
3 tips on choosing a hairstyle that will drive a man crazy


Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder? Or are there some specific features that would slay any man?

According to studies, men are attracted to certain traits in a woman’s appearance, and this is mainly inherent in a man’s subconsciousness and is related to his animal hunter instinct. These are female characteristics related to childbirth, sensuality and health.

These features help their owner in the art of seduction of the opposite sex.

So, what are the traits that the male subconscious is going mad, and the men themselves find them insanely attractive in women?

Attractive woman

1. Figure type hourglass

The hourglass figure, according to most men, is recognized as the most desirable and attractive.

Women mistakenly believe that men like thin ladies. It's not like that at all. On the contrary, appetizing forms, in particular lush hips and relatively narrow waistline, are what representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to.

Female physical attractiveness at the instinctive level is associated with the reproductive ability of a woman.

Large hips and back line refer to the ability of a woman to conceive. Perhaps for this reason, at the subconscious level, men are most often attracted to such a figure, which they consider insanely beautiful and feminine.

Narrow waist and lush hips signal the youth and fecundity of its owner. Therefore, you should not mindlessly lose weight and torment yourself exhausting diets. Remember that men do not like "bones", they like shapes and curves.

If you have thighs like Shakira, you can only envy. Use what nature gave you to the fullest. Do not be ashamed of their magnificent forms .. Believe me, they are very attractive for the opposite sex.

2. Symmetry of the body

Even in ancient Egypt, physical symmetry was the main sign of perfect beauty. Perhaps this is due to associations with a strong and healthy pedigree.

That is why on a subconscious level, men often reach for women with symmetrical features. It is motivated by the instinctive drive for reproduction. The more symmetrical the face, the more beautiful it seems to the representatives of the opposite sex.

However, if you have a certain symmetry, do not worry. In fact, people with perfect symmetrical faces practically do not exist.

But there are many techniques (make-up techniques), through which you can correct asymmetric features. Remember that there are no perfect people.

3. Long groomed hair

In a 2003 study published in a scientific journal, experts examined the effects of six different hairstyles on male perception.

It was about the following hairstyles: a bunch on the head, tousled hair, untidy hair, short hair, medium-length hair, and long hair.

The study showed that medium-length and long hair are perceived by men not only as more attractive, but they also signal women's health and longevity.

Short hairstyles, as a rule, seem more masculine, a bunch on the head is associated with a feeling of great anxiety.

Flowing over the shoulders of beautiful hair is inherently a sign of sexuality and attractiveness.

Forget the little black dress! Do you want all men's gaze to be focused exclusively on you? Then give preference to passionate red.

According to a 2008 study conducted by experts from the University of Rochester, the color red is very seductive when it comes to women's attractiveness, as well as the male look at passion.

The study showed that men more often chose a woman in whose clothes there was a red color.

Think of colors, when poets depict love and passion, vice, the red light district, red is the color of temptation, which was even recognized as an aphrodisiac.

How to make a man crazy

When we mention the so-called chemistry, most likely, we mean the smell that exudes each of us.

According to an article published in the Smithsonian magazine, body odor can change depending on our mood, biological and hormonal parameters.

For example, the smell of female tears can reduce the level of testosterone in a man, and therefore, the level of arousal will be lower.

Our smell is a natural attractor.

For many years, perfume companies have been searching for the formula of a magical love elixir that would make the opposite sex crazy. But the unambiguous chemical composition that excites male receptors was never found.

There is no such smell, which would be an aphrodisiac for the absolute majority of men. Rather, some smells attract some men. Even more interesting is that the smell can send a message of a sexual nature during the woman's menstrual cycle.

Perhaps the old saying "love at first sight" should be changed to "love from the first smell."

6. Expressive eyes, alluring eyes

It is no secret that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, when it comes to sexual attraction, men really cannot resist beautiful eyes.

The most attractive for men are almond-shaped eyes. However, eye color also plays a huge role. Bright and light shades attract the male gender, just as hummingbirds attract sugar.

But it turned out that just the shape and color of the eyes is not enough to talk about attractiveness. As shown by a number of studies, the lush and darker the eyelashes, and the farther the woman's eyes are located, the more beautiful she seems to the opposite sex.

Close-set eyes with eyelids lowered are considered less attractive.

According to an article published in the journal Psychology Today, men consider women with a high voice more attractive.

It was also found that a pleasant voice is directly attributed to the physical attractiveness of a woman.

In addition, it is proved that a woman can change the tone of voice, if he wants to please a man. Surely, you have repeatedly noticed how the voice suddenly becomes sexy and ingratiating when a girl tries to seduce someone.

Men prefer high voices. Such a voice is projected onto the youth and freshness of its owner.

So, the voice also affects the perception of the individual. A beautiful voice is always associated with a pleasant personality.

The good news is that you can train your voice to make it sound beautiful. So you become more attractive.

Beautiful lips for a man just like a magnet.

In a study conducted by specialists from the University of Manchester, it is said that it is the lips of a man that are considered the most attractive part of a woman’s body.

The experiment showed that, on average, a man holds his gaze on a woman’s lips for about seven seconds (if there is red lipstick on them), while eyes or hair hold his attention for less than one second.

Thin lips with red lipstick increase their attractiveness by forty percent.

Lips are perceived as the most sensual part of the female body. And in combination with red, they just kill the men outright.

It is not surprising that men are instantly fascinated by ladies with red lips.

Want to hit him in the heart? Stop fussing because of what you are wearing. It can be simple jeans and a T-shirt. But if red lipstick is on your lips, you will immediately charm it.

Unsuccessful options for women's haircuts: so says statistics

Haircut may be at the peak of popularity, but not cause excitement in the stronger sex, or even repel. The following is a list of options that are recommended to avoid:

  1. Extremely short hair. This option is associated with a lady in age. It is worth noting that to wear such a haircut, you must have an oval correct face. If there are flaws in the outline, the styling will only underline them. The same is said about shaving "under zero". Attention this method will attract, but with a minus sign.
  2. Classic rigorous bunch. Another option that is associated with older women or strict teachers. Use this hairstyle is only for the occasion, it is recommended to release a couple of strands and make styling easier and more relaxed.
  3. Grumpiness. This impression is created if the girl has dreadlocks. It is extremely difficult to care for them, as well as for small pigtails, therefore over time the hairstyle becomes unpresentable. The effect of wet hair, which is also associated with negligence, looks rather unattractive from a male point of view.
  4. Unnatural. This includes all the elements of modern hairdressing, which give the hair a very unusual look. Extensive hair, false strands, small perms, high bouffant and bright, unusual colors of the curls will only repel the representatives of the stronger sex or create the impression of the lady as a frivolous person, which is too serious, does not make sense.
  5. Incorrectly selected shape of the haircut. When choosing to take into account the shape of the face and type of appearance. This especially plays a role when choosing bangs. Too long or short version will make the face unattractive.

Tip! Do not use a large number of accessories. When choosing a hairstyle, it is important to give preference to naturalness, which does not fit large rhinestones, feathers, an abundance of gloss and large parts.

Competent choice of hairstyle: the length and color that men prefer

Women's haircuts are not universal.

In addition to the recommendations, individual parameters should be taken into account.

To understand what hairstyles like men, pay attention to the following options:

  • Loose hair However, they remain natural. It is worth remembering about cleanliness and health. Dull or greasy curls are not able to attract positive attention. If the hair shines with health, then straight strands or soft waves will be an excellent option. It is not recommended to use unnatural tight little curls.

  • Easy negligence. It is easy to create using hairstyles such as a braid or a low tail on the side. At the same time, several strands are released so that they gently frame the face. Spit - a sign of female attractiveness, but if you braid her tightly and partly parting, the hair will be too strict, which is not recommended.

  • Ponytail. This option is quite strict, but you can refresh it with a bang or side strands. The hairstyle allows you to open the neck, shoulders and collarbone, the bends of which can drive the opposite sex. I collect the tail from straight hair, but slightly curled curls with curling tongs look more impressive.

To create a styling for a short head of hair, remember about the softness and smoothness of the lines.

You should not choose strict styling with lots of styling products. Secrets of success in this case: a small amount and a beautiful bend of individual strands.

Question of color for short, curly and straight hair

To understand what hair color men like, you should refer to the stereotypes:

  • Blondes are cute and not adapted to a difficult life. A man wants to take care of such a beautiful woman; it is with her that he will feel strong. In practice, this is not always true, but the first impression often consists of this.

  • Brunettes are resolute and cold, slightly arrogant and know their value. In addition, the dark-haired beauty creates the impression of a strong and reliable life partner, therefore the attitude towards them is often more serious.

  • The redheads are a holiday, a real volcano of passions and a cycle of events. The stereotype - you will not be bored with such a companion. Waiting for passion, energy, and unbridledness can frighten or attract men with frivolous intentions.

To avoid stereotypes, but mixed colors help to preserve attractiveness.

One of the universal options - brown.

To understand what hair color men like, you should refer to stereotypes

This shade is dark enough to indicate the seriousness and reliability of the owner, but at the same time soft and gentle.

1. Sexuality

No matter what anyone says, we evaluate men in the first seconds of our acquaintance by their appearance, and only then by other parameters. And a toned body, and a good physique tell us about a healthy and beautiful future offspring.

A man radiating internal energy attracts women more. If he has a distinct, competent speech, confident gait and correct posture, he is able to captivate anyone.

5. Reliability

Reliability, both physically and materially, is one of the most attractive masculine features. Therefore, women tend to choose just such life partners who are able to create a fortress for us and protect it.

Extremely necessary quality of men, many rightly consider humor and this is not without reason, because a man who is the soul of the company immediately stands out against the rest of the less cheerful and resourceful.


Watch the video: 12 GIRL HABITS THAT DRIVE GUYS CRAZY (June 2024).