
Wedding hairstyles for medium hair in the photo


Wedding is an important event in the life of any woman. Someone is very serious about this day, and someone is calmer. Regardless of the relationship, everyone wants to look beautiful and make memorable photos. Dress - well, but without a beautiful hair in any way. We will consider fashionable hairstyles, give advice, consider bad options and give a lot of useful information.

Long hair

Volumetric curls without extra pins suitable for everyone. Having added gentle tones in a make-up to an image, the bride will look harmoniously. It is important not to load the face with dark shades. Such styling obliges to tenderness and harmony in all.

As we can see, the extra details are missing - the crown of the head smoothly flows into the tail and it looks harmonious. Despite the hair drift, volume and light curls, the head does not look "heavy", since there are no extra details. It is advisable to combine it with a dress where the neck and decollete area is open to create a sensual and sexy look.

  • Cleaned hair on the side

Cleaned hair on the side

To create this image, a wreath was used. It should be emphasized that the flowers are not large and do not weigh down the image. If you remove the accessory, the overall look will be as harmonious and feminine. Each curl is intertwined with each other, forming a single line.

  • With hairpin

The volume at the crown, curls and a large hairpin - a good combination. Despite the large accessory, the head does not look "heavy." This was achieved thanks to not large curls and earrings with small stones.

  • Collected hair

Appearance is beautiful, thanks to the earrings - studs and volume. There is no "lickiness" and unnatural shine. Hair look airy. A dress with a developing bottom will be a good addition.

  • Naturalness

The hairpin consists of small pebbles, which makes the hairstyle airy and festive. A volume was added on the top of the head, and a part of the strands, as if by chance, were released from the front. As we see, there is no symmetry - each curl looks natural and tender.

Medium hair

  • Beach waves

Air hairstyle, for which you first made the beach curls, and then removed them in the "bundle", adding volume at the top. The image was completed with a rim with small pebbles and fine wire.

  • Easy negligence

There is no lickiness and ugly shine. Hairpins are invisible, and strands are removed back. A beautiful addition will be a dress with open shoulders. This style gives freshness to the image.

Short hair

The bezel is now not popular and long gone out of fashion. However, there are a number of headbands that will always be relevant: with small stones, flowers and made of iron. Please note that the bezel is thin and not striking. The hair was slightly curled and pulled back. Mousse and proper styling gave the desired volume, which gave the image freshness and elegance.

For girls with four of a kind, curls on the tips are well suited in combination with a delicate hair clip. As a result, the volume is preserved, and the hairstyle looks harmonious.

  • Use the right accessories.

Use hairpins and headbands on thin rods and with small details. So, they will create a beautiful gentle effect. When choosing bulky accessories, be prepared for the fact that the head will look "heavy" and the image will turn out disharmonious.

  • Add volume

Leave in the past licked hair, they paint no one. The volume will be able to give a touch of lightness and adjust the shape of the face.

  • The simpler the better

Leave at the beginning of the two thousandth complex compositions with huge colors, hairpins and other rubbish that makes the head "heavy" and in general goes to very few people. Now nobody does such compositions.It is better to come with a classic styling than with a huge awkward flower in her hair.

  • Pick your hair under the dress

The best option is to choose a styling right under the dress. For example, harvested hair will look good with bare shoulders - they will emphasize the collarbone and neck.

  • Choose a stylist

Of course, not everyone has the finances and for such people we have given a few paragraphs below with help and advice. However, it is better to spend extra money, but to be with a hairstyle and healthy nerves. Believe me, there will be a lot of nervous situations before the wedding and without the hair, why add more?

  • Do not try to save

Do not save money or a professional. Remember that photos and memories for life! In a couple of years, would you like to put in a prominent place a photograph in which you have broken up untidy styling?

  • Think over the image

The image is not only hair, but also a dress, manicure, makeup and much more. In order for everything to be combined, think over all these details in advance, since too bright nails look disharmonious against the background of delicate styling and sexy dress. Choose for yourself from the very beginning whether you want to be - tender, sexy or any other.

  • Increase hair

This issue should be discussed with the person who will bring you beauty. If you have thin hair, it will be problematic to make lush styling. The extension can be performed in a capsular manner and removed after the celebration.

What hairstyles are not worth doing

  • Slicked hair back or forward

Option unfashionable hairstyles

Do not misunderstand - the collected hair may be, but when they are slick, and what's even worse - the haircut has a lot of detail, the overall look of the bride becomes tasteless and with the wrong accents. This hairstyle can ruin any appearance. In order for the curls to hold, dry varnish must be used - it will give a natural effect that will not give an unnatural flare in the photos. A large number of parts like this does not decorate, but spoils.

  • "Complex" hairstyle

A large number of accessories and hairpins became a move and a relic of the beginning of the two thousandth. The combination of curled hair and straight lines is also. In the photo above, we can see a bad hairstyle that the bride did not decorate. It has everything: misplaced hairpin, a combination of straight and curled hair. Stylist clearly decided once again not to bother. Pay attention to the lacquer - it created the effect of dirty, greasy hair. For such styling were used conventional cheap tools, hair looks messy and just awful. Invisibles are noticeable, it is unclear what effect the bride or the stylist wanted. Unfinished composition with terrible styling. It looks like it's the initial stages of creating hairstyles. Are you still thinking of saving on craftsman and tools?

A few more bugs

  • Asymmetry

Asymmetry can be, but easy. Otherwise, you visually change the shape of the head and not the fact that it will be successful. If a girl's head shape is the same as in the photo above, then it may still look normal, but in the case of a wide and elongated face, instead of an image there will be a catastrophe!

  • Excessive originality

Another "beauty" that will not decorate anyone. Such originality will make the image funny and just stupid. What beauty would want to be a laughing stock on such an important day? Such hairstyles do not color anyone and are suitable for extravagant clothing shows, and not for such touching events. A large hairpin and an incomprehensible situation on the head makes the image awkward. It is likely that behind this hairstyle looks even worse.

  • Hair figures

Hair figures

Remember how relevant these styling were in the 90-2000's? Now the 21st century and looks like this "beauty" is simply absurd. Avoid stylists with bad taste. If you are offered something similar, then you can not wait for a beautiful result. All these hair compositions are a relic of the past.

How to prepare the hair

  • Haircut and Coloring

To protect yourself from unpleasant incidents, it is important to have a haircut with dyeing at least 2 days before the celebration, so that in case of misses, there is time to correct them. Do not experiment with color - it can spoil the image, the exception is those colors that you have tried before and are confident that they will fit. Address in good salons and do not skimp on the good hairdresser-stylist. It is better to pay more, but to be beautiful than to save money and look at wedding photos is not so attractive.

  • Salon care

It all depends on the type of hair and their damage. The standard procedure is Botox, but it needs to be done at least 3 times with a difference of 2-3 weeks, that is, you should start visiting the beauty salon 2-3 months before the event. If the hair has never been dyed, it is healthy and does not need rehabilitation, then a mask and a head massage will suffice.

  • Home care

Go away experiments! Whatever the temptation, do not touch the head once again and do not change the care. When changing care, the scalp may react dramatically dry or oily, and the time to fix it may not be.

  • On the wedding day

If you go to a stylist, just wash your head well and dry it out without any additional funds. Further, the professional will do everything himself. If you do your hair yourself, then be sure to apply a thermal protection and mousse for volume. While drying the hair dryer, lift the hair at the roots with a brush. After drying, start styling, after which do not forget to splash texturizing spray and dry varnish.

What means to buy before doing hair

  • Volume mousse

Required for volume and simulation. It is necessary to buy the strongest fixation, as with heavy curls, the volume may become smaller. It is advisable to pay attention to the professional line.

It differs from the classic in that it does not glue and does not give unnatural brilliance. Looks unnoticed and is sold only in professional stores. Strands from it do not become heavy, therefore any hairstyle will look good.

  • Texturizing spray

It fixes the hair, emphasizing their texture. For example, if you made curls - with a texturizing spray, they will look resilient and last longer.

  • Thermal protection

Life continues after the wedding, so it’s not worth losing your hair. Thermal protection will help the shovel stay healthy and minimally damaged, even with strong exposure.

What is the difference between the usual styling and wedding

  • Different level of fixation

If it is not necessary to fix the usual styling by several means, then everything is different here - everything is necessary, the funds listed earlier. So that everything does not fall apart in an hour, more lacquer and fixatives are used on the hair.

  • Big expense

In order for everything to be kept in the right shape for a long time, the large expenditure of funds is necessary. For example, if a couple of sprays of lacquer go to the evening hairstyle, then the wedding one will be 2-3 times more, as the hairstyle will have to hold for at least five hours.

  • Different level of difficulty

If you can screw up with the usual styling with the waves and make them in different directions, or somehow somehow fail the hairstyle and it will be imperceptible, then the situation with the wedding is different. The complexity of the wedding hairstyle lies in the fact that every hair should strictly lie in its place and look in the right direction. Otherwise, the styling will look awkward.

  • Need more time to complete

Considering all the above points, the time for execution is needed several times more. If the usual laying can be done in 30-90 minutes, then with the wedding it will take at least 2 hours.

  • Different prices

Due to the complexity, responsibility and cost of funds, the price of a stylist, respectively, is higher. On average, a wedding hairstyle can cost from 3-5 thousand. In big cities - more expensive.

Should I contact a professional?

  • You have no stylist skills.

If your daily styling is missing, or lies in twisted tips, then you should really calculate your strength - making a hair of high complexity with such modest skills is unrealistic.

  • You do not have the necessary equipment - a professional hairdryer, curling iron, etc.

Professional devices are expensive - from 5 thousand rubles, on average. Provided that you need at least 2-3 devices, the cost can be more than 20 thousand rubles. Also, the devices need to adapt and learn how to use them correctly - it will take a lot of time.

  • You have little time

If the wedding is already on the nose, then there is no second chance for a beautiful styling. It is better to entrust your head to a professional who will relieve from nervousness and will do everything according to the highest standard.

  • It's hard for you to do the styling yourself.

There are a number of stylists who have a hard time styling themselves, but others, they make them wonderful. Knowing this fact, you should not experiment - it is better to immediately find a professional.

  • You are a stylist

If you have the necessary knowledge and skills that you can apply on yourself, then you yourself will do fine. Plus the fact that you can train unlimited time.

  • Before the wedding more than 3 months

You have enough time to learn how to do the styling yourself and consult with a specialist, or attend a master class.

  • Do you have the necessary inventory

High-quality hair dryer, curling iron, hairbrushes, cone curling hair, invisibility - the most minimal set, which should have a girl who does the wedding styling.

Do not forget that the hairstyle is done 2-3 times on different days, the first of which is training. At this stage, the woman looks at styling for stamina, and also marks time. It is better to contact the master as soon as possible.

Face type and hair

Have you often noticed how the same styling looks on two girls in absolutely different ways? So, we hurry to assure you - without knowing your type, it is difficult to choose an image. Consider the main types:

Characterized by soft features - no pronounced chin or forehead. The face is usually thin. Beach waves and slight asymmetry will do. Avoid excessive volume.

It is characterized by a wide jaw and soft features. Suitable side parting and volume. Curls should also be voluminous and large.

  • Rectangular

Characterized by a pronounced jaw and clear transitions, the face is oblong and may even look rough. Suitable side parting and volume. Avoid licked hair! The more airiness and volume, the better.

  • Square

The square face is characterized by a sharp, angular chin and forehead. The face is not elongated, the jaw is wide. Bangs and shifted accent. An excellent option would be a hairstyle with hair tucked to the side.

  • Triangular

Your enemy is volume. Otherwise, you will become like a mega-brain or an alien with a huge forehead and small jaw. Classic curls will do, and in no case do a bulk bundle!

  • Pear shaped

It has a wide jaw and a small forehead. Your option is a volumetric bundle and tail. Avoid slick hair - they will even more distort the shape of the face visually.

  • Diamond shaped

Differs in width around area of ​​eyes. Your enemy is asymmetry. Oblique volume and beach waves will do, however, be careful with hairstyles, where hair is gathered on one side.

How to find a good stylist?

  • Used equipment and means

Pay attention to the case and what products there are. Any self-respecting stylist will opt for a professional line that is truly effective. If cheap products are in the case, but the price for styling is more expensive than a thousand rubles, then you have a person who does not take his business seriously. Having made the wedding styling with the usual means, the risk of losing the hair in the first hours is high.

The technique should also be professional, as it does not spoil the hair. If you see that all the curls are from the budget segment, then you should not hope for a “wow effect” either.

Remember: a professional who takes his business and customers seriously will never allow himself to use cheap products and equipment.

Any master should have a portfolio. It can be on the site or in instagram account. The portfolio shows images for all occasions and on different clients. If the portfolio is missing, then be prepared for an ugly result.

  • Practice work in the cabin

The stylist must have practice in the cabin. The fact is that in the cabin there is a large flow of customers and, accordingly, practice. A person without such experience may simply not calculate his strength and time.

  • Large customer flow

Masters of their craft are always relevant. Important events happen all the time - weddings, birthdays, dates and more. Accordingly, the work of the stylist will always be relevant. If the person to whom you are going to sign up is not claimed, then be prepared for a disastrous result.

  • Conducting soc. nets

Internet sites have become an indispensable method for distributing goods and services. The master must have an account on instagram or VK with an example of his work and informative posts. A person should show the means used and conduct an open dialogue with customers.

Why the option “ask friends” is not effective?

A big misconception that the "dating" option is the best. The fact is that the structure of the hair is different for everyone. Someone will need to sprinkle with a medium fixation a couple of times so that the hairstyle lasts 2 days, and you have to work hard on someone, as the hair does not hold even light styling.

You need to focus on the portfolio and skill, and not on

Consider the benefits of the cabin

  • You can sue

Since not one person works in the salon, in accidents, everyone will be able to witness the result and be used in court. Sometimes the master cuts off not what is needed, or spoils the hair so much that to fix it all means to cut off the length. Such cases, fortunately, are rare, but still happen.

  • You can get fired or punished

The stylist has a boss who, in case of complaints, will be able to dismiss or seriously punish. In the case of a freelancer, no one will do this.

  • 50% guarantee

The salon is interested in a large customer flow and the implementation of a monthly plan. Accordingly, it is not in their interest to hire mediocre specialists to whom you do not want to return.

Consider the disadvantages

  • Too much customer flow

For some masters, the record may be months ahead. Given the fact that the wedding hairstyle needs to be rehearsed at least 2 times, you may not be able to do it in time.

  • Limited time

With a freelancer, everything is different - yes, his time may also be limited, but it is easier for him to distribute his work, since he doesn’t need to complete a special plan for the month, unlike the salons. The main disadvantage is that in the case of damaged hair, there will be no one to complain. He is his own master and for him there will be no tragedy in the fact that some client will refuse him, because he will always find others.

Look at the past of the freelancer - if you had experience in the salon, practice and a large portfolio, then it can be a really good master, whom you will not have to complain about.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • How to hide a big chin?

Your option - loose curls with a volume of length. The airy hairstyle, the softer the sharp features.

  • How to hide a high forehead?

There are several options: cut oblique bangs (straight lines are not in fashion now), parting to the side or asymmetric styling.

  • What procedures should be done?

The most common are botox and lamination. These treatments focus on radiance, softness and beauty.Before the procedures, cut the ends should be shaved, the procedures themselves should be carried out by a course about 3-5 times, as the effect is cumulative.

If the celebration is on the nose, and the hair is lifeless, dry and clearly screaming for help, then add to the procedures mesotherapy - you will inject the drug into your scalp with vitamins, which will revitalize the hair and give it a healthy shine.

  • Ombre and balayaz: is it worth it?

It all depends on the master, but know - this is a big risk. There is a chance to get something like this:

Ombre staining example

If you made an early ombre and know the necessary contacts, then you can try. However, if for the first time you are going to go for coloring, then there is a chance to get a result, as in the photo above. Repaint hair with a small gap - it means to spoil them. It is better not to risk before such an important event.

Fashionable shades

  • What hair colors are in fashion now?

In fashion is always healthy hair. Color is not important, it is important condition and appearance. If you want to refresh your color, you can add toning, coloring or highlighting:

The effect of burnt hair

In the photo above, the hair was not subject to major changes - the main color was saved, new shades were added, which refreshed the overall look.

  • From blonde to brunette and vice versa: is it worth it?

It all depends on free time. If before the wedding one or two months, it is better not to change anything, if more, then you can try, because when you go to blonde, you can toned shampoos. For example, if you get a bad master and make you a little chick with distinctly yellow hair, then 3-5 shampooing applications for toning will be enough to wash away the yellowness and get a clean blond.

Since such shampoos are very dry hair, procedures should be accompanied by care in the salon or masks, which also requires a lot of free time.

GALLERY: TOP of the most stylish and popular wedding hairstyles

Wedding hairstyle is a difficult part of preparing for the ceremony. With the wrong choice of stylist or lack of taste, you can create something on your head that will spoil the image. Start preparing as early as possible - look for stylists who have no hairstyles similar to those presented in the chapter above, where the unsuccessful options were shown and choose the ideal option according to the dress. Remember that the image consists of trifles and the hairstyle comes first! If you do not agree with the rating of this article, put your ratings and argue them in the comments. Thank!

How to choose a hairstyle for a wedding

Do not be discouraged if you have not managed to grow long curls for the wedding. Average hair length is an excellent base for a huge selection of hairstyles. Wedding hairstyles for medium hair will look perfect if you follow simple rules when choosing a styling that will suit you.

Before the wedding is not recommended to drastically change the color of hair. You can not guess with a touch, but there may be no time left to correct the situation, and the condition of the hair will noticeably deteriorate.

Pigtails are more noticeable and more beautiful on light hair, and on dark curls your weaving may get lost, and you will not be able to convey to others your idea.

Hide excessive corpulent girls will help large curls. Protruding ears need to close the hair to the middle. To make the short neck look longer, it should be opened as much as possible, and the long neck, on the contrary, should be closed with flowing hair.

Pay attention to the fact that your hairstyle should match your dress. When choosing a hairstyle, a stylist must take into account all the parameters so that the image of the bride is harmonious and very attractive.

Wedding hairstyle in the Greek style

One month before the wedding, give your hair more attention than usual. Apply oils and masks to your hair so that they look well-groomed and healthy by the day of the celebration.

The goddesses of ancient Greece return to the Olympus of wedding fashion every fashion season and surprise us with various novelties. The antique image is a wedding dress with a empire waist, long flowing skirts, a sea of ​​tenderness and femininity.

“Divine” hairstyle gently frames the face, emphasizes the line of the chin and neck, it will suit girls with any hair color and face shape. To create a Greek style, hair is collected in various bunches or left flowing.

Curl your hair with tongs, twist it on a curler, or just braid pigtails overnight. Hair curls on medium hair will give you a touching innocence and tenderness. Fasten your curly hair with a tiara and put on your most beautiful smile.

Put the hoop on your head. Hair on the sides clean under the gum. On the back of the head, gather the hair together and also, wrap it under the elastic band. Tip: Stir the hair at the roots to styling looked more voluminous. This hairstyle belongs to the classics of the Greek style. It can be decorated with flowers, beautiful hairpin or ribbons.

Vintage and retro hairstyles for medium hair for brides

Vintage styling always looks very impressive and attracts attention with large butterflies, ideally smooth curls and large bunches. Such hairstyles help to return to the era of black and white cinema, when the actress amazed the audience with a sense of style and unconditional self-confidence.

Wedding retro hairstyle for medium hair can be done with a scarf or ribbon. Hair should be washed and blow-dried. To give the hair a distinctive style of past years, it is necessary to create a strong comb at the roots and comb the hair back. Curls need to be smoothed with a brush and well fastened with varnish. Attach a ribbon or handkerchief at the top. On the back of the head fasten the accessory stealth.

Create tight curls on the back of your head and sprinkle them with plenty of varnish. Above the head should be smooth. Fasten the bangs to the side with invisible. Now the main detail is an elegant bandage inlaid with pearls, crystals, decorated with beads and feathers.

Hairstyles with a veil and a diadem for medium hair

Wedding hairstyles with a diadem do not lose their popularity and are increasingly becoming the main highlight of brides. The tiara allows the girl to feel like a princess and realize their children's fantasies about the fairy-tale prince.

Modern tiaras are presented with simple products from an inexpensive alloy, with rhinestones, beads, as well as jewelry samples worthy of becoming, inherited, relics. Tiaras come in different shapes, colors, they differ in decorative elements and in the method of attachment.

The veil can be short or long, single or in several tiers. Wedding hairstyles with a veil should be well secured so that throughout the day the veil does not interfere with the bride and does not fly off.

Apply mousse to dry hair. Lay the bangs ironing. Now on the parietal zone you need to create a pile. Separate the hair from ear to ear. Remove the hair from the back of the head with clips. Make a bouffant at the crown, smooth it and collect the hair on the back of your head with invisible hair. The remaining curls can be left straight or curled on the curling. Fix hair with lacquer.

A sloppy bundle will look very good with a neat tiara and veil. Comb the hair in a high tail and tie a rubber band. Bang pull the iron and lay it on its side. The tail must be broken into many small strands, and each one of them having been waxed, twisted around the elastic, and the end fixed with an invisible one. The tiara is fastened in front of the bangs, and the veil must be under the beam.

Medium Length Wedding Bunches

The hair collected in a volume bunch symbolizes tenderness and naturalness of the young person. A woman at the age of the bun will help to avoid excessive pompousness and will present the wedding dress and accessories of the bride in a winning light.

The hairstyle of the bun turns out to be very persistent and withstands excellent weather, therefore, it is often chosen by the bride, whose wedding falls on a windy and rainy season.

The easiest bundle you make in 10 minutes. Tighten the hair in a tight tail, tie a thin elastic band, and put on the pad over the elastic band. Now, with the hair of the tail, close the trim and put on a thin elastic band to match the hair color. The remaining tips must be twisted into flagella and fasten on the beam. Varnish the hairstyle and proceed to the accessories. You can use a tiara, flowers, veil and ribbon to decorate the beam.

Tie the hair on the crown with a rubber band and put a pad on it. Twist the hair into a bundle and wrap around the lining. Hide the ends of the hair under the main beam. Spray your hair with lacquer, but only so that the hair does not turn into a monolith - everything should be natural.

Fashionable hairstyles with weaving for a wedding

Elements of weaving in wedding hairstyles in second place after curled curls. There are many styling, the main trump card which are pigtails, and we consider the most fashionable hairstyles for medium hair with weaving.

They have a spike in the center of the head, and medium-length hair is best suited for such styling. For the spikelet, strands braided into braids should be wide. The pigtail ends are hidden inside. It turns out very beautiful, neat image in the style of folk. Designers are advised to choose white ribbons as decorations, which will support the style of the dress and refresh the image of the bride. Want a bit of natural negligence, release the strand from the face, and lay the bangs to the side or straight.

World podiums have repeatedly proved that the beauty of Russian women is unique. Increasingly, designers are turning to the traditional Russian style, a distinctive feature of which is considered a braid. Stylists are advised to braid the Russian braid on its side. Creating such a wedding hairstyle on its side can be performed not only on long hair, but also on curls of medium length. When weaving, a volume should be created at the base of the neck, the pigtail should be a little careless, with a hint of naturalness. It is very fashionable to combine with an oblique diadem - royal luxury makes the most modest girl look confident and sexy.

Flowers - a stylish wedding hairstyle decoration

Flowers are considered a traditional decoration for wedding hairstyles. Even in ancient times, girls decorated their hair with flower buds and wreaths. Since then, little has changed, girls prefer flowers as decorations with the same ease as before. However, fresh flowers quickly wither, so today the use of artificial is no less relevant.

Exotic weddings are in fashion, where the bride looks like a Hawaiian beauty who has flown from the islands to her wedding. As a rule, a light wave passes through the flowing hair, and a large exotic flower is located at the temple. It can be cut several flowers, they can gather at one point or be distributed over the entire length of the hair. The color can be the most diverse - beige, coral, pink, blue.

Chiffon flowers are very light and airy. The color palette of chiffon is preferably chosen light - dairy, beige shades.

Greek style complement the flowers on the diadem. The flower queen will look very tender and romantic and will give all the guests the mood of nature.

Flowers can be made in a stylized version, for example, from feathers or crystals. Such jewelry will suit retro hairstyles with a short veil or veil.

Wedding hairstyle Malvinka for medium hair

Malvink's hairstyle is done very simply. It is usually done on straight hair, but you can make a hairstyle on medium wavy hair. This style opens the face and helps to focus attention on the beautiful features of the girl's appearance. Older women often do Malvinka because she is very young and refreshing.

Step by step execution malvinki:

  • Divide clean, dry hair into two zones from ear to ear.
  • Fix the upper hair with a clip, and pull the lower hair with an iron or curl it on a curling iron.
  • If you want to add retro to your look, add hair to the roots at the crown. Smooth combed hair and put them in a wave or semicircle. Pierce the hair on the back of your head with invisible.
  • Take a small strand on the left side of the face and shift it to the right side, overlapping the fixing point of the first large strand. On the right side of the face, also, take a strand, and transfer it to the left side, overlapping the main strand. Such weaving repeat several times. Each strand must be fixed vertically.
  • Fix hair with lacquer.

You can create malvinku with the effect of wet hair. To do this, straighten your hair with a flat iron, and smooth your hair back to smooth gel.

Decorate malvinku can be very original. Take a bow of a contrasting color to the dress or a blooming rose of a delicate pink hue and attach to the place of fixing the hairstyle. Please note that Malvinka looks most successful on blond hair with melirovannymi strands. The trend of the season - malvinka on the hair, dyed with the technique of measuring, when only the tips of the hair are highlighted.

If you have a short bang, you can lay it on its side. From the long bangs choose one strand on each side and leave as is. Whichever way you create your hair, Malvinka will accentuate your beauty.

Hairstyles with fleece for the wedding

High hairstyles for medium hair make the bride slimmer and sleeker. The best way to raise a hairstyle is to do a bouffant.

Hairstyle that combines high bouffant with a scythe is very popular. This hairstyle belongs to the youth style, but older women are not averse to trying it on.

When creating a pile with a scythe, stylists are advised to give volume not only to the hair roots, but also to make a pile on the pigtail itself. Especially beautiful on such an art object will look flowers woven into hair and ribbons.

Hairstyles medium hair with bangs and a pile look very romantic. You can divide the transition between bangs and fleece with a snow-white tiara, which ideally complements the image of the bride. Wedding hairstyle with bangs in an elongated version and a pile on the top of the head will help to correct facial features, stretch too rounded shapes and soften too sharp.

In order not to injure hair while wearing a comb, always use protective sprays and a comb with rounded teeth. The combing is done on dry clean hair, the comb should be led towards the roots. Do not use alcohol-based lacquers, they dry hair.

Wedding hairstyles 2016 long hair

Spit in the most incredible performance: in Greek style, wrapped around the head, slightly disheveled and smooth.

"Cold Wave" - large curls, laid on one side and decorated with beads and flowers. One of the most popular styling options for which sufficient hair length is required.

"Hollywood Wave" - magnificent large waves that do not need additional decorations, except a little gloss or wax for hair.

Good old bouffant - simple, but very solemn and festive styling.

Wedding hairstyles for medium hair - fashion trends of 2016

The average hair length opens up a lot of opportunities for the master, who knows his business. The bride can afford almost any hairstyle, including among the styling for long strands. What is important in 2016:

Classic beams with a smooth top or neatly laid lush strands, with bangs or without it.

♥ Babette - greetings from the last century, very popular in our days. The volume smooth bunch on a nape is tightened in a grid or decorated with beads and flowers.

Large curlsdivided into small strands and laid in a chaotic manner.With the help of such curls, you can create a gorgeous high hairstyle.
under the diadem either leave them uncool.

Hairstyles in the Greek style.

Hollywood wave on the middle one, the hair looks very advantageous.

Braids in any way - smooth, fluff, combined with curls or braided around the head.

Classic styling brides

Elegant bunches still do not go out of wedding fashion. Offers for the next season are full of such styling. Raised up and bunched hair opens the face and neck of the bride, thanks to this trick the image looks more elegant. Such styling is elegant and comfortable, besides, the hairstyles for a wedding in a classic style are ideally combined with wedding decorations.

Fashion designers complement such hairstyles with satin ribbons, lace, white pearls, flowers and diadems made of stones. The most common are low tufts of hair in the back of the head. It doesn’t matter that the hairstyle is made in the style of the 90s, this option does not lose its relevance.

Classic is always in fashion, with the difference that wedding stylists complement hairstyles today with modern accessories.

Wedding hairstyles for short hair

Short hair before the wedding is not a reason for sadness. Even a very short length of strands makes it possible to try several styling options and choose the best one, based on the shape of the face, body, and dress of the future bride.

♥ Curls and curls - a great option for a hairstyle like “square” or a short hairstyle with strands of sufficient length. Having curled your hair, you can experiment with it from the heart:
- Divide the curls into small curls, process shine and add a few small ornaments.
- Make a smooth bang and collect curls at the back of the head.
- Lay the beam in the net and release a few strands on the forehead.

♥ Straight, smooth strands, laid with a hair straightener - a choice of bold serious women. But this is only at first glance, since simplicity in this case gives the image of tenderness and femininity. Even the usual square with perfect styling turns into a festive hairstyle with the help of additional accessories.

♥ Lush hairstyles of short hair, raised from the roots, perfectly keep their shape and make their owner a playful girl, ready for fun pranks.

Wedding hairstyles with veil

In recent years, the veil is not in such demand as that of moms and grandmothers of modern brides. Many of them prefer to do with decorations or focus on a luxurious dress. And yet the veil is a symbol of purity and innocence, the bride in her looks cute and touching. It is possible to use this weightless lacy magnificence both with the gathered, and with the dismissed hair:

♥ Large, small, medium curlicues, gathered above the neck, are fixed with pins with flowers, beads or stones. A long veil is fastened to the beam so that it can cover your face.

♥ The bundle on the back of the head with a smooth or fluffy styling in front is perfect for a veil.

♥ Fluffy three-layer veil is most often used in combination with high styling.

♥ Veil of small length is ideal for a short haircut, laid out in both curls and smoothly.

Wedding hairstyles 2016 in the Greek style

The great goddess of antiquity - this is how a bride feels with styling done in the Greek style. This is not surprising - the ancient Greeks were true connoisseurs of female beauty and left a great number of historical monuments to contemporaries, from which stylists repelled, choosing the image of a Greek beauty.

A simple fitted dress made of white flowing fabric, adorned with, perhaps, a chic belt, flat shoes, appropriate styling, natural makeup ... Such a bride is like Aphrodite, coming out of a seashell to people. Several options for goddess hairstyles:

Greek braid in a wide variety of versions: sideways, tight or slightly weakened, in addition with curls. As a supplement, you can use a tiara, a bezel, flowers and beads.

Korimbos (knot in Greek). The hair, divided into a straight parting, slightly descend to the forehead and along the face, and then gather into a knot that can be decorated with a net. On the forehead will be very relevant ribbon to the tone of the dress.

"Women Mycenae" - hair curled in spiral curls and divided into a straight parting.

Headbands and flowers that delicately decorate a hairstyle are perfect for Greek hairstyles.

Wedding hairstyles in retro style

Fashion shows every time prove the power of saying that if it is good to forget something old, then in the modern world it turns into a new and relevant. Is it any wonder that “retro” hairstyles are incredibly popular today in 2016?

Fans of Vera Cold, Vivien Leigh and Audrey Hepburn are undoubtedly the owners of exquisite taste. Creating an image of many years ago, they often opt for dresses and shoes from a grandmother's chest and, of course, suitable hairstyles for such a case:

Hairstyles in the style of the 20s last century. Cold and a little haughty perfect curls with a short haircut, smoothed to the head and fixed invisible. "Kare", divided by a side parting and laid with lush large curls.

Echo from the 1930s. All the same "square" and medium-length hair with bangs and without it. The wavy strands became smoother, and the image of a woman became romantic and tender.

50s style. Strict boules of regular geometric shape, smooth bunches and curls a la "Marilyn Monroe".

Wedding hairstyles 2016 with decorations

Even the most ascetic and restrained women on their wedding day turn into charming coquettes, ready for bold experiments. Decorations from such a lady should be in abundance, and hairstyle in this case is no exception. The main thing in this case - not to overdo it.

The harder and more intricate the laying of the bride, the simpler and more restrained the accessories should be. And vice versa - a simple smooth hairstyle is an excellent basis for fastening the most daring and luxurious jewelry.

Wedding hats. Suitable for collected and loose hair. The only negative - will have to spend a lot of time to choose a hat to face.

Veils - A charming version of a hat with a mesh on the face. The advantage of the veil is that its small size does not spoil the hairstyle, besides, it serves as a small veil.

Wreaths - decoration for young brides with long flowing hair.

Flowers, hairpins and combs in the hair of the bride is always in trend. Any wedding hairstyle looks with such decoration elegant and festive.

Wedding hairstyles with bangs

Properly selected bangs can produce an incredible effect and change the bride beyond recognition. In order for such metamorphoses not to change a woman for the worse and not add visual years to her, you need to turn to professionals only.

A good master, before cutting off a few strands, will determine the shape of a face, select a suitable bang, or generally dissuade from such experiments. Both loose curls and collected hairstyles go well with bangs. In this case, bangs need to be given maximum attention, it should be perfectly laid.

The choice of hairstyles with bangs is very diverse:

Straight thick bangs, covering eyebrows, it is perfectly combined with a bunch on a nape, a pile, babette, the Greek knot, "shell" and long flowing locks.

Slanting long bangs is a great complement to a high bunch of boukle or a bunch at the bottom of the nape.

Hairstyle with tiara or rimframing the bangs, looks perfect.

Long bangs suitable for brides with a round face and puffy cheeks, visually hiding the extra volume.

Wedding hairstyle bun - the perfect classic image of 2016

The beam has always been a classic of the genre for a wedding hairstyle, and for good reason! Carefully collected hair allows you to open your face and add a touch of tenderness to the image.
There are a lot of variations of the wedding beam and at the same time you can choose one that fits perfectly with the chosen style of dress.

For example, the dress on the figure with an open back fits volumetric bundle with curls and loose strands framing the face.

If you have a dress with a fluffy skirt, then you should not choose a smooth bun, as the head may look out of proportion.

You can choose slightly for a lace dress sloppy light bundle and decorate it with a small accessory, such as a flower.

The bundle is perfectly combined with tiara and veilso you can safely choose this option hairstyles.

Wedding hairstyles in oriental style

Girls of the east have always been associated with mystery, charm and attraction. The elements of the east are increasingly entering our lives, this has not bypassed the wedding sphere, where oriental-style wedding hairstyles are especially popular.

Hairstyles of the east look luxurious and elegant at the same time, they are most suitable for girls with long dark or black hair. Also one of the most important attributes of a wedding hairstyle are various decorations.

Therefore, choosing a wedding hairstyle in the Oriental style, pay attention to the ornaments that would emphasize your hairstyle.

Wedding hairstyle in the style of boho

Ethnic motifs, ornaments, fringe, natural fabrics, lightness and carelessness, naturalness and naturalness, flowers, lace, massive jewelry and accessories - all this is boho style.

If you are planning a wedding in this wonderful style, then everything should be thought out to the smallest detail, because the boho style is only a little sloppy and disheveled in appearance, in fact, the boho style should be perfect in everything. This applies to dresses, shoes, ceremony, groom and of course hairstyles.

Boho style wedding hair distinguishes ease and romance. Usually, these are slightly sloppy curls that do not require any styling in a particular hairstyle, also relevant to the style of boho braids and petania.

An interesting feature of the boho wedding hairstyle are decorations and accessories. Fresh flowers will be a great addition to the wedding image, and here it is not necessary to comply with the measure.

Lace bandages and braid around the head - Another mandatory attribute boho hairstyles. Also, as an element of hair, you can choose feathers, pendants, wood and leather jewelry.

In any case, the boho style is freedom, creativity, lack of framework and the rejection of wedding patterns!

For short hair

Who said that the owner of the car can not look feminine and attractive? In fact, it is not. Now we will talk about what wedding hairstyles can be made from short hair.

  • Classic option
  1. We carry out a direct parting, dividing the hair into two parts.
  2. Each side needs to give volume (for example, make a pile), and then fix it with varnish.
  3. One of the parties can be decorated with a hairpin.
  • "Royal" hairstyle

She will create a gentle and romantic image. For its execution, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Comb the back of the hair back.
  2. Create a small volume at the back. You can wind the hair on a curler or lay, securing hairpins.
  3. Fix the hair with lacquer.
  4. Put on the tiara (optional).
  • Hairdo with ribbon

This is a win-win for owners of very short hair that is difficult to style. Bands or ribbons are used as decorations. These accessories are presented in stores in the widest range.

There are even wedding headbands made from veils and lace. How to wear them? The bandage is put on the head so that its front end is on the forehead.It does not matter whether you leave the strands straight or twist them a little. In any case, the hairstyle will look very feminine. And all thanks to a simple and inexpensive accessory - bandage.

During the preparation for the celebration your strands have grown a little? Then you will suit an elegant hairstyle in the Greek style. To create it you will need the following items:

  1. several studs
  2. lacquer strong fixation
  3. rhinestones and stylish bandage.

First you need to wash your hair, dry it and comb it well. Then we put a bandage on his head, pushing one strand after another under it. Easy negligence in this hairstyle is welcome. At the end of the process, spray hair with lacquer and fasten them with pins. We decorate with rhinestones.

  • A few more hairstyles for brides with short hair:
  1. We make the comb back. Fix with gel or varnish. Create a small volume from the front. It should gradually decrease towards the back of the head. Then the styling will look natural.
  2. "Hedgehog". For its implementation will need lacquer resistant fixation and mousse. Create a mess on the head and put these funds. We get a light and romantic image.
  3. Stylish styling. Apply varnish and foam. Makes one curl or more. It all depends on the length of the hair. Curls can be decorated with small rhinestones or shiny hairpins.

Medium length hair options

  • Natural beauty will never go out of style. In this regard, the ideal option would be loose hair.

Lovers of the classics best to create chic curls. If you want to look more modern, then leave the strands straight. Decorate them with natural pearls or rhinestones.

Look great wedding hairstyles with a pile at the top of the head. To increase the length or volume of the hair applied overhead strands.

There are many types of weaving. Among them are the "Waterfall", "Spike" and others. But in the context of a wedding image the best option would be volumetric and carelessly braided braids.

Highly raise the strands on the crown. This can be done with a tiara or rim decorated with rhinestones. Then we perform light bouffant and French braid.

This hairstyle is intended only for miniature girls. It is not necessary to construct a “construction” of hair. You can simply attach a small bow to the side.

Owners of thick hair of medium length can afford a high bow of hair:

  1. First you need to collect strands in the tail.
  2. The upper part (1/4) is thrown back on the bang. On the remaining tails put on another rubber band. This time we have in the middle.
  3. We lay strands on both sides of it.
  4. We make a beautiful bow, treat it with varnish and hide the elastic in curlicues, the role of which is performed by the strand folded over the fringe.
  5. Secure all invisible hairpins.
  • Wedding bunches

If you chose a long veil, then this installation will help you successfully complete the image. For lighter beams, additional liners and rollers are used. To give an image of femininity and romance, you can leave a few strands and twist them on curlers.

High beams are especially popular. They allow you to securely fasten the veil. Bottom or top is not so important. In the summer, the veil is often replaced with fresh flowers. It looks just great.

In the 70s of the last century, high styling (“shell”, “babette” and “nest”) was in fashion. Many modern brides pay attention to styling in retro style. And this is not surprising. After all, elegance and sophistication never lose their relevance.

Wedding styling for long hair

At all times, long braids were considered a symbol of femininity and beauty. And today, many girls are trying to get closer to this ideal, growing a luxurious head of hair.

We list some of them.

  • Hippie styling

This image is perfect for themed weddings.Strands can be left loose or curled in waves. Easy negligence in this case is welcome.

Hippies call this accessory a hirat. For the wedding ceremony fit white lace bandage.

Do you think loose curls look boring? Then try the Malvink style. There is nothing difficult.

We perform brushing on the top of the head. You can either collect the curls in a bun, or make a boucle. Ready laying is fixed by pins and decorated with rhinestones. Pearl ribbons will also look great.

Of particular popularity among brides have found such techniques of weaving as "fishtail" and "reverse spikelets."

They begin to weave from the top, making a little bouffant at the top of the head. The crown or diadem inlaid with rhinestones can serve as a decoration for the hairstyle.

Braids in the form of baskets and rims are complemented by ribbons or flowers.

  • Vintage and retro styling

The proposed options are designed for more concise models of wedding dresses. Almost all retro styling involves the use of accessories.

For example, a vintage dress with a narrow skirt and sleeves to the wrist can be supplemented with a veil pirate.

One of the leaders among wedding hairstyles is recognized as a low beam to one side. It is decorated with either a flower or a shiny hairpin.

Veil in asymmetric styling will be superfluous. Instead, a veil or neat hat, worn on the side.

Want to create an original image? Then we recommend you a high styling with a coc. She was very popular in the 50s of the last century.

We remove the hair in a smooth hairstyle. On the top we do the bouffant and twirl the curls inside. Modern brides complement this image with creative coloring of the strands. It turns out very bright and unusual.

Do not rush to screen out this option. No one argues with the fact that a simple tail looks dull and not at all festive. But in combination with various techniques of weaving, this hairstyle may well become a wedding.

Looks great asymmetrical styling with a tail. Strands can be curled on curlers or left straight.

Want to impress your guests with originality? Then we suggest you to add a “tail” hairstyle with a hat with a veil. Another option is an asymmetric beam, folded from curled locks.

Beautiful hairstyles for a wedding using colors

We are accustomed to consider the veil and tiara to be the main decorations for festive styling. And our ancestors for this purpose used flowers from which magnificent wreaths were made. Recently, brides have begun to return to tradition.

Wedding hairstyles, decorated with artificial or fresh flowers, give girls a special charm, charge them with positive energy.

Wedding hairstyles for long hair with flowers - options in the video:

What kind of flowers to choose to create the image of the bride - artificial or natural? Both options have their drawbacks and positive points:

Fresh flowers smell pleasantly, conveying the mood of nature. But at any time they can crumble or wither.

Artificial flowers are produced by special technologies. They can sometimes be distinguished from the real ones. Eminent designers and stylists offer their options. Here are some of them:

  • Chiffon flowers. They look weightless and can complement any styling.
  • Flowers in the form of a cap. First, wedding styling is done. Then a large flower is attached to it, which acts as a cap.
  • Diadem in the Greek style. It is decorated with flowers designed to emphasize the femininity of the image.

Beautiful wedding hairstyles

Regardless of age, the bride wants to look beautiful on this day. In addition to the perfectly matched wedding dress, a hairstyle that matches the style should be made. No matter how long the hair is, short or long, straight or curly, first of all - it should be comfortable, durable and effective.The image of the bride will be successful if everything is combined with each other in a single wedding styling.

Designers recommend sticking with one golden rule. In the case of a modest wedding dress, use a sophisticated hairstyle with different types of hair accessories. When the dress, on the contrary, is richly decorated, the beautiful hairstyle of the bride, which looks natural, will suit. Some of the options you can do yourself, complicated by design hairstyles, preferably trusted by a professional.

On medium hair

When the wedding waltz has already been studied, it is time for styling. Trial hairstyle will make sure that it can withstand not only the first wedding dance, but also a crazy night. Before the wedding, you should try several options, you should not rush with it. It is better to wash your hair the day before the wedding. Then they will be more susceptible to styling. Beautiful wedding hairstyles for medium hair length, which will be the inspiration:

  • Hairstyle with a Greek elastic band or rim. An elastic band should match the dress in style, as far as color is concerned, it can be in tune with wedding accessories. This styling is often worn by Penelope Ann Miller, thanks to a simple stylization the image of the actress acquires feminine charm. The hairstyle can be modified if you leave a few strands in front, side or rear.
  • The wedding dress does not have to be white, and the hairstyle is complicated. Having average hair length at fashion shows, Alexis Mabil, the bride's model, appeared in a green dress. The head was covered with a transparent veil with a veil to match the dress. Smooth hairstyle perfectly with an unconventional solution. This hairstyle can be done by yourself, if you straighten your hair with the help of an iron and fix it with gel.
  • Wedding hairstyles from the Chanel collection surprise with their extravagance - on the one hand they look disheveled, on the other - chic. Bride models come to the show with lace blindfolds. Collecting her hair, do not worry about disobedient strands that look inappropriately - this is the essence, so, according to the couturier, the modern bride should look.

Styling for medium hair opens up ample opportunities for stylists. A charming image can be achieved thanks to the waves falling to the shoulders, small curls or smoothly straightened curls.

Curls are best formed on wet hair using curlers. Allow hair to dry before removing clips, then straighten it with your hands - naturalness is more relevant than ever! To complete the hairstyle, spray the locks with a fixing lacquer.

The image of the bride can be ready in minutes, otherwise the stylists will spend on your hair a single hour.

Long hair

For the wedding, all the details should be perfectly matched. Regardless of the image of the bride, whether he is sublime or restrained, the hairstyle should not interfere. After all, this day is full of joy and fun. Presented wedding hairstyles for long hair will be the inspiration for the future bride.

Hairdressers love to work on long hair - regardless of the type of styling, they look elegant and charming. Choosing the right hairstyle that fits the dress, the style of the ceremony and the theme of the celebration is a complicated undertaking, but also an excellent occasion to show your creative abilities.

  • For long hair, you can make a simple hairstyle that will emphasize the character and style of the wedding party. Complement it with interesting decorations. A trial version will help you to look at yourself from the outside and try out the installation. You should not fix it with varnish, so that you can fix the flaws.
  • Fashion designers advise loose hair, braids and tails set high on the top of the head. Bangs and strands can be combined taking into account the shape of the face and image of the bride. Owners of long curls to curb unruly curls, can stylize them under the hair with a wet effect.In this form, the hairstyle keeps its shape better and lasts longer.
  • Stylized for 60 - 70 years in any way hairstyles are not considered a symbol of old-fashioned. When planning a wedding hairstyle design, it’s worth a visit to the world of gloss. Looking through the photo, you can visually represent yourself in this image.

The main thing is to understand how comfortable it will be, to properly combine with a dress and other accessories. Fashion shows are sometimes surprising, the proposed options leave their mark in the memory. A wedding with such a bride will be long remembered as the most original!

On short hair

Holders of short haircuts do not need to grow their hair to look beautiful on their wedding day. Such an image will certainly attract the attention of not only the groom, but also the guests of the wedding. 6 wedding hairstyles with short hair, which will help determine the choice of a suitable option:

  1. Varieties bob haircuts. To look amazing at a celebration, it is enough to lay your hair beautifully, put a decorative lace cuff over it.
  2. Light waves. Cheat on short hair looks very romantic. If you want to emphasize your charm, attach a white flower or feathers to your hair.
  3. Creative haircuts are a pretty daring decision for extreme brides who do not adhere to stereotypes. Disheveled bob, even the wedding does not go out of fashion.
  4. Retro style. To create an original image, follow simple rules, no restrictions. The hat with vintage feathers will be a stylish design for the hairstyle.
  5. Short haircut raised up. If you want to look at the wedding avant-garde, put up a bang. This hairstyle does not need any decorative elements.
  6. Asymmetry. A hairstyle with asymmetrically cut hair will look great in the company of long earrings.

The perfect confirmation of the demand for short haircuts will be actress Michelle Williams and other Hollywood stars who wear this style. Styling for short hair looks very impressive. To strand sticking up and beautifully separated from each other, use styling and wax. It is enough to fix this hairstyle with your hands.

For owners of bangs

What to do with the bangs, cut it or grow it - this question worries future brides. These doubts are usually dispelled after exploring the options for wedding hairstyles with bangs.

  • The bangs can be cut ovally so that it covers the ears and lengthens the face. With such a bang, the “gentle wave” wrap will look perfect.
  • Straight bangs in the style of the 60s-70s. A characteristic feature of this hairstyle is flawless clarity, bangs should be above the line of eyebrows.
  • If the bangs are too short, try on the wedding light and natural styling. Give up bulky accessories, just wear a barrette.

If these options intrigue you, choose the one that best suits the wedding styling. The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments and be original. The right image will leave memories for many years!

Hairstyles with accessories

Hair accessories are an alternative to the traditional veil and its ideal complement. When choosing wedding accessories, first of all, pay attention to the style, it should be in harmony with the image of the bride.

When inspecting accessories, it would not be superfluous to ask how high-quality fasteners are on jewelry. The dropped hairpins, the absence of stones or flowers will embarrass the bride at the wedding, so you need to pay attention to this Wedding hairstyles with decorations make the image of the bride more expressive.

With fresh flowers and wreaths

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, decorated their hair with fresh flowers for the wedding. The main attribute of the bride was a wreath of fresh flowers, which symbolized purity and innocence. In autumn, during the Slavic wedding, fresh flowers were replaced with autumn leaves from trees.Today, many brides maintain this tradition by putting flowers into their hair, wearing live boutonnieres and wreaths. The most difficult thing when choosing colors is to combine them with the rest of the wedding dress.

Brides with wreaths of flowers look like fabulous nymphs. To create such an accessory, use rosebuds, lilies of the valley, orchids and herbs. To make a wreath, it is better to seek help from a florist, as it is not easy to achieve excellent results on your own. A wreath can consist not only of flowers, but also of berries.

Individual flowers and floral arrangements look great in the bride's hair.

With oriental ornaments

Modern brides are increasingly rebelling against traditional wedding decorations. Many of them prefer to use accessories made in oriental style. In their design there are oriental ornaments, bright stones, coins, colored veils.

With diadem

Wedding accessories affect the appearance of the bride, sometimes their absence creates a boring image. In order to look really luxurious, many brides wear a tiara. Decoration in the form of a miniature crown on her head will make the girl feel like a real princess on her wedding day.

Tiaras can be divided into two types:

  • tiara - high tiara resembles a crown,
  • low tiara, slightly above the head,
  • comb in the form of a tiara, often decorated with rhinestones or stones.

The tiara perfectly combines with beautiful hairstyles on loose and shortly cropped hair. The Spanish beam, the braid and even the tail, combined with the diadem, look really dazzling. More and more brides are choosing this solution.

Delightful Wedding Veil Models

Traditionally, the bride went under the crown in white and with a veil. Today these stereotypes break, now this accessory can be of any color, up to red or blue. Most brides wonder if they need a wedding veil or not? It all depends on the hairstyle, sometimes its presence in the image is not charming. If the hairstyle is raised up, in this case the veil is fastened under the beam or slightly below the crown. The ideal combination for brides is a veil in combination with a thin veil.

If you fasten the veil on a high hairstyle - this will visually make the bride taller, will stretch her silhouette.

Bridal hairstyles with braids

The hairstyle should be planned at least three months before the wedding, so that there is time for possible corrections. During this time, you can practice with weaving braids. To date, the braids are not only a wedding, but also a daily trend. Hairdressers, taking it into service, weave these masterpieces. Thanks to the weaving, the hair looks well-groomed and original, even if the hairstyle is specifically admitted negligence.

Spit can be located on the side, back and around the circumference of the head. This season is very fashionable weaving spikelet with plucked strands, decorated with ribbons and hairpins with rhinestones. In order to create a spikelet, it is necessary to divide the curls into two parts and alternately twist the outer strands of hair inside. When the braid is braided, you need to slightly stretch it to the sides - this technique will add additional volume to the hairstyle.

Advantages of medium hair length

Hairdressers agree: the best length for wedding hairstyles is the average. Why did they decide that? The fact is that medium-length hair has almost the same rich choice of hairstyles as long hair, but at the same time the hairstyle is much easier, it will hold better because of the smaller length and weight of the hair, and it will also look lighter and bulk.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG.These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding these shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.

What is her current wedding hairstyle?

Now natural beauty is appreciated, so perhaps you will have to pay more attention to hair care just before an important event, rather than a hair-do! After all, healthy and well-groomed hair will be beautiful in any hairstyle, so pay special attention to this moment. Take care of your hair, so that they begin to shine health and are ready to experiment with a hair.

In addition, continuing the trend of naturalness, flowers or some modest, delicate and feminine hair accessories become the best hair decoration. Add one large flower or many small flowers to your hairstyle, use elegant headbands and hairpins ─ and you will look great and modern.

Therefore, give up too complex and unnatural hairstyles, and in fact most often they are quite uncomfortable or in need of constant adjustment, and you do not need it. Try not to overload the image with decorations, remember that measure is important in everything. It is also better to do the necessary minimum of styling products so that the hairstyle does not lose its charm.

Curls emphasize the natural beauty of the hair, they will neatly frame the face and make you more tender and refined. Hairstyle can be supplemented with ornaments, as well as stabbed strands as you most to face. Curls - a beautiful base with which you can play, creating different shades of this simple hairstyle. Suitable decorations will be flowers and delicate accessories.

It is best to create curls curling or ironing, depending on the type of waves. This will quickly help you create your desired hairstyle without inconvenience and anxious waiting. Yes, it harms the hair, so make sure that your hair is well moisturized, apply a special means for thermal protection. Do not use curling or ironing on wet hair.

Making yourself curls is absolutely not difficult and it does not require much time and effort from you! Creating curls perfectly demonstrated in the video attached below. Remember that the best solution is to wind the hair from the face in front, and to the face ─ from behind. Also, the curls should be a little nagging, so that they look lighter and more natural.

Below we consider the creation of curls with the help of so-called magic, or magic curlers. With them, the waves will be arranged vertically, as in the photo below. This option is very popular, and to achieve such waves without the help of these curlers is quite problematic. For very long hair, alas, such curlers are not suitable due to the fact that the spirals are not long enough. This way it is easy to create waves without any damage to the hair. Try it if you have not tried it yet!

Making vertical waves:

  1. Thread the special hook into a spiral and grab a thin strand inside the spiral. Your hair needs wet enough.
  2. Do this for each strand until all the hair is inside the spiral.
  3. Allow hair to dry on its own or dry it with a cold air blow dryer. Enjoy the result!

How to create a hairstyle with curling hair with beautiful curls and side strands tucked back, look in this video:

Creating volumetric curls with an iron is well shown here:

Low hair band

This hairstyle looks very easy and beautiful. Among brides, it is especially popular in spring and summer, when it is warm and pleasantly sunny weather outside. Such hair bands are often called Greek. It is difficult to say why they are so called, but one thing is clear: these hairstyles really make a Greek goddess of a woman.

In order to create more associations with the Greek goddess, the embodiment of feminine beauty and wisdom, make sure that the dress and shoes do not constrain your movements, because the gait and your every gesture should be calm and confident, which is difficult to achieve in an uncomfortable dress or cramped shoes. In make-up, let the accent be expressive eyes with a light haze of shadows, golden and radiant skin with a light blush. You will be irresistible!

In the video attached below, it is shown how to make such a bezel both with the help of an iron and with the help of harnesses. Now we will consider how to make such a bezel using a special bandage. Hairstyle will look great, and you will spend much less time on its creation!

We make a Greek band with a bandage in three stages:

  1. We carry out a beautiful direct parting and we dress a bandage (big elastic band) on the head.
  2. Not too tightly tuck the hair under it. Make sure your hairstyle is uniform!
  3. Secure, if necessary, with pins and stealth. Done!

This video shows the process of creating a low feminine rim of hair ironing.

Create a curious Greek band of bundles by watching this video!

Following the mode of naturalness, it is better to give up too voluminous, even and smooth beams. Choose them only if your whole image needs it. If not, a slightly sloppy low or high bunches would be a great solution for a wedding hairstyle. In order to make them, you do not need to be a master of hairstyles: you can do the low or high versions of bunches by yourself.

Do not forget that for both high and low bundles, some harmonious conditions must be created in clothing. A high bun will look especially beautiful with dresses with a deep neckline or open back. Since you focus attention on these areas, your neck also will not go unnoticed. A high beam will make it longer and more elegant, and you will look much more elegant than with a low beam.

For a low beam, a better basis will be a more modest and closed dress of beautiful and light material. Also, many brides braid a low bun to bustier dresses to make the image more restrained and delicate. When creating, try to give the beam an extra natural volume and a little carelessness. You can weave in a bunch of braids, add flowers and decorations.

By and large, the technique of creating high and low beams are similar. The only difference is that it is advisable to make a low beam less bulky so that it lasts longer, and it is better to fix it with a large number of special tools and studs. Now we will consider the creation of a high beam using a donut gum, or, as it is also called, a roller.

Master a beautiful high beam:

  1. Make yourself a high smooth tail and tie it with a rubber band. From above put on the big special elastic for a bunch.
  2. Easily spread your hair over a bagel and begin to tuck the protruding hair under it, securing it with studs if necessary.
  3. If desired, you can slightly ruffle your hair and add decorations.

This video shows how to make an elegant high beam:

See in this video how easy it is to make a low beam:

Many brides choose braids for the wedding, because with them they look very subtle and tender, and this is exactly what is needed for this important day.Hair with braids can look very easy and natural, and more elegant and difficult. Do not forget that the hairstyle depends on the dress you choose: they should go well together.

Remember, the simpler your hair with braids, the easier it should be makeup. Therefore, for simple hairstyles with a scythe, give preference to an even radiant tone and nude makeup. If the hairstyle with braids is quite complicated and relief, then you can safely distinguish lips or eyes. In this case, you should still avoid saturated and contrasting colors: black, white and red. Try to makeup was well-infused, without sharp and clear transitions. Today you don't need such makeup.

Many girls have already mastered the skill of weaving an ordinary braid, so this article will provide instructions for creating another, but no less important and interesting braid: French. How to weave it? This question is asked by many. The whole secret is that the weaving technique is very simple and straightforward.

Failures in weaving occur only because of lack of practice. So study the instructions below and start practicing! This braid will be your faithful assistant in many wedding hairstyles with braids. By the way, you can see very interesting hairstyles with weaving in the video below.

We weave a French braid:

  1. Taking a wide strand from the forehead, you will need to secure it with a simple thin elastic band for convenience. Take two strands on the sides.
  2. Now start with the crosswise and familiar movements of you to braid a regular braid, but with one difference: each time grab additional hair from the side, weaving it from into a braid.
  3. Done! When you practice enough, your braid will be gorgeous! Now you can use any hairstyle with braids.

Elegant hairstyle with hair, beautifully braided in braids, is shown here:

See in this video how to make a feminine hairstyle with weaving:

This video shows how to make a light hairstyle from two French braids framing a face:

With this article, you do not need to load the head also with all sorts of hairstyles. Just choose any medium that you like for your hair and bring it to life! You can show the hairstyle to the hairdresser or do it yourself. Your help will be detailed text and video instructions, as well as tips.

Do not forget about the importance of the relevance of hair. No matter how your hair looks good, if it is old-fashioned, you won’t win. Light and natural hairstyles, not too complicated, with a minimum of styling products are in fashion now. Be sure to coordinate the hairstyle with your dress: your entire image should be whole and harmonious.


Watch the video: TEN Medium Length Hairstyles!!! Twist Me Pretty (July 2024).