
What is hair bronzing and how it is performed


So, more. Bronze hair color became a favorite in the Fashion Week among a wide variety of brands. This shade looks very rich and impressive, due to its overflow and glare of light. It adds shine to the hair and makes each hairstyle more interesting and lively.

Do not forget that on brown-haired women and brunettes bronze hair color will seem more saturated. On blondes, only its transparent highlights will appear. In principle, the main thing is to choose the shade that, in your opinion, would be ideal for your type of face.


Today, many manufacturers offer consumers bronze hair color. Photos of shades can be seen in every professional catalog. From brown and light reddish to black platinum. The shades of bronze are distinguished by a huge scattering of the range. Your task is to choose the appropriate tone. It is necessary that he looked as effectively as possible on the hair. Going to buy, do not forget to make sure that the paint composition guarantees you the desired shade. Sometimes manufacturers can change the numbering of shades or the names of their lines. Watch carefully for the samples provided.

Let's start with the company Schwarzkopf, a long-established manufacturer of high-quality cosmetics for hair care. The brand offers a huge range of bronze tones.

Palette paints (H8, W6, K16) also have a pleasant bronze tint. Palette Deluxe is a unique paint that provides professional hair care and ultra-resistant coloring. Among copper shades: 455, 544, 562, 754. Palette Salon Colors offers a light copper shade 9-7. "Palette Phytolynia" - light copper number 390.

No less popular are Brillance hair colors. For one of the shades are used funds under the numbers 854, 857, 867.

The Garnier brand has also proven its worth. The colors of bronze in the Garnier Belle Color line are: saturated - 75 and natural - 48. Garnier offers 100% of the color shades 746, 743 and 564 to the consumer.

It is impossible, of course, not to deny the attention of the manufacturer L’Oreal. Bronze shades - 8.34 and 7.43.

In short, hair dye bronze shades produced by many cosmetic brands. Among the huge range of tones, every woman will be able to easily find for herself exactly what she needs. Something that can perfectly highlight its glamor, style and beauty. If it is difficult for you to decide on the necessary tone yourself, turn for help to a professional.

Who will go?

And here is one of the most important issues. Would you like to get a bronze hair color? To whom goes - understand, not to be mistaken. Of course, the richness of shades makes it possible to choose the most suitable option. The color is incredibly beautiful due to its variety of overflows and similarity with real bronze.

But it is the girls of spring and autumn color types that can truly appreciate all the advantages of the shade. As a rule, the skin tone of these ladies varies from natural beige to bronze gold. Eyes give olive, amber, honey or green shade.

"Girl-spring" fit dark bronze colors. "Autumn Girl" - red strands in the bronze tone of her hair. However, you can try to experiment with different shades.


Bronze hair color is becoming today an increasing number of fans. This is one of the most popular staining options available to every woman. By the way, many ladies like this color also because it is used by many celebrities. Just do not forget that beautiful images of various models and stars do not guarantee the same effect for you. Pay attention to the fact that you might come up with, for example, a light red color, while a dark or tin color will only spoil you.

What to look for?

Today, probably, no girl will be able to ask to ask what kind of hair is it in bronze. Another thing - its shades. Finding what you need is not so easy.

Be sure to pay attention to your skin tone. With the “warm” type of appearance bronze color harmonizes just perfectly. Note that the color you choose should be slightly darker than the skin color of the girl.

At home

No time to go to the salon? But you want to get a beautiful bronze hair color? Photos of the results made at home will help you make sure that you can handle it as well as a good master yourself. And you can use only natural dyes. In order not to damage your curls, use a combination of basma and henna.

To dye your hair, use four basma bags and two henna boxes. Dyes poured into a deep bowl, filled with boiling water and thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is infused for about half an hour. After that, a little kefir is added to it. The mass should turn out pretty thick. The bowl is covered with a lid and infused for another hour.

After half an hour, the product is applied to washed and dried hair for about three hours. The head should be wrapped with a film and a towel. After the required time has elapsed, the mixture is washed off with warm water without shampoo. You can only use balm to avoid tangling of hair.

Remember: after this coloring hair with shampoo can not be washed for three days. Only in this case the bronze color can open up to the maximum. After all, this is what you want to achieve. Brightness, brilliance and saturation - that is what your goal is, isn't it?

I must say that it always looks very attractive and stylish on the hair. The most important thing is to take into account the color type of your appearance, the color gamut of skin, curls and eyes. Do not forget about it! This is really very important. From this depends largely on the final result. We wish you successful experiments! Be beautiful! We hope that our article has helped you determine the shade that will be closest to you.

Who will suit bronze hair tone

On the shelves of cosmetic stores you can find different shades of the described color. Which one to choose is up to you. Most importantly, do not forget about certain rules for the selection of tone.

Note. It is extremely important to consider the color of the eyes, skin, as well as the original tone of the hair. After all, it all depends on how exactly the bronze tint will be combined with your overall image.

So, bronze hair color is ideal for women whose color type:

These categories include beautiful ladies with eyes:

And the color of the skin at the autumn and spring color type of girls and women can be:

  • beige
  • golden,
  • bronze, as well as shades similar to these colors.

In the photo: what is the difference between color types

At the same time, you shouldn’t focus too much on light colors:

  • for example, if you have beige skin, then a dark bronze shade will be ideal,
  • ladies with a golden shade of face will suit a bronze tone with a slight touch of red,
  • rich brunettes with bright brown eyes should choose a bronze tone, in which there are notes of mahogany and brown colors,
  • copper-brown tones are recommended for swarthy beauties.

But all the representatives of the cold color type, unfortunately, will have to refuse such a fashionable and stylish color. He will not suit them.

Bronzing - what is it?

Bronze hair color is achieved through a special bronzing procedure, which is performed using a special technology, which allows you to achieve the highest possible:

In the photo: Goji berry, used for bronzing

If you dye your hair at home is quite realistic, then it will be rather difficult to bronze with your own hands. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a beauty salon - even if the price of services is relatively high, but the result is incredible.

In particular, in beauty salons it is customary to use special components, including:

Cranberry helps restore healthy hair

Each of the above components has certain properties and in addition to staining, it nourishes the curls.

For example, Goji berry is full of:

  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • trace elements
  • amino acids.

The composition of beeswax also contains many vitamins and trace elements, which makes curls:

Aloe vera will saturate the strands with vitamins A and C, and cranberries - in large quantities contain antioxidants that help in the localization of hair damage and their further active recovery.

That is, in the cabin of the painting process involves the use of:

  • organic products
  • essential oils.

Change the color of the hair and restore its health

In this case, there are no artificial drugs and the same ammonia, which is most severely injure hair. As a result of such coloring it turns out a unique color, which is called a compromise version of a long-standing dispute, and who is better - blondes or brunettes. And at the same time, not only dyeing is performed, but also curls are restored!

Description of the procedure

The procedure itself involves the following actions:

  • the master evaluates the original hair tone,
  • selects shades for application,
  • mixes them, given the original hair color, as well as the wishes of the woman who says exactly what tone she wants to end up with,
  • after the mixture is prepared, it is applied to the hair,
  • the application process can take from twenty to forty minutes, which is explained by the following - it is necessary to paint only thin strands, while ensuring the most uniform distribution of the mixture,
  • after applying the mixture you need to wait half an hour,
  • after washing off the coloring mixture, a mousse is applied to the head of hair, which consists of special bronzing particles,
  • the mousse is kept on the hair for another twenty minutes,
  • This method allows for a peculiar stretching of color and brilliance.

Bronzing should be trusted by professionals.

Note. This procedure does not have any contraindications. It allows you to perform full dyeing and restoration of hair, no matter what kind of damage to the hair was. The result of the procedure is maintained for four to eight weeks.

Technology features

What is interesting, in the results of the procedure it is difficult to understand exactly what shade of hair you received.

And although it is commonly called bronze, it is a smooth transition from light to dark tones, as well as the presence of:

  • amber,
  • copper,
  • nacreous inclusions.

The dark-haired head of the hair is the most suitable for the procedure, since it is quite simple to get it:

  • if you have light curls, they are slightly darkened,
  • if you have dark strands, they lighten up quite a bit.

In conclusion, after the darkening / lightening is done, a mousse with bronzing particles is applied, which gives the curls:

  • beautiful overflow
  • unique brilliance.

Bronze can have a wide variety of shades.

By the way, saturated brunettes are not recommended to carry out this procedure, since for them the effect of it will not be as durable as for girls with light curls.

The end result of this procedure:

  • gorgeous shade of hair
  • restored hair structure
  • charming and attractive image.

In conclusion

As you can see, getting a beautiful, stylish and fashionable bronze hair shade is incredibly simple. We are confident that our advice will help in the realization of your dreams, you will fascinate others with an unusual tone of hair.

Additional video in this article will help you to get interesting information on this topic.

What is hair bronzing and how it is performed

Not so long ago, a bronze hair tone came into fashion, which makes the image of a woman incredible, fabulous and mysterious. However, to achieve the naturalness of this color is not so simple.

It is necessary to take into account certain nuances, which we will talk about today.

In the photo: the results of bronzing

This article presents a kind of instruction that will allow you to understand the basic principles of obtaining this color. In addition, we will tell who this shade is suitable, and who should be discarded. Special attention will be paid to the so-called bronzing procedure, which will provide not only beautiful color, but also the restoration of the hair structure.

Hair dyeing with henna and basma: natural color and minimum chemistry

Today on the shelves you can see a lot of hair dyes from different manufacturers. Against the background of new products, the old and proven methods of dyeing with natural ingredients - henna and basma - have faded into the background, and meanwhile hair painting with henna and basma is the most harmless way of dyeing hair. True and less durable than chemical paints.

A bit of history

People began to use henna for hair coloring in ancient India in the Middle East and North Africa. Basma as a dye for hair used by women of the East. All this happened more than seven thousand years ago. Then, gradually, chemical hair dyes began to appear, the opportunity to get the most incredible shades of colors appeared, so it seemed that henna and basma were forgotten. But, as it turned out, not forever. And today, many women who advocate natural beauty and a minimum of chemistry, prefer to dye their hair at home using these natural dyes.

Here is how the hair painted with henna and basma looks, see photo below.

Henna traditionally gives all ginger shades from light brown to bright ginger and dark orange. Basma is dark shades that are closer to the hair color of brunettes than blondes.

It's all about proportions

In Soviet times, women dyed their hair mainly with one of the dyes, either with henna or basma. After that, they turned into either red or brunettes. Modern residents of megacities are known for wider variations on henna and basma, resulting from the mixing of these two dyes. Probably everyone knows that henna can be used without basma to get red hair color, but they do not use basma without henna (in its pure form), since at the end of dyeing it gives blue or green color.

Henna in its pure form paints golden-brown hair in red color.

Henna on bleached hair turns hair into a carrot-red color. Therefore, now to get it with the help of henna, cranberry juice is added to it. Then it turns out beautiful color "mahogany".

Dark hair, and even more so with the ebb of the "raven wing" henna does not take at all, will have to use Basma.

The most popular recipe for turning into a spectacular brunette: first dye your hair with henna, and then apply a thick gruel to Basma.

The result will be something like this:

To get not bluish-black, but softer, chocolate-colored hair, you should dye them with henna and basma with the addition of coffee (1: 2 ratio:

How to deal with gray hair

Owners of gray hair often think that only strong chemical dyes can help them. We assure you, this is far from the case! Henna and Basma are quite capable of painting over gray hair no worse than fashionable paints of famous manufacturers. The only thing to keep the mixture on the head may need a little longer than with the usual coloring. Let's say not 10, but 20 minutes, not 30 minutes, but a whole hour.But I think the result is worth it. But harmful colors with ammonia are not used, and most importantly - as a result you get a beautiful natural color without a hint of gray hair! Here are some photos with gray hair before and after henna and basma dyeing.

The secrets of the masters

If 8 hours to insist about the battery henna and heated lemon juice, you can get a mixture for coloring a beautiful copper color.

Fresh beetroot juice poured into the henna solution in dark hair shows through with elegant purple highlights.

Henna with chamomile extract gives blond hair a beautiful golden hue.

If you dilute henna with hibiscus tea (hibiscus), you can get a dark shade, close to black cherry.

For deep and even hair color, before breeding henna, put ground pepper (about 15 g) into powder.

A selection of interesting video lessons

Choose hair color by color type

Change of image is a rather responsible matter. This is especially true of changing hair color, because if you decide to repaint them, the result should not disappoint, but please. That is why it is important to choose the right hair color according to the color type to which your appearance refers.

Appearance types and good colors for them

Color appearance types are conventionally divided by seasons, and each of them has its main combination of colors, as well as the shades that most suit it. The “cold group” is winter and, oddly enough, summer, and the warm types are spring and autumn. Let's analyze each color type separately:

    Winter. The most vivid and contrasting color type. As a rule, girls belonging to him have skin and hair of cold shades. The skin tint can vary from pale porcelain to olive, and the hair is mostly dark, but also cold tones: ashen and black. If your color type is winter, your hair color should be cold and preferably dark shades. If you still want to be blonde, then make a choice in favor of ash flowers, without honey or wheat yellow.

Determine your skin tone

This will help you a simple way. First check what shade your veins have (for example, on the arms). If they are blue - you have a cold type of beauty, if the veins have a greenish tint - your type is warm. There is also the possibility that this is something between blue and green - this means that your phototype is neutral.

Next, see what color your skin has.

  • Olive - dark hair suits you Blonde you can look unnatural, as well as carrot red.
  • Pink - Avoid warm tones, like red, golden blonde.
  • Pale - you fit almost all shades.
  • Dark - choose a rich, strong color paint. Too delicate tones will make your face "blurry" and its expression tired.
  • Very pale - avoid the dark color of the strands with them, your skin will become even paler, and you will look a few years older.
  • Yellow - beware of blond, orange shades. Best for you dark brown or rich shades of red.

How to choose hair color for clothes

Check out what clothes you look like best.

The main color types of appearance are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Depending on which phototype of beauty you fit into, these or other colors of clothes suit you. Their definition will bring you closer to the perfect shade of hair!

  • Red, orange, yellow, olive-green - choose warm colors of paints, such as golden blond, golden brown or strawberry blond.
  • Red, fuchsia, black, blue, green - natural sharp paints are suitable for you - platinum and ashy blond, ash-brown, burgundy and black.
  • Red, purple, gray - for you paint neutral shades like sand and beige blond or chocolate brown.

Check out which jewelry looks best on you.

It will also help you determine whether warm, cold or neutral shades suit you:

  • silver products - you have a cold skin tone,
  • gold jewelry - suitable for people with a warm photo type,
  • if you don’t see a significant difference, you have a neutral skin tone.

Hair color according to eye color

To choose a hair color according to the iris shade is almost as important as the skin tone of the face!

  • brown, green, honey-tea eyes - warm tones of hair - red and gold, are best suited
  • blue or gray eyes - for the hair light blond, ashy, cool shades of blond.

Nuances of color that we did not know

The color direction is the shade of hair that is especially noticeable in the sun. The usual light brown color can be ashen, copper or neutral, sparkle gold or give red. Therefore, when you inform the stylist that you want copper-colored hair, you do not give him full information - better take a photo of the desired shade with you. Let's talk about this in more detail.

To suit: for girls with completely transparent, clear skin. Any hint of redness or pimples conflicts with this shade of hair.

It is rather difficult to get an ashy tone, so talk to your stylist to discuss all the possibilities.

What makeup should be: not to be too pale, play on the contrast - apply bright matte lipstick of pink or orange color on your lips.

Care features: an ashy tint without proper brilliance can turn you into a real old woman, sorry for being frank. Therefore, pay special attention to moisturizing hair, apply means to shine and protect your hair from thermal effects. To emphasize the depth of color, use tinted shampoo or balm purple hue.


To suit: absolutely everyone! But this does not mean that this is your best shade, just with him you are immune from mistakes.

To get a neutral shade, will have to try. Usually this happens not in one coloring, have patience!

Care features: as in the case of ashes, if you have dull hair, it will add to you for several years. Therefore, be sure to use a balm after each shampooing, and apply moisturizing masks. So that the shade does not go into a cold or warm tone, from time to time use a purple tint balm.

To suit: all, although it is important not to make a mistake with the main hair color.

Each person has their own ideas about gold, so if you went to the master, take photos to clarify.

Care features: gold must shine! Therefore, do not forget to moisturize your hair and apply tools that increase hair shine.

Warm gold

To suit: this shade can be obtained on the hair of any color, even black. Although, of course, the effect will be noticeable only in the sun. It goes to absolutely everyone, regardless of skin tone, most importantly, be guided by your color type when choosing the depth of tone.

Care features: so that the color does not wash out, use special means to preserve color. Your shampoo should be gentle!


To suit: contrary to popular belief, if you have reddening of the skin, this shade will move them to the background. To shade look more natural, do not forget to pay attention to the eyebrows, they should not contrast with the hair color.

Care features: it is also important for you to use shampoo to preserve the color so that the brown shade does not become faded.

Makeup: try to play with him, maybe you will look more effective not with a black liner, but with a brown one.

Oddly enough, this shade can be different, depending on some nuances, how it suits you. Don't let that scare you, we'll figure it out now.

Redhead Remember Nicole Kidman, Julian Moore, Jessica Chastain ... This is your shade, if you have fair skin and bright eyes.

Copper / Orange. This is the most popular shade of red on Earth thanks to Christine Hendrix and Taylor Hill. Great news - it goes to absolutely everyone! The bad news is that you have to work hard to preserve color.

Blue red. What? Blue? Don't be scared, it just means brightness and color saturation. True red color, which is designed for bright girls who are accustomed to increased attention. Remember Jessica Rabbit, she has this shade of hair.

Purple / red. To understand what kind of color, imagine the cherry, plum, merlot, eggplant, finally. This shade is best used by girls with dark hair who want to make the color deeper. Looks great if you have an olive skin tone.

Care features: red shades, unfortunately, quickly fade away, so always use means to preserve color.

Eye Shadow Magic

The future shade of hair and the existing eye color should be perfectly matched to each other. The coloring of the eyes primarily affects the choice of paint. This is a kind of litmus to create a suitable image in the hair.

  • Deep blue and steel gray eyes perfectly fit into a variety of cool brightened shades of hair: from classic ashy to magical platinum.
  • For emerald-green and light-brown, nutty eyes, a chic selection of soft and warm tones is provided: we select golden, honey, dark-red, red and even bronze colors.
  • Charming blue-eyed hair is easy to choose the color of hair - all the cool shades of light brown and ashy will be in complete harmony with the touchingness of heavenly eyes.
  • Owners of dark-brown and burning black eyes should think before you lighten up. It is unlikely that the excessive whiteness of the hair will decorate the bird-cherry look. The ideal choice is the rich brightness of chocolate, chestnut, crow wing or mahogany.

Face geometry

Oddly enough, the shape of the face will help to choose the hair color. Do not forget about the powerful properties of the color palette. It is enough to remember that the light breeches will surely give volume to the hips, and the dark ones will hide extra centimeters. The same is true when choosing a hair shade.

A round and square face will visually blur the bright colors, make them considerably wider and more voluminous. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to a radically dark shade. Soft golden and blond shades more closely match the elongated pear shape, removing visually excessive narrowness of the face and giving it roundness.

Excessive originality of the triangular face will help to remove hairstyles the color of copper and chestnut, partially veiling the borders of pointed corners. Kronirovannye individual strands will distract attention from the natural flaws of the face.

We also recommend using our online hairstyle tool. With it, you can immediately visually assess whether this or that haircut will suit you and decide on a more advantageous hair color to create images of a dream.

Skin magic

Skin color - a natural guide, right suggestive suitable hair color.

  • Peach and golden skin with a splash of freckles will be softly combined with a hairstyle of chestnut, caramel or deep gold. More courageous natures can experiment with red shades, provided that you are difficult to confuse, and the face is not afraid of frequent redness. Silver in the hair with such a skin is an absolutely superfluous attribute, sunny reflections and honey tides will look more attractive.
  • Fashionable women with fair skin can safely join the ranks of not only blondes. Also possible options for staining in cold vanilla and strict platinum.
  • Perfect milky white skin does not tolerate bluish black. In principle, girls with such skin should not resort to painting at all. To refine your image, it is enough to make a full or partial highlighting of hair.
  • Olive skin tone is emphasized by black hair, it will look amazing in the halo of dark chocolate, but you need to be extremely careful when experimenting with black: it can easily add a dozen years. Also dark-haired is extremely contraindicated to dark-skinned women.
  • Classic pink skin, on the contrary, allows you to indulge in all shades of fiery-red color and delicate gilding.

Tip: If you have difficulty in deciding how to choose hair color, you can refer to the old-fashioned way. Sit near the window under the direct rays of the sun and alternately wear different colors of handkerchiefs, completely covering your hair. The mirror will tell you which color is your unique zest.

Three in one - a step to perfection

There is no need to hurry in choosing the hair color - in this laborious process every woman is awaited by unexpected discoveries. But the wrong shade can open the reverse side of the medal, far from impressive beauty and creating a lot of trouble.

Possible negative results:

  • visual increase in pigmentation:
  • deepening of mimic wrinkles around the eyes and dark circles,
  • unnatural skin color: excessive pallor or yellowness,
  • visual effect of tired and sore face,
  • visual increase in age.

Careful examination of your eyes, face shape, and knowledge of your skin type will help avoid these many problems. It is enough once to be puzzled how to choose the right hair color, take into account their individual natural data, and the stylish uniqueness of the image will delight for many years.


Watch the video: Le Hair Bronzing. Tutorial New Look met INOA (July 2024).