Eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyebrow shaping: the secrets of creating a beautiful shape


Beautiful eyebrows make facial features expressive and bright. They draw attention to the face, even without lipstick and shadows. At the same time, a correctly executed form is able to correct even a non-perfect makeup. It is not enough to make just a beautiful form, it needs to be properly selected, considering the facial features and its type.

With simple gadgets, you can make eyebrows beautifully without a salon.

Which form to choose based on the type of persons

To properly draw the eyebrows you need to focus on the arc and the oval face.

According to experts, the person plays a major role in choosing the appropriate design option.

Depending on the type of face, the following types of eyebrows are distinguished:

  • Chunky girls do not fit sharp-kinked lines and rounded arcs. Fits a broken line, with a lift and a small tip.

  • For an oval or oblong face, perfect eyebrows are horizontal or straight.

  • For a triangular face, raised and bent lines of medium length are recommended.

  • Long lines fit square face type. In this case, arc-shaped and curved versions are made.

The longer and longer the face, the more straight eyebrows are selected. A heavy jaw can be softened if the break point is brought a few millimeters closer to the temple. If the eyes are close, the lines are slightly wider than the nose.

We calculate the ideal individual form

To draw eyebrows, a pencil is taken independently and a point in the corner of the wings of the nose and the inner corner of the eye is joined. In this case, the point of connection of the pencil with the arc serves as a mark for the beginning of the line. The end point of the line will show a pencil drawn from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.

To determine the highest point of the line, a line is drawn from the wing of the nose and through the external line of the iris.

The distance between the arcs should not be less than the width of two fingers.

Run the perfect eyebrows at home will help the following rules:

  1. Hair brushed and brushed up. Long hairs are clipped.
  2. Plucking is done in the direction of hair growth.
  3. In any form, the arc head should be wider than the tail.

How to make a design and correction: pluck eyebrows beautifully

Facial expression and facial expression depends on the shape of the arc. To make beautiful eyebrows do not need to remove them and draw again. Adjusting the line is much easier than drawing arcs from scratch.

Make the most fashionable eyebrows help special tools. You will need tweezers, an antiseptic solution for treating skin and instruments. Peroxide or alcohol solutions are used.

In place of deep-growing hairs after removal, wounds are formed that can become inflamed.

Pencil allows you to create smooth eyebrows. With it, draws the desired contour. A special brush is used for combing hairs, and a brush for feathering pencil lines.

For dyeing applied permanent paint, which allows you to save the form for several weeks.

Independently set the eyebrow will help to correctly set the mirror. It must be kept straight ahead, the face does not need to be lowered or raised,


The rules for creating the perfect eyebrow line are individual for every girl. Do not think that the general rules or the same stencils, which are full of sites and shops, will help you in 1 minute to completely change the look. In fact, eyebrow shaping is real art. It is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances, each of which is important. In particular, you should consider your age, hair color (natural or dyed), color type as a whole, hair density, face shape. As well as features of the structure of the face: the incision, the set and the distance between the eyes, the shape and size of the nose.

And do not forget that not everyone has a completely symmetrical face. Usually such people are literally units. Therefore, much attention should be paid to the symmetry of facial features.

In addition, even the rhythm of a girl’s life can influence the way the eyebrows are corrected. For example, if you have a busy schedule and absolutely no time for daily makeup, then permanent staining or other modern procedures that allow you to achieve a lasting effect will be perfect for you. One such procedure is microblading. Each procedure has its pros and cons. But any woman will find exactly what suits her most.

There are only 5 types of physiological structures of the face, common among women of any nationality: oval, round, triangular, square, rectangular.

If you do not know what kind of face you have, then check which description best suits your appearance:

  • Oval. This form of face is the most versatile and harmonious. All over the world, it is considered to be ideal. Girls with an oval face fit any hairstyle, makeup and eyebrow shape. This form has symmetric equal parts. From the line of the cheekbones, the face is slightly rounded and tapers towards the chin.

  • Round. This form requires special attention, since it is quite difficult to adjust. The width, length and height of such a person are approximately equal. At the same time, it visually looks quite wide. Therefore, it is important to choose the line of eyebrows, with the help of which it will be possible to visually stretch the face and make it narrower, but at the same time not to ensure that the face becomes even wider.

  • Triangular. A face of this shape is like a heart or a triangle. It is characterized by a wide forehead, but at the same time a rather narrow chin.

  • Square. The face in the shape of a square is distinguished by a certain angularity, a powerful chin and a large forehead. Most often, both the forehead and cheekbones are equal in width. Such lines are clearly not enough softness and roundness.

  • Rectangular. This face is characterized by a markedly elongated shape. Therefore, the main task of eyebrow correction and makeup is to make the image more correct and to prevent even greater elongation.

Now consider several basic types of eyebrow shapes:

Now the most fashionable and current form of eyebrows. Thick straight lines with little or no bend allow you to visually make your face look younger. The features at the same time become more harmonious and miniature. The fashion for this design came from Korea and quickly spread throughout the world. The naturalness and beauty of this option has made it the most popular for many years. And with the help of modern technology you can easily and quickly become the owner of luxurious and thick eyebrows, even if by nature you have very rare and light hairs. This can be achieved with the help of decorative tools and permanent cosmetic procedures.

Straight eyebrows are perfect for owners of an oval face type., because this form does not need correction. At the same time, girls with a round, rectangular and triangular face should avoid straight lines, as this will make the upper part of the face visually wider. Therefore, if you are not the owner of the ideal face shape, but want to follow fashion trends, then the best solution in this situation would be to create a straight eyebrow with a small fracture. The width of the eyebrows at the same time should best match your natural data.

However, do not make eyebrows too thin. It has long been irrelevant and extremely few people really decorate.


This line is characterized by a noticeable elevation of the outer edge, which becomes slightly higher than the inner edge. This design gives the face a more youthful and mischievous expression. This option is great for girls with a rectangular face, visually corrects this shape. The look thus becomes more open and fresh.

Drop down

There are hardly any girls who really have that form. It gives the face a tired and sad expression. Remember the sad clowns. In their image brows play a significant role. Quite often, these brows from girls by nature. But they can be easily adjusted independently or with the help of professionals.


The smooth bending line of this shape is perfect for girls with a triangular and square face, making the lines of the image softer and more rounded. In this case, chubby ladies should avoid such hair styling, because you will round the shape of the face even more.


Taki eyebrows look like a triangle. Their base is significantly elevated. In some cases, this form may give a surprised or anxious expression to a person, but not in the case of round forms.

For chubby ladies, triangular eyebrows are a real magic wand. Take note of this if you are one of those.

How to pull out?

To date, there are many ways to give hair the perfect shape, from the most ancient to modern. Consider the most common and effective ones.

This is the easiest and most affordable tool with which you can easily cope with unnecessary hairs. Tweezers are in every home, and it costs mere pennies. At the same time to learn how to work with such a tool, you will not need to study for a long time or study any special information. The main thing is to remember that hairs must be removed in the direction of growth, grabbing them at the very base, pulling out with a quick movement. So you eliminate the likelihood of breaking the hair, which leads to the appearance of ugly dark spots on the skin. You should also be sure to treat the skin and the instrument with a disinfectant solution so as not to infect the infection. This should be done both before and after the correction procedure.

The disadvantage of this tool is the relative pain of the procedure. Not all girls are willing to tolerate methodical pulling of hairs on such a tender area of ​​the face. In addition, you will have to endure for quite a long time, because the hairs are removed one by one. But all these disadvantages can be eliminated. Anesthetize the surface of the skin will turn out with a special gel or cream, and speed up the process will turn out after a few such procedures. Indeed, with the advent of skill and skill, correction with tweezers will take a minimum of time.

This method of hair removal is the oldest. This tool is more affordable and cheaper tweezers. However, not every girl will immediately be able to master such a technique. You will need a regular thread, the ends of which need to be tied. The resulting "ring" must be worn on 4 fingers of the right and left hand, pushed together. Twist the thread so that about 5 or 10 turns are formed in the center. It is with them that you will remove excess hair. The thumb and index fingers should be inserted on both sides of these coils. The correction procedure is performed against hair growth.

At first, this method seems extremely inconvenient and incomprehensible. Most often, the plucking of hair was done in the East, and from there such a procedure came. But with due diligence, you will learn this method and will be able to quickly and effectively get rid of unnecessary hairs on the face.

This procedure is most often carried out in salons, and not at home, since only professionals should work with wax on such a sensitive part of the face. However, some girls still perform wax correction at home, without assistance. The main advantage of this method is speed. In just a couple of minutes, you can bring your eyebrows to a truly perfect state. After all, wax removes even inconspicuous downy hair, making the skin surface next to the eyebrows smooth and beautiful.

The disadvantages of wax correction should include the pain of the procedure, and irritation may also appear. However, given the fact that the procedure takes only a few seconds, the pain does not become a serious obstacle. In addition, do not forget about anesthetic creams. And the appearance of irritation can be prevented by using a protective oil.

If you entrust such a procedure to an experienced master, you will get an excellent result without any consequences. In this case, it will be necessary to resort to re-correction not earlier than in 2 weeks, because the effect of wax is rather long.

What is the difference between modeling and eyebrow correction?

From a professional point of view, the correction involves only working with the native form, in which no changes are made. Modeling can build a completely new pattern of this line. Any of the options is the eyebrow decoration and includes the work of tweezers or a thread that sets the shape, and the subsequent filling with color. Independently, women often carry out the last step with a shadow or a pencil, while masters can offer a more durable result through the use of permanent paint.

How make out eyebrows

The salon procedure and the home action algorithm do not differ much from each other. The components of the full range of eyebrow decorations depend on the raw data of the woman, and include:

  1. The creation of the form, involving the plucking of excess hair - the procedure is carried out very often. It is customary to do it before using paint.
  2. Coloring hairs and / or skin as needed.

Eyebrow shape correction

The procedure required for both men and women. Surprisingly, sometimes even those who by nature do not have wide and thick eyebrows, but the so-called “strings”, sometimes have to remove excess hairs. Given the naturalness of the fashion, most women only need to systematically beautiful eyebrows to look well-groomed. The procedure can be performed using:

The choice of tool for decoration depends on the source data of the woman. At home, you can master absolutely any option. It is important to dispel the myth that changing the length of hairs changes their appearance. Masters assure that trimming with scissors has no effect on the growth rate, nor on the thickness or stiffness of the hair. Tweezers, which are used for correction, also will not lead to the death of the bulbs, if it is not laid genetically.

Semi-permanent recovery

This procedure is a “relative” of the usual dyeing paint. The technology is recommended for women who, for certain reasons, are deprived of part of the hairs in the eyebrow area, for example, due to deep skin damage. The master paints thin single hairs with paint, creating an ideal form, and then covers the finished image with a special tool. It provides a lasting effect - up to a month. The advantages of semi-permanent eyebrow decoration:

  • water resistance
  • no discoloration
  • low probability of allergic reaction,
  • painlessness

Eyebrow dyeing paint

The most popular way of decoration, which can be implemented independently, without the help of a wizard. An important condition is that you need to purchase a special paint, for eyelashes and eyebrows, and not for hair, with a low content of peroxide (less often allergic skin reactions). There are 2 main technologies of work:

  • hair color change (both light and dark are possible),
  • creating a clear form.

The difference lies in the fact that the first option requires applying a dye composition only on the hairs using a round brush. The second affects the skin, which is pre-degreased, so that the pigment will better adhere to the epidermis. When dyeing the skin does not have to spend power on the daily decoration with a pencil. If only the hairs are colored, the appearance is more natural and soft.

Henna Decoration

The principles of technology are approximately the same as when working with paint. The only thing that distinguishes these procedures is the composition of the working mixture. Henna is a natural product. The composition does not adversely affect the hairs in contrast to the paint. The vegetable origin of henna causes an increased likelihood of an allergic reaction. In terms of endurance, the result of decorating with paint and henna is the same - 2-3 weeks.

Eyebrow tattoo

The procedure gives the most durable result, which is both a minus and a plus. If the master has done her work qualitatively and if no external factors have influenced, the woman can not worry about the appearance of her eyebrows for a year or more. The essence of the technology - in the introduction of a special paint in the upper layers of the skin. The main advantage of this method of eyebrow decoration is in endurance and the ability to completely clog empty areas. However, some problems are not excluded:

  • allergic reaction,
  • skin regenerates too long,
  • over time, the paint changes shade.

Chemical styling

The technology is recommended to choose those women whose eyebrows are different "disobedience": protruding hairs of different lengths and thicknesses that do not hold back any wax or gel. The same applies to heavy, falling down hairs. The master applies a special composition to them, puts them in the right direction, and after a while removes the chemical mixture. The total duration of the procedure is no more than an hour.

How to make eyebrows at home

If you have decided to try to do yourself without the help of a master, in order to understand how to arrange your eyebrows on your own, spend a little more energy. In order not to spoil what is presented by nature, it is better to still take an individual lesson from a professional. You can visit the salon and follow the work of the master, along the way asking a few questions. Without a theoretical framework, it is difficult to follow all the steps in the photo with step-by-step instructions.

Eyebrow correction with tweezers

The ability to use this tool comes with experience. Firstly, its quality plays an important role: the absence of a gap between the ends, not too sharp edges. Secondly, remember that you need to keep tweezers in the direction of hair growth. Adhere to the following rules:

  • Eyebrow decoration with tweezers is made only in good light.
  • First you need to make an outline with a pencil in order not to make mistakes.
  • When making the hair, they pull out one by one and only in the bottom line.


It is suitable for the elimination of fine hairs in the upper space. Professionals are advised to use wax strips, and not to heat the granules intended for hot hair removal - so the procedure will be less painful. Working with wax comes after decorating with tweezers when the eyebrows have a clear shape. The main disadvantage of the technology is pain and possible allergic reactions.

Eyebrow threading

An alternative to tweezers, which received the short beautiful name "triding". It’s easy to use this technology; no tools other than a strong cotton thread are required. We need to act like this:

  1. 35-40 cm long tie a thread to get a closed figure.
  2. Put on the thumb and index fingers of both hands.
  3. Twist, turning into a figure eight, 2 times.
  4. The resulting node to seize the excess hairs, sliding it to one side, remove the vegetation.

How to paint eyebrows with a pencil

For most women, eyebrow decoration requires you to fill out a form or add new hair with a pencil or shadow. To this end, it is necessary to become familiar with the rules for constructing an ideal form that takes into account the structure of the eyes and the type of face. Basic recommendations from professionals:

  • The ideal shape that suits most is gull wing: a small, smooth curve, an upward direction. No circular arcs.
  • The base is always wider than the tip, the narrowing occurs evenly along the inside and outside lines.
  • The brow tint of brunettes is 2 shades lighter than the hair roots. Blondes do the opposite.
  • The saturation of the color from the tail to the base decreases.

Learn how to make a beautiful day or evening makeup with red lipstick and dark eyebrows.

Square type and its features

There is no beautiful or ugly face shape. Each of them has its own unique charm and elegance. You just need to be able to emphasize this. Even if the outlines are not perfect, the correct makeup and shape of eyebrows for a square face will help to change the situation. This will hide the flaws and highlight the merits. Many owners of this type complain of rude features and a certain weight, but this happens only until they find their own style.

Signs of a square face

Square shape gives the same width of the upper and lower parts of the face, complemented by a heavy jaw. If you circle its outlines in the mirror, you can clearly see the lines that extend the face. They give the expression of rudeness and massiveness.

In the round face, too, the width of the forehead and jaws are the same, but unlike the square, a smooth chin line gives softness to the expression. While the square is characterized by a strong chin. In addition, the owners of this type of person have a high forehead. But all these moments are easy to correct with the help of little tricks.

Recommended eyebrow shapes for square face

The main task in the correction of this zone is to give femininity to the face. For a square face type, three forms are recommended:

  1. Corner. The soft lines of the rectangular shape of the eyebrows will make the square face look fresher, younger and smooth out the angularity.
  2. Curved. This name was made because of the similarity with the Latin letter S. It is visually similar to the previous form, but more rounded. At the beginning, the line is straight, and at an angle it is slightly rounded, because of which the end is bent.
  3. The shape of the arch or arcuate. Eyebrows on a square face are obtained in the form of a soft arc. It is rounded from the start and forms an arch. Eyebrow thickness is selected individually depending on preferences. To look more dramatic, the arched shape is made higher. And if you want to add a face of femininity, the lines should be made straight and soft with lengthening and a rounded tip.

What not to do

Correctly designed edges should soften the hard lines of a square face. Ideally, these are soft, rounded arcs of medium width. Their length and shape is selected depending on other individual characteristics. The arc-shaped form, raised high above the middle of the century, will help to make the view more open and deep. The beginning of the brow is made wider, in the middle part it straightens, and the tail is made moderately thin and elegant. There should not be any extra hairs on the nose, it is no less important for softening the features. Make eyebrows of an arch form with the minimum bend in the middle will help to make a high forehead visually less.

It is not recommended to make on a square face too thin or short brows. But massive arcs are not the best option either. Find the perfect length and width will help the stencil for square eyebrows. The accessory is applied strictly parallel to the nose, the beginning of the eyebrow should not go beyond the boundaries of the liner. To determine the external angle can be using a pencil attached to the wings of the nose. Extra hairs must be removed with tweezers. And if there are a lot of them, then you can use special wax strips.

Square face does not fit the smooth and straight shape of the eyebrows. If they are from nature, it is necessary to slightly raise the middle part, pulling out the hairs with tweezers. If the corners of the eyes are lowered or the girl has too large cheeks, then the tips of the eyebrows should be slightly raised. In addition, this technique will help to visually make a square face younger.

Another unfortunate example is too thin, dramatically raised eyebrows in the form of an arch. This also includes brow-strings and butterfly antennae. This will give the face a silly puppet expression, since these forms are not well combined with clear and strict square face features. By nature, thin eyebrows are extremely rare, usually a consequence of intense removal. You can correct the situation with the help of makeup using shadows. Brovki should gently expand from the head.

In some cases, too long hair spoils the face. Because of them, the arcs look sloppy, they are difficult to lay. The position of the fix will help trimming eyebrow hairs with nail scissors.

Not sure how to make a brow shape on a square face? Those who do not have the opportunity to visit the brovist, will come to the aid of special silicone stencils. Most often they are sold in sets in which there are different options for all face shapes. The product is applied to the eyebrow, and excess hair is removed with tweezers.

Color accents

After removing excess hair, your eyebrows may be too thin and thin. Make up will help to correct the situation. To visually improve the appearance of the eyebrows, you should use special tools - a pencil, shadow, colored waxes or special carcasses. To give a square face softness will help the means of light shades. Black colors of cosmetics are suitable only for natural brunettes, but even in this case, experts recommend using softer colors: chocolate, coffee, and a black and brown palette. Brown women are advised to choose a gray-brown gamut, light-haired - ashy tones, and ocher will suit redheads.

Eyebrow shadows are applied with a flat brush with synthetic hairs, then the eyebrow is combed with a special round brush. Arcs decorated with the help of these devices look natural and gentle, the angular features of the forehead and chin look softer. To make the result even more natural, you should use colored wax. It is necessary to apply it along the entire length from the head to the tip, and then comb it with a brush in the upward direction and diagonally. To obtain a beautiful result, it is important to ensure that there are no bald spots. If there are no hairs in some places, they are drawn with a thin pencil, and then slightly shaded with an applicator or a stiff brush.

A light soft pencil with a thick stylus will help emphasize the new eyebrow shape. They draw the inside of the arc, after which the strokes are carefully shaded with a finger or applicator. The pencil will mask the growing hairs, and eyebrows will look graceful and well-groomed.

How to make eyebrows on a square face at home?

To create a new eyebrow form you will need the following items:

  1. Special accessory - tweezers.
  2. Cream.
  3. Alcohol-based wipe lotion.
  4. Cotton swabs and discs.

Before proceeding to the procedure, the skin must be treated with lotion. This is required so that the tweezers do not slide.

To make a square eyebrow for a face (there are photos of examples in the text) at home is easy, you just need to follow some recommendations in the process:

  1. Do not pull out a lot of hair at once, follow the measure. Too thin eyebrows make the face unnaturally puppet.
  2. Corrective actions should be uniform. First, remove the excess hair with one eyebrow and only then proceed to the second. Do not forget about symmetry.
  3. You need to work only with the lower edge of the eyebrow and, if necessary, to pull out hairs from the nose.
  4. To facilitate the process and avoid clipping hairs, the skin should be slightly tightened with your fingers up.
  5. Hair is removed by sharp movements in the direction of growth.
  6. At the end of the correction procedure, lotion is again applied to the skin, as well as a nourishing cream.

Another way

The second option to create a shape of eyebrows at home - a special stencil. Most often the product is a piece of plastic, in the middle of which an eyebrow of the desired shape is cut. A stencil is applied to the face and with the help of a pencil the drawing is transferred to the desired area, in our case an eyebrow. The hairs left behind the contour are removed with tweezers or a wax strip. When applying a stencil, as well as with the manual method, it is important to observe symmetry.

Some tips

Before you begin to correct the shape of the eyebrows on the square (photo in the text) face shape, you should listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. Perform the procedure is recommended in the evening, and even better before bedtime. The reason for this is the possible irritation and redness of the skin.
  2. Lighting plays a very important role, it should be plentiful and best of all shadowless.
  3. In no case can you use a razor and a razor for eyebrow correction.
  4. Before proceeding to the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned from makeup.

Which form to choose?

It is rare to meet a woman who is 100% satisfied with her eyebrows. Most regularly adjust their shape.

Tall, thin, thick, curved, wide or straight. What to choose?

  • Chubby ladies fit elegant eyebrows with a clear bend in the center.
  • Owners of a square face should stay on arched curved eyebrows of medium thickness.
  • The task of women with a triangular shape - to divert attention from the forehead. High eyebrows in the shape of a regular arc will cope well with this.
  • But the owners of a rectangular face need to add femininity and roundness, so fine smooth eyebrows are perfect.
  • The most lucky owners of oval faces, they are subject to any imagination and they can safely choose any shape.

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows?

When choosing a form, one should not forget about the general features of the face, for example, with thin lips and small eyes, broad eyebrows will look bad. But then they will be in harmony on the face with a large nose and distract attention from it.

For shaping, most often the excess vegetation is pulled out with tweezers.

To reduce the pain of the procedure in two ways:

  1. Apply a warm compress on the eyebrows or make a steam bath.
  2. Wipe the skin with an ice cube. Cooled skin reacts less to pain.

Eyebrow correction will require good lighting. Before the procedure, the skin is disinfected; hydrogen peroxide or any alcohol-containing agent is suitable for this. Then comb the eyebrows brush in the direction of growth.

It is better to shape the eyebrows at the expense of the lower part of the eyebrow, try not to touch the top one. Pluck eyebrows slowly, one hair at a time and closely monitor the symmetry.

Eyebrow coloring

Eyebrow dyeing methods.

After shaping the eyebrows go to their staining. It can be short-term or long-term.

Short staining is performed daily when applying general facial makeup. To do this, use a pencil, eye shadow, or a special mascara for eyebrows.

Pencil is the most popular way to color eyebrows. To make them look natural, the hairs are lowered with a brush, draw a line of eyebrows with a pencil, slightly shade and comb eyebrows in the direction of growth.

Eyebrow eyebrows are not used as often. Any eye shadow that does not have nacre and glitter will do.For drawing the thin brush is used.

Brow mascara. Despite the fact that there is a special mascara for eyebrows, some women prefer to use the usual for eyelashes. For coloring several times spend a brush on the eyebrows.

For long-lasting staining apply paint or permanent makeup. Chemical coloring of eyebrows allows you to forget about painting eyebrows for a long time and to reduce the time of daily makeup.

Now in the shops a large selection of persistent eyebrow paints, but it is better to trust the specialist and carry out the procedure in the salon. You can also paint the eyelashes.

Permanent makeup. Allows you to forget about the staining procedure for several years. Special dyes are injected into the skin of the eyebrows, which eventually turn pale.

Each woman chooses the most suitable method of coloring for herself, based on her abilities and desires.

Eyebrow care

How to care for eyebrows?

To eyebrows were beautiful, they need care.

Eyebrow care is as follows:

  • regular correction
  • combing,
  • nutrition.

Correction of the form is carried out as soon as there is excess vegetation. Some women pluck their eyebrows once a week, others every 3 weeks.

To the eyebrows were strong, and the hairs are strong, massage the eyebrows. To do this, comb them with a stiff brush. Combing increases blood flow to the hair follicles, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyebrows and adds shine to them.

Compresses and eyebrow care masks.

To power eyebrows make compresses and masks.

For compresses use heated oils: castor, burdock, olive. You can take one oil or mix several. Cotton pad impregnated with oil and applied to the eyebrows for 10 minutes. Oil compresses make eyebrows healthy, thick and add shine.

If the eyebrows fall out, then special masks will help, for example, from figs. Figs are boiled in milk, crushed with a blender to a state of mashed potatoes and put a thick layer on the eyebrows. Eyebrow treatment - 2 weeks. Also a mask from a ripe banana helps to prevent it from falling out. You can alternate fig and banana mask.

Eyebrow care is very simple, does not require much time and power to any woman. Neat and beautiful eyebrows will add to the look of expressiveness, and the mistress of attractiveness.

Photos of the owners of the perfect eyebrows

What do you think about beautiful eyebrows? Share your opinion with us in the comments.


Watch the video: 5 Easy Steps to Get Perfect Eyebrows (July 2024).