
Suitable hair color for the appearance color type


Many women have repeatedly noticed that different shades of hair after dyeing can give a face a youthful look or add age to several years. Some girls fit only light strands, others are better to always remain brunettes. The fact is that the hair color should be chosen depending on the natural color of curls, pupils or skin tone according to the color type of the appearance. It is of four types: cold winter, cool summer, gentle spring and bright autumn.

In total there are 4 types:

  • Winter. This type is distinguished by cold tones. The skin has a milky shade, does not tan well. Eyes are usually gray, blue, brown. The color of hair in women of the color type winter varies from black to chocolate and cognac.
  • Summer. For summer color type is characterized by cold shades of skin, eyes and hair. Sunburn has a nutty tone, the pupils are usually gray, brown. The type of appearance called summer can be contrast or non-contrast. In women of summer type, ashy color of curls with all overflow of straw, sandy, light brown, brownish-gray shades most often occurs.
  • Spring. This warm type is characterized by translucent skin with light freckles, soft tan, light blue or gray-green eyes. Hair color in women of the color type spring is usually light, with yellowish-amber, honey, bright copper shimmer.
  • Autumn. Autumn type of appearance is different from the warm spring or soft summer bright colors and tones. The skin has a golden tan, blush is usually absent. Curls can change color from red to copper, pupils most often green, olive, amber color.

To understand what type of appearance is, you should carefully examine yourself in the mirror. For a more accurate determination of the color type, it will be necessary to examine in detail each type of natural description. Winter and summer are distinguished by strict cold shades, autumn and spring are considered warm types.

4. Cool winter.

Women with winter skin and hair are distinguished by milky skin with no signs of sunburn, dark thick curls. Winter gives her a type of cold hues of the eyes, serious and strict appearance.

Characteristics of the winter type:

  • pupils are usually gray, black or brown,
  • skin porcelain, milky white, with a pink blush on the cheeks,
  • eyes are bright, look dark, bottomless.

The winter girl most often has dark brown or black curls with a cognac-chocolate sheen.

Recommended when dyeing hair color:

  • chocolate,
  • dark brown,
  • the black,
  • chestnut,
  • reddish brown.

If desired, you can use the paint "Black Tulip", "Forest Beech".

Recommendations of specialists when painting

The separation of appearance in the four seasons allows you to choose the right shade of hair, not to be mistaken when choosing a tone. You should carefully study the palette of colors that promise to make the color of the curls very bright and saturated. It is better to first make a selection of color on the computer using a special program, try on a wig or overhead strands.

Experts give the following tips:

  • Spring girl should not paint the strands in black or milky white. It is better to refresh the golden curls by highlighting, toning. All light shades should be light brown, wheat or honey-caramel.
  • Type winter dictates its own rules. It is not recommended to drastically change the appearance, lightening or repainting the strands in bright red, bright colors. You can buy a tonic with a blue, purple tint, make coloring on the tips, ombre.
  • Woman summer looks spectacular with ashen, white strands. When coloring, one should choose such tones as platinum or ashy blond, graphite, deep blond.
  • Autumn type should not paint curls with black or white paint. The choice of such women - all play of red, chestnut tones. Beautifully look at the curls of any length hue chocolate, burgundy, mahogany.

By applying these recommendations in practice, you can avoid typical mistakes in home staining. After examining the features of the color type, many no longer have to wash off the unsuitable color, repaint the curls again. It is better to analyze the selected shades of colors several times to create a stylish image of a fashionable and elegant girl.

Spring color type

A woman of this type outwardly personifies spring itself. She is light, gentle, with a little childish face. From it blows freshness and romance. Spring girl is likely to have:

  • light eyes (blue, emerald, gray),
  • very tender fair skin, almost pale. Invisible, light blush - pink or pale peach. The skin quickly burns under the influence of sunlight
  • hair of all light shades (from blond to light brown),
  • the hair is most likely winding or naughty. Soft to the touch, quite thin.

If a girl belongs to this type, then she will most of all suit:

  • sunny colors, bright and saturated (honey, nut, amber or red),
  • a darker version - chocolate or red chestnut, caramel or red wood,
  • to give volume to the hair, you can make light highlighting or coloring in the same warm gamut,
  • The best hairstyle is in a romantic and natural style.

As for the taboo in choosing hair color for spring personalities, it is worth remembering:

  • any dark paint with dark ebb (especially blue-black, crow's wing, beaujolais),
  • too bright colors make the face even more pale, worsen the texture of the skin,
  • ashen color is also not appropriate. He will bring disharmony into the overall image.

Famous girls with spring color type: Charlize Theron, Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston, Christina Asmus, Polina Gagarina.

Summer color type

Summer girls are very often found among the Slav women. As it is not surprising, but the representatives of summer are owners of cold colors. Divided into groups as contrasting, not contrasting and medium. It is typical for girls to:

  • skin color can be different, but all are united by a clear bluish backlight on the skin,
  • if freckles are present, they are necessarily very dark,
  • well give in to sunburn, shades turn out the most various and long keep on skin,
  • depending on the localization of the vessels, the blush is quite intense, up to the redness,
  • hair without yellow, but light palette,
  • "summer" hair is dry and often split,
  • the color of the eyes of various shades, but with a classic gray tint,
  • Contrast is measured by comparing the intensity of hair color to skin tone.

For cold girls of this type, it would be most appropriate to use:

  • it is reasonable to dye hair in the same “cold” color direction - pearl, silver, light brown with an ash tint,
  • You can use classic discreet color - light brown-haired,
  • All sorts of wheat shades will refresh your face,
  • The darkest representatives of this color type will suit the popular black tulip.

Categorically representatives of summer should avoid the following:

  • dark colors (dark chocolate or rich chestnut),
  • red and red colors visually make the image look older and will focus on skin defects,
  • brown-eyed beauties do not want to lighten hair.

Autumn color type

Again, the autumn woman shows all the splendor and beauty of this season. She is bright, unusual, swift and stylish. To find a girl-fall you should look for:

  • golden skin, even tone,
  • a lot of freckles,
  • no blush
  • despite more saturated skin tones, it reacts poorly to exposure to sunlight,
  • the eyes are bright, look very expressive (bright amber, brown with a cognac hue, emerald green and olive),
  • hair is always with a red shade
  • hair healthy and strong, often curl or form large elastic curls.

Such bright and extraordinary girls should pay attention to:

  • to emphasize individuality, it is reasonable to use a tinted shampoo. It will only make a more accurate emphasis on hair color, but will retain the overall concept,
  • chocolate palette, chestnut shades are suitable for changing the image,
  • successful coloring will be different brown shades.

Bright autumn beauties need to be careful and avoid such errors as:

  • lighten hair much
  • should be driven by the desire to experiment with the color "orange".

Winter color type

Such women have in their appearance extremely cold shades. Characteristic features are:

  • eyes of cold tones, also brown and blue,
  • skin is pale with a bluish tint,
  • sunburn does not actually go down, is accompanied by burns,
  • dark and black hair with blue tint.

For such unusual girls with classic parameters of the winter color type, you can advise:

  • bright non-standard colors will do,
  • black hair can be varied colored stained unusual color.

Winter women absolutely do not need:

  • any ginger tones
  • no lemon and orange tones.

In addition to the observance of these elementary rules of stylistics, it is necessary to take into account the psychological factor. Color should like its owner. She should feel organically and naturally in a new transformed look.

What is the color type?

A color type is a specific combination of colors and shades, the color of hair, eyes, lips and skin tone.

The most popular color type theory is the well-known winter, spring, summer, autumn. Winter girl is a classic Snow White, autumn is the so-called red beast, summer is a “cold blonde” and spring is a “warm girl” with wheat hair.

According to such a system, it is very difficult to determine exactly what to attribute to yourself: if you are a brunette, but obviously not winter, there is redness in your hair, but you understand that you clearly don’t belong to autumn. This is confusing for most women. Many do not fully realize what color exactly suits them: put on a red dress and do not understand why they have so much bruises under their eyes. therefore choosing your wardrobe and makeup, you should take into account your color type.

Types and subtypes

Consider the basic theory of color type: winter, spring, summer and autumn. This is due to the primary colors that prevail at certain times of the year.

  • Winter

In winter, there are many contrasts. Therefore, a person related to such a color type will always have contrasting colors in the exterior: white hair and blue eyes, black hair and white skin. The skin can be either too light, or vice versa: brown. Eyes: brown, deep, black or bright blue. Hair is white, black, or brown with a cold sheen.

Representatives of such a color type can have complete opposites: either be like Monica Belluci or Christina Aguilera. And both of these options - winter color type.

  • Spring

Spring is associated with warm and pure bright colors. It is girls with such characteristics that relate to this color type: they can have freckles, face skin is pink in color, and hair color is of a warm shade.

Look at the person, he seems so soft, warm and cozy - this is the color type spring. Wheat hair, reddish and light brown. Skin - peach or pink. Eyelashes and eyebrows are so bright that they are barely noticeable. Eye color - blue or green.

  • Summer

By the summer are muffled and neutral tones, in such a color there is some kind of haze. Oddly enough, there are no bright tones in it. Summer girls are girls with light-colored skin, of such olive color, ashy or ashy-blond hair, can even be silvery. Eye color can be gray, blue, brown, olive. The lips are always slightly pale.

  • Autumn

The autumn version of the appearance is the skin of a warm shade, the hair always gives a red color. Sometimes this color type has freckles. Eye color is also warm: green, hazel, olive.

There are also mixed types of appearance, so the main color types are divided into three more. So, in nature there are as many as 12 color types.

How to understand your color type?

In determining the color type, you need to build on the appearance that nature has given you: from your natural hair color, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and skin color.

The most important thing is to determine your dominant characteristic. This is the one that first strikes the eye. For example, you look at one girl and it seems that she is dark, to another - it seems that she is warm, or she makes a cold impression. Determine what you consider yourself to be more: warm, cold, bright, soft, light or dark. Some kind of appearance will always be key.

  • If you have warm eyes with yellow splashes, brown eyes, red hair, skin with a peach blush or freckles, like Lindsay Lohan or Nicole Kidman, then you can be attributed to warm color. This is the most noticeable flavor; it stands out very strongly from the rest.
  • Ashy hair, eyes of a cold shade of gray, green or blue, a cold shade of skin with a pink blush like that of Linda Carter or Christina Brinkley, then you have a cold coloring.
  • Bright color is when everything looks bright in your appearance: cheekbones are brightly highlighted, eyebrows, noticeable eyes, contrasting hair like in Courtney Cox and Megan Fox.
  • Soft coloring, this is when your hair is bright enough, blond, not thick eyebrows, everything in your appearance is soft, like Doy Barrymore or Ashley Olsen.
  • If you have dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin, like Natalie Portman or Vanessa Hudgens. That you concern to dark color.
  • Blond hair, bright eyes, fair skin, like those of Sharon Stone or Kate Hudson, then you are a bright color.

Now it is necessary to define the additional characteristic. This is something that is present in our natural colors, but is not the main one. Now you consider yourself to be 12 types of appearance:

  • Cold and bright colors of the exterior - cold winter.
  • Cold and soft color of appearance - cold summer.
  • Bright and cold color of appearance - pure winter.
  • Bright and warm color of appearance - pure spring.
  • Dark and cold coloring of the exterior is a deep winter.
  • Dark and cold color of appearance - deep autumn.
  • Warm and bright color of the exterior - a warm spring.
  • Warm and soft color of appearance - warm autumn.
  • Soft and cold color of appearance - soft summer.
  • Soft and cold color of appearance - soft autumn.
  • Light and cold color appearance - bright summer.
  • Light and warm color of the exterior - bright autumn.

There is a third characteristic, it is not always used, and most of all it is suitable for some parts. It must be understood that we are all individuals and even a scale of 12 color types does not always suit a particular person. Therefore, you should choose colors that visually fit your appearance, regardless of the color type.

Color types of stars and celebrities

More precisely, to what color type you are, will help examples of colors and appearance. Best of all, they are visible in star images.

Nicole Richie has a warm golden shade of hair, warm nut-colored eyes, a peach halfton of the skin. She refers to a warm appearance.

What is the color type of appearance?

Stylists look at all people into several color types, which help them to create an original, beautiful image. Every woman before hair coloring should find out what color type she belongs to in order to choose the optimal shade for her.

The exterior color type is a palette of colors that harmonizes with the color of skin, eyes, and natural hair color. If you break this harmony, the image will be scattered and inexpressive.

It is the definition of color type of appearance and help you choose the right shade of hair dye. So what palettes are there?

Some common rules

To make the image complete and perfectly harmonious, in addition to the color type of the appearance, women should follow a few simple rules when choosing a new color for their hair.

  1. Women with problematic skin should not be painted in bright shades.
  2. Hair color should be changed by no more than 2 tones.
  3. For dyeing gray hair is recommended to use light colors.

To determine the color type of appearance you do not need specific knowledge or diploma of a professional stylist. Each person knows the natural features of his appearance and can easily determine his own color group. Very rarely, color types are mixed with each other in one person. If you still have any doubts, you can take a certain test or consult a hairdresser. If you choose the right hair dye, taking into account your color type of appearance, there will be no disappointments after such a color or toning: full harmony is guaranteed with the image that others will notice with admiration.


Such an important step, as a change of image, is always difficult for any girl. You need to approach this with all responsibility. And especially when it comes to changing hairstyles.

The latter is very important, because our curls, serve as a kind of framing of the face. In its correct “design”, you can either emphasize all the virtues of appearance - look fresh and cute even with the lack of make-up, or else all worthy parties should be completely destroyed or distorted.

Want to change, but afraid that the view will be ridiculous? Then determine your type of appearance

Warm and cold type of appearance

Before a cardinal change, in order not to be mistaken with the choice of color, you need to determine your type of appearance. And after that, figure out how to choose a hair color according to the color type. The latter depends on the natural tone of the curls and skin.

Stylists divide people into two groups of appearance:

Representatives of this type have gray, black, blue and green eyes with a gray tint. The color of the skin is mostly light with a small pink. These are the owners of black with blue, light brown, ash curls.

This appearance for change is better to choose light colors, for example, naturally blond. You can also use black or red shades, but only if you have smooth and clean skin. But you need to be extremely careful with them, because they can add a few years to you, and also make the flaws of the face more noticeable.

It is not necessary for this type of appearance to use bright golden and red tones.

Coloring agents dazzle with an abundance of shades, but to choose a good one is not so easy

Owners of this type have hazel, golden green and dark green eye color. The skin color is peach or soft golden. Curls have a dark blond or chestnut pigmentation.

Girls of this type, when choosing coloring agents, should pay attention to the color of cappuccino, as well as golden and red. Ashy and light blonde is better not to use.

This division into warm and cold type, very superficial and vague.

Seasonal classification

This version of the distribution of types of appearance, more detailed.

He shares the appearance of the seasons:

Photo: distribution of color tones according to seasonal color type

Due to this, it will be much easier to choose the hair color according to the color of the seasons.

Tip! To correctly determine your attitude to a particular type, carefully examine your color of eyes, hair and skin. Then compare with the description of seasonal color types.

Girl spring

This appearance belongs to the warm group, it is very cute and a little childish. These girls look really romantic - they are characterized by lightness and airiness.

The main features of spring:

  • as a rule, light green, gray, blue color of eyes,
  • soft, light, translucent skin with a peach shade. Very sensitive to sunlight
  • pigment curls - light - light blonde, blonde.

The question arises - what hair color is suitable for color type spring? The answer is - for this group, you need to take yellow as a basis, and when choosing coloring agents, you should be guided by its various shades.

The most successful is the hair color for the color type spring of all warm shades: amber, dark red, gold, wheat, honey.

If you need to choose the hair color under the color type spring, having a natural dark-red color of curls, then nothing is better than painting in chocolate or brown.

Tip! Owners of spring-type appearance, who have already changed their image, having received a brown color of curls, many stylists recommend to highlight individual strands with golden colors. So you will look even more interesting and expressive.

It is not recommended for this group to use dark, cold shades. Too pale can make the face a light red tone. A light blond, ashen, platinum - does not emphasize the appearance.

Girl - summer

Characteristic features of this group are:

  • light brown, dark gray, green, watery blue eye color,
  • olive skin color. Often has closely spaced vessels
  • light brown and ashy pigment strands.

Representatives of such appearance are suited to bright cold colors - platinum, ashen, silver, ash-brown, pearl, etc. There are carriers of ambiguous pigment curls (it is also called "mouse"). Such owners of an excellent option would be the color in the "light brown", which is able to refresh the face and hair.

Add a few extra little redkov, chestnut, red, chocolate shades. So to this hair color, representatives of the color type is summer. better not to resort. After all, the price of the question is your youth!

Tip! If you are a summer girl, and have brown eyes, then it is better not to lighten hair too, so as not to make a heavy look. Also, do not use golden paint with yellow skin - you just merge together with the curls, and the expressive features of the face will be hidden.

Autumn girl

  • amber-brown, bright green eye color,
  • beige or dark skin with freckles,
  • the pigmentation is bright and intense - red, fiery, chestnut, brown with a red tint.

Since the representatives of this group have rather bright shades of curls, many of them are confused about how to change their color.

But here the problem is solved, the autumn representatives will be to face:

But to use bronze and copper, still worth caution, not all of them fit.

But with a variety of brown tones everything is much simpler, from them you can choose the one that will look harmonious with your overall appearance. The coloring of the strands is chocolate-colored, dark-red, with a red tint looks great on a dark chestnut. But you shouldn’t do it yourself, it’s better to trust the professionals.

Strongly repainted in a blonde. It will look artificial, and the face will make it unnatural.

Girl - winter

Oriental beauties familiar to this type belong to everyone:

  • brown, dark eyes,
  • dark skin,
  • All deep dark shades are the color of hair according to the color type winter.

What hair color is suitable for winter color type so as not to look dull and boring?

Most stylists recommend using:

If you have perfectly smooth and clean skin of the face, then you can use black. For variety, you can select several strands in cold red or blue color.

The hair color for the winter gold type and blond looks ridiculous and ridiculous. You should also not use bright - orange, green, etc.

Determining the correct color type, the result after changing the color will not disappoint. Above all, remember that the instructions in the dye box are those rules that should never be violated. Only then the painting will succeed (find out here how the rhinestones on the hair are attached).

If you have additional questions to determine your color type, then the video in this article will help to understand this in more detail.

Nothing makes the image more harmonious than a properly chosen hair color. The eyes become more expressive, the look is deep and purposeful, the skin of the face seems fresher than usual, and all the fine wrinkles and imperfections of the skin are compensated by luxurious highlights and the play of shades of hair. How to choose a hair color so that those around admire the life force and beauty of curls, and their owner is in harmony with her external and internal “I”.

How to choose the right hair color? This is the most frequently asked question that sounds in beauty salons, in personal offices of stylists or on sites that specialize in creating a bright and fashionable image. There are several criteria and basic principles, based on which you can achieve the desired result - to become irresistible.

Natural and artificial beauty

Even our great-grandmothers repeated simple truths: “The dress can be the simplest cut of inexpensive material, but the hair and shoes should be in perfect order, clean and well-groomed.” Times change, and truisms do not lose their significance. As before, your curls - the natural frame of the face. Haircut choose much faster and easier. And to achieve the perfect, close to natural hair color is not easy, but still worth a try. As a result, you can either become the owner of the elegant “mane”, which will become a real decoration, or achieve the impression of artificiality, which happens in cases where the chosen shade does not fit your color type.

Color type is cold: color of eyes, skin and hair

Do you have gray, black or blue eyes? Or maybe you are the owner of green eyes with a delicate gray tint? If yes, then you can be safely attributed to people with a cold color type. Representatives of this color type give the following external signs:

  • light, sometimes pinkish skin,
  • light brown or ashy hair.

Such girls will look very harmonious if they dye their hair in bright natural tones. It can be naturally blond. If you are the owner of perfect skin, you can safely expose your hair to experiments, dyeing them black or red shades. Remember: these colors very sharply emphasize all the flaws on the skin, so only owners of perfect skin can decide on them. Another nuance - all the dark tones add age significantly. Do not forget about it, being in front of the counter with hair dye.

You should not consider the option of a golden color and all red shades, most often this palette does not decorate, but acts with the opposite result.

People warm color type

Brown, golden or dark green eyes are true signs of people with a warm color type. Their skin is from soft golden to peach velvety color, their hair is often dark brown, sometimes there is chestnut color. For girls with a warm color type, colors of the following shades are suitable:

The paint is ashy shade and all light-brown dyes are generally better to be excluded from the chosen options for dyeing hair.

Agree that the division of people into two groups according to the color of their eyes, skin and natural hair color is a very vague criterion. But what if nature mixed colors, and a girl with blond hair (cold color type) has brown eyes (warm color type)? How to be in this case? What hair color will be to face?

The system "Seasons"

Fashion and style are two concepts that rule beauty and set the tone for its owners. But in the pursuit of fashion, many people forget that hair color cannot be made dependent on fashion trends and personal preferences. The only thing it depends on is the color type.
Stylists have long developed and tested a different, expanded classification system, which is not only more accurate and accurate, but also detailed, which allows one to go deeply into the question of choosing the perfect shade for hair.

Historically, all the fair sex was conditionally classified into four groups, as a year into four seasons.

Spring ... The warm season is a warm color type of appearance. Girls belonging to the spring type are tender girls.

Form. More often directly children, innocent, extremely gentle and air-light. In short, romantic nature.

Eyes. Exceptionally light shades: from sky blue through green to deep graphite.

Leather. Spring girl has a light skin type. It is soft pink and ivory. Owners of such sensitive skin often burn in the sun.

Hair color. Blonde or shade, reminiscent of coffee with milk.

Stylists have clearly determined that the color that representatives of this group should adhere to is yellow. Yellow is a rich color; it is the basis for choosing among a rich color of colors and shades. Perfect paint:

If nature has awarded you copper-red hair, dye them chocolate or brown. Both shades are self-sufficient, they will make you even more attractive.

We recommend to consider the option of highlighting or coloring. For women of spring type, this decision is very interesting.

Do not use dark paint. You may get a pale and unnatural face at the exit. Cold shades for people with a warm spring color type should say no.

Does the collective image of the woman-spring seem bad? Let's try to visualize and imagine, and maybe see the bright representatives of the spring color type - singer Britney Spears, figure skater Tatiana Navka or actress Elena Korikova.

This color type, according to statistics, is the most common among women in our latitudes. He gave the weaker floor cool tones and shades.

Eyes. Everything is simple with eyes: they can be green or gray-green, permeable blue and even light brown.

Leather. As in the previous case, the skin is pale, they are so bright and transparent that vessels can be observed.

Natural hair color. ashen, light brown, natural white.

If, according to the proposed criteria, you have attributed yourself to a girl with the “Summer” color type, stop your choice on colors such as:

  • pearl or silver
  • all existing light or brown tones and shades (it is desirable that these paints have an ash tint),
  • brown hair. This color, like a fairy from a fairy tale, works wonders, turning mouse hair color into color with deep saturation and freshness.

You are a summer girl, it means that “cloudy” and dark colors are not for you. Set aside chestnut or chocolate paint. This is not your option. Do not pay attention to red or red. Avoid them, they will only get older.

Do you have brown eyes? In no case do not seek to become a blonde, lightening hair. Does your skin have a yellow glow? Golden paint is contraindicated.

Women with the color type "Summer" are interesting women, as they say, "kissed by the sun." These are bright and charismatic personalities with leadership qualities and a core inside.A vivid confirmation of this is the unforgettable Princess Diana, the legendary Marilyn Monroe, the stunning Natalia Vodyanova.

Like “Spring”, “Autumn” is also a warm color type, but it is distinguished by bright and saturated autumn colors.

Leather. Girls in this category have skin of warm golden shades, sometimes with freckles. The absence of a blush on the cheeks, even skin tone is the first criterion of this classification. If your skin is badly exposed to sunburn, has a tendency to burns when it comes in contact with sunlight, with minimal contact you can see redness and inflammation, you are a girl with the Autumn-type color.

Hair. Characteristic red color and all its shades. Most often, the autumn color type suggests a curly head of hair with rich and luxurious curls. The hair structure is elastic and shiny, in most cases - thick and strong.

Eyes. Everything is clear with the eyes: they are bright and always in contrast with the hair color. Suitable for this category of eye colors:

  • deep greens
  • amber brown
  • cognac-brown
  • amber-olive.

A very important aspect for this color type is the absence of women with blue eyes, light brown or black hair.

For girls, autumn is perfect hair color such as:

  • red and all his shades
  • fiery copper
  • chestnut,
  • brown: from light to dark.

If the hair has darker tones and rich red shades, it means that they will look perfect painted in the color of hawthorn or mahogany.

Women from this category are women with cold shades.

Eyes. Black or closer to black, for example dark brown.

Leather. Here is a complete contrast. It can be as porcelain-pale, and dark.

Hair color. Also extraordinary: from extreme to extreme. That dark brown-haired woman, the Scandinavian blonde.

Colors that are suitable for the “Winter” color type are bright colors, for example:

  • pink
  • black
  • turquoise,
  • color of ripe raspberry,
  • juicy ruby ​​color.

If you think your curls are ideal, you can safely paint them black with blue overflow, or you can take an extraordinary approach to solving the problem and paint only a few strands in red or blue.

Exclude from the imagination hair dye colors such as green, orange and lemon. With light shades should also be extremely careful.

Bright representatives of this color type are actress Nastya Zavorotnyuk, TV presenter Tina Kandelaki and Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova.

Tips stylists practitioners on the choice of color

How to choose the right hair color? Choosing a complete repainting, highlighting or coloring, you solve only part of the problem of changing your image, the second half of the task remains unresolved, because you choose a method, not the color itself. The algorithm of sequential actions that stylists recommend hairdressers, will help not to make mistakes.

  • Determine the color type of appearance.

Have you already learned what color type you have? If yes, this is half the success, if not, then go ahead. Knowing your natural predisposition to one of four types, you reduce the risk of making the wrong choice of paint.

  • Do not neglect the color scale.

If the color type is determined, be sure to stick to your color scale. If the complexion and pigment colors are incompatible, the minimum that you can purchase is the unkempt appearance of your face. This is fixable, but will have to repaint the hair again. The process is time consuming and long, the result is not impressive - the appearance of the hair is “lost”, unnatural.

  • Remember the contrast of the face and hair color.

Have you decided to lighten your hair or make it darker? Remember, you can not be zealous with the tone, you should definitely monitor the level of contrast of the face. It may happen that the hair is blond and the general appearance of the face is dull. Here the main thing is the personal factor.

  • Consider the disadvantages of dark paint.
This is the first signal when selected. Dark color adds age. The effect is unpredictable: young face - dark hair color. Greater contrast creates a feeling of rudeness.
  • Always consider the color of your eyes and skin when choosing a hair dye.

Choosing a haircut

Coloring hair is half the battle, it is equally important to choose the right haircut. The facial features also greatly influence the haircut. Just dyed hair can not transform the appearance as a haircut. A haircut is also selected for the individual characteristics of a person, and we recommend to consider the following postulates.

  1. For an oval face shape any haircut is suitable.
  2. If the face is round, create an asymmetry of silhouette, it will significantly stretch the shape of the face. Oblique bangs or parting - anything, but without a hint of mirror symmetry.
  3. Is the face square? Choose a haircut with asymmetry and raise the line of the forehead. We'll have to give up thick bangs.
  4. The triangular shape of the face provides for a haircut without sharp cascades and bangs.

Each trip to the beauty salon is preceded by an hour-long flipping of the pages of fashion magazines in search of the perfect color for hair and haircuts? Enough It's time to decide on changes. Rest assured, they will suit you.

"In secret"

  • You try not to leave the house without a headdress or wig
  • And you prefer virtual communication to personal communication ...
  • Since your hair on your head does not add to you confidence in yourself ...
  • And for some reason, well-known advertised hair products are ineffective in your case ...
  • And you have experienced everything: masks, sprays, shampoos
  • Therefore, we are now ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you.

But an effective remedy for hair exists! Follow the link and find out how to return your hair to its former glory in a week ...

Color appearance Spring

Girls with light-colored skin and eyes, as well as hair belong to the Spring color type. It is easiest for them to create light and cute images. In most cases, girls of this type of appearance are real blondes with golden curls or with a slight shade of redhead. This, by the way, is the rarest type of appearance.

General advice in this version: do not overload your appearance with heavy and dark contrast. There should be a simple and light makeup, light basic tones of clothing. With the greatest desire to change radically, all the same, the black color will make the face gray and uninteresting, and the perhydrol white will look very unnatural.

Another feature of these girls is that their hair, in any case, has separate strands that are somewhat lighter than the total mass of curls. If they do not stand out too much, then ask the hairdresser for advice on how to set them off unobtrusively. In addition, coloring has now become fashionable again, so you can safely use this trend.

Spring is only warm colors - This is a golden palette, soft reddish shades, sand or light brown. But there are exceptions, for example, the most prominent representative of this category is Merlin Monroe, and she became known as a natural blonde. So, if you are a happy owner of very pale, even porcelain skin, you can safely paint in silvery tones.

Photo - Color type spring

Video: how to choose the right shade of hair

Summer Girls

Most of the representatives of Leto complain that they have very ugly natural hair color, and they are trying in every possible way to correct this natural defect. For clarification: this category of appearance determined by such features:

  • very cold skin tone, almost bluish-white,
  • there is a contrasting summer and not a contrast, the first option is relatively dark hair and porcelain skin, the second is light skin and a light cold shade of strands (for example, Ksenia Sobchak),
  • eyes are bright, sometimes with streaks of blueness or greenery.

More often the best option for hair coloring 2015 is an ashen color, it will beautifully shade the skin and give the appearance of some mystery. We categorically do not advise to operate with warm light colors (and this also applies to clothing), this will only aggravate the situation. Instead of a bright blonde, you get a completely uninteresting girl with a face that blends in with the curls.

In case you decide repaint in red beast, you need to take into account the features. This is one of the richest in color shades. The best solution to the problem will be red-blue or even yellow-red, i.e. bright and cold colors at the same time. Henna is often used for coloring.

Photo - Summer type

Another feature of the girls of Summer is that they are all born real blondes, and when they grow up, their hair is insidiously changed to darker. This can be easily corrected by painting in a very light color, but in no way with shades of yellow. Summer girls with platinum curls also look amazing.

What to pick to face:

  • tone mahogany, white paint,
  • very deep blonde, almost with the effect of gray hair,
  • blue palette.

Warm autumn

By right, the warmest color type is Autumn. It is common Slavic appearance: skin of warm shades, soft brown hair and bright eyes (green, brown, light brown). For autumn ladies are red and brown-haired.

The skin with freckles and peach tint will not be suitable for screaming black hair colors, this will give it an earthy shade, a strange brown tint. A similar effect will be from the white paint, it contrasts too much with the relatively dark skin.

The best option - all sorts of shades of brown: this is chocolate, and red and even burgundy. In addition, red curls look very beautiful on girls with freckles. A special feature of Autumn is that it either does not have a blush at all, or it is not expressive, so the redness can compensate for such inexpressiveness of the face. Even a very sharp carrot orange will look appropriate.

Also look at the warm light colors - it is light brown, dark blond and sandy. Now it is very fashionable to make a reservation, you can safely take note of this option to change the image.

Photo - Redhead

In order to shine the skin of the face, it is necessary to select a palette with a golden sheen, it can be:

  • warm black
  • all natural blonde,
  • red, burgundy,
  • chocolate or cappuccino.

Winter girls

A woman with a color type Winter is the hardest way to change her appearance. The fact is that all the beauty is a sharp contrast between the curls and the face. In the fairy tale about Snow White it is told exactly about the winter beauties, who have incredibly pale skin with a practically bluish tinge and black hair, sometimes even with a natural blue tint.

Because of this very effective combination, it is categorically not recommended to drastically change the appearance. Simply, whatever tone is chosen, it will not be bright enough and not so effective.

It is difficult enough to choose the right color for the hair of bright brunettes of the cold type. Avoid warm colors, they will make you simple, without a raisin. If you want to experiment with yourself, then stick to these tips:

  • try a tonic with blue or even a la "eggplant" (very suitable for dark hazel eyes),
  • you can experiment with a cold blonde,
  • White cold palette looks very nice.

Tips from professional hairdressers

Dark colors Perfectly suitable for representatives of the floor, which by nature have grayish hair or with an ash tint. A swarthy face will only emphasize your image. Dark strands with brown and green eyes that you can freely make bright day and evening make-up will look very good and natural. They visually increase the volume.

It so happened that men, and society as a whole perceive such women as serious and business people, many believe that brunettes are the most romantic of the fair sex.

Slight warning: over time, the hair grows and the roots look untidy and cheap, so you need to tint from time to time.

Do you want to be red seductress It was not for nothing that this was said, since it is precisely the red beauties who are considered the most passionate and fatal, and many are afraid of them.

Auburn is a unique color, as it is suitable for everyone, especially for people with a blush. The disadvantage is that, compared with others, it quickly dims and loses its saturation. Choosing a redhead, be prepared for difficulties. You will encounter such a problem as the inability to get a new color: dark or light, because red is difficult to paint over.

Photo - Dyed blonde

Do you want to be a carefree blonde. These girls always win men's hearts, and most of the gentle sex want to be painted in this shade.

If you decide to become blonde, then take care of the skin tone, it must be bright, otherwise your hair will look unnatural. Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve the ideal result of discoloration - exactly the same color as on the paint box.

Often curls can get a greenish tide or look burned out. Blondes more than others need extra care strands that are more dry out. Board for you: consult with a specialist how the dye with a light color will affect your hair, whether it will harm you.

How to combine

If you need to independently and free to choose the appropriate shade of curls by type, then use the advice of professionals: bring to your face a sheet of paper of peach color and blue. When shading appearance became interesting? So, we start from this palette, but if on the contrary, circles under the eyes appeared or pimples stood out - then this palette should be avoided. This test is done even in well-known beauty salons.

Also, a special program is sometimes used. It allows you to upload your photos and pictures with interesting shades of curls. And then just pick up beautiful examples of haircuts and hair colors that you want to face.

Photo - Selection of hair color

If you are still not sure of the chosen coloring, then you can buy several overhead straps on the clips, and simply attach them to the cuffure, thereby assessing whether the new color is coming or not. The same accessories can be used simply every day to give the exterior a bit of exotic and raisin.

There is no clear distribution of how to match the hairstyle to the color. But it’s as if it was a custom that the caret is for dark-haired people (remember Leon-killer and criminal fiction), and long curls are the prerogative of blondes. Remember that it is important not only to choose a hair color or a haircut, but also a brand of paint, for example, very good reviews about garnier and Schwarzkopf.


Watch the video: THE HAIR COLOR THAT WILL BEST SUIT YOU AND YOUR SKIN TONE! bradmondo (July 2024).