
Hairstyles to school in 5 minutes for medium, long, short hair


Gathering her child to school, each mother asks a question: what kind of hairstyle idea will suit this time so that it is original, fashionable and fast? Since little schoolgirls are not fully accustomed to adult responsibilities, and they don’t want to wake up earlier to create a complex image, you should have several hairstyles to school in your arsenal in 5 minutes.

Hairstyles to school should be at least interesting.

The article presents popular and lightweight hairstyles in 5 minutes, the implementation of which does not require much effort and skill, but despite this, your daughter will like them and will become an original addition to her image.

Feature of hairstyles for school is that it must be neat, well-groomed, and, most importantly, not to interfere with the child during school, not to distract him. Remember, the purpose of attending school is not a demonstration of my mother's art, but the acquisition of knowledge, therefore compliance with the rules established in an educational institution is necessary.

The master class will help create a hairstyle suitable for school and at the same time make a stylish touch to the image of your daughter.

Easy hairstyle - tail

The easiest option for every day is the tail. It is suitable for both long and medium hair. In addition, to diversify this hairstyle, you can make several tails, leave them straight, cross, make a tail with a pile, tie it on the right or left side.

The order of the lateral tail:

Simple hairstyle - twisted tail

On the execution of the inverted tail will take no more than three minutes. School hairstyles of this kind are suitable for ordinary days and for holidays. To turn the tail turned festive shade, it can be slightly screwed curling. True, the creation of curls will have to spend an additional 15-20 minutes. Before creating the tail, you need to brush your hair well.

Such hairstyles for long hair can be decorated with beautiful accessories (hairpins, bows, ribbons), you can also use stealth or hairpins with beads at the ends. This will give the image a peculiar charm.

Cool hairstyle with braids

Curls, laid in braids - comfortable and beautiful, because the braids do not allow disobedient strands to climb into the eyes and at the same time affect the technique of weaving and diversity. This may be a fishtail tail, a classic and an inverted cone.

The French braid for a schoolgirl looks quite stylish:

Stylish classic wisp: phased process

The order of the hairstyles for the school beam:

Wrapped bagel looks very beautiful

In order to give the bun a shape of a gulka, a donut can be put as a base. Hairstyle will be more restrained and neat. There are several options for its implementation, the diversity of which depends on your imagination and skill.

The basis of almost all methods of creating a gulki is winding the tail on a bagel, with simultaneous distribution of hair over the surface of the bagel.

The longer and thicker the hair, the more spectacular the bagel-based beam will be.

Simple Greek hairstyle with a short hair bandage

As practice shows, short hair is not a reason to abandon stylish and original hairstyles, one of which is a simple Greek hairstyle. To create it you need to stock up with special accessories needed to create an image. This may be a bandage, elastic, hoop or tiara.The choice of accessory depends on whether it is a school day or a holiday. Hairstyles for every day easier and faster to form with a gum. The owners of curly locks to create the image of the Greek goddess will not be difficult, those who have straight hair, will have to resort to using curling. Here, without the help of mom or grandmother, a little fashionista can not do.

It runs like this:

After non-durable workouts to create hairstyles presented in the article, you can quickly and effortlessly, giving your princess a unique charm.

Hair Style Requirements for Schoolgirls

Despite the fact that many young fashionable women want to surprise classmates with something unusual, when choosing hairstyles Some rules should be followed:

  1. Compliance with the dress code. Most schools have school uniforms and hair prescriptions. For example, long strands should not be loose or one should not use too bright accessories.
  2. Hair should be comfortable, do not interfere during classes.
  3. It is necessary that the head was neat, bangs do not climb into the eyes.
  4. For physical education classes, the styling should be especially durable so as not to interfere with and not disintegrate when performing various kinds of exercises.

The secrets of fast hair

Hairstyles to school in 5 minutes is easy to do to yourself, knowing the following subtleties:

  1. First of all, the hair must be clean. Any even the most stylish styling will look not the best way on dirty uncleaned hair.
  2. Before you lay strands, they should be carefully combed. If your hair is confused, you can use a special gel.
  3. On the disobedient strands, you can apply a mousse for styling. In this case, the tool should be of good quality and fit the type of hair.
  4. Hairstyle should not be very intricate. Firstly, it will take a lot of time, and secondly, sometimes very simple styling looks more impressive than intricate curls.
  5. So that the styling does not fall apart during the day, you can fix it with varnish. In this case, you should not use very cheap products so that your hair does not stick together.
  6. In order to keep the hair better, you can use stealth, especially if the hair is not very long, there are some short strands. Or you want to stab a bang. On the head, these accessories are not noticeable, but they help to make the styling more accurate.

Examples of hairstyles with flowing hair

If the rules allow, you can effectively lay loose hair. Beautiful curls falling on the shoulders always attract attention.

You can use the following options:

    Loose strands. Dissolve carefully combed hair over the shoulders. In this parting can be straight or oblique. If the strands are straight, you can curl the tips with a curling iron. You should know that this device is very harmful to the hair and, if misused, can burn hands, therefore it is better to use it in limited quantities. If the curls curl, you can, on the contrary, straighten them with a special ironing, however, care should be taken here. This hairstyle looks more stylish and neat on the hair of medium length. If there is a naughty bang, you can sprinkle it with a little varnish.

Hairstyle laying on the side of the school can be done in real 5 minutes without any help.

  • Laying on the side. Loose hair can be laid on the right or left side. To prevent the hair from falling apart, put a mousse on it before styling.
  • When creating hairstyles from loose hair, remember: strands should not interfere during class.

    To do this, you can use the following styling methods:

    1. Hairstyle with rim. Loose hair can be supplemented with a stylish accessory. It is better that the bezel is not bright, the color of the form, without rhinestones and finishes. Instead of a bezel, you can also use a wide ribbon. If there are no bangs, you can slightly let the hair in front of the rim, then the hairstyle will look more stylish.This option is especially suitable for owners of a small forehead.
    2. Pigtail rim. You can make an accessory in the form of a rim of your own hair. To do this: on the right or left side, separate the strand several centimeters thick, divide it into 3 parts and weave an ordinary pigtail. Next, throw it on the opposite side and secure with an invisible or discreet hair clip.
    3. Pigtails on the sides. To create this hairstyle, one should: on the one hand, separate the thin strand, divide it into 3 parts, make a pigtail, fix it with an elastic band. Then do the same on the opposite side. This style looks stylish and defiantly, especially on small hair.

    Horsetail hairstyles

    Hairstyles to school in 5 minutes can be done from the horse's tail. Laying looks stylish and unusual if use the following options for its implementation:

    1. Fluffy tail. Collect all the hair in the tail on the back of the head or the top, securing it with a rubber band. If you want to gum was not visible, you can hide it with a strand of hair. To do this, it is necessary to separate a small strand from the assembled tail, wind it around the elastic band and fasten it with a small pin. To make the tail fluffy, you should slightly strand the strands with a thin comb, or curl the curls slightly. Such styling is ideal for owners of thin and not very long hair.
    2. Tail on the side. To create this styling, you should collect all the hair in the temple on the right or left side and secure with a rubber band. The tail can be smooth or fluffy. Hairstyle looks stylish and gives the image some enthusiasm.
    3. Pigtail tail. On the basis of the ponytail, you can create different variations of braids. For example, to collect all the hair in the tail on the back of the head, crown or side, securing an elastic band. Next, divide the hair in the tail into 3 strands and braid the usual pigtail. Then fix the result with an accessory. To make the pigtail look more interesting, you can pull out small locks on each side of it. In this case, the finished styling should be sprinkled with varnish.
    4. A few braids from the tail. On the basis of this hairstyle you can braid not 1, but 2 or several braids. To do this, collect all the hair in the tail, securing it with an elastic band, separate the strand, divide it into parts, braid an ordinary braid and fix it with a thin elastic band. From the remnants of hair in the tail in the same way to perform the desired number of braids. The tail can be located anywhere on the head.

    Hairstyles with tails

    In 5 minutes you can create a fast hairstyle suitable for school and with the help of cheerful tails. They give the image a highlight, filling it with charm.

    Several interesting and fashionable options:

    1. 2 tails. Divide all hair into 2 equal parts. Parting straight or oblique. On one side of the head, collect the tail in the area of ​​the weight, fasten it. Do the same on the other side
    2. Pigtails from tails. You can turn tails in no less perky pigtails. This hairstyle is performed in the same way as the previous one, only the strands in each tail are divided into 3 strands, after which they are woven into a pigtail. Each tail can have one or several
    3. Double tails. This hairstyle is suitable if there are too short strands or you want to remove too long bangs. To perform the hair, it is necessary to divide all the hair into 2 equal parts, in the temple area to collect strands with elastic, assembled tail to connect with the rest of the hair on this side and fasten with accessory. Do the same with the other side.

    Hairstyles with braids

    For school, the perfect hairdo for 5 minutes is the traditional braid, which is easy to braid itself. Despite the fact that weaving a braid is considered to be quite complicated, it can be done quickly, if you do not use too intricate options.

    Weaving methods:

    1. Spit ordinary of 3 strands. Put all the hair together, divide it into 3 parts of equal size, put the first strand on the second, top it from the third and weave it all the way to the end of the hair. To make a spit openwork, you can pull out thin strands from one or two of its sides. In this case, fix the result with varnish.
    2. 2 braids from 3 strands. All hairs should be divided into 2 halves with straight or oblique parting, braid a pigtail on each side, similar to weaving in a previous hairstyle, fasten with an accessory. The ends of the braids can be short or long. In the second case, you can curl them a bit. Spit can be smooth or openwork.
    3. Spit "Fish Tail". This hairstyle is a bit more complicated, but it looks very impressive. It is especially suitable for owners of thin hair.

    For its implementation it is necessary:

    • split all hair in half,
    • take one strand from the right and left side,
    • cross them with each other,
    • holding the beginning of weaving with one hand, take the same hand with the other hand on the right or left and cross it with the top strand of the braid,
    • do the same thing from the other side.
    • thus weave the whole braid to the required length,
    • secure the end with a rubber band or barrette.
    1. Spit with ribbon. Collect all the hair, securing it with a thin elastic band, tie a ribbon on it so that it does not move out, divide the hair into 3 equal strands, add the ends of the ribbon to the ends, weave a regular braid. When the hair is almost finished, tie the ends of the ribbon in a knot and draw a bow. Thus you can braid 1 or 2 braids.

    Hairstyles for short hair

    Hairstyles to school in 5 minutes can be easily done independently on short hair. Of course, a lot depends on the version of the haircut, but here there is room for imagination.

    Ways to do:

    1. A very short haircut can be applied with a gel or special wax, highlighting the strands on the bangs. If the hair is naughty, you can curl a little bangs and lift the top.
    2. Malvina. This hairstyle was popular in the 90s, but now it does not lose its relevance. Suitable for long car. Hair on the top of the head or even a little higher to collect in the tail with a rubber band, it can be tweaked a little or combed, the rest of the strands left flowing.
    3. Barrettes on both sides. You can simply fix the hair on the right or left side with dim accessories. To do this, split the hair in two parts and fasten with hairpins in the temples. Accessories should not be very large, then they will not subside. Hairstyle is suitable for caret.

    Hairstyles for medium length hair

    Hairstyles to school for medium hair have many options, since this length is universal and suitable for all types of styling.

    In 5 minutes you can create yourself:

    1. Bundles of braids. This hairstyle looks very original. To do this, it is necessary to divide the hair into 2 halves and braid on the temples into two simple braids, after which each one should be assembled into a small bundle using hairpins. Result sprinkle with varnish.
    2. Reversed tail. Collect the hair in the lower part of the head with a rubber band, relax it a little, make a hole over the tail from the hair, thread the tail there, as if turning it inside out.
    3. Hairstyle based on the "donut". This simple fixture will help in creating a quick hairstyle. To do this: collect the hair in the tail, put a bagel on it, distribute the strands according to the diameter of the device, hide the ends under the bagel, fasten with pins.

    Hairstyles for long hair

    Very long hair is not always comfortable, but of them you can easily create a beautiful image on your own in a short time. Execution options:

    1. Classic bunch. Gather all the hairs together in the lower or upper part of the neck with a thin elastic band, braid the braid, fasten it with an accessory, put the braid in a bun, using hairpins.
    2. Spit-bagel. Collect all the hair and braid the usual three-strand braid, fold it in half and fasten it at the base with a hairpin.
    3. Tail in the form of a rope. Lay the hair in the tail at the bottom of the head or on the crown, separate the thin strand and braid the pigtail from it, wrap it around the elastic band, closing it and fasten it with invisible hairs or small hairpins, split it into 2 strands, twist them together so that it turns into a harness. To fix a hairstyle on the end with an elastic band
    4. Tail of the beam. Collect all the hair on the crown in the tail and fasten it, braid a not very long braid from the tail, put it in a bun, put the remaining long end of the braid in the center of the bun so that it hangs out of it. Result fasten studs, sprinkle with varnish.
    5. Tail with elastic bands. To collect hair in a low tail, fasten with a rubber band. Then at the same distance from each other to place a few more rubber bands. You can use accessories in different colors. Thus, you can arrange 1 or 2 tails.

    There are many options for creating hairstyles for school and other educational institutions, which are performed in 5 minutes to itself. Using them, you can every day please yourself and others with stylish images.

    Video: hairstyles to school

    Simple hairstyles in 5 minutes. 9 bunches to school:

    5 light hairstyles for every day:

    Criteria for creating hairstyles to school every day

    Every day, going to school, little students think up their hairstyles, and mothers help them to create them. Growing up, the girls are already able to do some styling with their own hands. School hair should perform several functions and meet certain criteria.

    1) It should not look old-fashioned, as if from the past century, so as not to cause ridicule classmates. Children react very seriously to comments from their peers, so any unflattering word addressed to them can leave an indelible mark.

    2) The laying should not cause inconvenience so that it does not distract from the process of schooling. And also so that the child can easily correct it during the day if she has lost her form.

    3) Simple hairstyles for girls are the most suitable for every day for school. So that the child himself or with the help of an adult could easily and quickly create it in the morning before classes, without getting up too early.

    4) Everything in the hairstyle should meet the school requirements, it should not look as if you came to the prom night.

    5) Do not do too adult haircut or styling, everything must match the age and look harmonious.

    Casual school hairstyles for long and medium hair

    In the hairstyle, everything is important, including the fringe, if the girl wears it. You need to understand that too long bangs can distract from classes, as well as spoil the vision. For different types of faces, different bangs are suitable. So if a child has a pretty face, then it is better to make a slanting bang. If the face is thin, then a straight line is better.
    Medium-length hairs are optimal for schoolgirls, as they do not require much care and time for their “refining”. In addition, in childhood the hair is still not very strong, so do not hurt them once again. For example, wearing fluffy hair every day in school can lead to the fact that curls get confused and start to break because of this.

    Moms and dads should stock up with enough gum and other hair accessories, as with their help you can make a variety of hairstyles to school for every day, which will look good and be easily executed. In addition, rezinochki very quickly lost, or lose their strength and appearance.

    What are school hairstyles for long, medium and short hair, look here.

    School tails

    One of the most acceptable styling options for the school is the tail. It is very simple to perform and looks pretty good. At the same time the schoolgirl does not have to change her hairstyle in front of physical culture. Also, such a laying for a long time can last unchanged throughout the day.The tail is suitable for any type of person and for any kind of long and medium hair.

    You can make several tails, or, for example, create it not in the center, but on the side. You can complement such a tail with a scythe or some beautiful rubber band or barrette.

    It is not worth much to tighten the hair, otherwise it can turn into a headache that will interfere with the child during school and cause all sorts of discomfort.

    One of the interesting options for creating hairstyles from the tail is "Cascade". But this is not a haircut at all, as many might think. Photo hairstyle presented below. How to do it?
    The essence of laying is that the tails are located at different levels. But you should not do this hairstyle, if the hair is too short or have different lengths or in front this length is very short. Since in this case, the curls will come out and spoil the overall image.
    All hair should be moved to the side. Then select two strands - one small near the forehead, and the other near the crown. These two strands are connected to the tail, and then turned around itself. Next, take the hair below the same volume and just as connected and rotated. This should be done until all strands are involved.

    It turns out the original hairstyle for every day, which is not difficult to perform in 5 minutes.

    Everyday styling with braids

    Another type of hairstyle loved by girls are braids. Schoolgirls are most often associated with them.

    Previously, female students braided a regular pigtail or two and tied them with a bow, but today it is completely boring and not interesting. At present, hair with braids look very gentle and feminine, moreover, they do not interfere with girls during their studies and can hold out for a very long time without losing their appearance.

    You can make the French braids or braids similar to them, braided the other way round. They look very beautiful, and they are made quite simply. Then the strands can be stretched to make the braid look voluminous.

    You can make the collected hairstyle with weaving.

    Braids without weaving, created with the help of rubber bands look very impressive.

    How to perform such weaving, see the following video material.

    But the hair based on the braid, which can be done in 5 minutes.
    Here, three braids are connected into one. This is a great school hairstyle for every day.
    To begin with, two strands of hair in the upper part of the head are separated and pigtails with a grab are woven from them, as shown in the photo. This hair is taken at the edges. Weave pigtails need not fully, several times picking up the hair, and then a simple three-strand braid. Further, on the other hand, the same actions are repeated. In the center of the lower part of the hair weave a braid in a similar way to the end of their length. In the links of the central spit need to thread the two extreme. It looks very impressive and, as you can see, it is not at all difficult to create. And to give a festive look to the hairstyle, it is enough to add hairpins or ribbons and ribbons.

    Making bunches for schoolgirls with their own hands

    Another option that is loved not only by girls, but also by adult women. This is a very simple and convenient hairstyle bun.
    Now, to simplify the process of creating an image, there are various devices, for example, rollers, which will make a very even and beautiful beam.

    But you can use the "old-fashioned" hairpins, rubber bands and pins. Hairstyle is created very simple. It is necessary to collect the hair in a ponytail at the crown, then wrap it in a bundle and wrap it in a circle on the elastic band, and then fix it with special hairpins and pins.
    You can make a beam at the bottom of the head, then the image will be more serious and discreet.

    For slender girls and small fit very well beam at the top of the head.
    You can make two beams on the sides, then it will look very fun, like little horns. For this you need to make the same harnesses, only from the tails tied at the sides. Or create bunches of braids.You can decorate with various ribbons, rubber bands, headbands, and barrettes.

    Beautiful bows of hair in 5 minutes

    Popular lately styling among young people and schoolgirls for every day is a bow of hair. It looks very fun and cool and just enough is done. There are many options for such hairstyles, but they are all based on the one - the classic, just a little modified.

    How to make such an image, consider step by step:

    1) First you need to tie a taut rubber band on the top of the head or where the bow is supposed to be placed. All hair should be collected and not fall out of the tail.

    2) The tail must be made the last time through the rubber band is not fully, so that there is an unfinished movement, like a loop.

    3) Hair that hangs from the bottom of the loop should be left and fastened with a hairpin to the head so that they do not interfere, as long as they are not needed, but will be used later in creating the final image.

    4) Next, the hair from the eyelet is divided into two equal parts. These will be different sides of the bow, so they must be the same size so that everything looks harmonious.

    5) Now it's time for the strands, which were pinned to the top of the head, it must be placed between the separated loops of the loop, it will be the middle of a bow. It should not be tightly tightened, otherwise you will not get the desired result. It remains to fix this tip with the help of studs or stealth arms behind the bow so that it is well fixed, otherwise the bow will quickly lose its appearance. It turns out a nice hairstyle that you can do to girls in school every day. The result can be seen in the photo. You can also supplement it with various hair ornaments.

    You can make two bows that will look very cute. You can make it not in the center, but a little to the side. How to make a bow of hair in different versions, see here.

    A variety of the fastest hairstyles for girls in school can be seen here.

    Quick hair style ideas for long hair

    Long-haired schoolgirls to pick up hair for school is easy. In addition to the classic horse tail and pigtails, the mother can braid her daughter’s original fishtail, make an elegant bun, create a touching “malvina” on her head. The interesting inverted tail or “tripod” looks great. It is worth remembering that the styling should be strong and comfortable, so that the girl would be comfortable while studying at school, and the short strands or bangs (if any) would not interfere with seeing.

    Hairstyle for every day "Malvina"

    Malvina hairstyle is a universal hairstyle for girls, which is very popular. It is perfect for young girls, pupils of elementary school and high school students. Often this kind of styling is found on the prom: the festive "malvina" is done with a fleece, decorated with a bright accessory. In addition, the original hairstyle looks great on the hair of any type: curly girls, it gives tenderness and touching, on straight hair looks strictly and neatly. How to create a “malvinu” in five minutes:

    1. Take a comb, make a horizontal parting on the hair, separating about a third of the total array.
    2. Comb your hair, comb it back.
    3. Fold the tail of a third of hair with a rubber band in the back center.

    To make the hairstyle look more interesting, you can decorate it. For example, pick a beautiful hairpin instead of a rubber band or wrap a hair strand around its attachment. It looks good “malvina”, which ends not with a tail, but with a free oblique “fish tail” style or with several pigtails - do not be afraid to experiment, creating new images.

    Original bundle

    School life is often intense and active, and therefore the hairstyle should be as comfortable as possible. The option with fully assembled hair is suitable for days when there is a gym class or going to the theater.The cool bunch looks beautiful, elegant, emphasizes the girl’s tender face. To learn how to style your hair, see step-by-step instructions:

    1. On a girl's long hair, make a long tail (it can be located in the center or slightly on the side), then divide it into two equal parts. Twist the harnesses, twist them around each other.
    2. Turn the tail with bundles gently wrap around the attachment of the gum, adjusting it so that you get an even bundle.
    3. Hide the embossed tip: first pass the strand through the central part of the beam, then fasten it under the elastic band.
    4. Secure the hairpin with pins.
    5. Use accessories to make the beam look even better. For example, a flower barrette, a rubber band with a bow, etc.

    Fish tail

    Stylish hairstyle "fishtail" is an excellent replacement for the classic pigtail, because it looks more complex and interesting, while the process of weaving does not take much time and effort. Performing this baby hairstyle for the first time may take a little more than 5 minutes, but then you can easily do it every day. Hair Style Master Class:

    1. Divide the upper part of the hair into two parts, as shown in the photo. Cross them (the left strand should be higher than the right).
    2. Add more strands, crossing them together, as in the first step.
    3. Continue weaving a fishtail on the head until you reach the back of the head.
    4. When you finish weaving on the head, continue to make a fish tail, only in this case you will need to take two locks from the sides of the free tail.
    5. Continue to weave to the desired length of the pigtail, secure the result with a rubber band for hair. Fishtail is ready!

    What hairstyle can be done on medium hair

    Girls with medium hair do not have so many different hair styling options, but even here there are stylish and cool hairstyles that are great for everyday wear. In addition, on strands of this length, the mother can create the same “malvine”, she will look cute and funny. Below will be considered the original styling using the rim, decorating the hair with a side pigtail, and also an “elegant wreath” - a neat, convenient version of the hairstyle for every day.

    The bezel is a wonderful decoration that is popular not only because of its appearance, but also because of its convenience. The accessory is able to hide a growing bang, it is used so that the hair does not interfere, and it also emphasizes any hairstyle: loose hair and collected hair. How to make a simple styling using the bezel:

    1. If there is a bang, make bouffant, if not, separate the strand from the forehead and also lightly comb it.
    2. Secure the combed hair with an invisible hairpin or hairpin.
    3. Twisting the hair from behind, make a bun (it looks more interesting when it looks a bit careless), secure it with an elastic band and, if necessary, with pins.
    4. Put the bezel on your head.

    Loose hair with a scythe on its side

    Loose hair looks beautiful, but this hairstyle is not always suitable for everyday wear to school. To give her a more neat and cute look, mom can create an interesting pigtail hairstyle to the side. Cute weaving will make the image of the girl touching, gentle, such a setting is suitable for festive wear. How to do:

    1. Using a comb, separate a small part of the hair from the forehead, comb it well.
    2. Comb the strand to the side, secure with an elastic band, decorate as desired: with a bow, a beautiful hair clip or another accessory.
    3. Start weaving a pigtail from the attachment point. It can be a classic weave, a stylish fishtail or a four-strand braid.
    4. At the end, fix the small braid with a thin rubber band. Children's hairstyle for school is ready!

    Elegant wreath

    Movable, active girls are perfect for the version of hairstyles called "elegant wreath." This hairstyle is simple to perform and is unlikely to take more than five minutes with some experience.To create it you will need eight one-color or multi-colored rubber bands and a comb. If this is a holiday styling, the hair accessories can be bright, and if the mother makes a child's haircut to school, it is better to use elastic bands of one or two shades. How to make a wreath on your head:

    1. Make a straight vertical parting, separate the hair with two tails.
    2. Divide the resulting tails in flat horizontal partings to create four tails.
    3. The four parts still split in two, as shown in the picture. There should be eight tails, which are evenly distributed in a circle.
    4. Start weaving a “wreath”: connect the first tail (on the photo with a light green elastic band) to the one that is slightly to the right, removing the elastic band from it, and then fix the already connected parts of the hair again.
    5. Continue weaving by repeating the same steps until a single tail remains.
    6. To hide it, slightly pull off the upper hank of elastic, stretch the strand under it.
    7. Do this until the tail is completely “lost” in the wreath.

    Simple hairstyles for girls for short hair

    As a rule, a short haircut already looks like a finished hairstyle, so moms do not do additional hair styling. But even in this case, it will turn out to come up with stylish, original solutions for decorating children's hair. Below will be shown interesting ideas for creating a side tail, “baralets”, pigtails, made with the help of two tails.

    Tail on the side for little girls

    To create a side tail, you do not need to spend a lot of time. To perform the styling, you should comb your hair well, and then gently fasten it with an elastic from the left or right side. The height of the tail depends on what kind of image the mother wants to create: the higher he is, the more funny and cute the styling looks. The low tail, on the contrary, looks stylish and elegant. Beautiful accessories will decorate the finished hair: hairpins, elastic bands, headbands or headbands for hair.

    Easy hairstyle - tail

    The easiest option for every day is the tail. It is suitable for both long and medium hair. In addition, to diversify this hairstyle, you can make several tails, leave them straight, cross, make a tail with a pile, tie it on the right or left side.

    The order of the lateral tail:

    • Before you begin work, you must carefully comb your hair, because they must lie in a beam smoothly and carefully. This is the main condition of a beautiful and spectacular tail,
    • Next, you should collect the hair in a bun on the left or right
    • Decide on the height of the tail. A high tail is more fervent and mischievous, therefore it is suitable for younger girls, a low one will give extra elegance,
    • Bind your hair with a rubber band
    • You can decorate hairstyles with a tail using neat hairpins with stones in the shape of a flower, a butterfly, etc.

    Beautiful hairstyle for 5 minutes to school for long hair

    A variant of fashionable and simple hairstyle for school for long hair can be a braid headband around the head.

    Spit-bezel around the head in stages:

    1. Separate a bunch of hair near the left temple,
    2. Divide the resulting tail into three parts approximately the same size,
    3. Begin to weave a pigtail, grabbing hair only from the side of the bang, and forming a bezel around the head,
    4. Heading around, start to weave strands located near the left temple,
    5. When the spit is ready, you can form a bundle and fix it at the bottom left. You can also hide the end of the pigtail under the bezel, as a result of which the hairstyle will look like a wreath. The second option is more suitable for thick hair.

    Fast hairstyles for 5 minutes to school or college

    Every morning, many teenage girls face the problem of choosing hairstyles for going to school: this one is no longer fashionable, this one she went yesterday, and this one doesn’t suit her. So you have to go with her hair loose or quickly collect everything in the tail.But after all, there are many beautiful and uncomplicated hairstyles, and if in our free time to practice weaving them, then in the morning there will be no need to choose. Therefore, we now consider light hair for 5 minutes to school. Attention on the photo below:

    Reverse tail

    And the first eerily simple hairstyle that you can try on yourself is a reverse or an inverted tail. This variation of the usual tail is more suitable for long hair.

    All you need is a comb and a rubber band.

    1. Comb your hair and tie a low tail
    2. Pull a little elastic band and divide the hair over it into two parts,
    3. Take the tail and pass it on top of the hole formed,
    4. Tighten

    Tail based

    And here is another hairstyle for every day, which is ideal for going to school, but requires preliminary preparation.

    1) So, comb your hair and take two small strands from the top of your head.

    2) Lay the strands as shown in the photo.

    3) Pick up a new strand from above and weave it into the top main one (shown in white).

    4) Do the same with the bottom strand.

    5) Twist into a bundle, now the lower strand goes over the top.

    We continue to weave, until we reach the back of the head. We reach and fasten at the time of the clip.

    6) Repeat the same on the other side, but now fix the harness with an elastic band.

    7) Remove the clip and collect the hair in the tail.

    And here is a video from which you clearly know better how to create such beauty.

    How to create the effect of long hair

    But this hairstyle is perfect for those who want to see their hair much longer than they really are. In addition, this hairstyle is created quickly and looks beautiful.

    1. Comb your hair and collect some of the hair from the top of the head, lying on top of the rest,
    2. The rest of the hair is also collected in the tail at some distance from the first tail,
    3. Lower the first tail on the second and comb.

    Now I invite you to watch video tutorials on creating beautiful hairstyles.

    4 simple options:

    It should be noted that children's hairstyles should be not beautiful, but practical. Little girls are pretty active and cheerful for the most part, so making them just a ponytail is clearly not an option, it will quickly crumble, and the whole look will be spoiled.

    The ideal option, many mothers believe braid. Of course, because if you firmly tighten even the most ordinary pigtail, it will not untie, and will firmly fix the hair throughout the day. Therefore, we now consider the possible variations of the pigtails.

    But this video will teach you to weave a fishtail braid.

    For short hair

    And now we will separately consider hairstyles for short hair. Of course, they are much smaller, because with short hair you cannot go far, but here you can look irresistible.

    And now we look at light hairstyles for short hair without styling, at home.

    1) Take a strand at the temple, twist it into a bundle, take it back and secure it with invisible. The same with the other side.

    2) Comb your hair and collect them in the back of a small tail, while leaving the locks at the temples free.

    3) Take two strands on each side of the parting and mix them well, put them in place and smooth slightly. Get the effect of voluminous hair.

    4) Take one strand from the temples, take them back and up, secure with a pin.

    5) Divide the hair into two parts. Take small rezinochki and tie two tails.

    You can see more hairstyles in this video, where weaving shown above is also clearly shown.

    But in this video you will learn how to make braids for short hair.

    Easy, fast and beautiful hairstyles to school

    A beautiful hairstyle to girls' school can be done with your own hands in 5-10 minutes.

    And yet, these simple and easy hairstyles have their own characteristics that allow you to divide them into groups.

    In this model of each group will be ideally suited to a certain age of girls, to the length and thickness of their strands.

    Features hairstyles to school

    The main characteristic of beautiful hairstyles that would be ideal for wearing to school should be the speed of their implementation.

    This fact will allow daily to do styling on the girls' hair, not spending a lot of time in the morning.

    But such hairstyles to school should be obtained not only beautiful, but also durable. Then during the day the hair will not be worn out, which means that the hairstyle will remain neat and will not look careless.

    As for adolescent girls, in no case should you make beautiful, but too adult and provoking styling on their heads.

    As a rule, the shape of the hairstyle depends on the cut done before. In turn, the haircut should be selected under the features and shape of the face, taking into account the peculiarities of the addition of the figure, as well as the type, thickness and structure of the hair.

    Most teenage girls think that boys are lucky, because they don’t need to do a beautiful hairstyle for a long time, going to school every day.

    After all, boys just enough to have a haircut, wash your hair and comb your hair in the right direction.

    Here it is worth noting that for teenage girls there are a variety of beautiful hairstyles that can be easily and quickly performed with your own hands.

    Tails to school

    Variations of tails of long curls, there are a large number.

    Among them are “horse tail”, a beautiful asymmetrical or symmetrical model of hairstyle with tails, as well as a low tail.

    In this case, the strands formed in the tails, can remain loose, but at the same time differ from each other, thanks to the used elements of weaves or curls.

    Weaving to school

    What hairstyle can be obtained as a result of weaving on the strands of schoolgirls depends on the master's imagination and the experience of his fingers.

    The simplest and easiest models are styling for girls with classic braids.

    A striking example is the hairstyle of two braids “basket”, when the tips of the braids are fixed with their own hands at opposite bases.

    Beautiful bunches and bunches to school

    School styling with buns and buns to do as easy as the above models considered hairstyles for schoolgirls.

    Strands are collected into tails and rolled up with single or double strands, then they are framed by the base of the tails, the result is fixed with pins and decorated with decorative hairpins.

    Also bunches and bunches can be made for several minutes from previously braided braids.

    Laying "wreath"

    In the work will be used two rubber bands, a few studs and a comb.

    • Strand combed, divided into two identical parts. In this parting can be done at your discretion, it can be either direct or zigzag or oblique,
    • From each part of the strands should make a pigtail, if you have the desire and experience, weaving such a braid can be done backwards, which will allow future hairstyles to get originality,
    • Weaving begins at the temporal zones, moving along the sides of the head to the bottom of the head, in the process of work we select locks of loose hair,
    • Spit together in one weave at the bottom of the head, after which you can intercept the hair with a rubber band and leave the long tail curls loose. It is possible to continue weaving the braid, but already with the use of the “fish tail” technique.

    A beautiful tail to school

    Curls are collected in the tail and overtighten with a rubber band. The height of raising the tail can be different, as long as the hair is worn comfortably.

    After the tail is assembled, say on the crown, at its base it is necessary to separate the bottom strand and make it not a tight pigtail or turn the flagellum, leave the rest of hair loose.

    Then, this element must be framed by the base of the tail, skillfully conceal the tip of the tow or pigtails, fix the finished result with stealth or hairpins.

    Photos of simple and elegant tail with a twist can be viewed below.

    Two braids bun

    Strands should be separated by a horizontal parting, with the result that we get two working zones - the top and bottom.

    From the hair of the upper part of the head we braid the pigtail and fasten its tip with an elastic band. From the bottom of the hair also need to make a braid and fix it with an elastic band.

    At the final stage of both braids it is necessary to make a bun at the bottom of the head, fix the result with a hairpin.

    If the girls of lower grades beautiful hairstyles do mothers and grandmothers, then teenage girls have to build their own styling on their head.

    Every day in school they try to create a new image, thereby emphasizing their individuality and attractiveness.

    Various decorative accessories will allow to diversify the made hairstyles, as which you can use headbands, headbands, hairpins, bows and ribbons.

    Beautiful styling for medium length strands

    Next, consider what hairstyles can do schoolgirls in a few minutes on the strands of medium length.

    To date, the popularity of such hairstyles as the Greek - with a bandage or braids, different versions of tails, as well as bunches of braids or flagella.

    Variants of Greek hairstyles to school

    Greater popularity among adolescent girls acquired Greek styling with a rim or a special bandage.

    Practicality and beauty of this model allow you to do it for everyday wear as well as for visiting holiday events.

    Hair should be carefully combed, then you need to put a bandage on your head.

    Spinning in the temporal areas must be refilled, alternately pulling through the gum, and loose curls at the back of the head should be refilled under the bandage.

    The second popular version of the Greek hairstyle, which runs in just 10-15 minutes, is the Greek braid.

    From both sides of the head weave pigtails like a "spikelet", on the back of their heads they are joined into one working element, from which you can make a sloppy bunch, a strict bun, or a braid.

    Tails options for medium hair

    It is no longer fashionable to wear tails to school, but if you decorate them properly, which will take only a few minutes, you can also make an original hairstyle with a regular tail.

    In the example we give the following scheme hairstyles:

    • It is necessary to collect strands in a high tail and divide them into two identical parts,
    • We keep on the order in each hand, then we start to make bundles of them, but we rotate the strands in opposite directions from each other,
    • As soon as the flagella are ready they need to be connected by twisting with each other, fix the tip with an elastic band. At the moment of fixation, the flagella will weaken, one of them needs to be slightly raised upwards on the second flagellum, - it should slide,
    • The result is a tail inside the helix.

    You can also diversify hairstyles from tails with elements of weaving, colorful ribbons and various hairpins.

    Easy hairstyle to school in 5 minutes - two classic pigtails

    1. Comb carefully. Combing
    2. Use a flat comb or fingers to separate hair into two zones. We divide the hair into two zones

    Interesting! The original parting looks zigzag. Immediately you need to warn that the first time a parting may not work. To quickly get ready for school, ask your mom for help. Using a hairpin or a fine handle of the comb, draw a broken line from the forehead to the top. Carefully spread your fingers into two parts.

    Zigzag Parting Scheme

  • From the neck to the neck in the same way, draw a line. Re-distribute hair.
  • Divide one of the parts into three equal strands. Braid weaving pattern
  • Put the third part on top of the second, after which the right strand will become central.
  • Put the first part on the third so that the left strand is between the two remaining ones.
  • Alternate the strands in this way until only the tips remain in your hand.
  • Tie the pigtail with a rubber band or ribbon.
  • Repeat the same steps with the remaining strand. Ready hairstyle
  • Interesting! Looks beautiful high spit, braided from the top.This hairstyle will help to visually "pull out" the silhouette.

    Looks beautiful high braid, braided from the top

    It will be interesting to look and two braids, woven from two high tails.

    Two braids will look interesting too.

    Rim bun

    1. Carefully comb, collect hair at the top of the head and fix it with a silicone rubber band. Collect hair at the crown
    2. Separate fine order. Peel off
    3. Wrap the remaining hair gum. Wrap gum hair

    Interesting! To keep the beam better, you can braid your hair in a braid or twist it into a flagellum.

  • Secure the bun with invisibility.
  • The remaining strand is divided into three equal parts.
  • Braid a classic pigtail.
  • Wrap the bun with woven strands.
  • Hide the tail of the pigtail under the beam, stabbing it invisible. Hide tail pigtails under the beam
    1. Comb, collect hair with a rubber band. To gum hair
    2. Divide the tail into two equal parts. Divide the tail into two parts
    3. Twist one of the strands. Hold the hair tight so that the tourniquet does not fall apart. Twist alternately both strands
    4. With the remaining strand repeat the same steps.
    5. Intertwine both strands between each other. Bind between two tows
    6. Fix hair with a decorative accessory.

    Interesting! From the harness you can make a bun. For this you need to twist the strands around the elastic band, after which it remains only to fasten the hair-style hairpins.

    You can make a bun from a harness

    Interesting and get a bundle consisting of two harnesses. To do this, you will need to collect not one tail, but two on the back of your head. All other actions will be the same.

    The bundle consisting of two bundles will also be interesting.

    Tail garland

    1. Comb your hair, collect high or low tail.
    2. Depart from the base of the tail 7-10 cm, tie a silicone gum on the hair.
    3. Repeat the same action until the tips of the hair remain in your hands. How to make a tail-garland

    The following hairstyle little schoolgirl can not do on their own, so you have to ask for help from her mother.

    Hairstyles to school in 5 minutes photo

    Twisted tail

    Such an easy, but beautiful haircut will take only 2 minutes, but the styling can last a long time. The same hairstyle can be transformed into an elegant holiday option.

    1. Combing hair comb with frequent teeth
    2. We create a tail on the back of the head, but leave it free in order to turn out the bulk of the hair
    3. Using your finger, you can help gently unscrew the tail
    4. Add a beautiful hairpin to your hair and you can send it to school

    For a more festive option, you can curl the tail. For girls with bangs, this hairstyle is especially suitable.

    French braid

    Weaving techniques are very popular for mothers, as children indulge in and often come home with disheveled hair. Spit began to weave for a very long time, and still they do not want to go out of fashion. And for good reason, because they look very attractive and feminine. And especially like boys, not for nothing they pull for them. In this embodiment, we will tell about the French spikelet, located on the side.

    • To keep your hair obedient, you can slightly wet them
    • We make any parting (straight or side)
    • On the one hand, at the temple we separate the middle strand, which we divide into three identical ones and begin to weave a braid, capturing only the outer strands. Thus, you should have a French half-hair

  • Thus, we fly to the ear, or the back of the head and tie it with a rubber band. For decoration, you can use a decorative rubber band or a bright satin ribbon
  • Unusual tail in five minutes

    The most current and quick hairstyles to school are tails. But this does not mean that you constantly need to go with the same option. There is a wide range of tails.

    1. As in the previous embodiment, the hair can be slightly moistened.
    2. We tie in the middle of the neck tail
    3. We divide it into three uniform sections.
    4. Each in turn should be divided into two parts and twisted among themselves. Strand will begin to resemble the shape of the rope
    5. The final step is to connect the three bundles together, and fasten the bottom with a thin elastic band. Top can also be decorated with any accessories.

    If mom left for work early or is just very busy, you can turn to dad with this hairstyle. He will do an excellent job.
    one . Parting is done directly.
    2 We collect hair in tails at an equal distance from each other. You can do both the top and bottom.
    3 In turn, the tails are twisted into a tight bundle.
    four . We twist the harnesses until they start to curl around the base of the tail.
    five . We decorate the resulting bun with colorful ribbons.

    Tail - Waterfall

    This option hairstyles, take note, even high school girls. After all, the current generation is very difficult to please with simple styling. They do not want to make any children's hairstyles. But not this, it is one of the varieties of tails. The longer the hair, the waterfall will look more beautiful. This hairstyle can be repeated itself.

    1. Tie a high tail on top.
    2. Separating the middle strand from the tail, we braid the braid.
    3. We wrap the tail of the tail of the tail of the tail, and hiding the tip we fasten it with stealth.
    4. Next, from the top of the tail, select the strand again and start the braid.
    5. To the spit begin to add curls from the tail. Weaving technique - from right to left. Weave until the hair runs out.
    6. After you reach the back side, we move to the standard braid, but without the addition of hair.
    7. Again we wrap the braid around the tail, but this time it should be lower than the previous one.
    8. Weaving continues with a slight downward slope, picking up loose curls.
    9. We continue to weave until the end of the hair.
    10. From below we fasten a braid with a thin elastic band.

    Up you can put a ribbon.

    "Spit of the milkmaid"

    The name on - start scares, but if you repeat this hairstyle, you will not regret. It is not very complicated, but it does not go out of fashion, for what season already. Spend five minutes to complete the installation.

    1. We make a standard parting
    2. We divide the hair into equal parts, and weave two pigtails
    3. The first is placed along the forehead with the help of pins. And the second should be slightly lower than the previous one, also pinned by the pins.

    Romantic braid

    Speaking of school hairstyles, you can not tell about your favorite spit.
    one . Separate all hair with a side parting.
    2 From the larger side we separate the middle part, and we begin the weaving of a standard braid.
    3 We transfer to it the rest strands, continuing to weave.
    four . You will have a tight braid, you can leave it like this, or you can give it a little lightness.

    Graceful hairstyles to school in 5 minutes

    All beauty is in simplicity. Therefore, if you have very little time, you can take note of this wonderful option.

    • Parting and weave two uniform tails.
    • And with each strand we select small strands and make braids of them.
    • We drag to the end and twist around the elastic band.
    • We fasten the pigtails invisible.

    Spit of two tails

    Another original hairstyle for young schoolgirls. The creation of which may need less than 5 minutes.
    one . Center parting, we make two tails.
    2 Alternately, we separate the strands of the same width and begin to weave a standard pigtail.
    3 Add the remaining hair from the tail, and continue to weave until the hair runs out.
    four . To hide the gum, tie a small ribbon.

    Use a few tips and your hair will look great, no matter what hairstyle. After all, the most important thing is healthy hair.

    1. Under no circumstances should little girls use styling products, otherwise their hair will quickly deteriorate and it will be almost impossible to return to the previous form. If necessary, you can use on the matinee in small quantities.
    2. It is necessary to use curling curls for hair as late as possible. Not to damage the structure from an early age. If you want to give waves to hair, use hair curlers.
    3. Girls with long or medium hair, can not perform tight weaving. For them, the appearance of inverted tails and light air braids will be ideal.
    4. Slowly learn to teach your daughter to hairstyles, and interest in creating the most. Get bright hairpins and gum, let him try to do easy styling itself.
    5. At the time you can become a model for your daughter. She wants to try on you easy initial hairstyles. So it will begin to develop faster in styling, and will be able to “tamp hands”.

    Many girls are happy to try themselves as a hairdresser. Hairstyles to school in 5 minutes will always be able to help any mother not to think about hairstyles. A daughter will be able to amaze with its rich assortment of styling.

    Ornate bun for schoolgirl

    In girls with long hair, you can make a variety of hairstyles, but, as a rule, complex weaving and styling takes a lot of invaluable morning time. In this situation, ordinary bunches and buns collected with taste will help out.

    Performing a haircut to school in 5 minutes is very simple:

    1. Gather hair in a ponytail, in advance find a tight gum that can hold a thick mass of hair all day.
    2. Divide the tail into two segments, preferably identical in volume.
    3. Now each of them twist in the form of an air bundle, then intertwine them together.
    4. Arm studs, and lay the resulting spiral of hair in the form of a beam. To do this, simply lay the harness, twisting it around the gum.
    5. Stretch the tip of the tail through the resulting bun, as if tying a knot.
    6. Securely tighten the styling and the hairstyle is ready.
    7. As an addition, you can use studs with decorative inserts.

    Unusual shaggy pigtail for 5 minutes for mischievous

    If your daughter is an active and cheerful child, this hairstyle will fit her. She does not take much time and will make a special charm in the image of a schoolgirl. There is such a hairstyle and little mischievous women, and older girls.

    There is nothing difficult in doing this quick hairstyle:

    1. Collect the girl's curls in the tail, try to arrange it as high as possible, if the hair is very long.
    2. Separate the strand near the base of the tail, wrap the gum, disguise the tips under the hair, fix the tail with an invisible one.
    3. Split the hair part in three, and then braid a simple pigtail from each part. Weave as tight as possible.
    4. When all the braids are ready, braid a three-strand braid out of them, tie the ends with an elastic band.
    5. Now the most interesting: in random order, pull the individual strands along the entire length of the braid. At the same time at the base of the head, make the braid more fluffed, and narrowed downwards.

    Romantic french waterfall

    Beautiful hairstyles to school in 5 minutes are all kinds of weaving. Especially chic looks braid, braided in the form of a waterfall. It can be braided absolutely on any curls, if their length is not shorter than the classic square. Laying options a lot - weaving on one side only, a scythe in a circle, as well as a double, oblique, and twisted waterfall.

    The waterfall is simple and most suitable for school from two sides:

    1. First of all, hair should be combed diligently so that they are not confused. If a girl has curly, porous or hard curls, moisten them a little with water.
    2. Separate a strand near the right temple, divide it into three parts, start simple weaving - send the upper strand to the center, then the lower one.
    3. Make 2-3 laps. Next, start making a waterfall: instead of putting it in the braid, release the top strand and pick up a new one.
    4. In this scheme, dangle the braid to the head, twist it with an elastic band.
    5. Then braid a similar fragment of the waterfall on the left side.
    6. Behind connect two braids and braid spikelet.

    Light wreath of flowers for teenage girls

    Girls in high school want to look special and attract attention. This fast hairstyle does not steal from you a lot of time, and the girl turn into a young beauty.

    Hairstyle is simple:

    • The hair is divided into 4-5 strands depending on their thickness.
    • Take the rightmost strand, twist it into a loose net bundle.
    • Twirl it in the bun behind the ear, fasten it with a pin. The resulting bundle should be careless, slightly disheveled.

    • Make another bundle behind the left ear according to the same scheme, and proceed to styling the remaining hair.

    • Twirl two buns (there may be three) between the already prepared left and right florets. Form a beautiful floral wreath.

    • Make sure that the bundles hold tight, and if in doubt, secure the hair with additional hairpins.

    • Simple hairstyles to school in 5 minutes can be turned into holiday styling. If there is a holiday at school, it is not necessary to do complicated styling. Complement the wreath of harnesses with an elegant flower, and the hairstyle will be gorgeous.

    Stylish tail for modern teenagers

    A simple ponytail no longer surprises anyone, especially if you are a teenage girl. But by adding a few braids and a beautiful elastic band, you can change the usual tail beyond recognition.

    How to do hair:

    • Tie a high tail, separate the strand, braid the braid, wrap the elastic around it.

    • Separate one strand, start braiding the three-strand braid.
    • Move right to left, constantly drawing new hair from the tail into the weaving. They need to be attached to the upper strand.
    • Having reached the opposite side, start weaving a simple three-spit braid without adding new strands. The length of the braid should be about 10 cm.
    • Now wrap a pigtail tail, it should be located slightly below the previous one.

    • Now continue to weave the braid with the pickup and tilt down.
    • According to this scheme, continue weaving until the entire tail is braided. Tie pigtails with a transparent elastic band.

    The simplest tails for school

    Tails allow you to send your daughter to the class in a neat way. They are quickly tied up and suitable for any occasion.

    Try to move a little away from the classic version and make just such a haircut:

    1. Take a comb with a thin finish and separate the framing strands, temporarily remove them with a clip.
    2. Tie two low tails from the remaining hair.
    3. Tie additional rubber bands in the middle of the tails.
    4. With the help of capture pick up tails, laying fun bunches.
    5. Now dissolve the front part of the hair, make two smooth strands and wrap them around the tails.

    Or try another version of this hairstyle.

    Just twist the two tails with harnesses, make two buns and decorate them with bows, as in this photo:

    Easy hairstyles to school in 5 minutes for first graders

    For the first class, the simplest hairstyles are suitable - tails, “donut”, pigtails. They are elementary in styling and keep their shape well during lessons.

    If you want to combine a minimum of time and a maximum of beauty - select this option.

    The beauty of the hair lies in its brevity:

    • Hair split, make two tails.
    • Separate them from the tails by a thin strand, of them braid two braids.
    • Wrap the tails of the tails with pigtails, fasten the tips with stealth.

    But no less a simple and practical option for the school:

    • Split the hair in the middle (parting can be smooth or torn).
    • Tie two tails, separate them from each one individually and begin to weave a simple braid.
    • Alternately, take the strands from both tails, and braid the braid until the hair runs out.
    • Fasten the tip of the braid with a rubber band, and tie elegant bows at the base of the tails.

    Little fashionistas can braid a bundle with elements of weaving:

    • Make a side parting, then separate the thin strand near the temporal zone, divide it in two.
    • Begin twisting the honey strands with you, gradually adding hair from the top row.
    • Without reaching the opposite side, tie a tail, twist it into a bun, fasten it with a pin.

    Elegant hairstyles to school in 5 minutes

    If the school holiday, you can make the girl one of the following hairstyles. They are just as easy to make, but they look more solemn.

    For teenage girls fit hairstyle in the Greek style. It can be done with or without a bandage, using the technique of an inverted tail.

    1. Gather a low tail, now lower the gum by 2 cm.
    2. Make a hole above the rubber band, turn the tail through it.
    3. Hair lay a straight strand, thread the tips into the hole above the rubber band.
    4. Attach a hairpin or a flower in the recess.

    You can also offer a high school girl to make a very interesting tail. It is based on twisted strands and a beautiful gum-flower.

    Hairstyle is done easily:

    1. The hair is divided into three parts: the first - the entire front part of the hair, the other two - the hair behind, divided in half.
    2. Now take a strand on the left side, grab it behind the ear, tie it with an elastic band.
    3. Spin the upper strand in a spiral, and then wrap around the elastic band, which is tied with a tail.
    4. Further, the remaining part of the hair on the left is divided in two by a horizontal parting.
    5. Each part of the hair, too, twist into a bundle, and wind around the tail.
    6. Fasten the tail with an additional rubber band on top of which you wear a flower ornament.

    On short curls looks great hairstyle in the form of a shell with sprigs:

    1. Make an even or asymmetrical parting.
    2. Grab a strand from the side, and start spinning your hair in the form of a shell.
    3. Gradually move to the opposite side. All time fix hair hairstyles.
    4. At the end, decorate your hair with decorative hairpins with flowers or pebbles.

    Now you know how in 5 minutes you can make the most incredible, and, most importantly, quick hairstyles to school. Try different options, learn exactly what is suitable for your girl's hair, just experiment and enjoy the process. Now your schoolgirl will definitely not be left without a stylish hairstyle.


    Watch the video: 10 Easy Hairstyles for SHORT Hair (July 2024).