
Than toned hair after lightening


Do you want to strengthen the strands, thinned after lightening or dyeing, as well as achieve a stable and saturated shade? Beauticians have found a solution - this is the hair toning. For the process are used compounds that do not affect the structure of the hair itself. They only envelop it outside, do not violate it, make the color saturated and resistant. How to apply this procedure at home, about popular and effective coloring agents, read on.

What is the difference from staining

Changing the color of the strands helps the girls look more spectacular and more confident. In order to not lose their health and brilliance with these innovations, experienced hairdressers offer clients replace staining with toning.

What is the difference?

  1. Paints with chemical components are used for dyeing. Their action is aimed at changing the structure of the hair from the inside, to a greater extent it is harmful for the strands. By toning, you create a dense shell around the hair. No internal damage and changes occur, strands retain their structure.
  2. Coloring destroys the structure of the curls often appear brittle and split ends. Toning compositions are laid in order and glued scales of hairs, make them smooth and obedient.
  3. Tonics additionally moisturize the strandsTherefore, after such a procedure, clients note a significant improvement in the state of hair. While dyeing only dries and degrades the hair structure.
  4. You can tint after staining, to consolidate the result and partially compensate for the harm.
  5. The only advantage of conventional paint is the possibility of a dramatic change in the color of the curls. Toning compounds can allow only slight changes close to the native shade.

Coloring and toning are two different processes. The first destroys the health and beauty of the hair, and the second creates a kind of protective "shell" around them. Do not lose the opportunity to smooth out the harmful effects of chemical compounds sure to use toning after dyeing.

Why do toning after clarification

Lightening involves the destruction of the natural pigment hairs. The tonic fills the formed voids with neutralized pigment through the opened scales. This pigment acts gently and does not harm the weakened strands, it sticks together the opened scales, wraps the hairs with a protective film.

The chemical composition of paints causes weakening and breakage of the strands, hair is often confused, and when combing out, it is pulled out. Partially correct the situation after clarification will help toning compositions. Their role is as follows:

  • adjust color, make it more saturated,
  • strengthen, create a protective film,
  • make the locks smooth and silky,
  • give shine, curls look luxurious and healthy,
  • strands become pliable, do not break out when combing,
  • staining effect lasts longer
  • Curls easier fit.

Tip! Choosing a tonic, pay attention to the composition. If there is hydrogen peroxide, then the product is minimal, but violates the hair structure. In addition, after such a tool it is impossible to return to the former, natural shade, even after the final rinsing.

How to align hair color after lightening

The main problem for bleached strands is uneven tone and yellowness. What to undertake to those who have practically the whole gamut of light shades on their hair?

To solve the problem of unsuccessful staining, professionals offer several solutions:

  1. To discolor curls and re-dye - an effective option, but the risk is finally to destroy them, turn into a washcloth,
  2. If the question concerns the yellowness, then the optimal solution is tinted shampoos and balsams of purple color or tonic-dyes with pearl and sandy shades. They are commercially available and harmless.
  3. Smooth the boundaries between shades will help toning with a slight darkening (the shade is taken a little darker).

Council In order to preserve the beauty, the strength of the hair after the failed lightening, do not take any measures yourself, consult a professional. The curls weakened by paint are easy to spoil completely and not to achieve the desired effect. In addition, if you thoughtlessly choose paint, you risk giving the strands a greenish or purple overflow.

Choose the desired shade

The spectacular and luxurious appearance of the hair depends to a large extent on the selected tonic. The tool can reveal the beauty of the shade of curls in full, then you will be irresistible. To facilitate the task cosmetic companies offer a special table-palette of colors. Using it, you determine the possible final result.

Correctly chosen shade will emphasize the beauty and harmony of color, but you need to follow simple rules:

  1. The closer the original color to the selected one, the more spectacular the appearance will be.
  2. Refresh, elevate the face, emphasize the reddish play of the strands of blondes to help tonic warm, golden tones.
  3. For dark blondes and redheads it is ideal to use copper shades close to bright red.
  4. Silver, platinum tonics take care of ashy hair.
  5. Want to get the effect of sun-streaked strands, try lighter shades.
  6. Blonde girls are not recommended to use products designed for brunettes. Dark shades will give the person extra years and gloom.
  7. Mix 3 tones adjacent to the natural color to visually add extra volume to the strands.

Tip! When choosing a tonic for bleached curls, note that the final result will be a little lighter than promised on the palette.

Types of toning

In the hairdressing business there are several degrees of toning. They differ in the choice of tint formulations and the durability of the result:

  • Intense - performed after dyeing hair. It will provide maximum protection to weakened hairs, fill in them the voids formed from chemical exposure. It is recommended to use high-quality tonic paint, shampoos or other coloring agents that do not contain ammonia. The result after the procedure is stored on the hair for 2-3 months,
  • Gentle - performed by special sprays, shampoos, which are supplemented with vitamin complexes, various nutrients. The shadow effect will last only 1 month,
  • Lung - helps to determine whether the color is suitable or not, washed off quickly.

Tip! Do not even try to turn into a blonde with a shampoo. Tonics do not affect the pigments inside the hairs, do not destroy them. They are able only for a while to slightly disguise the natural color, shade it.

When the procedure is better to postpone

Say no to tinting paints, shampoos, if you have:

  • looks gray (tonic does not hide it),
  • hair painted with natural henna,
  • less than 7 days passed from lightening the curls,
  • have an allergy to the ingredients means.

Before using any paint, tint product test for allergies.

At home

Such a procedure can be performed not only by a specialist in a barbershop, but also at home. Our recommendations will help you to achieve the maximum result.

Useful video discoloration of regrown hair roots, followed by toning:

Cooking tint mixture

There are two categories of tinting products:

  • Simple - the tool is ready for application to the strands. These are tinted shampoos, mousses, balsams or sprays.
  • Challenging - consist of an oxidizing agent and a dye. Before applying, they must be mixed in a certain proportion.

Before the procedure, take care of the health of the strands, make a nutritious, vitamin mask, and after washing your hair, use conditioners and balms. Remember, most tinting mixtures do not cure, but only protects against external influences from aggressive media.

What you need

Toning on execution resembles coloring, therefore the set of necessary objects and tools is identical:

  • Tonic or coloring dye with an oxidizing agent
  • Bathrobe and collar, so as not to stain clothes,
  • Gloves
  • Plastic container
  • Brush
  • Hairbrush.

Attention! Metal items for paint and oxidants are not suitable.


There is a strict sequence of actions, a kind of algorithm:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo only.
  2. Lightly dry your hair.
  3. Divide all the curls into 4 parts with two partings: vertical - from the middle of the forehead to a dimple on the neck, horizontal - from one ear to the other.
  4. Start from the tops. Spread the mixture evenly on the strands. First of all, treat the curls in the neck and gradually move to the face. Grown roots last.
  5. Do not wash off the composition specified in the instructions time, on average, it takes 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse tonic with clean warm water, but not hot.
  7. At the end, wash your hair with shampoo and apply a nourishing mask.
  8. Blot the strands with an old towel, because the remnants of tonic can stain and ruin it.

Tip! The skin on the neck, behind the ears, on the forehead and temples should be treated abundantly with face cream. This will allow you to easily get rid of the particles of the tint mixture when hit on them.

Toning bleached hair simple and safe. The main thing is to listen to the advice of experts and follow the specified sequence.

Useful video highlights on yourself at home:

Causes of yellowness on bleached hair

Before you begin the procedure of toning, you need to find out the reasons for the appearance of yellowness in the hair. Yellowness is the most common problem that torments owners of discolored hair. The appearance of a similar problem is associated with the following factors:

  • The stage of pigment removal from the hair structure is omitted.
  • Strongly dark natural pigment, which partially remained in the hair after the procedure. Because of this, after a certain time, it reacts with paint.
  • The master did not have enough experience in the procedure.
  • Low quality paint
  • The paint was kept on the hair or too little, or too much time.
  • Hair brittle and weakened
  • Rinsing the hair with running water that contains rust and salt particles.

It is much easier to prevent this problem from occurring than to deal with it.

How is tinting different from staining?

  1. When coloring paints with chemical components are used. The effect of the paint is aimed at penetrating deep into the hair and changing its structure. Tonic, in turn, creates a protective sheath around the hair. Because of this, there is no internal destruction.
  2. After staining, the tips split and the hair becomes brittle. The toning agent will stick the scales together and make the hair more docile.
  3. Toning agents are used to moisturize the hair. The paint dries the hair. It is not enough moisture after discoloration.
  4. Toning will help fix the result after dyeing.

Why tint the hair after lightening

Lightening and bleaching hair involves the complete removal of natural pigment from the hair. After the procedure, the hair contains voids, and the scales are revealed. Hair begins to absorb grease, dirt and dust. Therefore, the voids need to be filled with artificial pigment, which the tinting agent does well. It will not harm the weakened hair, fill the voids and glue the opened scales.

Chemicals in the paint weaken the hair and make it brittle. Therefore, the hair is often tangled, and when combing pulled out shreds. Toning tools will help to partially solve this problem.

Pros and cons of hair tinting

Like any tool, toning has its positive and negative qualities.

  • Sparing substances. As mentioned above, when tinting hair does not disrupt their structure. It does not contain or does not contain ammonia, which destroys the hair, removing the keratin layer, or its content is minimized. With proper care, the harm from toning is reduced to a minimum.
  • Recovery. The composition of such funds includes keratin, which aligns the hair and fills the voids that are formed after bleaching or lightening hair.
  • Hair becomes smooth, shiny and silky. They also become more docile and break less during combing.
  • There is a color correction without harm to the hair.
  • The protein contained in the tonic smoothes the hair. Thanks to him, the hair begins to reflect light, which will make them more shiny.

  • Not an alternative to hair dye. Toning will make the hair only a couple tones lighter.
  • Quick color flushing. This tool will only help to maintain the shade, but you still have to lighten the hair again.
  • In winter, the tonic is washed off much faster than usual. Because of the headgear, the scalp is sweating, so there is a risk of leaving tonic marks on the cap.

This method has its minor drawbacks. But, despite them, the benefits of toning are much greater than the minuses.

Gentle tonics

Contain natural ingredients. They can be found on store shelves, or made at home. Keeps color about a month, then you need to repeat the procedure. It does not wear any harm to the hair.

These include:

  • Cosmetics that can be found on store shelves
  • Home tonics. Suitable for lovers of organic cosmetics. For brown-haired cinnamon is suitable. Chamomile will lighten hair, and oak bark or walnut shell is suitable for brunettes. You can also use onion peel, saffron, cornflower flowers, turmeric and others. To use such a tonic, a strong infusion is made from the necessary ingredients. After each shampooing, they rinse their hair. And the broth is not necessary to wash off.

Persistent tonics

There are also cosmetics for toning hair, which can be easily applied at home:

  • Tint shampoo. It will help to give shade to hair, but will last only a week. For long-term effect, you should regularly wash your hair with this tool.
  • Tint balm. It is better to apply them in a set with the same tinted shampoo. It will not only give a shade, but also provide additional care for hair, giving it shine.
  • Toning masks
  • Shading foams, gels, mousses. Will give a brighter effect than shampoo. But hold out before you wash your hair.

How to choose color, shade

On the shelves of the store a wide range of tinting agents. To help there will be special tables that will help you find the right shade. Remember that toning agents will not help lighten dark, regrown roots. They will only help refresh the color. For dyeing regrown roots will have to resort to a repeated procedure of clarification.

To choose the desired shade, choose the closest to your hair color. If you want to give your hair a slightly different shade, then there are several recommendations:

  • For hair with honey tint, it is better to buy a tonic in golden tones. For example, caramel or champagne. This will give your hair a glow.
  • The effect of the strands faded in the sun will be obtained with the help of a tinting agent that will be a couple of tones lighter than your shade.
  • A cold blond will decorate a tonic of wheat, silver or pearl hue.
  • Dark blonde will decorate well tonic with a red or copper shade.
  • It is not recommended to resort to dark tonics, since such shades on blond hair will add age.
  • To add volume, mix three adjacent tones together.

How to tint hair at home

In order to refresh the shade, it is not necessary to go to the professionals. A similar procedure can be performed at home. Before the procedure it is necessary to protect the hair. Make a vitamin or nutritional mask. After painting use the conditioner or balm. It is also necessary to observe some rules that will help avoid negative consequences:

  1. Carefully read the composition of the purchased tinting agent. It should not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. These components will damage already weakened hair.
  2. Before the procedure, apply a little money on one curl to clearly understand what results await you.
  3. Do not overdo the paint, as there is a risk to burn the hair.
  4. Do not use hair balm before tinting. the tonic will be stained, and the color in different parts of the hair will be different. The tinting agent does not fall deep into the hair, because the balm covers the scales.
  5. You need to resort to tinting three or four days after you have brightened your hair.

Hair preparation

The process of toning - in any case, staining, but more gentle. To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you need to prepare the hair well.

  • Before the procedure it is necessary that the tonic that you used before, completely washed off your hair.
  • Shear split ends.
  • In two weeks, start a course of nourishing masks. Homemade masks based on kefir, banana, apple and honey will do.

What is needed

When working with tinting tools will need some necessary items:

  1. Tonic or dye with an oxidizing agent.
  2. Bathrobe or any unnecessary clothes that will not be a pity to mess.
  3. Gloves to protect hands from paint.
  4. Capacity in which the tool will be mixed.
  5. Brush
  6. Wooden comb.


There is a clear order of action that will help to correctly perform the staining procedure with a tinting agent.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo
  2. Then lightly dry with a hairdryer.
  3. Divide the hair mass into 4 parts. The first and second parts - from the middle of the forehead to the neck. The third and fourth parts - from one ear to another.
  4. Start painting on top. Tonic is applied evenly on each strand of hair. First, dye the hair in the neck, then gradually move to the facial area. Regrown roots color last.
  5. Comb your hair with a comb. It is best to do this comb with rare teeth, to paint evenly distributed throughout the length of the hair.
  6. Hold the tonic for the indicated time.
  7. Rinse off with warm water.
  8. Wash your hair again with shampoo and make a nourishing mask.
  9. It is better to use an old towel, as a tonic can remain on the hair, which can stain it.

It is better if you grease the neck, ears, forehead and temples with plenty of cream before the procedure. This method will help to easily get rid of the tint mixture on the skin.

If the hair is "killed" by frequent staining or any other chemical effects, then the procedure should be as follows:

  1. For roots, a bleaching procedure is required. The hair is porous and absorbs dirt and dust. Just to remove the pollution and need this procedure. For the solution, one part of the powder is mixed into two parts of the oxidizing agent.
  2. After bleaching the roots, wash off the paint with shampoo and non-hot water. Do not use balm.
  3. Gently blot the strands with a towel.
  4. Next, you need to assess the degree of harm done to the hair. To do this, not a few hairs apply tinting agent. For this, just one drop is enough. In the case when the tool is immediately absorbed, then the hair is badly damaged, and the structure is porous. If the product is absorbed after a small amount of time, then the hair is not damaged as much. In the case when the tonic is not absorbed for a long time, it means that your hair is quite healthy.
  5. If the hair is badly damaged, then dilute the tonic-paint in a ratio of 1: 3. In the case of medium and normal porosity, dilute one to two.
  6. If five minutes after applying the mixture to the hair darkened, then wash off the tonic and make a weaker mixture.
  7. After 20 minutes, rinse the tonic from the hair.
  8. And only after that you can apply a balm on the hair.

Rules for hair care after toning

If you decide to make toning after bleaching, then you need a special care. The easiest method will be masks, sprays, serums. They should be designed for colored hair. When making homemade masks, avoid oils. They accelerate the process of restoration of pigment in the hair, which will play a negative role on the duration of the effect after toning.


You should not resort to tinting tools if:

  • The presence of gray hair. Tonic it can not hide
  • Less than seven days have passed after the discoloration
  • Allergies detected

Before you use the paint, you need to put it on your wrist and leave it for a certain time. If itching or redness occurs, you should abandon this tinting agent.

If you decide to carry out the procedure of lightening hair, then do not neglect the use of tinting agents. They will help to keep your blond much longer or to give it charming shades. Also, they will restore the health of your hair, subject to the instructions and recommendations.

What is toning

Toning is one of the ways of coloring. But when using tonics, in contrast to resistant paints, the protective keratin layer of the hair is not loosened, and the pigment remains only on its surface. Such a procedure is practically harmless. Although with frequent use of tonics, which contain alcohol, the hair can be dried.

Tonics differ in composition and intensity of staining. The color palette of some manufacturers reaches 30 or more options, which, moreover, can be mixed. This allows you to choose the right shade for any type and color of hair. And if he doesn't like it, then in a few days there will be practically no trace of him left - the result of toning is short-lived.

With brightened hair, tonic is washed off even faster than with natural ones. After bleaching, the keratin scales covering the hair shaft do not completely return to their place. It remains loosened, poorly retains moisture and colored pigment. The more damaged the hair, the worse any paint can hold it.

Secrets of choice

Toning the hair after lightening is a great way to give it a chosen shade. It is suitable for those who prefer not too bright, slightly muted tones: tea rose, ashy, beige, etc. To get the desired result, it is important to know how to choose and use the tonic.

90% success in dyeing hair is the right choice of color. And although the palette of shades from leading manufacturers is very rich, not all are suitable for bleached hair.

Those that are in the dark spectrum - from chestnut to black - definitely should be excluded. On the bright head of hair, they are instantly washed out and leave only dirty stains. But even when the color is intense (immediately after toning), it looks unnatural and falls unevenly.

Depending on the shade obtained after clarification, you can use such tonic:

  • warm blond - any tones of gold, red, caramel, warm beige,
  • cold blond - pearl, ashen, silver, smoky, purple, pink,
  • light blond - copper, red, wheat, nut, coffee with milk.

After lightening dark hair (chestnut, black) almost always there is a more or less intense redhead. Remove it completely impossible. It is tinted with reddish or copper shades.

The most daring can use more saturated colors to tint bleached strands: cherry, burgund, blue, mahogany, etc.

There are three degrees of tinting hair. With a light paint is washed off a maximum of 2-3 times. It should be used in the case when you are not sure that the color will suit you.

Normal toning can last up to 3-4 weeks (provided that you do not wash your hair every day!). Intensive stays on hair twice as long - up to 6-8 weeks.

Depending on what degree of tinting you need, the type of tool is chosen:

  1. Tint shampoo. In fact, this is a common detergent with color pigment added. It can even be used daily to constantly maintain the desired intensity of staining. Changes a shade at most on 1-2 tones, keeps to the following washing.
  2. Foam tonic. A modern tool, a very convenient way to tint the yellowness of the hair after lightening. It is evenly distributed on wet hair and at the same time facilitates their styling. But the effect lasts only until the next wash.
  3. Spray. There is a special tool for tinting the roots and masking gray hair. There are also caring sprays-tonics with herbal extracts and natural oils. They not only slightly tint, but also restore the hair. It is washed off in 1-3 times.
  4. Tinting balm. Depending on the intensity of the color and structure of the hair, it can withstand up to 6-8 flushes. The longer the tonic is on the hair, the better it paints. Therefore, with bright colors (strawberry, purple), you must be careful not to overdo it.
  5. Semi-permanent paint. Used for intensive toning, does not contain ammonia, but is mixed with an oxidizing agent. Frequent use on bleached hair is not recommended, as they deteriorate even more and lose much moisture.

Best of all, if the right hairdresser can help you choose the right type and tint. And also give advice on its proper home use.

Attention when buying

When buying a tonic, it is necessary to pay attention not only to its color. Very important is the quality of the product. If it is doubtful, the result of staining can be unpredictable. This is especially true of "silver" shampoos and tonics, created to neutralize the yellowish tint. In fact, they have an intense blue or purple color, and if the tool is of poor quality, your hair may be colored in ink shades.

Better to trust proven manufacturers. Moreover, the tonic is cheaper than paint, and the cost of it, even with regular use, is low.

You can not use the product expired. Therefore, pay special attention to promotional items - they often come to an end. Tonic may change color when exposed to air - be sure to check the integrity of the packaging.

Do not buy a tonic in advance when you are going to lighten up. It does not change, but only corrects the color, so it is necessary to choose it after receiving the main result. Do not experiment with dark and extravagant tones - only a wash can completely remove them from bleached hair, but it is harmful.

Application rules

Each type of tonic has its own nuances, but there are general rules for its application. There is nothing difficult in this, so tinting your hair at home is possible and necessary on your own. Some inconveniences can occur only with a large length. But it is also easy to cope with them, knowing some secrets.

  1. In contrast to permanent inks, tonic is always applied only to clean hair.
  2. If you leave the hair slightly moist, it will be more convenient to distribute the product through the hair.
  3. Tonic paints hands and clothes, so before you start, they must be protected.
  4. For a short haircut, tonic can be applied immediately to the entire head, spreading a small amount of it in the palms, and then over the entire head of hair.
  5. Medium and long hair need to be tinted in areas that are pre-allocated and fixed clips.
  6. If the hair is thick, you can use a regular paint brush or a small sponge.
  7. After applying the tonic all over the head, it is advisable to comb the hair several times with a wide comb, so that the paint is distributed as evenly as possible.
  8. It is necessary to work quickly, otherwise the first strands are toned more intensively, and the color will be uneven.
  9. Rinse tonic need at least 2-3 minutes under running water (not hot!).
  10. To consolidate the result, it is desirable to immediately apply a balm for colored hair - it will close the keratin scales and help keep the pigment longer.

Important! Before the first use of any tonic be sure to carefully read the instructions and strictly adhere to it. If you have a tendency to allergies - do not forget to make a test.

Remember that toning is not a caring procedure. For bleached hair, you simply need nutritional masks 2-3 times a week, as well as the use of oil for tips, thermal protection and sprays with a UV filter when entering the open sun. On healthy hair, even a tonic lasts longer, they are easier to fit into the hair and look even more attractive.

Choosing paint

The modern market of cosmetic products offers a huge selection of tonics. These are skins, shampoos, mousses, sprays, they can be tinted, but the effect will not last long, a maximum of 1 month.

Let us understand what kind of paint toned hair after lightening. Specialists use semi-permanent paints. If your hair lightened, then this should be indicated on the tonic. Consider what hairdressers use:

  • Kapous paint - it is intended only for the clarified locks. It perfectly complements the resulting color attached. The product must be diluted. The composition also includes essential and vegetable oils, protein and mineral salts,
  • Estel brand products - one of the popular brands of cosmetics for hairdressers. A rich palette of shades, gentle impact and high quality make the strands soft and shiny, and keratin additionally strengthens weakened hairs. Tint dyes are diluted with an oxidizing agent in a ratio of 1: 2, read also about the use of Estelle paint for tinting,
  • Schwarzkopf blondme - the product can be used even to lighten curls. Such paint has only 6 shades in its arsenal, cold and warm,
  • Wella color touch - professional version of tinting agents. It has a unique composition, smoothes strands and guarantees durable, saturated colors,
  • CONCEPT Profy touch - does not contain ammonia, but the persistence of tone does not suffer from this. The tool perfectly cares for the strands, thanks to a multi-component nutrient composition, and can be used to dye curls. The product is certified.

With toning your curls will shine with a new force. In addition, they will look strong and healthy, and the wind and aggressive factors from the atmosphere will not harm them. Add an elegant sheen and silkiness to your strands!

Why do you need toning

The clarification process is based on the destruction of the natural pigment. The top layer of the hair shaft is the cuticle. Her scales are bonded together with lipids that repel moisture, affect the strength and shine of curls. Upon clarification, the oxidizing agent destroys the lipid layer. This leads to a decrease in elasticity and strength of the hair. They break even when combing.

Toning reduces the negative effects of lightening. Keratins, which are part of the tint preparations, fill the voids inside the hair. The core is strengthened, it becomes smooth and strong.

Staining with tonics leads to the following results:

  • Hair color is adjusted, acquires saturation.
  • Curls are shiny, elastic and smooth.
  • Each hair is covered with a film that protects it from mechanical and thermal effects.
  • Strands easier fit, not tangled.

Please note that after the procedure, the remains of the tonic can be seen on the headdress.

But what means for toning hair is the most effective and how to use it can be found here.

On the video - information about toning hair after lightening:

What can be tinted hair after lightening

The process of toning is intense, gentle and easy. For each species, the appropriate coloring compositions are used.

Intensive toning is carried out with the help of paints based on weak oxidizing agents. As a result, you can achieve a change in hair color by 2 - 3 tones. The effect will last about two months.

When sparing method used tint formulations that are enriched with beneficial substances - vitamins, moisturizing ingredients. These paints are useful for hair, they refresh or change a little color. But hold no longer than a month.

Light toning involves the use of tinted shampoos, foams, sprays or mousses. All such funds are washed away in 2 - 3 washes. They are completely harmless even for weak hair. Light shading products are perfect for those who like to experiment with color.

It is important to take into account that on bleached hair the color will be slightly lighter than on samples.

But how is the highlighting on dark hair with toning and how beautiful it looks, you can see here.

How often to carry out the procedure

The frequency of the procedure depends on its method, initial color and condition of the hair. Tinting on oxidizing agents of small percentages can be done in two to three weeks. Mousses, sprays, foams and shampoos can be applied every week.

Damaged, weak hair is undesirable to expose to tonic with oxidizing agents, even low percentages. It is better to choose for them tint formulations with vitamins or means for an easy procedure.

But how hair toning is performed after highlighting and what products should be used first of all is described in great detail here.

Used paints

Coloring compositions for toning offer many well-known brands. To choose the most suitable, you should consider the composition and effect of tint.

    Estel. The well-known brand offers Esamle Sense, an ammonia-free paint for an intensive method of dyeing and a tinting shampoo for a gentle. With the help of paint, you can change the color to 2 - 3 tones. It includes keratin complex, Vivant System, guarana seed and green tea extracts. Tint shampoo contains mango extract. Useful substances of this brand moisturize hair, nourish and restore them. But what kind of paint for tinting hair at home is the most appropriate, is set out in the article by reference.

The use of drugs Estel is recommended after a sharp change in color.

    Kapous. The paint is intended for toning after clarification. Her palette offers several tones that can be mixed to obtain the desired shade. The composition is rich in plant and essential oils, mineral salts, vitamins and protein.

Feature of paint Kapous - it needs to be diluted.

  • Kemon Kroma-Life. Means of this brand have many shades for different types of hair. They contain substances that actively care for curls and protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Toning shampoos Kemon Kroma-Life to remove yellowness.

    Schwarzkopf blondme. Paint can be used not only for tinting, but also for easy clarification. The brand offers 6 different light shades, among which are warm and cold.

Means Wella Color Touch smooth curls, giving them shine and elasticity.

    Majirel L’Oreal. Paints of this brand do not contain peroxide and ammonia. At the same time, they provide a stable color, painting even gray hair.

Toning after dyeing will help restore and protect weakened hair. It gives saturation and brightness of color. Many tint products contain useful ingredients that moisturize the curls, improve their health. It is important to choose the right product for the procedure, taking into account the condition of the strands and the desired color.


Watch the video: TONING BLEACHED HAIR AT HOME. Wella T18 (July 2024).