturizes the integuments and relieves itching, inflammation. It is recommended to apply with increased dryness of the skin, itching and flaking in the scalp.

The product contains urea (10%), a set of amino acids, an extract of the enzymes of the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas.

To eliminate dandruff, use Urelia gel instead of shampoo.he foams well. Apply a little product on the wetted strands, massage, rinse after 3 minutes.

You can buy the gel in online stores for the price of 1 thousand rubles per pack.

Hormonal ointment

Therapy with hormonal drugs is no less effective in combating seborrhea. But keep in mind, products cause side effects, so it is unacceptable to use pregnant women, feeding, children up to 1 year. In some cases, treatment with such drugs is possible, but not for long and after the appointment by a doctor.

Cream Advantan, Hydrocortisone, Dermoveit, Delors-the most prominent representatives of this category of drugs for dandruff. They have a softening, antifungal effect, eliminate itching and scaling, relieve inflammation, redness of the skin.

Hormone therapy is short, conducted under the guidance of an experienced specialist. It does not matter if the Chinese ointment or medicine of the domestic manufacturer is selected, the selection of the drug is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's integument and the degree of disease.

To be sure of a successful and speedy recovery, it is important to choose the right medicine, follow the requirements of the doctor and the manufacturer of the product. It is important to supplement the treatment with ointments a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and quality care for hair. Remember, attention and care is the key to a healthy scalp and beautiful hair!


Dandruff is a symptom of a skin disease. It is a sure sign of seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea that occurs on the scalp, face, middle of the chest and back. Causes of exacerbation are associated with the Malassezia yeast, which live on the surface of the epidermis and play a certain role in the activity of the sebaceous glands..

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • itchy red rash on different parts of the body, may appear on the forehead, in the ears, in the folds of the skin and stretch to the nostrils and folds of the lips,
  • peeling of the scalp with abundant separation of scales, provoking growth retardation and loss of healthy hair.

Seborrhea can occur in any person, regardless of age. About 20% of the world's population suffer from a visible problem, especially men, but babies are not immune from this skin disease. At risk are people with a weakened immune system and obvious neurological disorders. The phenomenon is common, it reveals the presence of inflammatory diseases, requires a comprehensive examination and timely treatment.

Important! The dandruff problem can be a symptom of a serious illness that the patient does not even suspect.

Treatment with available remedies

Effective means should be directed to the root cause of dandruff, suppression of yeast activity and treatment of skin seborrhea. To do this, apply ointments, creams, antifungal lotions and special shampoos.

Among the affordable and inexpensive drugs in the pharmacy sector are:

  • Salicylic Dandruff Ointment,
  • Zinc paste,
  • Pyrithione Zinc Cream,
  • Selenium sulfide paste,
  • Mycozoral,
  • Nizoral cream.

A detailed review of these tools will help highlight their pharmacology, the pros and cons, side effects, so that in the case of the application to choose for themselves the most optimal drug.

    Salicylic ointment is used for oily seborrhea, when fungal activity provokes a rich secretion of sebum, dandruff and hair loss.
    Apply thin scrapping on itchy skin. Or, for convenience, a sterile napkin soaked in ointment is applied to the scalp.
    It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
    Allergic reactions are possible, so it is advisable to conduct a preliminary test.
    Contraindicated in pregnant women and infants, patients with renal insufficiency. It is forbidden to apply ointment on the face and in the genital area, to treat warts and birthmarks.
    Important! After contact with mucous membrane, rinse with plenty of water.!

Ketoconazole Zinc Paste 2% is a proven agent, the visible result is noticeable as early as 2 days after application.
Comfortable soft tube with a pinkish ointment is convenient to apply to the skin.
It is easily absorbed and relieves itching, it is recommended to apply 1-2 times a week for 5-7 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
A slight chill and floral smell make the procedure pleasant for the patient.
The paste has an antiseptic and antifungal effect, without causing side effects.
It is advisable to make a preliminary test on the skin of the hand, not recommended for children and pregnant women.

Pyrithione Zinc Cream (Tsikopan or Tsinovit) is a modern non-hormonal agent that acts directly on the problem without causing any adverse effects on the body.
It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal agent.
It is indicated for long-term use with a possible allergic reaction and dry skin.
Not recommended for babies under 1 year old and hypersensitive to the drug. It is contraindicated to combine with other therapeutic agents, to avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes.
Important! Store in a remote place, protected from sunlight!

Selenium sulfide paste (Sulsen) not only treats seborrhea, eliminates dandruff, but also restores hair structure. The concentration of the active drug is 1%, otherwise useful components, plant extracts and oil additives.
It has no contraindications.
Paste is applied to wet hair, rubbed at the roots and spread over the entire length. The duration of the procedure is 3 minutes, you can apply 2 times a week for 1-2 months.
Keep out of the reach of children and avoid contact with eyes..

Mycoral ointment for seborrhea in a convenient package with 2% active substance content, with castor oil and wax, prevents drying of the skin.
It acts directly on the fungus, not penetrating into the blood and quickly leads to a visible result.
With seborrheic dermatitis, the agent can be applied 1-2 times a day, applying a thin layer to problem areas.
Contraindicated in wounds on the skin and allergic reactions. May cause burning and redness, in rare cases urticaria.
Store at a temperature not higher than 15 degrees.
Important! If swallowed, rinse with plenty of water.!

Nizoral cream has long established itself in the pharmacy as an effective tool. It is an effective broad-spectrum antifungal agent.
Within 2-3 weeks it can relieve seborrheic dermatitis, if applied once a day on problem skin.
Side effects in rare cases, has no contraindications.
It is important to keep it out of reach and keep it out of the sun..

Additionally, with a course of treatment with ointment or cream, you can use less viscous sprays and lotions, use effective shampoos for washing. Proper skin and hair hygiene - 50% quick treatment.

Shampoo Nizoral (Nizoral)

Composition: collagen and other components.

Efficiency: against scalp fungi. Prevents the growth of fungus, reduces inflammation and peeling of the skin, reduces itching.

Indications: diseases of the scalp and hair, accompanied by the formation of dandruff: seborrheic dermatitis, depriving various types and so on.

Cost: from 290 rubles.

Producing country: Janssen-Cilag S.p.A., Italy

Reviews of shampoo Nizoral: mostly positive. Consumers note dandruff efficacy, good foaming and unobtrusive odor. Among the main disadvantages: the manifestation of side effects such as fragility and dryness of hair, change in shade. A special advantage is the possibility of using shampoo in pregnant women.

Dermazole Shampoo

Composition: cocodiethanolamide and others.

Efficiency: against different types of fungi, dermatitis of the scalp.

Indications: dry dandruff and dermatitis of the scalp, versicolor.

Cost: from 260 rubles.

Dermazole Shampoo Reviews: the positive ones, especially, emphasize more for less money than Nizoral.Among the advantages particularly highlighted: good foaming, efficiency comparable with Nizoral.

Shampoo Sebozol

Composition: ketoconazole, sodium chloride and others.

Efficiency: kills not only fungus, but also ticks. In addition, restores the hair structure, exfoliates the skin, moisturizes.

Indications: seborrhea, dermatitis of the scalp and neck, depriving various types.

Cost: from 270 rubles.

Reviews of shampoo Sebozol: Because of its relatively low price and large volume, the tool has almost only positive feedback.

Dermatological shampoo Home Institut anti-dandruff with nettle

Composition: natural nettle extracts, thermal water and other related components.

Efficiency: ideal for completing treatment and for prophylaxis.

Indications: seborrhea, prevention of dry hair type, restoration of the scalp, balance adjustment.

Cost: from 275 rubles.

HomeInstitut Shampoo Reviews: The reviews are quite contradictory. Among the advantages are especially distinguished by a pleasant smell, efficiency, stimulation of hair growth and cleansing of the scalp. Of the minuses - short-term effect.

Shampoo Instant Clear from L’Oreal Professionnel

Composition: proteins, lipid complex and other components.

Efficiency: suitable for the initial treatment of seborrhea, effective enough to restore the balance of the scalp.

Indications: seborrhea, removal of itching, elimination of various types of fungi.

Cost: from 437 rubles.

Instant Clear Shampoo Reviews: Reviews are only positive. Users note the purity of the hair, the disappearance of dandruff, smoothness, shine and volume of hair.

Shampoo Bioderma Nodet DS

Composition: Betaines, natural extracts and oils, related components.

Efficiency: chronic seborrhea, itchy scalp, hair loss, psoriasis.

Indications: is an excellent antifungal agent, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, softens the scalp and removes dandruff.

Cost: from 425 rubles.

Reviews of Bioderma shampoo: users notice the disappearance of dandruff, reducing itching. Among the special advantages is the softness of the hair, silkiness and slight combing.

Klorane shampoo for dry dandruff with nasturtium

Composition: antifungal ingredients, vitamin complex, nasturtium extract.

Efficiency: against seborrhea, with dry scalp and hair.

Indications: high-quality hair recovery.

Cost: from 555 rubles.

Reviews Klorane shampoo: Consumers have many advantages: from the merits of ordinary shampoos to serious medical qualities: a complete cure for dandruff.

Vichy Dercos shampoo

Composition: aminoxyl is a special molecule against hair loss and other ingredients.

Efficiency: strong dandruff remedy.

Indications: treatment of seborrhea, relief of symptoms of itching and redness.

Cost: from 395 rubles.

Reviews of shampoo Vichy Dercos: the tool is very easy to deal with fatty dandruff. Users note the rapid elimination of discomfort, pleasant aroma and lasting effect.

Squaphane S Shampoo

Composition: complex klimbazola, juniper oil and other components.

Efficiency: excellent tool for the prevention of seborrhea. Relapse almost does not occur.

Indications: regulation of the glands of the scalp, removal of symptoms of inflammation, removal of various types of scalp fungus.

Cost: from 595 rubles.

Squaphane S Shampoo Reviews: The main positive features of the shampoo users call high efficiency, excellent aroma and economical use.

ShampooDrundruff Control Shampoo

Composition: climbazole, peptides, oils and plant extracts, related components.

Efficiency: relieves symptoms of dandruff.

Indications: treatment of seborrhea caused by fungi, bacteria or inflammation of the scalp.

Cost: from 595 rubles.

Reviews of shampoo Dandruff Control: consumers among the advantages distinguish efficacy against dandruff, thrift. Among the minuses highlighted an unpleasant smell.

Tar shampoo Tervapuun Tuoksu

Composition: tar of the Finnish pine and related components.

Efficiency: relieves dandruff symptoms, is effective in preventing lice and scalp fungus, moisturizes hair, giving volume.

Indications: oily seborrhea, scalp fungus, other bacterial infections of hair, head lice, psoriasis.

Cost: from 178 rubles.

Tervapuun Tuoksu Shampoo Reviews: The undoubted advantages of shampoo are unsurpassed effectiveness and a wide range of problems to be solved, as for a shampoo with a natural active ingredient. Among the minuses marked an unpleasant smell.


Composition: climbazole, peptides, oils and plant extracts, related components.

Efficiency: it is effective in suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic fungi of the scalp, removes dandruff, and is suitable as a prophylactic agent.

Indications: treatment of oily seborrhea, disorders of fat metabolism in the scalp.

Cost: from 195 rubles.

Reviews aboutSulsen shampoo: The advantages of shampoo are its effectiveness and shine of hair after application. Among the minuses marked smell.

Keto Shampoo Plus

Composition: ketoconazole and related components.

Efficiency: relieves the symptoms caused by flaking of the skin, has antifungal effect.

Indications: treatment of dandruff and its effects, the fight against scalp fungi, itching and inflammation.

Cost: from 587 rubles.

Reviews aboutshampooKeto Plus: shampoo is effective in mild cases of seborrheic dermatitis. There is a gradual cure for dandruff. Among the minuses emit a small amount of packaging (60 ml).

Fructis 2-in-1

Manufacturer: Garnier

Green tea extract in the shampoo successfully fights free radicals, and zinc pyrithione eliminates dandruff and prevents its reappearance. Clean, fresh and neat hair for a long time - this is the effect for which Fruktis shampoos are so loved by girls all over the world. Sweet fruit aroma makes the process of washing the head even more pleasant.

Price: from 153 rubles.

Manufacturer: Ducray

Shampoos from this brand improve microcirculation, accelerate regeneration and regulate sebum production, due to which dandruff can be forgotten for a long time. In the line of products from seborrhea, there are three products to choose from:

  1. Squan Selegel - for dry scalp prone to flaking and increased dandruff.
  2. Squana curtiol - removes fat from the root zone, eliminates oily dandruff.
  3. Qelual DS - intended for the treatment of fired seborrhea. Eliminates itching, exfoliates dead skin particles.

Price: from 626 rubles.

Estel Otium Unique

Manufacturer: Estel

A relatively new line of shampoos from the Russian brand. It is distinguished among its predecessors with peeling and exfoliating properties. Regulates the production of sebum, eliminates dandruff, tightens hair and fights the initial manifestations of alopecia.

Price: from 370 rubles

Faberlic Expert Pharma

Manufacturer: Faberlik OJSC

It relieves itching caused by dandruff and inflammation, has antibacterial and healing properties. It improves microcirculation and promotes rapid saturation of hair follicles with nutrients. Suitable for all hair types and daily use.

Price: from 249 rubles.

Natura Siberica

Manufacturer: Natura Siberica

Russian brand, which has become popular and in demand due to the products, in the formulation of which are used medicinal Siberian plants. Shampoo normalizes sebum production, eliminates dandruff and prevents its appearance due to oak moss extract.

Price: from 230 rubles.

Manufacturer: G.R. Global Cosmetics

Israeli brand specializing in professional hair care cosmetics.Shampoo is often used before the keratin straightening procedure and after it, since its soft composition does not destroy the protective layer. Does not cause irritation and does not provoke the formation of dandruff.

The composition includes such active components as:

  • sheep wool keratin
  • sea ​​minerals,
  • vitamin complex
  • natural oils.

Price: 990 rubles.

Botanicus with lavender extract

Manufacturer: Botanicus

It relieves itching and inflammation, eliminates dandruff and, despite the soft organic composition, effectively cleanses the skin and hair from impurities.

Contains D-panthenol, silk peptides, citric acid and herbal extracts.

Price: from 1400 rubles.

Yves rocher

Manufacturer: Yves rocher

The well-known brand of natural cosmetics also did not stand aside and released its line of sulfate-free dandruff products. The shampoos contain components such as pomegranate extract and salicylic acid - they actively exfoliate the stratum corneum and relieve inflammation.

Price from 330 rubles.

Manufacturer: Naturkosmetik

Shampoo with extracts of juniper, nettle and poplar buds actively cleanses the scalp from dandruff and inflammation. Makes the hair smoother and obedient restoring its natural beauty.

Price: from 780 rubles.

Estel beauty hair lab

Manufacturer: ESTEL

Zinc pyrithione, extract of calamus and elecampane, as well as rosemary essential oil, soothes irritated scalp, relieves peeling and inflammation. The recommended course of therapy is 14 days.

Price: from 180 rubles.

Angel provence

Manufacturer: ANGEL PROVENCE

Tonic and anti-inflammatory green tea extract deeply moisturizes and softens the skin while eliminating dandruff. Removes the feeling of tightness at the roots and itching. Makes hair soft and docile. It is necessary to use means once in two days within a week.
Price: 1,290 rubles.

Salon Treatment Care 3D

Manufacturer: Nexxt

Accelerates metabolic processes, regulates sebum production and normalizes hydrobalance. The effect of salon care is achieved due to the presence of peach and almond oil in the composition.

Price: 140 rubles.

Dandruff and hair loss remedy

Treated antifungal shampoo, relieves from signs of dandruff and depriving. Eliminates pathogenic fungi and bacteria that are both on the surface of the skin and in its deep layers. The composition includes ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione - these substances are highly effective, but are not absorbed into the blood, so that the tool can be used to correct the problem in young children, pregnant and lactating women.

Price: from 200 rubles

The natural ingredients of the shampoo (white willow extract, zinc and ciclopiroxolamine) destroy the fungi and bacteria responsible for the chronic formation of dandruff.

Fitoval relieves itching and inflammation, promotes tissue healing and strengthens the hair shafts. The recommended course of treatment is twice a week for a month. The tool is quite aggressive, so its use is unacceptable for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Price: from 180 rubles.

Amalgam Sulsen

Restores healthy hair structure, prevents wrinkles in length. Nourishes hair follicle with nutrients. It makes the scalp less susceptible to external irritants, eliminates dandruff and exfoliates the dead skin layer of the epidermis, and is also available as an ointment.

Price: from 290 rubles.

The means of emergency action to eliminate all manifestations of seborrhea, including severe itching, peeling of the skin and the initial stage of hair loss. Strengthens hair follicles and makes the rods stronger. The effect comes after 5 applications. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Price: from 350 rubles.

Drugs from the pharmacy

Most of us, noticing the first manifestations of dandruff in a hurry to the store for a new shampoo, but not to the pharmacy for pills and certainly not to the doctor for advice. This is a big mistake, because sometimes seborrhea requires urgent treatment with antibiotic drugs. Drugs are selected based on the root cause of the formation of the disease:

  • Pathogenic fungus - treatment is aimed at restoring the natural microflora of the epidermis of the scalp.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis - the doctor selects drugs that normalize the patient’s skin immunity and regulate the production of sebaceous glands.

The drugs themselves can be divided into four groups:

  1. stopping the growth of seborrheic fungus,
  2. slowing the growth of pathogenic bacteria,
  3. exfoliating
  4. restoring lipid and water metabolism.

  • Fluconazole - antifungal drug, highly effective in the fight against seborrhea. It acts selectively destroying the fungus, but not violating the natural skin immunity. It is used in combination with drugs of external action. Dosage is prescribed individually.
  • Chlorhexidine - transparent antiseptic and wound healing solution without color and odor. Relieves itching, reduces inflammation, kills bacteria that multiply in the dead layer of the epidermis, but it is not absorbed into the blood.
  • Nystatin - this drug is taken externally. To achieve a therapeutic effect, Nystatin tablets must be crushed in hot water and applied to the scalp and hair without rinsing. In the process of treatment in the root zone a precipitate may appear in the form of small white flakes - it is a peeled fungus.
  • Nirvel Professional. Ampoules with extracts of healing herbs and plants have a healing effect on the scalp and strengthen the hair shafts, making them smoother, shinier and more elastic. The product contains extracts of juniper, sage and pumpkin. Apply to hair after shampooing - do not rinse.
  • Secrets of Grandmother Agafya - ampoules with nutritious oils of whole herbs and plants are intended for deep nourishment and moisturizing of hair from root to tip. Cedar oil combats inflammation and nourishes hair with lack of moisture. Apply before washing the scalp on the skin with massage movements.

Cream and ointment dandruff

  • Sulsena. Available in two versions - 2% for therapeutic results and 1% for prophylactic. Normalizes sebum production, strengthens the roots and makes the hair softer and silky. Odorless.
  • Sulfuric ointment 10%. Proven and reliable means to eliminate the fungus on the scalp. Apply on clean and dry skin, aged for 5 minutes and then washed off with tar shampoo. Banned for use by pregnant and lactating women.
  • Zinc ointment. Effective remedy to eliminate oily dandruff. Possesses powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. The course of treatment is twice a week for a month. The result is noticeable already on the 3rd use.
  • Salicylic ointment 5% - A reliable tool to eliminate seborrhea, psoriasis and eczema. Apply to clean scalp and after ten minutes of exposure, rinse with running water. The course of treatment is one procedure per week for three months.
  • Ointment with tar and tea tree oil. Available in two forms - liquid and thick. The first is aimed at preventing dandruff, the second - for treatment. May cause an allergic reaction. Banned for use by pregnant and lactating women.

This is not a complete list of funds in the form of ointment or cream, we invite you to get acquainted with the full review in our special article.

Vitamins from dandruff

  • Vitamin A. Normalizes the sebaceous glands and nutrition of the hair follicles. Its disadvantage can be compensated by adding carrot juice, fish oil, butter and chicken eggs to food.
  • Vitamin B2. Strengthens skin, hair, nails and bones. It supports healthy tissue regeneration and skin immunity. It is found in large amounts in cottage cheese, eggs, liver and kidneys.
  • Vitamin B6. Needed by the body for normal lipid metabolism. Contained in buckwheat, pork liver and soy products.
  • AT 12 - is responsible for metabolic processes, ensures the normal functioning of internal organs, maintains the youth of skin and hair. Contained exclusively in animal products.People sticking to a vegetarian or vegan type of diet often lack vitamin B12. If you are one of them - enrich your diet with food supplements and vitamin complexes.
  • Vitamin B5. Necessary to maintain regenerative processes and saturation of tissues with moisture. It can be used both inside and externally, as well absorbed into the skin.
  • Vitamin B9. A very important element for healthy skin and hair. Contained in dark green vegetables, rye flour, beans, pumpkin and avocado.

Anti-dandruff remedies at home or how to cure folk remedies?

Of course, you can purchase industrial shampoos, masks or sprays to combat dandruff. But what if the problem arose because of the purchased funds and the trust in them was lost? You can use the recipes used by our great-grandmothers and cure hair at home.

When choosing folk remedies for dandruff, consider their composition and properties. Under strict prohibition are masks based on ginger, cinnamon, pepper and other local irritants. They can dry up the already sensitive scalp prone to dandruff. It is worth paying attention to the means with healing, bactericidal and moisturizing properties.

Dandruff Calendula Tincture

Tincture has bactericidal properties, stimulates microcirculation and promotes saturation of hair follicles with nutrients.

Mix 50 ml of calendula tincture and 20 ml of any base oil. Rub into the clean scalp with soft massage movements and leave for 10 minutes. After the expiration rinse with shampoo.

Chemerichna dandruff water

The tool stops the growth of pathogenic fungi, strengthens and heals the hair shafts. Preparation takes place as follows:

  1. Grind the burdock root and pour a small amount of boiling water. Protome in a water bath for 10 minutes, remove from heat and cool. As a result, you should get about 250 ml of the finished broth.
  2. Add 40 ml castor oil and 30 ml lemon juice to the broth. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Formulate the curls and scalp, rubbing the product with light massage movements.
  4. After the helical water dries on the hair, rinse the head with warm water without using shampoo.

Anti-dandruff salt

Ordinary table iodized salt can be used as a peeling for the scalp. It perfectly removes the cornified layer of skin, stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, opens pores and allows tissues to "breathe."

Wet the scalp, put a small amount of salt in the palm of your hand and rub it between the partings with soft massaging movements. Continue the massage for two minutes, then rinse the remnants of salt with cool water by dipping the hair into the basin. So the salt is washed better, and the low temperature will calm the skin after such an aggressive mechanical effect.

Oils for dandruff and head itch

Vegetable oils also show good results in the fight against dandruff and itching. The following are particularly effective:

  • Burdock - contains natural absorbent inulin, which has a powerful bactericidal effect. It cleanses the skin of excess sebum, in which disease-causing fungi and bacteria multiply.
  • Castor oil - contains in its chemical composition ricinoleic acid, which has a pronounced antifungal effect and vitamin E, which nourishes and moisturizes the tissues from the inside. Relieves itching and inflammation, eliminates dandruff and prevents its recurrence.
  • Olive - contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as potassium, calcium and sodium. It nourishes the skin and hair follicles with nutrients and fights against seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Sea buckthorn - possesses valuable chemical composition with phospholipids and carotenoids. It disinfects the scalp, removes existing dandruff and prevents the appearance of new.Due to the fact that sea buckthorn oil is very heavy it is better to dilute it with other, lighter base oils - grape seed, burdock, or sea buckthorn.
  • Tea tree - has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the scalp from sebaceous secretions and sweat. Removes keratinized skin layer, preventing dandruff.

Laundry dandruff soap

Another rather strange, but nonetheless effective recipe for getting rid of dandruff and itching - washing your head with soap. It is as hypoallergenic as it does not contain artificial colors and fragrances. In addition, its bactericidal properties are the best suited for getting rid of fungal infections.

Apply liquid laundry soap to your head and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water and vinegar or lemon juice. If it was not possible to find a liquid variation of the product on sale, you can make a soap solution yourself by dissolving the grated bar of soap in hot water.

What doctor treats dandruff?

Dermatologists, trichologists and cosmetologists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of problems associated with diseases of the scalp and hair. It is in such a sequence that you need to visit doctors if you decide to fight dandruff. A dermatologist examines the skin, prescribes laboratory tests and determines the type of seborrheic dermatitis. According to the results of the study, he prescribes medication.

If the disease has progressed and is reflected in the density and health of the hair, then the next you need to visit is a trichologist and a cosmetologist, in order to select suitable medical and care products.

Cosmetic defect or disease

The fair sex uses expensive cosmetic shampoos, regularly pampers the skin with balsams, moisturizes with special sprays. Men also do not lag behind the ladies, take care of the hair. Many suffer from dandruff and do not understand why, with careful care of their hair, low-aesthetic scales still appear.

The reason - the activation of the fungus that lives on the skin. Under the action of provoking factors, microorganisms multiply, waste products irritate the skin, cause itching, redness, and enhanced exfoliation of the stratum corneum.

How to get rid of dandruff at home? It is possible to get rid of seborrheic manifestations only if two conditions are met:

  • eliminating the causes of increased fungal activity,
  • combination of local treatment (ointment, serum, shampoos, ampoules) with the intake of tablets, vitamin preparations, dietary supplements with active additives.

Look at the options for fashionable everyday hairstyles for short hair.

Why do acne appear on my head? The answer is on this page.

Dandruff Classification

Drugs and dandruff remedies are divided into several groups:

  • the first. Drugs with components that inhibit the growth of fungi, destroying microorganisms. Ingredients: tar, ketoconazole, octopyrox, climbazole, selenium disulfide, sulfur,
  • the second. Drugs that reduce the intensity of peeling, normalize the state of the stratum corneum. Zinc pyrithionate is often used in medicated shampoos. The substance dissolves not in water, but in sebaceous secretions. The active ingredient has antifungal properties,
  • the third. Preparations with exfoliating action. The compositions are indispensable for seborrhea, psoriasis. These diseases cause increased formation of new epidermal cells. Salicylic acid effectively removes excess cornified layer, reduces the likelihood of seborrheic manifestations,
  • fourth group. Natural compounds with therapeutic effect. Extracts of calendula, chamomile relieve irritation, reduce itching. Juniper, pine, cedar resin normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, cleanses and tightens the pores, eliminates the conditions for the development of fungi.

Review of effective drugs

There is no definite answer: The scheme of treatment and treatment of dandruff is developed by a trichologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Properly selected combination of drugs for external and internal use will certainly give results.

After establishing the factors that provoked excessive desquamation of the stratum corneum, the trichologist will prescribe therapy. Be sure to combine local treatment with the use of dietary supplements.

Tablets and capsules

Check out the drugs that deserve positive feedback from doctors and patients. Take antifungal pills only as directed by your doctor. The use of pills on their own initiative often causes side effects, provokes the activation of microorganisms.

Tablets are allowed for patients of different ages, even children. The drug Nizoral is prescribed as an adjunct to the use of a medicinal shampoo having the same name.


  • the fight against fungi at the biological level
  • creating negative conditions for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms,
  • a gradual decrease in the volume of dead flakes. In many patients, Nizoral complex therapy leads to the normalization of the quality of the stratum corneum.

An effective drug with the same active ingredient. Miconazole is recommended for complex therapy for fungal lesions of the scalp. Take pills only by prescription.


  • suppression of parasitic fungi causing skin diseases,
  • treatment, prevention of abundant peeling, seborrhea,
  • strengthening the immune system, preventing the body's sensitivity to the action of disease-causing agents.

Medicines in ampoules

Glass containers with a volume of 5-10 ml contain highly effective serum. The active composition quickly eliminates the signs of seborrhea, improves the condition of the epidermis, moisturizes the skin.

Be sure to combine the ampoules with the use of therapeutic shampoos. At the same time, rinse the hair with herbal broths, make homemade masks from peeling skin. Eliminate the reasons that caused the excessive rejection of the stratum corneum, and complex treatment will certainly result.

Botox ampoules from Kallos Cosmetics

The well-known Hungarian brand offers patients suffering from seborrheic manifestations an excessive amount of dead scales, an effective remedy. After a course of procedures dandruff disappears, fat balance is normalized.


  • blood circulation improves,
  • hair follicles are strengthened
  • water and fat metabolism is restored,
  • skin softens, the volume of dead cells of the stratum corneum decreases,
  • curls become stronger, more elastic, there is a pleasant sheen.

The package contains 6 vials of 10 ml. For one application, one quarter or one half is sufficient. Distribute the contents of the ampoule on the strands, rub into the epidermis.

Serum Kallos Hair Botox Anti-Dandruff in ampoules is sold in a pharmacy, in online stores.

Agafya First Aid Kit

The Russian brand, which produces medical and cosmetic hair care products, pleased the girls with an inexpensive, effective means to fight against fungus on the skin. The oil plant complex has an active anti-seboric effect. Excellent composition for the treatment of fungal skin diseases, prevention of seborrheic dermatitis.


  • oil extracts of plantain, red pepper, althea, sage,
  • pumpkin oil, black pepper, lemongrass, juniper,
  • antifungal component climbazol,
  • antioxidants.


  • serum inhibits the growth of parasitic fungi,
  • softens, moisturizes the skin, nourishes with beneficial substances
  • strengthens the bulbs, improves hair growth.

Packaging - 7 vials of 5 ml. One ampulka is enough for one or two times. The duration of therapy depends on the results, determined by the trichologist. The cost is acceptable - 260 rubles.

German company Londa

The German company offers an active serum for the treatment of seborrheic manifestations, preventing the recurrence of dandruff. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the tool has a positive effect on the appearance of the hair, returns shine to the shine, elasticity, improves the texture of the hairs.


  • jojoba oil - restoring weakened locks, moisturizing, nourishing, preventing inflammation,
  • Calendula extract - softening of the epidermis, healing of skin microcracks. The healing extract has a bactericidal, disinfecting effect,
  • klimbazol actively fights with the growth and development of fungi. The active substance damages the shell of the microorganism, causes the death of fungal colonies.

Learn about the properties and application of grapefruit essential oil for hair.

About the use of hyaluronic acid for hair is written in this article.

At http://jvolosy.com/problemy/vypadenie/mezoterapiya.html read reviews of mesotherapy for hair and scalp.


  • metabolic processes are normalized,
  • the condition of the skin is improved, the bulbs are strengthened, the quality of the hair is restored,
  • the activity of microorganisms gradually decreases, increased peeling disappears.

The package contains 6 vials of 10 ml each. The cost is quite high - 1880 rubles, but a noticeable effect explains the popularity of the active product.

Pasta sulsena

The drug is available in different concentrations:

  • 1% - for prophylaxis,
  • 2% for treatment.

The volume of the tube is 40 and 75 g. The active substance is selenium disulfide. The best results were observed in case of complex therapy with anti-seboric shampoo from the same line.


  • strengthening bulbs,
  • decrease in sebum production,
  • healing of the epidermis,
  • reducing the number of dead flakes,
  • the gradual disappearance of the prerequisites for the formation of dandruff.

Healing Ointment with Sulfur

Several active compounds for the treatment of fungal diseases, seborrhea, psoriasis contain sulfur. This component has antiparasitic, disinfectant action. Prevent excessive peeling of the stratum corneum will help ointment concentration of 10%. The tool is often prepared in a pharmacy.

The drug affects certain types of fungi. Analyzes to identify the causative agent before prescribing a potent agent are required.

Sulfuric ointment inhibits the activity of the fungus, but dries the hair. Trichologists or dermatologists choose a potent agent in the extreme case when more gentle ointments or emulsions do not help.

Many remedies for seborrhea, dandruff, psoriasis contain sulfur. The action is softer, the effect is noticeable.

Effective ointment with sulfur:

  • Olimetin.
  • Sulfur-salicylic.
  • Wilkinson ointment.
  • Sulfur tar

Only a doctor will select a therapeutic composition for external use. Ointments are available without a prescription, but you should not lubricate the skin with a highly active composition on the advice of a friend or neighbor.

Video - review and review of medical preparations for dandruff:

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I like the Sulsen paste most of all: it really helps a lot (the amount of dandruff decreases noticeably after a couple of uses of only 1% paste), it is inexpensive, it does not get used to it. But, unfortunately, it does not solve the problem once and for all. So I live from aggravation to exacerbation, I try to periodically apply the paste even on healthy scalp for prevention. Advertised cosmetic shampoos personally did not help me at all. Only pharmacy products that actually have therapeutic components have proven to be truly effective.

My boyfriend suffered for a long time with dandruff - they tried a bunch of shampoos and medical ones from the pharmacy and from the store. all in vain, some helped while you use it, but it was enough to stop, after a week or two dandruff returned. suddenly helped ordinary store shampoo clear vita abe. I do not know how it differs in composition from other similar shampoos, but the truth helped. But although this is all individually, a lot of reasons and help different active substances.


+++++++ Very effective tool. I did not believe it myself until I tried it. Now the whole line of Urelia is my mast. It copes well with dry scalp = dandruff and dryness of the whole body!

My love with ketoconazole horsepower shampoo. Seen enough advertising))) but truth good shampoo

I was treated with shampoo libriderm zinc. It quickly relieves dandruff, perfectly washes hair and does not contain any nastiness

In general, I also recently started to consult with ketoconazole shampoos, first googled the horsepower, jumped out (my groom had dandruff strong) Helped oddly, I had my head once a month for prevention

Rating of the best dandruff remedies

What is important is an integrated approach, which includes:

  • use of therapeutic shampoos and lotions,
  • taking drugs that normalize metabolism: they usually contain methionine and riboflavin,
  • consultations with doctors: an immunologist, a gastroenterologist, and an infectious disease specialist — these are needed to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and immune system.

Effective remedies for seborrhea contain the following components:

  • selenium persulfide, climbazole: help to destroy disease-causing bacteria, but cannot cope with the fungus,
  • salicylic acid: normalizes the sebaceous glands, kills germs, helps get rid of dead skin cells (exfoliating action),
  • ichthyol: relieves inflammation, relieves pain, kills germs, stimulates active regeneration of skin cells,
  • Birch tar: destroys bacteria, stimulates skin renewal, but is powerless against fungus,
  • bifonazole: destroys the fungus (Candida and Malassezia),
  • ketoconazole: effective against seborrhea caused by the fungus (Candida and Malassezia),
  • clotrimazole: also destroys fungal growths,
  • ciclopirox: begins to kill the Malassezia fungus within three minutes after application,
  • zinc pyrithione: kills Malassezia fungus and germs.

If seborrhea is caused by a fungus, choose antifungal agents.

If the fault is due to impaired metabolism, weakened immunity, or abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, take medications that solve this problem.

Industrial Dandruff Treatment

They can be divided into shampoos, ointments and pills.

ShampoosNizoral"And"Dermazole"With ketoconazole help in the shortest possible time to get rid of dandruff. The best remedy for seborrhea of ​​the head caused by the fungus. Eliminate discomfort: peeling, itchy skin. Enough budget and popular funds.

ShampooSebosol»Eliminates dandruff caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Restores damaged hair structure. Can be used for the prevention of seborrhea.

Shampoo Home institut contains nettle extract, which helps restore normal activity of the sebaceous glands.

Therefore, help to get rid of dandruff, only caused by violations of their work.

Removes itching, makes hair shiny.

ShampooBioderma"Used for seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff and psoriasis.

It inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, kills the fungus and relieves inflammation, promotes active renewal of skin cells. Stops itching, relieves irritation.

Read tips about how to choose the right shampoo for men or women, as well as dry or oily dandruff.

Mal "SulsenaIt is considered the most effective in the treatment of dandruff. It acts in several directions: it destroys the fungus, relieves itching and eliminates desquamation. Strengthens hair roots and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Sulfuric ointment kills bacteria and some types of fungus. It is rarely used because it worsens the condition of the hair. Enough "nuclear", therefore recommend using it in extreme caseswhen more benign remedies have no effect.

Salicylic ointment - an excellent inexpensive remedy for the treatment of dandruff in the early stages. Powerless against fungus, but perfectly removes inflammation and destroys bacteria, exfoliates the skin.

Pills "Nystatin»Take for dandruff caused by the activity of fungi of the genus Candida. If the cause of seboria is precisely in this, "Nystatin" will help to recover in 2 weeks. In other cases, the medicine is powerless.

«Nizoral"Prescribed for severe dandruff, which can not handle medical shampoos and ointments. Tablets help to stop the development of the disease and improve the appearance of the scalp.

«Miconazole"- antifungal agent. Destroys the fungus, strengthens the immune system and eliminates the peeling of the scalp.

We have studied the forums and reviews of various means for the treatment of dandruff.

The most effective and popular of them is the ointment "Sulsen": almost everyone can be cured with this tool.

But it is powerless if the disease is neglected - in this case, complex treatment is necessary and consultation of the doctor is obligatory.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for the treatment of dandruff.

Home masks will help in the early stages of the diseasewhen dandruff is not yet pronounced. Recipe list:

  • mix castor oil, vodka and strong tea 1 tablespoon, rub into the scalp, leave for two hours, wash off,
  • rub into the scalp Apple vinegar, leave for an hour, wash off,
  • on stale hair, apply fat kefir, leave for half an hour, wash off,
  • mix yolk, with honey, sour cream, brandy (1 tablespoon), rub into hair, wrap in film, wash off after 2 hours)
  • mix birch tar (2 teaspoons) with castor oil (1 tablespoon) and alcohol (1/2 cup), leave on the head for 2 hours, rinse.

Effective in the treatment of dandruff are considered essential oils: orange, bay, clove, spruce, cedar, cypress, lavender, incense, lemon, lemon balm, juniper, peppermint, patchouli, rosemary, chamomile, sandalwood, pine, tea tree, sage and eucalyptus.

To cure seborrhea with their help, you must:

  • add 1-2 drops of essential oil to a portion of shampoo with which you wash your hair,
  • dissolve 1-2 drops in herbs decoction to rinse hair (first dissolve the ether in a pinch of salt, then add to the decoction),
  • to prepare mixtures: add 3-4 drops of ether to fatty base oil-base, rub into scalp, leave for an hour, rinse.

From fatty oils, you can use any, but preferably jojoba, cedar and mono de Tahiti.

How fast can you recover?

If folk remedies are treated slowly, then pharmaceutical drugs act quickly.

In the first case, it will take weeks and months., to say goodbye to seborrhea forever, in the second - just a few days.

According to reviews, medical ointments eliminate discomfort from the first application, and completely cure dandruff in 7-14 days.

It is possible to accelerate the effect, if you apply the ointment simultaneously with shampoos and once a week to make masks according to popular recipes.

And if you also take care of the inside: take vitamins, dandruff tablets, strengthen the immune systemthen you not only cure seborrhea, but also do not allow relapse.

We summarize: we hope now you will not have a question what is the best remedy for dandruff? Take care of complex treatment. Not only use healing ointments, shampoos, but also take pills, make homemade masks. Try to eat a balanced diet, drink vitamins. Check with your doctor to rule out dysbiosis.


Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).