
7 signs of hormonal imbalance


Hormonal imbalance is a condition in which there are too few or too many hormones in the bloodstream. Since these substances play an important role in human life, hormonal imbalances can cause side effects in different areas and in different body systems.

Hormones are chemical compounds that are produced by the endocrine glands. They move through the bloodstream to the tissues and organs, delivering messages about what to do and when.

Hormones are important for controlling most of the body’s most important processes, so hormonal imbalances can affect a wide range of functions. In particular, hormones help regulate the following:

  • metabolism and appetite
  • heartbeat,
  • sleep cycles
  • reproductive cycles and sexual function
  • overall growth and development
  • quality of mood and level of stress,
  • body temperature.

Women and men may be prone to an imbalance of insulin, steroids, growth hormone and adrenaline.

Women are also able to deal with an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, and in men, testosterone imbalances are more likely to occur.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Every person once encounters a natural hormonal imbalance, but in some people this condition develops due to the malfunctioning of the endocrine glands.

The signs of hormonal imbalance depend on which hormones and glands are affected.

Symptoms associated with the most common causes of hormonal imbalance include the following:

  • unexplained weight gain
  • unexplained weight loss
  • unexplained excessive sweating,
  • sleep difficulties
  • change in sensitivity to cold and heat,
  • very dry skin and skin rashes,
  • change in blood pressure
  • change in heart rate,
  • brittle or weak bones,
  • change in blood sugar levels
  • irritability and anxiety,
  • unexplained long-term fatigue,
  • strong thirst
  • depressed
  • headaches,
  • desire to visit the toilet, which occurs more often or less than usual
  • swelling
  • changes in appetite
  • reduced sexual desire
  • sparse and weak hair
  • infertility,
  • swollen face
  • visual impairment
  • breast sensitivity,
  • lower voice in women.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

Every person once faced or will face a period when hormone levels in his body are unbalanced due to natural causes.

However, hormonal imbalances can also occur due to the fact that the endocrine glands do not function correctly.

Endocrine glands are specialized cells that produce hormones, store them and secrete into the blood. A person has several endocrine glands located throughout the body and controlling various organs. These glands include:

  • adrenal glands
  • gonads (testicles and ovaries),
  • pineal gland (epiphysis),
  • pituitary,
  • hypothalamus gland,
  • thyroid and parathyroid glands,
  • islets of Langerhans.

Several medical conditions in one way or another can affect the endocrine glands. Certain life habits and environmental factors can also cause hormonal imbalances.

Causes of hormonal imbalance include the following:

  • chronic or severe stress
  • diabetes of the first or second type
  • hyperglycemia (excess glucose production by the body),
  • hypoglycemia (low blood glucose),
  • hypothyroidism (insufficiently active thyroid gland),
  • hyperteriosis (the thyroid gland is too active and produces excessive amounts of hormones),
  • insufficient or excessive production of parathyroid hormone,
  • poor nutrition
  • overweight,
  • abuse of steroid drugs
  • pituitary tumors,
  • nodular toxic goiter,
  • Cushing's syndrome (high cortisol),
  • Edison's disease (low cortisol and aldosterone),
  • benign tumors and cysts (cavities filled with fluid) that affect the endocrine glands,
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia (low cortisol),
  • endocrine gland injuries,
  • acute allergic reactions or infections
  • cancer that affects the endocrine glands,
  • chemotherapy,
  • radiation therapy
  • iodine deficiency,
  • hereditary pancreatitis,
  • Turner syndrome (a woman has only one X chromosome),
  • anorexia,
  • phytoestrogens (plant substances found in soy products),
  • effects on the body of toxins, pollutants and other substances that disrupt the endocrine system, including pesticides and herbicides.

Hormonal imbalance in women

Throughout life, women experience several periods of natural hormonal imbalance - puberty, pregnancy, menopause

During life, women experience several periods of natural hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by the following:

The female body is associated with the risk of developing certain diseases that can cause hormonal imbalance. These risks are not characteristic of men, since women have other endocrine organs and cycles.

Medical conditions that cause hormonal imbalances in women include the following:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),
  • hormone replacement drugs or birth control pills,
  • early menopause
  • primary ovarian failure,
  • ovarian cancer.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women include the following:

  • heavy, irregular or painful menstruation,
  • osteoporosis (weakness, bone fragility),
  • hot flashes
  • night sweats
  • vaginal dryness
  • breast sensitivity,
  • stomach upset,
  • constipation
  • diarrhea,
  • acne before menstruation or during menstruation,
  • uterine bleeding not related to menstruation,
  • excess hair growth on the face, neck, chest or back,
  • infertility,
  • excess weight,
  • thinning or loss of hair on the head,
  • decrease in voice timbre,
  • increase clitoris.

Hormonal imbalance in men

Men also experience periods of natural hormonal imbalance. Its causes may include the following:

Hormonal imbalance in men is different from the female, because the endocrine organs and cycles in the sexes are different.

Medical conditions that cause hormonal imbalance in men include the following.

  • prostate cancer,
  • hypogonadism (low testosterone).

The list of symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men includes:

  • decrease in sexual desire or libido,
  • erectile dysfunction
  • low sperm volume
  • reduced muscle mass
  • excessive breast development
  • breast sensitivity,
  • osteoporosis.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of hormonal imbalance. Each case may require a separate therapeutic approach.

Among the strategies for the management and treatment of hormonal disorders are the following.

  • Hormonal and contraceptive drugs. For women who are not planning a pregnancy, pharmacological products that contain estrogen and progesterone may be useful. Such tools are able to eliminate or alleviate the violation of menstrual cycles and other symptoms. Contraceptive drugs are available in the form of tablets, rings, patches, injections and intrauterine devices.
  • Vaginal estrogen. Women who experience vaginal dryness due to changes in hormone levels may apply estrogen-containing creams to the affected tissue to alleviate the symptom.
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This type of treatment is commonly used to alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes or night sweats.
  • Eflornithine (Vanika). This cream can slow the excessive growth of facial hair in women.
  • Antiandrogenic agents. These drugs block predominantly male sex hormones androgens and thus help women reduce the development of acne, as well as excessive growth of facial hair and thinning of hair on the head.
  • Clomiphene (Clomid) and letrozole (Femara). These drugs stimulate ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and thus ensure pregnancy. Women with PCOS who wish to have a baby can try injecting gonadotropins to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
  • Assisted reproductive technology. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be used to treat women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome and wish to become pregnant.

Common therapies for people with hormonal imbalance include the following:

  • Metformin. A drug used to treat type 2 diabetes helps reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Levothyroxine. Products containing levothyroxine can relieve symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Treatment methods for men with hormonal imbalances suggest the following.

  • Drugs based on testosterone. Gels and patches containing testosterone can alleviate the symptoms of hypogonadism and other conditions that cause low testosterone levels, such as delayed or slow sexual development.

Natural treatments for hormonal imbalance

Separate natural supplements can be used to relieve symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

For thousands of years, mankind has used natural supplements to treat hormonal imbalances.

However, there are such natural remedies, the use of which in the fight against hormonal imbalances has already been proven on the basis of clinical studies.

Supplements that are currently used frequently to reduce hormonal imbalances include the following:

  • black cohosh, Chinese angelica, red clover, oil of oslinnik biennial - to reduce hot flashes caused by menopause,
  • ginseng for the treatment of irritability, anxiety and sleep disorders caused by menopause,
  • ginseng and maca peruvian for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

To reduce the risk of hormonal imbalance and alleviate symptoms, you can make the following changes to your lifestyle:

  • maintain a healthy body weight
  • use a balanced diet
  • exercise regularly
  • maintain healthy personal hygiene, cleanse body parts such as the back, face, neck and chest with natural oils,
  • use over-the-counter cleansers, rinses, medical creams or gels to treat mild to moderate acne,
  • avoid factors that trigger hot flashes, such as a hot environment, as well as spicy, hot food or drinks,
  • reducing and managing stress
  • the use of yoga, meditation or guided visualization,
  • restriction of food containing sugar and refined carbohydrates,
  • replace the old non-stick frying pans with ceramic ones
  • use glass containers for storing and heating food and beverages,
  • limit the use of cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals, such as bleach,
  • buy fruits and vegetables that are not treated with pesticides or chemicals,
  • refuse to heat food in the microwave,
  • abandon the use of beverages from plastic containers.


Every person once faces hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal imbalance is a condition that is characteristic of puberty, menstruation and pregnancy. But some people regularly deal with this phenomenon.

In many cases, hormonal imbalances are caused by external factors, such as stress or birth control pills. However, hormonal imbalances can be caused by any medical condition among those that affect the endocrine system.

A person should consult a doctor if he is faced with long-term unexplained symptoms, especially if these symptoms cause pain, discomfort or interfere with daily life activity.

What to do?

Probable signs of hormonal imbalance

1. Weight loss on the background of increased appetite. Under the advertising slogan “Eat means losing weight!”, Perhaps, there is a person with an increased function of the thyroid gland.

In addition to weight loss, usually worried irrational and prolonged rise in body temperature to 37-37.5 oC, interruptions in heart function, excessive sweating, tremor (trembling) of fingers, mood swings, nervousness, sleep disturbed.

With the progression of the disease, sexual function is disturbed.

Often attracts the attention of a constantly surprised look - bugoglazy. When the eyes are wide open, they shine and bulge out, as it were: between the iris and the eyelids - a strip of white sclera remains above and below.

2. Obesity may not only be a problem of poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Obesity accompanies many endocrinological disorders.

If fatty tissue is deposited evenly throughout the body, appetite or not changed, or slightly reduced, worries dry skin, weakness, lethargy, constant drowsiness, loss and brittle hair, then it can be assumed that the thyroid gland function decreases.

These people have chilliness, decrease in body temperature and blood pressure, hoarseness, periodic constipation.

3.Excessive body hair growth (hyperthyroidism) often indicates a violation of the function of the sex glands. Most often, this symptom speaks of the excessive production of testosterone in women.

Hypertrichosis in this case is usually accompanied by an increase in oily skin, the appearance of acne, dandruff.

Going on violation of menstrual and childbearing function.

4. Crimson stretch marks on the skin (stretch) - a terrible sign of disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Often the adrenal glands are involved in the process.

Striae appear on the skin of the abdomen, inner thighs, in the area of ​​the mammary glands. There is hypertrichosis, a violation of sexual function.

The specific feature is Crisis increase in blood pressure to high numbers.

One of the most important symptoms is often obesity, and adipose tissue is deposited mainly in the area of ​​the face and neck, shoulder girdle, abdomen and back.

The limbs remain thin. Immunity decreases.

5. A change in appearance is an early sign of acromegaly. The features of the face become coarse: the superciliary arches, cheekbones, lower jaw are enlarged.

The lips "grow out", the tongue becomes so large that the bite is broken.

This condition develops in adults with the excessive formation of growth hormone - somatotropin, which is produced in the hypothalamus.

Going on rapid growth of the hands and feet. A man has to change his shoes very often.

Concerned about complaints numbness in the limbs, joint pain, hoarseness, impaired sexual function. The skin becomes thick, oily, there is increased hair growth.

6.Blurred vision can also be a consequence of the endocrine system pathology. Rapid and persistent blurred vision, accompanied by persistent headaches is a reason for suspicion of a pituitary tumor.

In this case, a characteristic feature is the loss of the temporal fields of vision, and other signs of a violation of the hormonal regulation mentioned above often develop.

7.Pruritus should be a reason for determining blood sugar levels and may be an early indication diabetes mellitus.

In this case, itching occurs more often in the perineum (which makes it necessary to contact a gynecologist or a dermatovenerologist).

Appears thirst, dry mouth, urine increases, and urination becomes more frequent.

Furunculosis becomes a frequent disease. wounds and scratches heal very slowly, weakness, fatigue develops gradually.

Weight can vary in the direction of obesity, and in the direction of losing weight, depending on the form of the disease and the constitution of a person.

Hormonal imbalance requires treatment!

Some of these symptoms can be interpreted by us as banal signs of overwork, lack of vitamins, the effects of stress at work and at home.

However, delayed access to a doctor can greatly reduce the possibility of a cure and lead to serious health problems.

Whatever the hormonal disorder, it always requires medical treatment.

Without special therapy, endocrine diseases gradually progress, and, without causing much concern in the initial stages, they manifest themselves in the future with a heavy echo.

You can close your eyes for a long time on sweating, changes in body weight, excessive hairiness, but what to do when these disorders develop into infertility or result in severe heart failure, stroke or heart attack, inoperable tumor?

And how many cases of diabetes are diagnosed only when the patient is admitted to the hospital in a state of coma?

But quite a bit of vigilance, attention to their own health, to prevent all these consequences.

Modern diagnostics of hormonal disorders includes a wide range of examinations. Sometimes it is enough for a doctor to look at a patient to make a diagnosis.

In some cases it is necessary to conduct a lot of laboratory and instrumental studies, including determination of the level of hormones and their metabolites in the blood, functional stress tests, X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography.

Many of the endocrine diseases with timely treatment can be completely cured, while others require constant hormone replacement therapy, while others have indications for surgical treatment.

Be more attentive to your health and your loved ones. In most cases, with early diagnosis and properly selected treatment, it is possible to control or completely cure many endocrine diseases.

general practitioner

Hormone imbalance

Hormone imbalance not always able to cause hair loss. An example would be puberty in adolescents and a woman’s pregnancy.

Boys - teenagers there is a strong surge of testosterone, but it does not lead to hair loss. This is explained by the fact that a priori, the level of testosterone in the male body must be higher than in the female body (that is, testosterone is not converted to dihydrotestosterone).

At girls in adolescence there is a surge in the hormone estrogen, which improves the condition of hair, nails, skin.

In pregnant women An increase in the number of estrogen and progesterone is also observed in the body. These hormones prolong the life cycle of the hair.

Therefore, after carrying a child (when the child is 3–4 months old) the woman has an abrupt termination of the life cycle of some hairs, which should have been released earlier, but “held” with the help of hormones.

  1. Diseases suffered in childhood (ARVI, ORZ, cold). Scientists have found that simple diseases that were transferred in childhood can affect the hormonal background of an adult.
  2. Pregnancy, childbirth.
  3. Frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion.
  4. Puberty.
  5. Menopause (women over 40).
  6. Hormonal drugs (OK, medications for the treatment of neurosis, allergic reactions, other diseases).
  7. Diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecological diseases. The body seeks to restore reproductive function, stopping to control the amount of hormones produced.
  8. Stress. It is proved that stress (especially frequent, strong) can adversely affect the state of any organ in the human body and lead to the development of many diseases (including hormonal failure).
  9. Lack of a healthy lifestyle. Harmful habits (smoking, excessive drinking, drugs), lack of daily regimen and diet, poor diet (plenty of fatty, sweet, spicy, salty foods), lack of physical activity, systematic lack of sleep can bring the body into a state of stress.
  10. Diet and nutrition. Long-term diets, hunger strikes (lack of healthy fats) can help slow down the production of hormones. Excess fat can also contribute to hormonal failure.
  11. Excess weight. BMI from 25 to 30 - pre-obesity, more than 30 - obesity. A large amount of excess weight helps to slow down the production of sex hormones, which leads to their imbalance.
  12. Great physical exertion, abuse of sport nutrition.

All people react differently to hormonal disruption in the body. The main symptoms are:

  1. Unstable menstrual cycle (more than 45 days) for a woman or lack thereof (anovulation).
  2. Failure in the central nervous system. Accompanied by sharp changes in mood, apathy, depression, nervousness, sentimentality.
  3. Unreasonable weight gain. A person eats as before, but body weight increases. Do not help any diet or exercise. There is no visible reason for weight gain.
  4. Decreased libido. Sexual attraction is weak or absent altogether.
  5. Sleep disturbance (insomnia, sensitive, disturbed sleep).
  6. Fatigue for no apparent reason (lack of physical / mental stress).
  7. Deterioration of hair, nails, skin. Hair begins to fall out, become dull, lifeless. Nails become pale, brittle, exfoliate, break off. Acne and acne appear on the face and body.
  8. Reproductive impairment. Male sperm cells become lethargic, slow. Asthenozoospermia (reduced sperm quality) may occur. Women can have a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, or a prolonged absence of ovulation during a normal cycle.


With a strong hair loss, which is accompanied by several symptoms of hormonal failure, urgently need to consult a specialist (general practitioner, endocrinologist, gynecologist, andrologist, trichologist).

The doctor will prescribe tests that show the real level of male and female sex hormones:

  1. Biochemical analysis of blood from a vein.
  2. Complete blood count from finger.
  3. ELISA blood test (for infection).
  4. Smear of the genital organs for infection.
  5. Blood from a vein for serum iron content.
  6. Blood from a vein to thyroid hormones.
  7. Sex hormone tests (for women and men are different). Some tests for women are given on certain days of the cycle. The analysis on dihydrotestosterone can be taken on any day.
  8. Spectrogram of hair. A few hairs are cut off at the root of the neck or neck. They are degreased, placed in a special solution, where they dissolve. This liquid is evaluated by a spectrometer (the sample burns, and the instrument records the evaporation).

Spectral analysis of hair on micronutrients - what it is, learn from the video:

Treatment of hair loss due to hormonal failure

With hair loss hormonal failure is difficult to identify. Many people begin to self-diagnose and self-medicate., which greatly complicates the subsequent diagnosis by a doctor.

How to stop hair loss with hormonal failure? Temporary hormonal failure can be corrected by taking vitamins and hormonal drugs.who must appoint a specialist after the inspection and delivery of all tests.

Each of the specialists should analyze their side of the problem, decide on their own profile (treatment of reproductive function, thyroid gland, urogenital system, recovery of the whole body or treatment of certain organs, reduction of external / internal factors on hair loss).

Treatment for hair loss with hormonal failure is carried out comprehensively: elimination of the causes and normalization of hormonal background person

Common drugs and dosages for the treatment of hair loss with hormonal failure does not exist.

Every case, every organism is individual.

Experts warn that In the early stages of hormonal imbalance, hair loss can be prevented and reduced.

If the curls are very thinned, baldness began, then this process is much more difficult to stop.

The duration of therapy

Regarding the timing of therapy also can not give a definite answer. It all depends on the degree of imbalance and the cause of its occurrence. The minimum duration of therapy is 21 days, the maximum is several years. (on average 4-6 months).

After starting treatment hair stop falling out after 2-4 weeks.

In the most severe cases, this process stops after 4-6 months. New hair begins to grow no less than 2 months (usually 3-6 months after the start of treatment).

Hair loss with hormonal imbalance - one of the least significant symptoms.

Long-term disruption of hormones can lead to serious problems of the internal organs, in particular the reproductive system.

Run hormonal imbalance in the body should not.

At the first suspicion of the appearance of this problem, it is necessary to contact the specialists to rule out alopecia.

4 hormonal problems leading to hair loss

If hormones can reduce your energy and reduce your libido, it is not surprising that they can also turn your locks into a mess on your head. Here are just a few examples of how hormonal problems can cause hair loss:

1. Excess estrogen

Estrogen, the main player in the female body, is your friend when he is in balance. It allows you to feel energetic, stabilizes mood and increases libido.

However, too high levels of estrogen, which can be caused by weight gain, during premenopausal periods or as a result of the toxic effects of endocrine disrupters (which are found in our food, water and plastic products), can lead to thinning hair. During and after pregnancy, for example, the level of estrogen is at its highest, and then drops sharply, causing sudden hair loss in many women.

2. Insulin imbalance

Insulin, an auxiliary hormone that is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, also affects a number of different processes in the body, including storing fat in the body, heart health and, you guessed it, hair growth. One study published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Risk showed that women with insulin resistance have a greater risk of androgenic alopecia (AHA), that is, female baldness.

3. Sly Testosterone

In men, testosterone is associated with the size of their physique, longness and hairiness. But too much testosterone in women leads to unpleasant consequences.Namely: it can cause hair growth on the face, neck or chest, as well as loss of hair on the head.

4. Thyroid problems

Your body is an intelligent system. When it is under stress due to hormonal imbalance, for example, when the thyroid hormone levels fluctuate, the body redirects the energy used for noncritical processes (hair growth) to more important hormone balancing processes. Low levels of thyroid hormones are often the cause of thinning of the scalp, which is observed in some women when they age.

3 ways to keep your hair

If you are tired of hair falling out after a shower or buying various anti-hair loss products, pay attention to three solutions that have helped many women eliminate the root cause of hair loss.

1. Pass the tests.

Since there are a number of different factors that can contribute to hair loss, consult your doctor to refer you for tests.

It is recommended to check: fasting glucose level, iron level, complete blood count, which can determine if you have anemia, and also check thyroid hormones, estrogen and testosterone levels. The test results will give you an understanding of exactly what hormonal problems lead to hair loss.

2. Eat whole foods

Inclusion of more fiber in the diet will help reduce the level of estrogen through its "elimination" (that is, an excess of estrogen will be released in the process of cleansing the body). A diet high in protein, low in carbohydrates and plenty of vegetables will improve insulin resistance, which can also cause hair loss.

3. Take quality vitamins.

The presence of nutrients in the body or their absence can also affect hair growth. Vitamin A helps the synthesis of fats in the hair follicles by stimulating growth, vitamin E helps protect hair cells from damage, and B vitamins restore hair thickness and shine. Vitamin C and zinc prevent damage to the cells that are responsible for our hair from the inside.

Unfortunately, there is no magic solution, pill or product that would completely prevent hair loss. But if you know what happens to your hormones and how they affect your hair, it will help you find the root cause of the problem. If you haven't been tested yet, go on an online hormone test on Dr. Sarah Gottfried's website (link at the bottom of the page): this can help you determine which hormone tests are best done and how to improve your lifestyle and diet to stop hair loss. .

Do not forget to control your stress level and get enough sleep, which will also help balance hormones and protect your locks.

Thanks for the translation by Alexandra Lukicheva

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Androgens are the main regulator of human hair growth with paradoxical differences in follicular responses depending on the location on the body: from beard stimulation, for example, to the cessation of hair growth on the scalp, but without any effect on the eyelashes.At the same time, in different areas of hair growth on the head, the sensitivity of the VF to androgens is determined: in the region of the crown and crown, it is increased, which leads to a slow progression of miniaturization processes, in the region of the occiput, the inanimate ones are insensitive to the action of androgens. Transplanted follicles retain this variety of reactions, and this fact underlies corrective cosmetic surgeries for androgenetic alopecia (AGA) .

One of the first signs of puberty is the gradual replacement of the finest vellus hair with larger, pigmented intermediate pubic hair and later in the armpits, eventually producing larger and darker terminal hair. These changes occur in parallel with the pubertal increase in androgens in the blood plasma, which occurs earlier in girls than in boys. The same metamorphosis also occurs in many other parts of the body in young men, leading to the growth of beard, pubic hair, the appearance of hair on the chest and an increase in their number on the extremities — it is easy to distinguish an adult male by these signs. Beard growth increases dramatically during puberty and continues to increase to about 35–40 years, with terminal hair on the chest or in the ear canals only appearing a few years after puberty. However, androgens do not have an obvious effect on many follicles that produce terminal hair in childhood, such as eyelashes, or many follicles of the scalp. Paradoxically, but in individuals with a genetic predisposition, androgens contribute to the gradual transformation of large terminal follicles of the head into cannon, causing AGA. In addition to the role of androgens, the exact mechanisms of such responses within the hair follicle are not fully understood, although it is clear that these responses are individual and depend on the location of the follicle in the body region.

The hormones of the steroid group regulate cell growth, their differentiation and metabolism. Violations of the adrenal glands can lead to increased glucocorticoid activity, and to insufficient activity, excessive activity of androgens, or to insufficient.

Increased androgen activity is expressed in early puberty in children and virilization in women, while in men it is asymptomatic. Excess androgens can result from many different states of both the adrenal glands and the ovaries. These include congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or adrenogenital syndromes, adrenal tumors, Cushing syndrome, polycystic and ovarian tumors, as well as other neoplasms not related to the adrenal glands and ovaries. Dermatological signs of virilization are, among other things, hirsutism and AHA. The rapid manifestation of signs of virilization, DHEAS levels in excess of 600 ng / l, and free testosterone levels in excess of 200 ng / l, suggest that there is an androgen-producing tumor. Adrenogenital syndromes are the result of genetically determined disorders of cortisol synthesis. The increase in the production of ACTH, which provokes an increased stimulation of the adrenal glands, in combination with blockade of the pathway of cortisol production leads to the accumulation of adrenal androgens, causing virilization in women. Partial failure of 21-hydroxylase can manifest itself as hirsutism, even in older women.

Hypercorticoidism, or Cushing's syndrome, represents signs of increased secretion of cortisol by the adrenal glands due to any reason. Most often, this condition is iatrogenic due to taking glucocorticosteroids (GCS), however, similar symptoms are present in patients with endogenous hypercorticism, due to the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland (Cushing's disease),with adrenal tumors or with ectopic production of ACTH. Hypertension and weight gain are early manifestations of the disease, among typical skin symptoms there are redistribution of fat, obesity with sediments in the torso, a “moon-shaped” face and thin hands, skin atrophy on which bruises quickly appear, pigmented facial hypertrichosis, a general increase in lanugo hair and alopecia. These phenomena can initially be ignored as secondary to the normal aging of the skin.

Insufficient androgen activity can lead to a decrease in sexual desire, loss of muscle tone, dry skin, reduction of vital energy. The development of androgen deficiency after puberty is characterized by the presence of slowly growing pubic hair, since the preservation of already formed pubic hair is less dependent on androgens than their production.

Addison's disease is a chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. The most prominent dermatological sign is an increase in skin pigmentation, hair can also become darker.


During menopause, the ovaries stop producing hormones that are responsible for reproduction and can affect sexual behavior. Reducing the level of circulating estrogen affects the entire chain of reproductive function of women - from the brain to the skin. A typical age for menopause is the range between 45 and 55 years. Postmenopausal women face dermatological problems such as atrophy, dryness, itching, loss of skin elasticity and flexibility, increased skin trauma, dry hair and alopecia. Currently, it is considered that these phenomena are caused by low levels of estrogen.

Clinical evidence of the effect of estrogen on hair growth was obtained during the observation of the effects of pregnancy, hormonal medications that affect estrogen metabolism, and menopause on the condition of hair. During the second half of pregnancy, the proportion of anagenic hair increases from 85% to 95%, while the proportion of hair with a larger stem diameter is also higher than that of women of the same age who do not prepare for motherhood. After childbirth, there is a rapid transition of follicles from the phase of the prolonged anagen to the catagen phase, and then to telogen, followed by increased hair loss, noticeable after 1–4 months (postpartum effluvium). The increased hair loss observed in many women between 2 weeks and 3-4 months after stopping oral contraceptives is reminiscent of hair loss, usually observed after childbirth. Contraceptive pills or hormonal replacement therapy with progestogens, which have androgenic activity (norethisterone, levonorgestrel, tibolone), are more likely to cause general baldness in genetically predisposed women. It has been suggested that with a genetic predisposition, the ratio of estrogens to androgens may act as a triggering factor for hair loss in women. Hair loss caused by predisposed women by treatment with aromatase inhibitors in breast cancer also corresponds to this. Finally, postmenopausal women show an increased tendency to male-type hair loss.

Estrogen, Of course, they have an important function in many parts of the human skin, including the epidermis, dermis, vascular network, hair follicle, as well as in the sebaceous and sweat glands, which play a significant role in skin aging, pigmentation, hair growth and sebum production. In addition to altering the transcription of genes with the help of estrogen-responsive elements, 17-beta-estradiol (E2) also changes the androgen metabolism in the pilosebation complex, which itself shows a noticeable activity of aromatase, a key enzyme in the conversion of androgens to E2.Thus, the hair follicle is simultaneously a target for estrogens and their source. Estrogens have been found to affect hair follicle growth and cyclicity by binding to locally expressed high affinity estrogen receptors (RE). The discovery of the second intracellular estrogen receptor (ERbeta), which performs cell functions that differ from the classical estrogen receptor (ERalpha), as well as the identification of membrane estrogen receptors in the hair follicle became the areas that are subject to further research to understand the mechanism of estrogen on hair growth.


Thyroid hormones affect the growth and differentiation of many tissues and the total energy expenditure of the body, the circulation of many substrates, vitamins and other hormones. Thyroid activity affects oxygen consumption, protein synthesis and mitosis and therefore is of great importance for the formation and growth of hair. In the human hair follicle, expression of the beta-1 thyroid hormone receptor has been demonstrated. It has been shown that triiodothyronine significantly increases the survival rate of human hair in vitro . The influence of the activity of thyroid hormones on the hair is most noticeable when there is a shortage or excess. Shell (Schell) et al. by analyzing DNA for the first time using flow cytometry, demonstrated the effect of thyroid hormones on the dynamics in vivo cell cycle of human hair follicles scalp. Clinically, the effect of thyroid disease on hair is nonspecific, but the associated symptoms and signs of a deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones can be a source of important data for the detection of thyroid disease.

Hypothyroidism is the result of a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Most often it occurs as a result of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease) or iatrogenic ablation of the thyroid gland (sodium treatment with iodide-131 or surgical thyroidectomy). Hypothyroidism in women is observed about ten times more often than in men, and is especially common at the age of 40 to 60 years. Patients have dry, rough skin; in severe cases, the condition may resemble ichthyosis. The skin of the face is swollen, with an increased number of wrinkles; the face may have an “empty”, monotonous expression. Hair becomes dull, coarse and brittle; diffuse alopecia can occur with thinning of the lateral eyebrows. Hair growth slows down, the proportion of telogenic hair increases. Alopecia is characterized by a gradual onset. In genetically predisposed persons, prolonged hypothyroidism may be accompanied by AGA. The proposed mechanism is due to an increase in free androgens in the plasma.

Hyperthyroidism due to excess circulating thyroid hormones. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism today is Graves' disease, the estimated prevalence rate in the population of patients aged 60 years and older is 5.9%. This disease is of autoimmune origin, which affects women more often than men. The most common symptoms of hyperthyroidism are systemic, rather than cutaneous, and are caused by a state of hypermetabolism, known as thyrotoxicosis. Nevertheless, diffuse hair loss is observed in 20-40% of cases, and axillary hair loss - in 60%. The severity of baldness does not correlate with the severity of thyrotoxicosis. The hair itself is thin, soft, straight and, it is said, not amenable to permanent curling.

It should be borne in mind that the cause of hair loss can be drugs for the treatment of thyroid diseases or drugs that interfere with thyroid metabolism: carbimazole, tiamazole, methylthiouracil, propylthiouracil, iodine, levothyroxine, lithium and amiodarone.

Hypoparathyroidism most often seen in the geriatric population after unintentionally removing the parathyroid glands during surgery on the thyroid gland or radical neck excision in cancer. Patients experience bouts of hypocalcemia with tetany.Thinning or complete loss of hair may occur. Horizontal depressions (Bo lines) are often formed on the nails, which appear at the base of the nails about three weeks after the tetanic seizure. The destruction of the enamel of the teeth can be misinterpreted as a violation of oral hygiene, especially in the elderly.


Prolactin is a lactotropic hormone from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which stimulates the growth of the mammary gland, leads to lactation and the instinct of care for offspring (including in males). Prolactin secretion occurs in accordance with the circadian rhythm by means of mediator substances in the hypothalamus, prolactin-releasing hormone (PRH +), prolactin-releasing inhibitory hormone (PRIN–), dopamine (-).

Clinically hyperprolactinemia it manifests itself with a galactorrhea-amenorrhea symptom complex with hair loss, galactorrhea (30–60%), menstrual abnormalities, secondary amenorrhea, seborrhea, acne and hirsutism. The interactions between prolactin and hair growth are complex, with prolactin acting on the hair follicle not only directly, but also indirectly, through an increase in the paraandrogen content in the adrenal cortex. Consequently, hyperprolactinemia can be the cause not only of diffuse telogenic hair loss, but also of AGA and hirsutism. Schmidt's work points to the possible effect of prolactin on AGA in women.


Hair growth hormone, or somatotropin, is also important for hair, which is evident from the clinical observation of conditions with increased or decreased content. If the growth factor receptor has changed due to mutations, the cells react weaker to somatotropin. This condition is called somatotropin resistance, or Laron syndrome. In addition to the proportional dwarfism, which manifests itself in childhood, this syndrome is characterized by hypotrichosis, premature alopecia and hair shaft anomalies. In this case, the effect of GH is manifested indirectly, it binds to the growth hormone receptor, which is a transcription factor and increases the expression of insulin-dependent growth factor - 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a growth factor that is structurally similar to insulin and, as a growth factor, affects cell growth and differentiation. IGF-1 also plays a definite role in the development of hair follicles and in hair growth. Itami and Inui discovered that IGF-1 is produced in the dermal papilla. Since the presence of IGF-1 receptor matrix RNA in keratinocytes has been proven, IGF-1 from dermal papilla fibroblasts is supposed to induce hair growth, stimulating the proliferation of keratinocytes of hair follicles. With acromegaly, on the contrary, hypertrichosis develops.


Originally discovered as a neurohormone formed and released by the pineal gland during circadian rhythms, melatonin regulates various physiological processes: seasonal biorhythms and daily sleep and wake cycles — and affects the aging process. However, the most notable in melatonin is its protective and anti-apoptotic effect, which can ensure the functional integrity of non-tumor cells, due to its strong antioxidant properties and the ability to actively capture free radicals 20, 21. The described powerful antioxidant properties of melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine ) allow to consider it as a possible option to counteract oxidative stress associated with general hair loss, as well as AHA, and as a prophylactic measures in graying.

According to recent data, numerous peripheral organs are not only the target of the biological activity of melatonin, but also a simultaneous part of the synthesis of extrapineal melatonin, its regulation and metabolism. It has been shown that human skin has a melatonergic enzyme system that fully expresses specific enzymes necessary for melatonin biosynthesis.In addition, keratinocytes, melanocytes and fibroblasts have functional melatonin receptors that are involved in phenotypic effects, such as cell proliferation and differentiation. An active melatoninergic antioxidant system has been identified in the skin, which protects against damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Like the skin, human follicles synthesize melatonin and express its receptors, and there is also an effect on the hair growth cycle.


The results of the study of menopause and hormone replacement therapy, conducted by the Women's Health Initiative, have led many women to have a negative attitude to systemic estrogen replacement therapy. During the study of topical estrogen supplements with E2 or its stereoisomer 17-alpha-estradiol (alpha-tradition), only a certain therapeutic effect was recorded.

During the application of anti-aging hormone preparations containing recombinant human GH, Edmund Chein of the Palm Springs Life Extending Institute reported on the improvement of hair thickness and structure in 38% of patients, as well as some cases of darkening hair and improve their growth.

In individuals with androgenetic alopecia, hormone therapy with androgens, androgen precursors (DHEA) or androgenic progestins (norethisterone, levonorgestrel, tibolone) can trigger hair loss.

Blocking the activation of androgen receptors by antiandrogens in theory represents a useful, but impractical approach in practice, since antiandrogens block all androgen actions, which leads to unacceptable side effects on the severity of male signs in men and the possible feminization of the male fetus in a pregnant woman. However, cyproterone acetate - a progestogenic antiandrogen, shown in hirsutism and acne - is also used in women with AHA, usually in combination with estrogen as an oral contraceptive for women in premenopausal women. This treatment stabilizes the progression of the condition. In the US, spironolactone is often used - an aldosterone antagonist with moderate antiandrogenic effects.

The most successful modern therapeutic agent for the treatment of AHA in men is oral finasteride, an inhibitor of type II 5-reductase, which blocks the conversion of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Finasteride, designed to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, slows the progression of typical hair loss, and is also useful for older men. It is not known whether the inhibitor acts centrally or inside the follicles, since plasma levels of 5α-dihydrotestosterone are lowered. Unfortunately, finasteride is not effective in postmenopausal women, and its use in premenopausal women is limited by analogy with antiandrogens. Recently, a short-term trial of dutasteride, a double inhibitor of 5ɑ-reductase types I and II, showed a similar and possibly better effect.

Melatonin, which is the main product of pineal gland secretion, is known to modulate hair growth and pigmentation, presumably acting as a key neuroendocrine regulator that binds the phenotype of hair and its function with environmental and reproductive status dependent on photoperiodicity. It has recently been demonstrated that in human anagenic scalp hair follicles (outside the pineal gland) there is an important synthesis of melatonin, in which melatonin can functionally participate in the regulation of the growth cycle by deactivating apoptosis.In order to study the effect of topical use of melatonin on hair growth and hair loss in 40 healthy women who complain of hair loss, a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted. A solution of melatonin 0.1% or a placebo solution was applied to the scalp once a day for six months, a trichogram was performed. This pilot study was the first to demonstrate the effect of local melatonin on human hair growth. in vivo. The principle of action, presumably, is to activate the anagen phase. Since melatonin has the additional properties of free radical scavenger and DNA repair activator, the anagenic hair bulb, characterized by high metabolic and proliferative activity, can use melatonin synthesis in loco as a proprietary cytoprotective strategy 20, 21, 23.

First published in "Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Ukraine" (# 3 (2015))

Does hair fall out in women and men - is it normal or the body fails?

How to distinguish the norm from pathology? Scientists have shown that the number of hair that fell out per day depends on their natural color.

  1. Blondes - up to 150 pcs. in a day.
  2. Dark-haired - from 100 to 110 pcs.
  3. Redheads - up to 80 pcs.

Slight hair loss is normal.

Tracking this number is difficult. Do not collect all the hairs and regularly count. Do a home test. Comb your hair. After that, run your fingers into the head of hair and pull the curls around the temples or the crown. But without too much fanaticism - do not hurt yourself. If there are up to 5 hairs left on your fingers, there is nothing to worry about. All is well with you! Sometimes it seems to owners of long braids that they lose hair with terrifying speed. But if after holding the test in your hand you see only 5 hairs, then you are fine!

Do a brushing test

Hormonal alopecia - reality or fiction

Hormones are active substances that the body produces to perform certain functions. This includes the conception and birth of children, the processes of food digestion, mood, immunity, maintenance of the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body ... And control of the amount of hair on the head and other parts of the body.

These substances are produced in extremely small doses. An imbalance in the production of hormones causes various diseases. Hair loss in this case is a symptom, and not the result of a pathology called hormonal failure.

The reproductive system and the thyroid gland affect the hair follicles in the female body.


What hormones affect hair loss? The following substances are responsible:

  • TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone - produces the thyroid gland,
  • DHT - dihydrotestosterone - the reproductive system.
  • An excess or deficiency of these substances causes hormonal hair loss in women.

Thyroid and TSH levels: main symptoms and disorders

Thyroid-stimulating hormone is the main building material for other thyroid hormones, as well as for some substances that regulate the functioning of internal organs. Hair loss is a symptom of TSH deficiency. This condition is called hypothyroidism.

Enlarged thyroid

Causes of health problems

Signs of a lack of TSH:

  • hair loss and the appearance of bald patches - bunches when combing, when washing, when touched,
  • general weakness, puffiness
  • unreasonable weight gain,
  • violation of the menstrual cycle, infertility.

Problems with the thyroid gland will help identify the endocrinologist

Excess TSH does not affect hair condition. The endocrinologist deals with this problem.

Condition of hair on the background of lack of androgen and estrogen

In the female body produces 2 types of hormones - androgens and estrogens. The first are considered male, and the second - female.The division is conditional, since men produce the same groups of substances. It's all about quantity. In women, male hormones are the raw material for the production of estrogen and are responsible for other functions. The female hormones in the representatives of the strong half of humanity play a similar role in the metabolism.

Female reproductive system

Does taking contraceptives affect the hormonal etiology

Hormonal hair loss in women provokes dihydrotestosterone. This substance is formed from testosterone. Excess hormone provokes a condition in which the hair follicle shrinks. As a result, the nutrition and blood supply of the hair is disrupted, and the hair is thinning. This pathological condition can occur at any age. Symptoms of excess testosterone and its derivatives:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle,
  • excessive sweating,
  • acne
  • Hirsutism - the appearance of hair where it should not be.

Acne - a sign of the hole with hormones

To this are added signs of androgenic alopecia:

  • hair becomes thinner
  • loss is actively going in the temples and crown. In this case, the woman formed longitudinal hairline. This phenomenon is also called diffuse alopecia.
  • on the hairline hair starts to grow instead of normal.

Treatment of diffuse hair loss in women should take place only under the guidance of a doctor.

Is it possible to stop alopecia?

Do not listen to the neighbors and do not be afraid of the word "hormones". These substances saved and save thousands of lives every day! The treatment of hormonal hair loss is not carried out using traditional medicine methods, a trichologist or clever salon masks and vitamin supplements!

Until you eliminate the cause - the hormonal imbalance in the body - the hair will continue to leave the head that is not very smart!

Hormones for hair growth on a person’s head

Male sex hormones that regulate hair growth on the human body, but suppress their development on the scalp. Their excess can stimulate male hair growth on the face and body, and baldness of hair.

Female sex hormones responsible for hair growth in women play an important role in the body of the fair sex. Responsible for the health of curls, their structure.

Its deficiency stimulates excessive hairiness in different parts of the body.

Growth hormone

Produced in the pituitary gland, is secreted into the body every 3-5 hours.

This process is more active at night, during sleep.

After thirty years of age, growth hormone production gradually decreases.

It rejuvenates the entire body, helps to restore the structure of the hair shaft, the natural color of the strands, increases the possibility of their growth, eliminates premature alopecia. With a lack of it - the effect is opposite.


It is the worst enemy of hair follicles and the cause of many types of baldness in both sexes, in particular, in women provokes androgenic alopecia. If time does not reveal the presence of dehydrotestosterone, the process of baldness will be irreversible.

Produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It has a direct negative effect on the hair follicle, and indirectly, increasing the content of paraandrogens in the adrenal cortex.

An increased level of prolactin in the body provokes the development of diffuse telogenic alopecia and hirsutism.

How to restore hormones?

Restoring hormonal balance takes a lot of time.

This is a serious violation, which should be fought in the early stages.

The most effective way is the reception of synthetic hormones, intended either to stimulate the production of their own, or to suppress their excess.

Prescribe medication should be a qualified specialist after receiving the results of all tests and examinations.

When do I need to take hormone-containing drugs for the growth of hair?

ATTENTION: Drug treatment with hormonal means for hair growth is a serious interference with the work of the whole organism.

It should be started only in serious cases of alopecia, after passing all the necessary tests and the conclusion of a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Hormone-containing drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects, their uncontrolled intake can lead to serious consequences.


Acceptance of hormone-containing drugs is prohibited:

  • in the presence of serious cardiovascular diseases,
  • bleeding disorders,
  • serious liver disease,
  • varicose veins
  • with obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • bleeding from the genital tract, not due to menstruation,
  • when detecting tumors of the genital organs and breasts (untreated or malignant).

IMPORTANT: Hormone-containing drugs increase the risk of thrombosis in women who smoke.

For less serious contraindications, such as uterine fibroids, epilepsy, thrombosis of the superficial veins, the doctor makes a decision about taking hormonal medicines or refusing them, depending on the health condition of the particular patient.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with a huge number of recipes for homemade hair growth masks: nicotinic acid, coffee grounds, vodka or brandy, mustard and honey, aloe, gelatin, ginger, henna, bread, with kefir, with cinnamon, egg and onion.

Pathological causes of hair loss

The thinning of the hair is called alopecia. Hormonal hair loss can be:

In addition to the natural changes in the body, hormonal disorders can be caused by serious diseases that cause hair loss and thinning. Pathological causes should most often be sought in endocrine pathology:

Hormonal hair loss can be caused by other reasons. These include:

Signs of hormonal failure

If in the female body the balance of hormones is disturbed, it will not pass without a trace. Usually the most frequent symptoms are:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle
  • fatigue and apathy in a normal way of life,
  • mood swings
  • insomnia,
  • the appearance of acne (usually on the face),
  • alopecia or hypertrichosis,
  • sudden increase or decrease in body weight,
  • headaches,
  • decreased libido.

As for baldness and hypertrichosis, everything depends on the hormones themselves. So with excessive testosterone production in women, the vegetation on the head can lose its density, but appear in other, previously atypical places.

Effect of testosterone on hair growth

On average, every man loses up to one hundred hairs every day, but the same amount grows during the day. But a lack of the hormone testosterone can lead to baldness on the head, chest and face. But if there is a certain predisposition, the hormone will turn into DHT, which leads to thinning and loss of hair in mature years.

Note that testosterone levels, even with baldness in the blood, can be at a normal level, but there is a high content of DHT in the hair follicles.

Such transformation of the hormone occurs due to the influence of reductase (the enzyme that the adrenal glands and the prostate produce).

It turns out that the bulb remains alive, but over time:

  • hair becomes thinner
  • there are more bald patches,
  • hair loss begins
  • bulbs gradually die off or shrink.

There are risk groups that are most exposed to this problem, this applies to:

  1. fair-skinned and fair-haired men,
  2. men from the Caucasus and eastern countries,
  3. men with a genetic predisposition
  4. constant stress
  5. malnutrition,
  6. external factors.

Elevated levels of the hormone is a real problem that develops into pathology, which can lead to a number of consequences.This happens due to malfunctioning of the adrenal glands, prostate and thyroid gland. This deviation is called "hyperandrogenism."

This condition is characterized by the appearance of a large amount of hair on the chest, abdomen, back, legs, scrotum and in the anus. But bald patches may appear on the head, hair will become thinner and weaker.

Also a high level of testosterone is indicated by a number of signs:

  • aggressiveness and irritability,
  • the appearance of wounds and inflamed acne through the body,
  • problems with the testicles,
  • infertility,
  • heart problems, respiratory and circulatory system.

This happens not only because of the disruption of the kidneys, adrenal glands and pancreas, but also when taking synthetic drugs to build muscle. Therefore, more often the rest of these problems suffer bodybuilders, athletes. They have disrupted secretion of testosterone production in the body.

If you notice a strong body hair, it is important to consult a doctor and get tested to normalize the work of the hormonal system. Because later on the symptoms with increased testosterone will be added:

  1. kidney and liver failure
  2. insomnia,
  3. weakness,
  4. swelling,
  5. obesity,
  6. high cholesterol
  7. headaches.

How does this affect baldness in men?

Why do men go bald when hormone levels change? Depending on the level of testosterone in the body of a man, the first changes will affect hairiness in different parts of the body. First of all, problems will begin to appear on the beard, head and chest. Later, armpits, legs, back and scrotum may suffer. Note that with a low level of testosterone, the hair falls out, and the high one grows abundantly. Although there are exceptions.

With an increase in testosterone levels in the body, the men's beard begins to grow stronger, faster. Usually, you have to shave every day, because the hair becomes coarse, it makes its way through the skin after a few hours. This phenomenon may be accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and wounds. If the hormone testosterone is undervalued, then the beard grows poorly, there are places on the face where there is no hair at all, bald patches can occur.

Regardless of the level of testosterone in the body of a man, the hair on his head will be the first to suffer. Alopecia is usually observed with a high or low hormone level. Because the hormone is inhibited by a special enzyme, turning into DHT, which leads to the destruction of hair follicles.

When testosterone is too high, the situation is different, because the hormone is unevenly distributed, affecting the growth of hair of the chest or back. And on the head begins some "avitaminosis."

To normalize the condition you need to pass tests and go through hormone therapy.

With a low testosterone content, the man’s chest hair will be almost absent, thin and fluff-like. A high content of the hormone has a different effect - the entire chest to the abdomen is covered with hard and long hair.

Under normal testosterone, the men on the back have almost no hair. This is characteristic only of Eastern nations. But the increased level of the hormone indicates problems when the hair grows particularly thick in the shoulders and along the spine.

Communication of high levels of hormone and alopecia

Why do men grow bald at high levels of the hormone? Speaking about the high level of testosterone and hair loss in men, experts have not yet reached a consensus, have not found a relationship.

Because recent studies in America, conducted on several thousand patients, have shown that the level of the hormone in the bulb of the head is almost the same for everyone. Therefore, the growth of hair does not affect testosterone, and sensitivity to it.

Therefore, an overabundance can lead to the fact that testosterone will begin to inhibit and destroy the structure of the bulbs, especially when taking anabolic steroids, artificial drugs. Therefore, treatment with aggressive medications does not work.

Important! It was also concluded that prostate cancer and problems with the adrenal glands lead to changes in the level of the hormone, therefore, patients with more than 20% of bald people are found.

Hormones responsible for hair growth in women and men

The hormones developed by the body enter the bloodstream and take an active part in the metabolism and blood supply of the scalp.

The most important values ​​for curls are:

  • growth hormone (somatotropin),
  • melatonin (sleep hormone),
  • androgens and estrogens (male and female hormones),
  • thyroid hormones (thyroxin and triiodothyronine),
  • parathyroid hormones (parathyroid hormone and calcitonin).

In a healthy person, the indicators of hormones responsible for hair growth are normal, which best affects the state of hair.

Hormonal imbalance leads to metabolic disorders (metabolism) and, accordingly, the power of your hair.

As a result - excessive hair loss, in the worst case - alopecia (alopecia).

REFERENCE. Hair loss is a normal physiological process. Each hair has its own life - birth, existence and dying off, in order to give life to its follower. Every day we lose up to 90-100 pieces. If this rate is exceeded, then we can talk about the imbalance of hormones.

Androgens and estrogens are present in every person, regardless of gender. As in the family there should be harmony between a man and a woman, so in the body - between female and male hormones.

When this harmony is broken, the main cause of excessive thinning of curls appears. The level of dihydrotestosterone (androgen) increases, which, accumulating in the follicles, makes hair greasy. Then there is a fragility and loss without recovery.

Self-treatment is the shortest way to baldness.

Every day a person begins with the necessary procedures. While combing, he pays attention to how much of his “treasure” is left on the comb. And when the number starts to increase significantly, you need to think about the visit to the trichologist.

IMPORTANT. Do not immediately rush to the pharmacy and resort to advertised means. It is not a symptom that should be treated, but a cause! Only an expert can install it.

The trichologist with the help of special equipment will conduct an examination of the scalp and establish additional symptoms, in addition to hair loss. Such as:

  • increased body hair growth
  • tremor,
  • violation of the menstrual cycle,
  • sore throat, changing the shape of the neck,
  • excessive irritability,
  • puffiness
  • sleep disorders
  • joint pain,
  • a sharp jump in body weight
  • sexual disorders, etc.

Perhaps the problem will be solved by an endocrinologist or a gynecologist-endocrinologist, to whom the trichologist will give a referral. Endocrinologists, chief hormone specialists that affect hair growth, will determine if there are problems with the thyroid gland, or if there are problems in a female. Then you will need to pass hormonal tests. And only after this treatment begins with hormones for hair growth on the head.

Failure in the body

Hormonal background can be restored. Let not fast, but quite effective. The attending physician prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  • hormone replacement therapy with the help of specially selected drugs
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (running, gymnastics, breathing according to certain methods, douche, etc.),
  • a diet that includes all the necessary vitamins and elements for hair growth.

In addition to these procedures, if necessary, can be assigned:

  1. mesotherapy,
  2. darsonvalization (treatment by impulse currents),
  3. electrophoresis
  4. laser therapy.

For successful treatment of hormonal background, you may have to try to give up some bad habits. For example, smoking during treatment can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Hormonal products for hair growth

ATTENTION.Hormonal drugs have many contraindications and seriously interfere with the body. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to do with other means - you definitely need to use them!

Hormonal hair growth has many contraindications, such as:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • oncological diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • nervous disorders
  • liver and kidney disease
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • obesity.

Modern medicine successfully uses the experience accumulated over the centuries and in such cases resorts to herbal medicine.

Hormonal balance and causes of failure

Seasonal hair loss is not associated with an imbalance of hormones

Our body contains only two types of hormones.

  • Female - estrogen.
  • Male - androgens.

Estrogens have practically no effect on hair growth, since the follicle of the curl simply “does not see” them and is not sensitive to them.

Androgens directly affect hair growth and loss. What hormones make hair fall out? With age, the female body undergoes a decrease in sexual activity, and the production of male hormones begins to exceed that of women.

By the age of fifty, most women stop menstruating and menopause begins. In each organism, this process occurs in different ways, so the climax can be observed at the age of 40 to 60 years.

Calm - a guarantee of preservation of magnificent hair

The reasons are many, but primarily the decline of female sex hormones and the early onset of menopause due to the following factors:

  • Operable interventions in the urogenital system, removal of one ovary or surgery on the uterus,
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives,
  • Regular stressful and depressive situations
  • Any disruption of the gonads due to infectious diseases.

Council The appointment of a course of hormone replacement therapy since the age of forty has been practiced all over the world.
After carrying out laboratory tests, the doctor finds out which hormones - affecting hair loss and general aging of the body in excess, and prescribes a course of treatment designed to restore balance.

Causes of an imbalance of hormones in the body

A regular and happy sex life will prolong youth and preserve thick curls

Changes in hormonal levels in the female body may be due to the following factors:

  • Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. At this time, the production of female hormones in the body as a percentage is doubled. Progesterone blocks the activity of male hormones, and an increased amount of estrogen affects the increased growth of curls,
  • Hair loss due to hormones included in contraceptives. Consultation with a physician or a contraceptive change with another combination of active ingredients is necessary.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland also lead to a change in the background. Especially in the conditions of megacities, a lot of people suffer from a wide variety of thyroid abnormalities, which are responsible for the production of certain hormones in the body,

It is important to check the health of thyroid

  • Hereditary genetics also affect the change in the background,
  • Chronic and acute viral diseases of different etiology,
  • Long depressive and stressful situations.

How to restore balance in the body and stop hair loss. Let's try to answer the question with the help of doctors.

Elimination of the causes of hormonal disorders

Diagnosed on time - half way to recovery

If the curls began to pour hard, then it is necessary to conduct an independent rapid diagnosis.

With positive answers to at least three of the following questions, the trip to the clinic should not be postponed:

  • Frequent dizziness,
  • Acute headaches, repeated daily,
  • Fast fatiguability,
  • The appearance of puffiness (arms, legs, face),
  • Unreasonable drops in blood pressure,
  • Decreased libido,
  • Sweating
  • Flushing of the face

Constant fatigue and bad mood are alarming symptoms.

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Uterine bleeding,
  • Depressive states, stress,
  • Increased irritability and nervousness,
  • Menstrual disorders,
  • The appearance of unwanted hair on the body (above the lip, on the chest around the nipples).

All of these symptoms suggest that the body is disturbed by the balance of sex hormones and an urgent examination by a specialist is necessary. The cunning of this disease is that a person does not feel any pain.

And when pain comes, changes often have irreversible consequences. Hair falls out due to hormones - the first signal of our body that urgent treatment is necessary.

Very important. Independently use hormonal drugs can not.
After all, it is not known what is the balance of substances in the body.
You can even more exacerbate the problem of self-treatment.
Therefore, to listen to the advice from the Internet about the treatment of hair loss hormones in any case impossible.
A survey is needed.

Pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum imbalance

After childbirth, the balance must recover on its own.

During pregnancy, the amount of production of estrogen and progesterone increases, so curls can grow extremely quickly, since the male hormones are blocked. But after giving birth, the body tries to normalize the balance, conditions of enhanced growth of strands change dramatically. As a result, increased loss begins, and instantly.

Since the appointment of replacement therapy is undesirable during breastfeeding, it is possible to simply strengthen the body's defenses by taking vitamin complexes and a full-fledged diet. (See also the article Diet for hair: features.)

With pronounced symptoms of failure, the above consultation is required from a specialist.


Incorrectly chosen contraceptives can cause strands to fall out.

If symptoms of hormonal imbalance are noted within a month after the start of taking birth control pills, then it is necessary to change the drug to a more suitable composition or limit only to mechanical contraception.

If alopecia is caused at the genetic level, i.e. hereditary, then taking birth control pills with progesterone is contraindicated. Progesterone inhibits the maturation and growth of the follicle in the ovaries, therefore, in the hair follicles.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

Main symptoms of thyroid problems

Since the thyroid gland is responsible for the metabolism, any dysfunction of this gland can lead to focal loss of curls. What hormones affect hair loss are male, which means that the gland has stopped producing the necessary amount of female hormones.

Symptoms of thyroid problems:

  • A dramatic gain in weight for no apparent reason, the amount of food and diet did not change,
  • Increased irritability
  • Lethargy and drowsiness,
  • The skin becomes dry and gray.

Important. Having noticed these symptoms, it is necessary to start treatment of the thyroid gland as early as possible.
The first and most important symptom - the hair began to fall out not only on the head, but also on the eyebrows, armpits, in the genital area.

Impaired metabolism inhibits sufficient production of protein - the main component of the hair structure. That is why in diseases of the thyroid gland there is increased hair loss.

Not always parents want to say "thank you"

The most unexplored factor to date, which affects baldness. But in eighty percent of a hundred, if everyone in a family loses hair after forty years, then this fate will affect children.

Most often, baldness is transmitted through the mother. But genes may not appear for quite a long time.A "trigger" for the inclusion of hereditary mechanisms can be stressful situations, infections, injuries and operations. All external stimuli that can start the process and bring the immune system out of balance.

Important. Appoint certain hormones from hair loss and stabilization of the body can only be a doctor, after all the necessary tests.

In the photo, focal manifestations of alopecia in women

You can independently determine whether there is a tendency to genetic hair loss by answering the questions below:

  • Over the past three years, has the hairline on the forehead and temples changed, has it become taller (can be compared in photos)?
  • Do strands recover quickly after a winter and autumn exacerbation during cosmetic procedures?
  • Does it ever happen that strand prolapse cannot be stopped by any means, cosmetic or medication?
  • Seen among the fallen strands short, thin hair or a different color?

If among the answers there is at least one positive, then baldness is genetically determined. To find the cause of the strand fallout, it is imperative to undergo FTG - phototrichogram.

A complete blood count ensures proper diagnosis.

To determine the complete picture of all causes of increased hair loss, and also to answer the question whether hormones affect hair loss, the following tests will be required:

  • Blood test - common and for infectious diseases,
  • A blood test for the content of trace elements and iron, as well as magnesium, calcium and serum iron,
  • Thyroid hormone analysis,
  • Blood chemistry,
  • Analysis of sex hormones,
  • General Mineralogram
  • Spectral analysis of hair.

Only on the basis of all these blood and lymph tests can a doctor correctly diagnose and stop early hair loss.

The sooner the cause of the disease is identified, the easier it is to treat. If the imbalance of the hormonal background is disturbed for a long time, then the specialists regretfully state the low percentage of complete recovery.


Watch the video: 7 Signs Of Hormone Imbalance that You Should Not Ignore (July 2024).