
All options for toning blond hair


This article describes the fashionable technique of partial or full shading of blond hair - toning. The positive and negative aspects of this procedure, the popular styles of toning, as well as the step-by-step technique for its implementation are indicated.

The desire of people to be beautiful and attractive pushes them to carry out various cosmetic procedures that can transform and improve their appearance. Most of all, hair is subjected to such a transformation: they are clipped, various styling is done and subjected to full or partial dyeing.

What is the procedure?

If a person has no desire to drastically change the hair color, but you want to add freshness and newness to your hair, then a procedure will come to the rescue, giving the curls a new bright shade, which is called toning. In the process of carrying out a similar procedure, use compounds that do not contain aggressive chemical elements. They are based on natural herbs and plants (extracts and extracts), so toning is a gentle treatment that does not harm the health of the hair.

In the process of toning each hair is enveloped with a color film, which gives them a certain shade.

Compared with the usual coloring, toning does not destroy the protective layer of the hair, but, on the contrary, strengthens it and protects it from various mechanical damages.

Very often, people with blond hair turn to this method of coloring, trying to refresh them, giving them an unusual shade and vibrant shine. This article will focus on toning the bright curls, the positive and negative points of the procedure, and will also be described in detail its step-by-step guide.

Advantages and disadvantages

This procedure is very popular with blond people, because it has a number of positive points, namely:

  • It has a huge selection of shades for light colors.
  • Does not harm the curls, but, on the contrary, strengthens them and saturates them with moisture.
  • It creates a protective film on each hair, which protects it from aggressive external factors (direct sunlight, strong wind, excessive humidity, etc.).
  • Makes strands more smooth and manageable, which facilitates the process of styling and combing.
  • Suitable for any age category.
  • Use on hair of any length is possible.
  • It gives a rich shade and depth of color to the scalp.
  • Increases the duration of the effect obtained by staining with permanent coloring compositions.
  • The possibility of frequent execution of the procedure without harming the curls.
  • Strengthens hair follicles (due to vitamins and trace elements contained in the tonic).
  • Toning can be done frequently, without harm to the health of the strands.

Like any cosmetic procedure, toning has several negative points, namely:

  • Toning does not stay on the hair for a long time, so it needs to be updated frequently. On average, the effect obtained from the procedure is present on the hair for 1-2 months, gradually disappearing with each shampooing.
  • It is impossible to change the color palette radically (for example, from a blonde to become a brunette or red), just giving certain shades that differ from the main light color by 3-4 tones.
  • Tonic is not very stable, so sometimes you can see particles of dye on the pillow, headdress or other objects with which there was close contact of the hair.

Popular toning techniques

Depending on the desired effect, the technique of toning can be divided into three categories:

  • Intensive toning - it is based on the use of persistent organic paints (not containing ammonia and other aggressive components). This method gives the hair a tint that differs from the main light color by 2-3 tones. The effect rests on curls for up to three months.
  • Gentle toning - with this method of coloring strands, use cream-inks and tint balms enriched with vitamins and minerals. Through the use of such means, the hair can not only give brightness and color depth, but also saturate them with useful trace elements, thereby strengthening them from the inside. The effect rests on curls for up to two months.
  • Light toning - The basis of this procedure is the use of different mousses, foams, sprays and shampoos, which set off the main color by 1-2 tones. The effect does not last long, until the first washing of the head. This method is more suitable for checking the compatibility of shades on the scalp.


This style involves the complete toning of hair in tones, darker or lighter than the base color for 2-3 positions. It gives the hairstyle a deep color and saturation of tone.

The procedure is suitable for hair of any length.

The basis of this style is the use of shades of bright colors (red, blue, green, etc.). Tinted hair covering completely or partially (separate strands or zones).

It looks on the curls very effectively and brightly, giving their owner creativity and expressiveness. The main “clients” of such toning are adolescents, young people and creative individuals who wish to stand out in society, to attract attention.

Suitable for medium and long hair, as well as some short hairstyles (for example, "elongated caret").

This style involves the partial toning of the hair in a tone of natural color (caramel, milky, honey, etc.) without affecting the root zone (it remains natural). Thus, the effect of sun-bleached hair is obtained. This method will give a person a piece of charm, as well as emphasize eye color. At the moment, the shatush is in trend, it is used by people of all ages. Suitable for medium and long curls.

This technique of toning involves changing the tonality of individual sections of the scalp, in particular, bangs, temporal zones and tips. The style refreshes the complexion, emphasizes its lines, and also visually increases the volume of the hair.


The basis of this style is the toning of individual strands in tones that differ from the main hair color by 1-2 positions. It is similar to the style of shatush, but differs in that when it is done, the central part of each strand is colored (the roots and tips do not touch). Dyed curls are taken from the middle of the hair, thereby creating a natural image of sun-bleached hair. Venetian technique can be performed on long and medium hairstyles.

Step by step rendering

Before you perform the procedure, you must familiarize yourself with a number of recommendations from trichologists, namely:

  1. For 1-2 weeks, visit a hairdresser or a beauty salon in order to cut split ends.
  2. Before toning, take a course from nutrient masks (its duration is about 20-30 days). This will help saturate the curls with moisture and nutrients.
  3. Refuse to use various heating devices for drying and styling (curling irons, tongs, hair dryers, etc.) during the use of hair masks.
  4. Take a test for the presence of allergic reactions to the component composition of tonic. To do this, apply a little money on the skin for the earlobe and wait 5-10 minutes. If the itch has not started, and there is also no redness at the site of application - you do not have allergies, you can safely proceed to toning.

For the procedure, you will need the following:

  • Tinting agent (in our case, it will be organic paint).
  • Cosmetic brush (optimal stiffness, width - 2-3 cm).
  • Capacity for cultivation of the painting structure (plastic or glass).
  • Wooden comb (plastic can be used, but not with sharp teeth).
  • Protective gloves (supplied with coloring composition).
  • Cape to protect shoulders and back from tonic stains.

The rendering process is as follows:

  1. Wash the head thoroughly using shampoo (it is best to use hypoallergenic, for example, children), slightly drying it with a towel.
  2. The hair is combed and separated by two partings (from ear to ear, and from forehead to occiput) into four equal parts. Tinting begins at the top, smoothly moving to the bottom.
  3. Separate one strand and apply the coloring composition with a brush. Movement must be fast and confident. Smear the strand completely or in a separate area (depending on the chosen tint style). If you choose a style that involves toning the roots, then they must be painted last.
  4. After application, soak the dye on hair for 25-30 minutes (but not more!), Then rinse it with cool or slightly warm water using shampoo.
  5. Slightly dry your hair with a towel and apply a nourishing balm (the exposure time is indicated in the instructions).
  6. Wash off the balm with warm water, wipe the head with a towel, slightly blotting the hair (do not rub it!) And let it dry naturally.

Toning is completed, enjoy the result, and do not forget to properly care for dyed hair.


Blonde hair toning is a demanded procedure that is constantly used by millions of people around the world. It helps to refresh hair color, to give it depth and brightness, to give the hair a healthy look. The procedure also protects and cares for the hair, nourishing and saturating with moisture and beneficial trace elements.

Types of toning

Depending on the type of toning, the pigment is kept on the hair from one week to two months.


  • lung. Gives curls the desired color for 1-2 weeks. After a couple of washes, the pigment begins to gradually drain,
  • gentle Gives color fastness up to 1 month
  • intense. Ammonia is present in compositions of this type, therefore it is also referred to staining as well. But unlike the latter, intensive toning lasts only about two months and does not harm the strands much. Nevertheless, you should not resort to this method of obtaining the desired shade for those with curls weak and damaged.


Cons toning:

  • the fact that the pigment is quickly washed off is also a disadvantage of toning. Indeed, in this case, to maintain the desired shade, the procedure will have to be repeated often
  • you can not lighten or dye your hair in more than three shades.

Tonic selection

Girls with a warm color type (spring, autumn) will suit reddish, golden, honey, caramel and wheat shades.

For blondes with a cold color type (summer, winter) a good option will be pearl, ashy, silver, platinum colors.

Council An interesting effect of hair tinting is obtained when individual strands are pigmented - coloring is created. This allows you to get an unusual game of shades in one or two colors.

Toning natural blond hair looks good on long curls and allows you to get the actual shade of burnt strands.

Features of toning for light curls

Light-haired beauty is important to know such toning nuances:

  • the peculiarity of blond or blond hair is that it is not necessary to lighten them before toning,
  • if you need to remove the yellow after lightening, it is better to resort to intensive toning,
  • the pigment on the light curls lasts longer than on the dark,
  • you should not use blonde girls with tonics with a dark color, otherwise you might end up with an ugly “dirty” hue,
  • choosing a tinting tool, note that on light strands the color will be slightly lighter than on the sample.


You need:

  1. The composition over the entire length is applied to clean slightly wet strands.
  2. Comb with rare teeth (non-metallic) comb through all the hair so that the tonic covers the entire head of hair evenly (if the procedure is done at home).
  3. Further time is maintained according to the instructions for the tonic.
  4. Then the composition should be well washed off until the water becomes transparent.

Important. If the hair has been dyed with henna before this, it is worth waiting for at least two months to subject it to intensive toning. Otherwise, you risk getting an unexpected shade.

With shampoo


  1. Hair washes tinting shampoo in the usual way.
  2. Then the same shampoo is applied again on the strands and in this form it must be kept for 5 minutes (the longer the product stays on the curls, the richer the color will be).
  3. Then the hair must be well washed.

This method allows you to get a short-term effect. The pigment is washed off with the next wash. But if the procedure is repeated, the shade will become more intense.

Balm staining


  1. Balsam is applied to clean wet strands and is well distributed using a non-metallic comb.
  2. Further time is kept according to the instructions. Moreover, as in the case of shampoo, the longer the tool keeps on the hair, the more intense the color.
  3. Then the balm is washed off with warm water.

Blot the balsam-dyed hair with an old towel, as the pigment will stain it.

Toning foam or mousse

Another way to short-term tinting is to apply the product to clean wet locks. You can cover the entire surface of the hair, as well as individual areas. Exposure time means - half an hour. Then you need to wash the hair with warm water.

The effect and duration of staining

Depending on the means and frequency of washing curls, color fastness is noticeably different:

  • with intensive tinting effect lasts up to 2-3 months. It is worth resorting to correction when the color fades or the border between regrown and tinted locks becomes very noticeable. Do not abuse this type of toning and carry out the procedure more often than once every 4 weeks. Otherwise, you risk damaging your hair,
  • shampoo, spray, skin will give the desired shade before the first wash. And the effect may be longer if you use the tools constantly,
  • the balm will give the strands the desired color for about 1 month.

Important! Although toning for curls is not an aggressive staining method, they will need more intensive care. Pamper your hair with masks, balms, sprays and other care products for dyed locks to maintain their health and shine.

The procedure for toning resorted to many of the fair sex. After all This method allows you to make your appearance brighter, without causing severe harm to hair. But in this case you should not count on cardinal changes, since you cannot change the color by more than three shades.

Should it be used as an alternative to traditional coloring? It depends on what you are striving for: to get a lasting shade with the possibility of sudden changes, or you just need to give a more saturated color to your native curls. In addition, the toning is closely related to the lightening of the hair, because with its help the strands give a beautiful shade without the effect of yellowness. Therefore, to choose or not, the decision is yours.

And remember that even such a gentle procedure can spoil the curls if you do not care for them after applying the composition.

Procedures for quick and effective hair restoration:

Useful videos

How to tint the yellow hair of blondes.

How to tint bleached hair.

How to make hair tinting at home

Toning - painting technology, in which the dyeing is performed exclusively without ammonia compounds.They do not penetrate into the core, but remain on the surface of the curl. It helps to minimally injure dry and combined strands.

This technology explains the difference between toning and hair coloring.

The technique can be used independently, for example, to give the curls a certain shade or to leave the usual color (blondes often change their hair color to light brown or natural blond with the help of toning). But now it is mainly used to remove the yellowness after staining with ombra, shatush or balayazh.

Highlighting over tone

Such coloring can be performed on dark and blond hair, after highlighting and brondirovaniya, depending on the desired result.

It is rather difficult to paint natural hair at home, but toning after lightening can be done even by a non-professional. The easiest way is to use a special balm or shampoo. The effect will be no less bright than after a standard coloring session, but the procedure will be as safe as possible.

To eliminate yellowness, the most affordable option is to wash your hair with a tinting agent (Tonic, Estelle, and others):

  1. Feel free to choose a shade much lighter than your own (if you need clarification). At the same time, brown-haired women should understand that shampoo and balsam will have no effect on dark hair,
  2. A small amount of dye is applied to wet locks. It should be left for a while on the curls, then rinse with cool water and use air conditioning, The application of the coloring composition
  3. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Tonic reaction process

This is an ideal option to shade highlights or lighten a few strands of blondes. But on the black curls effectiveness of the effect is questionable. For brunettes more suitable professional toning.

Toning dark hair

For dark beauties there are many options for how to paint curls. The most popular types of painting now are:

  1. Ombre. The combination of several shades of painting, where the ends discolor, and the roots either obscure or leave as is,
  2. Shatush. A technique very similar to an ombre, with the exception of the gradient line. In ombra it is clear, and in shatush it is smoother and more vague,
  3. Balayazh. It is done both for long and for short. It consists in stretching the color from the tips to the roots along the entire length. Due to this, the effect of volume and glare is created.

In order for such fashionable coloring to look more spectacular, and white strands stand out against the general background, the dark areas are tinted. To create a bright transition, shades are used, 1–2 tones darker than natural.

Technology tinting dark hair:

  1. The head is zoned into several sections - masters use quarter systems. When all strands are divided into 4 equal zones,
  2. Depending on the type of coloring chosen, the locks are combed or, on the contrary, combed and discolored in foil. To do this, a brightening compound is applied to their surface. It is recommended to use dyes without ammonia - they are less harmful to the hair structure,
  3. After 20-30 minutes, the clarification is considered complete. On the dark areas of the strands that are not painted, apply a tinting composition of the desired shade. Coloring experts advise to avoid sharp unnatural colors, it is better to stop at natural: dark chocolate, chestnut, etc.,
  4. On the surface of the pryadok applied solution with a shade. It covers the roots, but does not touch the discolored areas. Aged, depending on the recommendations of the manufacturers, from 20 to 40 minutes,
  5. The final stage - ammonia-free toning of the clarified tips. To do this, it is better to choose the most light shade - it will be able to completely remove the yellowness and "play" in contrast.

On natural hair, the shading toning lasts on average up to 2 months. The term depends on the frequency of washing and used shampoos. To extend the brightness of color, use gentle shampoos and balms for colored curls.

Toning blond hair

As for brunettes, for blondes, there are different options for toning hair. Most Popular:

  1. Reservation. Some strands are painted in a dark color, due to which the curls look more neat and stylish. Sometimes only the roots are darkened - this technique is also called ombra,
  2. Toning to remove yellowness. As soon as the girls do not struggle with a “cheap” yellow shade on blonde. With the help of special tools and technologies, even the most unfortunate staining can be corrected (up to the elimination of the shade of orange on the bleached head).

You can remove yellow strands on your own in two ways: use a tonic or make a gentle composition of shampoo, paint and balm. Consider the pros and cons of both options.

In the first case - tonic staining, the main advantage is simplicity. But its effectiveness is questionable: the tool is not able to completely eliminate the pronounced yellow shade and is quickly washed out.

The second option is more difficult to implement, but it gives a lasting effect. Proven recipe for homemade tonic for bleached hair:

  1. A teaspoon of paint of the desired shade without ammonia is squeezed into a non-metallic container. A palette with ashy notes is recommended. For example, ashy light brown or pearl white,
  2. In the same capacity is added one tablespoon of balm, shampoo and hydrogen peroxide. Do not worry, peroxide in this composition acts as an oxidizing agent
  3. After that, add a spoonful of water to the mixture to dilute the composition. The resulting mass is applied over the entire length of the hair and leave for 10 minutes.

The result is a persistent and very beautiful toning, which does not leave a trace of yellowness. A separate advantage of this recipe is that painting is much safer than standard re-bleaching, and the color is not washed off.

Tinting on light brown hair

On natural light brown hair, an ugly yellow shade often occurs. In particular, if after summer the curls faded or the procedure of unsuccessful staining was performed. To solve these problems, barber-colorists actively recommend the procedure of toning.

To give a light ashy shade to your light brown hair, it will be enough to wash the curls several times a month with a special shampoo. And without that light natural color does not need additional artificial brightening.

If you want to make the tone lighter or emphasize the strands after coloring, then it is recommended to use toning with mild paints. For such clarification, a light shade is selected, which is applied exclusively for 10 minutes of instruction, similar to blondes. Longer exposure may brighten the blond too.

Toning gray hair

Reviews claim that toning gray hair can solve the problem of individual silver strands without dyeing. But in the salon, hairdressers use only semi-permanent paint, because it lasts longer.

How to tint gray strands:

  1. At home, you can use mousse, shampoo for tinting, coloring hair balm. For independent use in this situation, it is not recommended to work with semi-permanent paint, since only an experienced colorist will be able to determine how long to keep it. If you do not take into account this factor, the benefits of such toning will be very doubtful,
  2. The composition is applied on the entire surface of the strands - from the roots to the tips. It is important to evenly distribute it so that there is no shade difference. Some funds can not hold at all (applied and washed away), while others are important to withstand up to 15 minutes. Therefore, carefully read the instructions for use,
  3. You also need to wash your hair from the roots to the ends, thoroughly rubbing the strands in order to wash all the applied agent. Be sure to use a balm.

It is necessary to repeat such toning not in time (for example, once every two weeks), but when the tone begins to wash out. On gray strands, this process is much faster than on light or dark ones. In most cases, the correction is needed after 10 days.

Red hair toning

Unfortunately, even professional tools that are used for tinting hair in the salon and at home are not capable of lightening redhead adequately. The problem is a very dense pigment, which manifests itself even when trying to make the slightest clarification.

The maximum that can be done:

  1. Shade the natural redhead to make it more vivid and juicy,
  2. Make a colorless toning to restore hair and obtain the effect of lamination.

For the second method are used not coloring, and reducing compositions. They do not harm the strands at all, help to give them smoothness and softness, and also eliminate excess fluffiness after dyeing.

How to do toning on red hair:

  1. The necessary shade is selected. As we have said, to use a tone lighter than natural just does not make sense, therefore we recommend to opt for natural dark red,
  2. You can dye individual strands, after combing them - this will give the hairstyle visual volume and color transitions, as in ombre. Or shade all the curls,
  3. If you choose the first option - then certain hairs are separated from the hair, which are combed and processed by the dyeing composition. To speed up the reaction they can be wrapped in foil. If the second - then the procedure repeats the standard painting process.

Even the dye on red hair lasts longer than on all others. Therefore, if you do not wash your hair every day, then the effect of toning will continue for up to 3 weeks.

Toning hair after highlighting and bleaching

Even the most beautiful highlights require subsequent toning in order for the tint to be uniform. You can use tonics or professional coloring compositions. Experts recommend combining several shades - this will allow you to get the desired color without yellowing and incomprehensible bluish or pink highlights.

Step-by-step instructions on how to tint bleached or bleached hair:

  1. The whole pile is divided into separate zones. It can be one central and two temporal, two central and two temporal, etc.
  2. The paint is diluted according to the instructions or mixed (if there is experience). Application takes place with a wide brush from the roots to the tips. Tinted locks wrapped in foil
  3. The composition is aged on strands from 15 to 20 minutes. As a result, this hair toning after lightening will give the effect of naturally white curls with some dark areas of natural color.

What is hair tinting

Toning (or color correction) - one of the most gentle ways to change the color of hair or individual strands.

Compared to conventional staining, toning provides more light effectwhich lasts from 2 weeks to 2-3 months.

This technique is suitable for those who like frequent experiments with their appearance or want to “try on” a certain shade for a while.

the main thing tinting purpose - color correction after highlighting or complete discoloration.

Most often under the influence of clarifiers curls become unnatural yellowish or reddish tint.

Pluses of toning

Main advantages:

  • softer staining compared to permanent formulations
  • easy regenerating effect
  • the ability to change color frequently,
  • obtaining a natural shade that will not be very different from the regrown roots.

Cons toning

Among deficiencies:

  • the color is quickly washed off and it needs to be updated frequently,
  • with self-tinted hair, it is not always possible to get the expected effect,
  • most often the original color is obtained by changing only a few tones,
  • not suitable for henna-colored hair.

Photo: hair toning before and after

Toning products

Unlike conventional inks, toning agents act quite carefully, without penetrating the hair structure.

They do not contain ammonia and peroxide, and therefore do not cause allergies and irritation, can be used even during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Shampoo - One of the most common and inexpensive means for toning.

By itself, it can be very bright, but after using it, the hair acquires only a light and natural shade.

For tangible transformation such a tool must be applied several times in a row. You can find tinted shampoo today with many popular brands, for example, L´Oreal or Kapous.

Find out from our article what kind of shampoo to choose for dry, oily and normal hair.

Toning products in the form of spray let you get instant effect.

For example, L´Oreal produces Magic Retouch spray, which is reassigned specifically to tint regrown roots (including gray ones). This composition is completely washed off with a single time, it is best used in the intervals between persistent staining.

Not so long ago, another home toning tool appeared on the market: mousse Igora from Schwarzkopf.

It allows you to adjust the color and paint over a yellowish tint after clarification, and also provides excellent care.

For the most resistant tinting designed special semi-permanent paint (such is produced, for example, by Estel and Matrix).

Due to its composition, even after several procedures, it does not make the strands brittle and dry, as is the case with ordinary paint. The resulting shade will hold up to 2-3 months.

Tint balm

This is a great tool. for easy toning at home (for example, Tonic from Rocolor).

It contains caring components, thanks to which the curls become smoother and shinier. The effect of the application lasts about a month.


Enhanced toning is performed using semi-permanent paint. To get the desired shade, usually only 1 application is enough. The result of such a procedure can last up to 3 months.

Lightweight color correction is the use of tinted shampoos, balms and mousses. It is recommended in cases where the hair needs extra care.

The composition of the means for gentle toning includes vitamin complexes and beneficial herbal ingredients. The resulting color is stored for 2-4 weeks.

What to choose for tinting hair

On melirovannyh or bleached hair often appears yellow or reddish tint (especially for brunettes). Eliminate this unattractive effect will only intensive toning.

Very important in such cases choose the right paint color: it should be a cold shade with ashen, purple or blue pigment in the composition.

However, it should be borne in mind that the tint shampoos and balms give a very short-term color change, and not all of them are effective on dark hair. They should be chosen if you need a transformation for a short time.

For dark hair

For black, redhead and other dark shades should take into account that greatly change (and even more lighten) their natural color with toning will not work.

You can get a deeper or brighter shade (for example, by adding copper, reddish or purple reflux). Colors are suitable for toning, close to naturalFor example, chocolate hair color, blue-black, etc.

For fair hair

For blondes toning opens up the widest range of possibilities. Most often they choose silver, honey or beige play, but can also give the hair a bright and even quite dark color.

With the help of a tint balm, you can also get fashionable pink, lilac or blue strands. As a rule, on light curls the result of toning remains noticeable longer.

What is harmless hair tinting

Tinting agents are safer than permanent dyes. They do not contain an oxidizing agent at all, or its proportion is so small that it cannot cause serious damage to the hair. Pigments do not penetrate deep into the hairs and do not change their color at the chemical level. They are mounted on the surface, then gradually washed off.

Coloring will not be long-term, especially if you have chosen bright non-natural shades. And this is absolutely not a reason for frustration, because the vast spaces for experiments are opening up.

Like all procedures for changing colors, toning has its advantages and disadvantages. There are undoubtedly more advantages in this type of staining. The main one is harmlessness. The products do not wash out the natural pigment, because after completely getting rid of the tonic you will have your own natural hair tone.

Manufacturers also add nourishing and moisturizing ingredients to cosmetics that protect and strengthen the locks. After toning, you will receive not only a fresh glowing tone, but also a recovery.

Other positive aspects of the procedure:

  • the opportunity to frequently experiment with colors of curls,
  • the subtle difference between growing roots and dyed hair,
  • giving a natural shade of brightness and saturation,
  • the ability to mask the yellowness and other blemishes after permanent staining,
  • A chic selection of trendy and classic colors.

Disadvantages staining with tonics also has. The most obvious of them is the fragility of color. There are products that keep no more than 1-2 weeks, depending on the frequency of washing the hair.

A favorite shade will have to be updated frequently. But if we consider that the tonic does not cause strands of such harm as resistant dyes, you can safely carry out the procedure at least once a week.

  • the ability to change the color of just 2-3 tones, and, a darker shade is easier to get than a light one,
  • does not allow 100% paint over gray hair,
  • if before toning was made lightening or staining with persistent compounds, the pigment may appear completely unpredictable.

Toning can be done using various tools. Some of them are completely absent ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and other substances that affect the durability of color.

There are more resistant drugs, which include a small amount of chemical components. However, they do not destroy the hair shaft and allow you to quickly return the natural shade of the hair.

Depending on durability, toning is divided into the following main types:

  1. Intense, when, with proper care, the color lasts from 1 to 1.5 months, a small amount of oxidizing agent is included in the dyes, they are also called semi-permanent.
  2. Gentle, which involves the complete leaching of the pigment after 2 weeks.
  3. Easy, when fairly neutral products with unstable pigment are used, there is enough toning in just 2-3 days.

The choice of paint and improvised means

The most difficult thing in toning is to choose the right tool for the procedure. Consider the most popular products for coloring and shading:

  1. Estel Sense De Luxe dye Estel (this palette of toning) - ideal for light shading of hair. It does not contain ammonia, is durable, affordable and easy to use. It brightens and removes yellowness much better than bleaching powder and with minimal harm,
  2. Londa from the Intensive Toning series is a demi-permanent dye. Londa is able to paint over gray hair and remove the yellow color from the white curls. Buy it just because it is incredibly gentle and easy to use. This series also has products for colorless tinting, Londa Professional Palette
  1. MATRIX Color Sync (Matrix Color Sync) helps create perfect natural colors on your hair. This is a chestnut without a red, ash-blond, beige blond and many others. After use it leaves a glazing effect - it gives shine and strength, therefore additional care is not needed,
  2. Schwarzkopf Professional Igora Vibrance (Schwarkopf Professional Igor Vibrans) - perfectly copes with the coloring of yellowness and shading of light curls. But reviews claim that this is not the best option for dark strands because of the redness inherent in brown and ginger shades,
  3. Dye ammonia-free hair dye L’OREAL Dialight (L'Oreal Dialight) is also suitable for toning. But it is more often used by brunettes than blondes. The color palette is wide, the coloring effect lasts up to 3 weeks. Paint Wella Touch for blond hair

Many forums mark paints from Wella Touch (Vella), Capus and Ollin. They are more affordable than most of the tools described above, and have similar properties. But after Vella there is no glazing effect, and Kapus is quickly washed away.

Of course, the duration and brightness of the color depends largely on what kind of shampoo is used for tinted hair. We recommend to prefer professional brands - Brelil, Igora, Loreal.

Streaked or bleached hair

To get rid of the yellowness of just bleached strands, it is recommended to choose intensive toning.

It is necessary to select the paint very carefully. The most undesirable result is getting a dirty green hair shade instead of the expected beautiful color. Therefore, having no experience in tinting, it is best not to risk it at all and for the first time to entrust this procedure to a specialist.

White hair

Toning agents not able to paint over 100% gray hair - this is always worth remembering.

Light toners (gold, ash, etc.) are more suitable for coloring it. They will give hair the effect of highlighting and will look natural, while dark paint will give a weak coating, and bright will make gray hair more noticeable.

Should I do tinted blond hair and in what cases? Which is better to tint - long, medium or short?

Toning will help to quickly change the image, fix the unfortunate highlights, tint the roots.

Toning gives shine, well-groomed, because in sparing means there are a lot of healthy components.

You can tint hair of any length.

  • On long ones, toning in different styles looks interesting, for example, in ombre style. The roots and the middle remain dark, the lower part is lightened. It is easier to tint the upper, darker part.
  • But in short - with the help of mousses or foams, you can make carnival youth pixel toning. Bright pictures are best done in the cabin.

By color type

For a warm spring tsvetotipa characterized by bright eyes, golden skin of the face and light brown hair.

For spring girls fit shades:

  • golden brown (amber, walnut, bronze, caramel),
  • chestnut brown,
  • blond caramel,
  • golden brown.

Chestnut-blond color requires healthy skin, as it reveals all errors, like a magnifying glass.

Toning in a light or dark tone

You should not choose a tone that is very different from the natural color.

Good look shades of three or four tones darker or lighter.

Moreover, you can choose three shades and paint a few strands in each of them.

Get spectacular highlights.

Light strands give the hair the effect of burnt hair.

Do I need to discolor before tinting?

  • To apply lighter shades with gentle or intensive toning, it is necessary to discolor the entire volume or individual strands. Light shades just will not be noticeable on the dark.
  • If tones are darker than the base hue, discoloration is not necessary.
  • For easy coloring foams and mousses discolor is not necessary.

Stepwise technology

To perform the toning procedure you will need:

  1. choose the type of toning - gentle, intense or light.
  2. Buy the right tool for the selected type of toning. Carefully follow the instructions supplied with the product. Take particular care with the exposure time. Do not increase or decrease it.

Full length

  • Means for gentle and intensive toning - is, in fact, ordinary paint. Prepare it according to the instructions, wear gloves and apply the composition on clean, dry hair with a dyeing brush. After keeping the composition at the right time, wash it off with warm running water and shampoo.
  • Easy toning make skin, mousse, shampoo.

Shampoo wash your hair in two doses. First, as usual, then hold the tool for 5-10 minutes, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

Hue will not be washed off immediately, but the roots will not stand out.

The shade applied by mousse or foam will last until the next shampooing.

Therefore, you can paint the desired areas of hair in the most exotic color - blue, green, any other suitable for a theme party or mischievous mood.

Apply mousse or foam onto individual strands or all hair, comb and enjoy the new look.

Only at the roots

On the highlights of the hair tint only the roots. Corrective toning is done every 2 months, then basal highlighting can be done much less frequently - 2-3 times a year. Apply paint only to the roots, if the main color suits you. If the hair is dull, distribute the comb paint from the roots along the entire length.

Ends only

  1. To paint only the lower part, apply paint on the selected area. If the paint is lighter than the original shade, the tips should be lightened. For toning 2-3 tones lighter fit 2-3% oxide. If you decide on a more intense color change, you need 9% oxide.
  2. Apply a toning compound to clean hair and wrap the ends with foil. After 10-30 minutes, the time is indicated on the package, wash off the paint.

How to achieve an ash tint?

Ash-brown color is not for everyone. Incorrectly chosen, it gives the face a painful look ..

Tinting in the firstOnce, contact a professional. Moreover, the beautiful ash-blond color is difficult to achieve.

Dyeing hair in this shade at home, follow these rules:

  • before and after toning, for a month, treat yourself to nourishing masks and compresses.
  • Pick up the paint in a specialized salon, with a consultant.
  • First color only the trial strand. Hair before coloring in ashy shades must be discolored, regardless of whether they are dark or light.
  • When toning a light brown shade, mix the dye and oxidizer in a 1: 2 ratio. Ash color will become more natural.
  • For dark blond hair is not limited to one discoloration. Make a wash first, then discoloration, and only then tint in ashy tint.
  • If the hairstyle after dyeing leaves greens, buy a tinted shampoo with a purple pigment. Apply it twice a week, so ash-blond will be more effective.
  • Do not apply an ashy shade on henna-dyed hair, they will be stained ..

What result to expect?

As a result of toning you get shiny, healthy, well-groomed strands. The color can be quickly changed without harming the hair.

How long does the effect last:

  • with light toning mousses, gels, shampoos - a week,
  • with gentle toning - a month,
  • with intensive - 2 months.

Recommended staining frequency - once every two weeks.

How to tint hair at home

Before highlighting and subsequent toning at home, you need to assess the condition of the hair.

If they are too dry and brittleshould first a little treat their. For at least one month it is advisable to use cosmetic oils - coconut, burdock and others, masks and good care products (shampoos, balms, sprays), and also drink away a course of vitamins.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions on the product package Manufacturers always indicate compliance with the time of application and the resulting shade.

What is necessary

Ammonia-free paint, balm, shampoo - what exactly to choose depends on the desired result.

You will also need:

  • gloves,
  • a bowl (if you need to dilute the paint),
  • brush,
  • plastic comb with rare teeth
  • cellophane cape and cap.


Balsam coloring is done on clean and wet hairpaint - on dry.

To protect the skin of the forehead, temples, ears and neck, it is desirable to lubricate them with a fat cream.

Tinting with special paint is not much different from the usual coloring. It will be easy for those who have already had experience with permanent paint:

  • means you need to apply to all hair (or individual strands) with a brush, and then distribute the comb and put on a hat,
  • after the time specified in the instructions, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed until the flowing water becomes clear,
  • tint balsam can be applied by hand, the main thing is to distribute it well,

You can not worry about the problem of regrown roots: the paint will wash off faster than they become noticeable.


The most affordable and popular tint tool. Do not be intimidated by the rich color of the shampoo, after using it, the curls become only a light shade. With it, you can neutralize the unpleasant shade after an unsuccessful experiment with hair. The most popular shampoos from L´Oreal and Kapous.

This group of products is designed for instant effect, which appears immediately after use. A similar product is in the L´Oreal product line - MagicRetouch spray. The tool provides staining of regrown roots or gray strands. I recommend to use it between resistant staining.

Combines the properties of two products - for styling and tinting hair. It is very easy to apply the mousse, as it does not flow. Among all the means mousse is recognized as the safest, since an unexpected result is excluded. The only drawback - the mousse quickly washed off. When choosing a tinting agent, it is important not to confuse it with a coloring mousse. It is produced by brands such as:

This is a special semi-permanent paint. Even after several toning procedures, the hair remains healthy and intact. The effect persists for several months. Such a product is produced by Estel and Matrix brands. Paint Estelle recognized by experts as the most gentle.

Balm and conditioner.

Perfect for home use. The result after the procedure is stored up to 1 month. The most popular balm from the company Rocolor. Disadvantages - a small palette.

There are also tint balsams in professional lines: Concept, Estel, Kapous, Londa.

Toning masks are a great find for those who are satisfied with the natural color of the curls, but I want to refresh it, add shine and vitality. The mask can be applied after dyeing, in this case, the color becomes the most natural. The most sought-after brands are Nouvelle, Inebrya, Estel and Schwarzkopf.

Natural tinting products

  • Chamomile decoction. Perfect for blonde hair. The result is a beautiful and golden hue.
  • Walnut based products are best suited to owners of brown hair. Hair becomes shade from golden to chestnut.
  • Broth onion husks use owners gray hair to get rid of bleached strands.
  • Lemon juice perfectly brightens the curls and gives them shine. It is better not to use the product with dry and brittle curls.
  • Henna and Basma are the best natural dyes. They are hypoallergenic and safe. The longer you hold the composition on the hair, the richer the shade will turn out - from golden to blue-black.

Henna does not penetrate the hair structure, but the result of toning lasts up to several months.Also, the powder has a good effect on the condition of the hair: it nourishes and gives it shine. The use of basma in its pure form can lead to a greenish color. Therefore, it is usually mixed with henna to obtain different shades.

Dark hair

Change the color or lighten the dark hair will not work, you can only give them a deeper and more saturated color. The easiest way to achieve chocolate, red, copper or purple hues. To do this, apply intensive toning hair without ammonia paint or tint balsam. Also suitable and natural remedies - henna and basma.

Blonde hair

Blondes were in the most advantageous situation, as with the help of toning they can give hair any shade. The most popular colors are silver, ashen, copper, beige, golden and even a dark palette. You can also get extraordinary and bright shades - pink, blue or lilac. For this fit any toning options.

Hair care after toning

Toning agents fail to have an easy-care effect; however, after highlighting hair needs more thorough restoration.

Toners, despite the beneficial additives - are primarily chemical compounds. Therefore, further use of masks, balms and nutritional serum just needed.

And as for cosmetic oils, it is worth remembering that they accelerate the restoration of natural hair color. To prolong the effect of toning, it is better to postpone them for a while.

Brown hair

Brown hair amenable to tinting is not as good as light, but not as difficult as dark. They can be lightened or darkened by several tones. For the procedure fit all means except shampoo.

After highlighting, discoloration and staining

After complex methods of dyeing (balayazh) and highlighting (chlorination), sometimes it is necessary to slightly adjust the hair color. Any toning options are suitable for this.

It usually appears after highlighting or discoloration. You can fight it only with the help of intensive toning. The cosmetic should be selected with special care, otherwise it will turn out to be a dirty shade with a greenish tint. Neutralize the yellow tint can be a slight purple tone. The less yellow on the strands, the shorter the duration of the procedure.

Remove orange / copper shade.

The counterweight for the red and copper shades is the blue and blue-green color, which are present in the tone "ash".

Remove red and green shades.

Red or green shades on the hair - a reason to consult a specialist, as at home to neutralize this effect is difficult. Red tones eliminate with green. By the same principle, a shade is selected for correcting the green tone - with the help of red. The procedure is carried out professional non-ammonia paint.

Get an ash tint

Depending on the source data, the shade of the dye is selected. It may be light or dark ash.

Intensive toning is suitable for dark hair, you need to choose shades from the maximum cold palette. Preferably 1-2 tones darker than your own. The exception is if your hair is initially saturated red or copper color. First, you need to wash off the shade, making it less saturated, and then carry out toning.

For blonde-haired technology is easier - you can use shampoo or balm with tinting effect in ashy tint.

Toning hair at home

It is desirable to carry out the procedure only on healthy hair and select a shade, guided by special tables matching hair color and tone of cosmetics. Before the procedure, carefully read the instructions for use.

  • wear gloves
  • apply a greasy cream on the face where the compound can get; clean the skin after dyeing will be easier
  • squeeze the product on the hand, apply to the hair and spread evenly over the entire length,
  • the duration of the procedure is indicated in the instructions; the longer you keep the composition, the more intense the shade will be,
  • rinse off with clean, warm water.

How to wash tinting agent

First, sort it out - you really need to wash off a new shade, because after a short time it will disappear by itself. From the results of staining get rid of in the following cases:

  • A new shade is not suitable for you,
  • the shade is not washed off aesthetically (for black and red).

To restore the natural color, there are several ways:

  • the most gentle wash for dyes,
  • American shampoo
  • shampoo,
  • hair masks,

American shampoo. In the finished form it does not sell, but you can do it yourself. Mix 1 part of powder for clarification and 1 part of shampoo. The mixture is applied to clean, damp hair, quickly foams and constantly massage the hair. It is important to constantly check the effect on the strands, then rinse and apply a balm. Duration depends on the desired effect.

Masks. You can use a mask of skim kefir or based on vegetable oils - olive, sunflower or burdock. They are mixed with apple juice.

If you need to wash off the paint from blond hair. Buy a special, gentle, acid remover.

The most radical way is to use resistant paint. This method is suitable only if you tinted the hair in a tone that is as close as possible to the natural one.

Toning is an effective procedure that gives hair expression and healthy shine. The main thing is to follow the instructions and recommendations of the master and the result will surely be noticed and appreciated by everyone around.

Ton hair in different colors

The process of gentle staining with non-ammonia formulations involves working with the selection of colors. Before you update the tone, you must be completely sure that it will suit you.

It is also important to know the basics of coloring to make sure that the pigment is correct. For example, if you put a bright ash shade on a yellowish blond, you can get a dirty green tone instead of a noble silver one.

We will consider the features of toning the hair of different colors and find out how to choose the right gamma.

On dark curls

With the help of ammonia-free paint, a burning brunette or brown-haired woman will not be able to become a blonde, but toning balm will help to improve and refresh the appearance. The color change will occur only 1-2 tones. It is possible to color both the whole head of hair, and the individual strands.

Some masters use techniques that affect only the tips, individual curls or bangs. Especially effectively they emphasize long hair. To make the shade more saturated, some pre-strands can be brightened literally by several tones.

  • eggplant,
  • Bordeaux,
  • caramel,
  • dark walnut
  • copper.

On light brown hair

Blonde base is perfect for toning, pigments on it will appear more clearly and richly. Choosing a shade means you need to take into account your color type.

Cold tone involves the use of pearl, silver, wheat and smoky dyes. They will most advantageously emphasize the beauty of natural hair, give it shine and additional volume.

For fair-haired girls of warm type, this palette is most suitable:

  • honey
  • mustard,
  • caramel,
  • copper,
  • all shades of golden walnut.

On blonde hair

The owners of light curls were lucky most of all, because with the help of ammonia-free tonics, they can not only emphasize the depth of their natural color, but also completely change the image. The result, of course, will be short-lived, but this is a great option in order to understand how you will look in a completely new look.

Also, the use of tint means to help restore the beauty and radiance of the curls that are burned out under the sun.

Other toning options:

  • the transformation from the blonde to the brunette will be provided by the pigments of chestnut, caramel and chocolate palettes,
  • after highlighting, it is possible to add volume to light-brown curls using wheat, smoky and ashy tonic,
  • after clarification, tinting agents will help to bring back the lively play of hair, by 1-2 tones different from the natural color.

On red curls

"Sun-kissed" beauties can do toning, but the effect will not make them happy for long. The fact is that by itself the red pigment is quite stable, and the structure of the order is such that it will, after the first washing of the head, begin to appear through any balm or tinted shampoo.

But there are still options. For example, you can undergo a salon procedure of colorless coloring, which will help to restore the structure of the curls. It will be especially relevant for owners of red curls.

The use of brighter tones will help highlight a hairstyle and add new accents to it:

  • the Red tree,
  • cinnamon,
  • copper-gold,
  • red copper
  • honey.

Toning at home

Short or medium length curls that previously could not be permed or permanently dyed can be tinted at home. Make it quite simple, special knowledge and skills will not be needed. The procedure takes a maximum of 1 hour, and your hair will sparkle with new modulations.

Advice from stylists: do not save on dyes, it is best to give preference to high-quality professional tools, the effect of which is time-tested. Otherwise, it may turn out completely unpredictable result.

  • Carefully study the annotation to the tonic, then do an allergy test. We apply a small amount of the product on the wrist or the inside of the elbow, wait 15 minutes. If the skin does not respond, you can proceed directly to the staining.
  • We process hair growth zone with a fat cream. After the procedure, the pigment will come off the skin with it, and will not be absorbed into your skin. Wear rubber gloves on your hands.
  • We comb wet hair with a non-metallic comb, divide it into 4 parts: occipital, crown, two temporal.
  • With the help of a special brush we apply the coloring composition, starting from the roots. We carefully study each zone.
  • After distributing the dye with a comb along the entire length, massage the scalp with your fingertips.
  • We maintain the composition on the hair according to the instructions.
  • We wash away the tonic under warm (not hot!) Running water until it becomes transparent. The use of shampoo is not required.
  • Apply the pigment again on the curls, it will serve as a balm. Withstand another 5 minutes, wash off with water.
  • Give curls dry, use a hair dryer is not desirable.

Secrets of care

Despite the fact that bezammiachnye dyes harm the hair less than permanent ones, after their application the hair needs special care.

If you follow all the recommendations of hairdressers correctly, you can prolong the radiance of color and keep your health healthy. Remember that the procedures should be regular, the only way you can achieve good results.

  • We use only special cosmetics for colored hair,
  • my head no more than once every three days, so as not to overdry the curls,
  • We do not combine the procedure with a perm, it should take at least 2 months after it,
  • after toning, do not wash my hair for three days, let the color settle down,
  • waiting for 2 months, if previously stained with henna or basma, otherwise we get an unexpected and not very pleasant result,
  • Carefully use oil masks for hair after dyeing, as they can remove the pigment.

Let's sum up

Toning is a fairly simple procedure that can be done independently at home. However, if you are not sure that you will get the desired tone (this is especially true if you have recently done staining with a permanent composition), it is best to contact a salon for professional help.

Before using the tint, a special wash will be applied to the curls, which removes the pigment. This is necessary to obtain an even and beautiful tone.

Long-haired girls also can not do without outside help, because it is quite difficult to evenly distribute the composition on a long head of hair.

Change your image competently to enjoy new shades of strand and enjoy the pleasure of reincarnation.

Photos before and after the procedure

Toning is done on hair of different lengths - medium, long and even short. To be able to fully appreciate the beauty and effectiveness of this beauty-procedure, we have prepared a photo before and after.

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Comments and reviews

I did toning of dark hair. I have them in their own rich black color, straight earthen, and I wanted to vary my image a little. I signed up for the master, she divided my hair into 4 even strands and, using tonic, made a partial coffee color. It turned out pretty nice. Given that I did not burn the hair and they retain their structure.


Watch the video: BlondMe Decoloration & Tone Schwarzkopf Professional (June 2024).